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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Good points. On the flipside I'd say Bill even passing watered down GOP legislation is still owning it; he left the GOP with nothing. His leadership opened up a pandora's box of sorts.

and there was no tea party caucus in 1994. That's why I get fucking livid when I see people insisting that Bill would be so much better at dealing with these people. Yeah fucking right. They're the most radical group of loons Congress has seen since the 1920's. Maybe if FDR came back from the dead (and an electorate that gave enough of a shit in the midterms)
Good points. On the flipside I'd say Bill even passing watered down GOP legislation is still owning it; he left the GOP with nothing. His leadership opened up a pandora's box of sorts.

and there was no tea party caucus in 1994. That's why I get fucking livid when I see people insisting that Bill would be so much better at dealing with these people. Yeah fucking right. They're the most radical group of loons Congress has seen since the 1920's. Maybe if FDR came back from the dead (and an electorate that gave enough of a shit in the midterms)



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Good points. On the flipside I'd say Bill even passing watered down GOP legislation is still owning it; he left the GOP with nothing. His leadership opened up a pandora's box of sorts.

and there was no tea party caucus in 1994. That's why I get fucking livid when I see people insisting that Bill would be so much better at dealing with these people. Yeah fucking right. They're the most radical group of loons Congress has seen since the 1920's. Maybe if FDR came back from the dead (and an electorate that gave enough of a shit in the midterms)

Uh, the Republican congress of the 90s was just as shitty as the ones in power today. They put the kibosh on tax hikes, and spending increases and pretty much any remotely liberal piece of legislation, just like the ones today. And let's not forget, those idiots actually went ahead and impeached Clinton.
Senate is definitely gone. Shouldn't be surprised: Obama is toxic, and has completely sunk senate candidates. He doesn't help himself with his puzzling behavior: constantly shifting message and opening himself up to so many petty attacks (golf, dithering on ISIS, etc). He's at Bush levels of approval in Iowa, of course Braley is fucked. The southern red states...not much to explain.

Obama's second term has been an utter disaster. I remember saying going for the gun mirage was a mistake and yup, it was. The term started with a massive, obvious defeat and never got better.
Senate is definitely gone. Shouldn't be surprised: Obama is toxic, and has completely sunk senate candidates. He doesn't help himself with his puzzling behavior: constantly shifting message and opening himself up to so many petty attacks (golf, dithering on ISIS, etc). He's at Bush levels of approval in Iowa, of course Braley is fucked. The southern red states...not much to explain.

Obama's second term has been an utter disaster. I remember saying going for the gun mirage was a mistake and yup, it was. The term started with a massive, obvious defeat and never got better.

The GOP would probably be on the defensive this year if it wasn't for the disastrous rollout of the ACA. I hate to say it but this is a direct result of Obama's leadership.
Senate is definitely gone. Shouldn't be surprised: Obama is toxic, and has completely sunk senate candidates. He doesn't help himself with his puzzling behavior: constantly shifting message and opening himself up to so many petty attacks (golf, dithering on ISIS, etc). He's at Bush levels of approval in Iowa, of course Braley is fucked. The southern red states...not much to explain.

Obama's second term has been an utter disaster. I remember saying going for the gun mirage was a mistake and yup, it was. The term started with a massive, obvious defeat and never got better.

What took you so long to post?
Senate is definitely gone. Shouldn't be surprised: Obama is toxic, and has completely sunk senate candidates. He doesn't help himself with his puzzling behavior: constantly shifting message and opening himself up to so many petty attacks (golf, dithering on ISIS, etc). He's at Bush levels of approval in Iowa, of course Braley is fucked. The southern red states...not much to explain.

Obama's second term has been an utter disaster. I remember saying going for the gun mirage was a mistake and yup, it was. The term started with a massive, obvious defeat and never got better.

Took you long enough.


Obama's second term has been an utter disaster. I remember saying going for the gun mirage was a mistake and yup, it was. The term started with a massive, obvious defeat and never got better.

I won't disagree, but the shooting was such a national trauma, I don't know how Obama could have not attempted something.

It's so interesting, if I could go back in time and tell myself in 2012 that Obama's second term would see the latest GDP growth rate at 4.6%, robust ACA enrollment numbers, unemployment at 6.1%, and average monthly job numbers near 200,000, I'd have said "Great! What's his approval rating at? 55%, 60%?".
What took you so long to post?

Was banned for a couple days.

I don't think the Obamacare rollout disaster was the determining factor, imo that was moreso a confirmation of what most people already think: this is not a competent administration, and Obama isn't a good executive. I think the bigger issue was the world blowing up (Russia, ISIS, Syria, etc) which wasn't Obama's fault. It reminds me of the Russian/Georgian issue late in Bush's term, and all the talk about America's influence and respect waning. Usually that stuff is media bullshit but it sticks.

Speaking of dithering, how's that Brother's Keeper thing going. I was willing to forgive the fact that Obama waited 5-6 years to do anything like the program, but the immediate lack of focus on it is really a testament that this is just a guy who doesn't get it. He can't do anything in congress, yet clearly can make a difference talking to young people - regardless of race. I'm not the type to hand wring over vacations and golf, but not doing much of anything with this program over the last few months is pathetic to me. Especially after Ferguson.
Gingrich and co. were crazy but not this crazy. No way.
They were equally nuttier (if not more so) compared to todays teaparty. The "crazies" of those days believed that Clintons murdered people.

The problem today is the dissemination of hard right talking points in the mainstream media, making the country more stupid thanks to Fox News and the cottage industry of nutbag right wing zealot AM radio. Now the media is too sheepish and timid to take a stand against Ted Cruz shutting down the government for the fear of seeming "biased" and being too pro-Obama. Back then, the media LAMBASTED Gingrich for pulling the same stunt, making Clinton's approval ratings soar.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
People like to say that Reagan formed the basis for the modern GOP, but that's not accurate. Reagan shifted the country in a hard right direction, but Newt's the one who solidified it. Newt's the one who formalized the idea that Dems aren't just the opposition party, but evil, heathen communists who should never be compromised with.
Man, direct democracy has its down sides.

I should have gone with the catchier head line. I don't want to bump it but I feel its worth talking about.

I don't think its necessarily bad. The swiss system is obamacare but with much much stronger regulation. People really need to learn most systems aren't like england. And are often times very similar to obamacare with private insurance or at least private care.
Ehh.... Low-income people in the US can get Medicaid or subsidies for private care under Obamacare. Doesn't sound like that's an option there and low-income families are left twisting in the wind.

The swiss have subsidies, they don't have medicare or medicaid though.

The Swiss government also provides direct cash subsidies to people if health insurance equals more than 8 percent of personal income, and about 35 to 40 percent of households get some form of subsidy. In some cases, employers contribute part of the insurance premium, but, unlike in the United States, they do not receive a tax break for it. (All the health care proposals in Congress would provide a subsidy to moderate-income Americans.)

They are also thinking of a UBI
Dr. Ben Carson, a popular Tea Party activist and Fox News contributor who says he will likely seek the Republican nomination for president in 2016, said on Sunday that he is seriously concerned that there will not be 2016 elections in the United States because the country could be in anarchy by that point. His reasons: the growing national debt, ISIS, and the U.S. Senate’s refusal to consider legislation passed by the GOP-controlled House of Representatives

Ben....you so crazy.
They were equally nuttier (if not more so) compared to todays teaparty. The "crazies" of those days believed that Clintons murdered people.

The problem today is the dissemination of hard right talking points in the mainstream media, making the country more stupid thanks to Fox News and the cottage industry of nutbag right wing zealot AM radio. Now the media is too sheepish and timid to take a stand against Ted Cruz shutting down the government for the fear of seeming "biased" and being too pro-Obama. Back then, the media LAMBASTED Gingrich for pulling the same stunt, making Clinton's approval ratings soar.

As I've said before, the "crazies" in 1994 didn't actually believe their bullshit, which is why they were able to make deals with Clinton. Yes, they were center-right deals for horribly flawed policy, but yet, they were still deals you'd expect out of a centrist President and a center-right to right-wing Congress. John Boehner can't do that.

Because the "crazies" in 2014 are the people who listened to Newt, Rush, and the rest, and believe what their saying, and got elected to Congress.


As I've said before, the "crazies" in 1994 didn't actually believe their bullshit, which is why they were able to make deals with Clinton. Yes, they were center-right deals for horribly flawed policy, but yet, they were still deals you'd expect out of a centrist President and a center-right to right-wing Congress. John Boehner can't do that.

Because the "crazies" in 2014 are the people who listened to Newt, Rush, and the rest, and believe what their saying, and got elected to Congress.
Precisely. The GOP in the 90's put on a big show but behind closed doors would end up cutting some deals every now and then. The Tea Party caucus does not allow this to happen with rare exception.
People like to say that Reagan formed the basis for the modern GOP, but that's not accurate. Reagan shifted the country in a hard right direction, but Newt's the one who solidified it. Newt's the one who formalized the idea that Dems aren't just the opposition party, but evil, heathen communists who should never be compromised with.

Meh. The country was on a rightward trajectory for quite awhile before Reagan. Nixon's law and order politics (and southern strategy) still dominate republican politics. Reagan was simply a better face for it.


I don't understand how anyone back in the Nixon days and beyond would have thought where we are today in terms of politics and policy was actually a good idea.
Meh. The country was on a rightward trajectory for quite awhile before Reagan. Nixon's law and order politics (and southern strategy) still dominate republican politics. Reagan was simply a better face for it.

The 70s is looked back as the last hurrah of liberalism. Sure it was still the most left wing time in the nation's history, however there was a silent majority of Americans who "wanted their country back" as the rise of feminism, racial cohesion, and a country under economic crisis was constant on the front page of the papers. This all of course not only fueled the conservative revolution, but fanned the flames to boot. Hell we got Goldwater as a presidential candidate!

I feel that today is similar but in reverse. We all know the polls, right wing politics are about to be out in a big way. The 2010s is to conservatives as what the 1970s was to the liberals.

I will admit. Both of them put out pretty good ads.

Switzerland is like the poster child of having social democracy that involves minimum government intervention.
What the hell happened last week

It went from things being a bit hopeful for Dems, to polls showing then losing in IA, AL and Colorado


People got caught up in a few data points after the kansas news. that being said there is a trend in NC of the Dems holding.

The 70s is looked back as the last hurrah of liberalism. Sure it was still the most left wing time in the nation's history, however there was a silent majority of Americans who "wanted their country back" as the rise of feminism, racial cohesion, and a country under economic crisis was constant on the front page of the papers. This all of course not only fueled the conservative revolution, but fanned the flames to boot. Hell we got Goldwater as a presidential candidate!

I know why the political history of the country in media narratives begins in the 60s (and maybe the 40s) but this just isn't a statement that can go unquestioned. far too many people ignore the turn of the century. And considering our current situation and economic climate its far better to look their for guidance than the 60s.

1880-1920 had some really left wing stuff Sewer Socialism, fundamental changes to the Constitution and governmental structure (first wave feminism, first regulatory agencies, direct election of senators, womens suffrage, labor organization). It was a response to the guilded age and was far more consequential than medicare which was pretty much an expansion of already existing powers. The only really fundamental change in the last half century in the US political climate was the civil rights movement and civil liberties being enshrined by the warren court. Every thing else has antecedents in the first progressive movement.

I respect those reformers because there hasn't been another time when citizens fundamentally challenge the structure of the Constitution, of our economic system and didn't pay undue deference to dead men
I know why the political history of the country in media narratives begins in the 60s (and maybe the 40s) but this just isn't a statement that can go unquestioned. far too many people ignore the turn of the century. And considering our current situation and economic climate its far better to look their for guidance than the 60s.

1880-1920 had some really left wing stuff Sewer Socialism, fundamental changes to the Constitution and governmental structure (first wave feminism, first regulatory agencies, direct election of senators, womens suffrage, labor organization). It was a response to the guilded age and was far more consequential than medicare which was pretty much an expansion of already existing powers. The only really fundamental change in the last half century in the US political climate was the civil rights movement and civil liberties being enshrined by the warren court. Every thing else has antecedents in the first progressive movement.

I respect those reformers because there hasn't been another time when citizens fundamentally challenge the structure of the Constitution, of our economic system and didn't pay undue deference to dead men

Of course. I was just mainly focused on "modern times". The 1960s and 70s wasn't the only time changed occurred but it was significant for people living in that era.
Well, the last 2 weeks of polling outside of Kansas has moved the needle on PEC.

Would be nice to see a shift back in the coming weeks otherwise it'll be Diablos' time to shine.

PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls 11m
Back to 2014, our Iowa and Louisiana polls will be out on our normal Tuesday schedule. Small GOP leads in each

Small better than the alternative. So there's that.


I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy or empathy for all of this ablublublu


Melissa Klein, one of the owners of a Christian bakery who refused to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple and have since been fighting the state of Oregon over the matter, broke into tears when describing her business during a panel at the Values Voter Summit on Friday.

"For me personally when I would sit down with them I just would want to know everything about her wedding. I'd want to know about the flowers, her dress, the centerpieces, her colors, the way her hair is going to be. I would even want to talk about 'where are you going on your honeymoon?'" Melissa Klein (pictured) said before tearing up.

In January, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries said that there was serious evidence that the couple broke the law by refusing to bake a cake for the lesbian couple.

"I would just feel so honored to be part of such an amazing, special day," Klein said, fighting back tears, of how she felt baking the cakes.

Moderator Peter Sprigg then asked the couple about legal action taken against them.

"I mean quite frankly, they didn't just harass us, they harassed the other wedding vendors that we did business with. It cut off our referral system," Aaron Klein, Melissa's husband, said. "We had to shut the shop down. Melissa does very limited cakes out of our house. I mean we're facing in excess of $150,000 of damages for this, just for simply standing by my first amendment rights."

Klein said it's a "violation of my conscience, I mean it's a violation of my religious freedom."

"I mean it's horrible to see your own government doing this to you," Aaron Klein said.

Sprigg later asked the couple if the whole dispute was really about sexual orientation.

"It's about marriage and the event," Aaron Klein said.

You're a damn business. Take the money and produce goods.
Well, the last 2 weeks of polling outside of Kansas has moved the needle on PEC.

Would be nice to see a shift back in the coming weeks otherwise it'll be Diablos' time to shine.

Small better than the alternative. So there's that.
Selzer poll is probably a big outlier but I'd believe that Ernst is up a little. I think Braley will win thanks to early/absentee ballots skewing heavily Democratic.

Also believe LA is winnable. People are writing it off even though the only poll not to have it close is that ghastly Fox News poll. It will be mostly dependent on how many seats the GOP has on election night.
I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy or empathy for all of this ablublublu


"It's about marriage and the event," Aaron Klein said.

You're a damn business. Take the money and produce goods.

The twisted thing about this is that -- as I called out in some other thread -- marriage is simply a legal and financial contract. It's only implications are legal and financial; nothing else changes for a couple before and after marriage.

"It's about marriage" is about as dumb a reason as you can come up with to object to serving same sex partners.
Wait, so she's saying she really wanted to bake them cakes and learn about their wedding and honeymoon plans, but she couldn't because they were gay? I'm having trouble understanding the first half of her comments given her actual actions. I don't care enough about homophobe tears to watch the video, but that seems hilarious.


Wait, so she's saying she really wanted to bake them cakes and learn about their wedding and honeymoon plans, but she couldn't because they were gay? I'm having trouble understanding the first half of her comments given her actual actions. I don't care enough about homophobe tears to watch the video, but that seems hilarious.

Who says you need logic when you invoke religion?


This is semantics, and nothing more
Wait, so she's saying she really wanted to bake them cakes and learn about their wedding and honeymoon plans, but she couldn't because they were gay? I'm having trouble understanding the first half of her comments given her actual actions. I don't care enough about homophobe tears to watch the video, but that seems hilarious.

I think it's a poorly written article and she was describing her usual course of business, not how she acted in the case of the lesbian couple. But I haven't watched the video; I'm basing my conclusion on thinking through the context logica--

Who says you need logic when you invoke religion?



I don't understand how anyone back in the Nixon days and beyond would have thought where we are today in terms of politics and policy was actually a good idea.
lol wat, the blue dress of modern politics has Nixon's DNA all over it.


In the first couple years of Bush's term, what did he do?
A whole bunch of garbage: NCLB, McCain-Feingold, Patriot Act, HAVA, two AUMF's, Homeland Security, DO NOT CALL, Medicare Part D, a whole bunch of the bullshit in PROTECT, Partial-birth abortion ban, free credit reports!

It was a terrible and dangerous time full of horrific bi-partisan legislation.

Most importantly he signed a law while admitting it was unconstitutional and that he hoped the Supreme Court would strike it down. Which he should have been impeached and convicted over.

The 70s is looked back as the last hurrah of liberalism. Sure it was still the most left wing time in the nation's history
Define "left-wing" first.

It's funny how the late LBJ-Nixon era is considered some kind of glory days when it's a time of conscription, meaningless war, the failure of racially based public housing, actual race riots (not somebody busted out the QuikStop window), economic malaise AND panic, the political paranoia of two presidents, etc.

Reagan shifted the country in a hard right direction
I quite like how our punditocracy has defined our silly spectrum as:
"hard right" = expand military more than rest of government, broad tax cuts
"hard left" = expand rest of government more than military, broad tax increases
"sane rational moderate centerist pragmatists" = ask again later for specifics, but more laws are always good if they're bipartisan, expand all government so that it "works" again like when I was ignorant of how government worked, revenue-neutral tax cuts because revenue-neutral makes it sound like magic wonkism
With just sixteen hours before polling stations were to open in Ohio, the Supreme Court on Monday afternoon blocked voters from beginning tomorrow to cast their ballots in this year’s general election. By a vote of five to four, the Justices put on hold a federal judge’s order providing new opportunities for voting before election day, beyond what state leaders wanted.

The order will remain in effect until the Court acts on an appeal by state officials. If that is denied, then the order lapses. It is unclear when that scenario will unfold. The state’s petition has not yet been filed formally.

The practical effect of the order will mean at least early voting will not be allowed this week — a period that supporters of early balloting have called “Golden Week.” That permits voters to register and cast their ballots on the same day.

Depending upon the timing of the state’s filing of a petition for review, Monday’s order may also mean that early voting will not be permitted on most Sundays between now and election day, November 5, and will not be permitted in evening hours — that is, after 5 p.m.

Early voting during “Golden Week,” on coming Sundays and in evening hours are the opportunities that civil rights groups have said are most important to black and low-income voters, and to the homeless. State officials, however, contended that those arrangements would raise the risk of voter fraud, and would cost too much for county election boards to implement.

Monday’s order had the support of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., and Justices Samuel A. Alito,, Jr., Anthony M. Kennedy, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas.

Dissenting were Justices Stephen G. Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor. They would have denied the request of the Ohio attorney general and secretary of state to postpone the decision in favor of more early voting by U.S. District Judge Peter C. Economus of Columbus.

Because of course.


Leading astrologers say that Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky is destined for a future working on social justice and will enjoy a strong relationship with her proud grandparents, Hillary and Bill.

After Chelsea Clinton and Mark Mezvinsky’s daughter was born at 7:03 pm at Lenox Hill Hospital on Manhattan’s Upper East Side on Friday, POLITICO asked astrologers to weigh in on what is written in the stars for the former first daughter’s first daughter.

“She may not follow her family’s politics, but she will follow the family’s activism and social justice and finding a way to serve the world, following in that community organizing path and picking up the roots of her grandparents,”said Ophira Edut, of the AstroTwins and co-author of the book “Momstrology: The AstroTwins’ Guide to Parenting your Little One by the Stars.”

“[Charlotte] is a Libra geared towards relationships, getting along, diplomacy, judicial matters and good breeding,” said Terry Nazon, host of iHeart Radio show “Terry Nazon’s Astrology Nation.” “This little Libra will be geared towards service to others, to fighting for the underdog and for the rights of others.”

Nazon also said that the stars show that Charlotte will “make a great lawyer or judge one day.”

“Unlike most Libra’s who are social butterflies, we will not see her as superficial or casual,” she added. “Charlotte is a deep thinker and will have very few friends that she lets get close to her.”

John Marchesella, the Education Director for the astrology organization the National Council for Geocosmic Research, predicted that her political endeavors would be focused in economics.

“Although she is likely to have political leanings, a strong humanitarian nature, she’s likely to do so from the position of power and money…even if she does have a political future, it would be from the side of politics that is more about finance,” Marchesella said.


Charlotte was born when the moon was in the Scorpio position, known as a “Scorpio Moon,” which sets her up for a strong relationship with her grandmother.

“The moon often shows your emotions and also your relationships with the important women in your life, and actually Hillary herself is a Scorpio so [Charlotte will] probably be very close to her grandmother and even a lot like her in certain ways,” Edut said. “The Scorpio moon can be a little bit intense, so she may be a little quiet and sweet but also observing everything and very much like her grandmother, probably very direct when she really does believe or want something.”

Edut also predicted that Charlotte will be grandfather Bill’s “little sidekick.”

“Bill is a Leo and they’re going to have a really great relationship,” she said. “I think with Hillary they’re going to have a very powerful, emotional and maybe spiritual connection, but with Bill it’s going to be a lot of fun. Leos and Libras love to celebrate and play together, those two signs really just like to have a good time. So I think she’ll be the perfect match for his playful side of his personality. I think she’ll be his little sidekick.”

According to Marchesella, Charlotte will “share with [Bill] a lot of his humanitarian characteristics, caring much about social responsibility and social consciousness.”

Edut added, “She really will be ‘Billary,’ because she is going to have his charm and likability and Hillary’s sort of focus and intensity and desire to make things happen, so it’s going to be an interesting combo.”


“I think she’s probably going to have a lot of admirers and even be a little flirty,” Edut said.
Scouts also say that her left hand is weak, and she sometimes gets lost on defense because of nearby shiny things.
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