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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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I've never understood the loyalty to dems in red states. Same thing with Manchin, surely the others are gonna vote more like you want them to.
Pork, seniority

Amazing politico article about Ed Gillespie. Like, holy shit:

Until December, there was every reason to believe the Democratic former governor, with a 63 percent approval rating and a centrist bearing seemingly in sync with his purple state, would coast to reelection. Then along came Ed Gillespie.
So the GOP's spin on the CBO report regarding ACA's effect on Jobs is hilarious as its conclusions are the OPPOSITE of what the CBO states

This is what the CBO says:
CBO estimates that the ACA
will reduce the total number of hours worked, on net,
by about 1.5 percent to 2.0 percent during the period
from 2017 to 2024, almost entirely because workers will
choose to supply less labor—given the new taxes and
other incentives they will face and the financial benefits
some will receive

The estimated reduction stems almost entirely
from a net decline in the amount of labor that workers
choose to supply, rather than from a net drop in business
demand for labor
so it will appear almost entirely
as a reduction in labor force participation and in hours
worked relative to what would have occurred otherwise
rather than as an increase in unemployment (that is, more
workers seeking but not finding jobs) or underemployment
(such as part-time workers who would prefer to work more hours)

In essence, it provides security so people have to work less (and to be fair provides penalties, in the form of increased health cost because of less generous subsidies, for making more) which gets spun into

@ByronYork 15m
MT @chucktodd: CBO essentially reaffirms GOP talking points on ACA. Says will cost jobs, feel as if it raises taxes & contribute to deficit
the ACA costing Jobs, when the report states it will NOT result in a change in businesses demand for labor

In reality what the CBO says is that the ACA reduces labor supply but increase demand for it.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Looks like the risk corridor option blew up in the GOP's face. All aboard the Keystone demand!

Why are they so obsessed with a damn pipeline? It's not some giant infrastructural change to the country, it's a gimmick pet project that can be loosely associated with the GOP's hardon for carbon fuels.



Why are they so obsessed with a damn pipeline? It's not some giant infrastructural change to the country, it's a gimmick pet project that can be loosely associated with the GOP's hardon for carbon fuels.


Could also be that there are a large amount of Republicans who have some sort of investment in the fuel market.


Yiss, back the option that will make a Republican state that doesn't want the pipeline hate the GOP for trying to force it through
Why are they so obsessed with a damn pipeline? It's not some giant infrastructural change to the country, it's a gimmick pet project that can be loosely associated with the GOP's hardon for carbon fuels.


It really is amazing. I mean it would be one thing if this were some big project about AMERICAN oil . . . . but it is not. It is about Canadian oil. People can, and ARE, build pipelines all over the USA. In fact much of the Keystone pipeline is already being built or is already built. The only thing the executive branch really has control over is the border crossing to Canada. So this is all about Canadian oil.

And it is not like it will really benefit the USA much. It will create a few thousand temporary jobs while it is built and only like 50 jobs when it is done. And as far as benefits to the USA consumer go, it will end up RAISING the price of gasoline in much of the Mid-west and Mountain states because it will help solve the glut of stranded oil in that region. The pipeline will get the oil down to TX & LA where it will fetch international market prices . . . higher prices.

The GOP rank & file are really stupid if they think they will benefit from it. But they've already proved they are stupid by fighting tooth & nail against Obamacare when so many of them will benefit from it. I gotta say, it is AMAZING how the GOP leadership can get their low-level folks to go along with policies that don't help them at all.

But they are damn good at it. One of the big talking points in the right-wing chatter is how not having the pipeline is a secret deal for Obama to help Warren Buffet because he owns so much of the train companies and the lack of the pipeline means the trains carry the oil.
It really is amazing. I mean it would be one thing if this were some big project about AMERICAN oil . . . . but it is not. It is about Canadian oil. People can, and ARE, build pipelines all over the USA. In fact much of the Keystone pipeline is already being built or is already built. The only thing the executive branch really has control over is the border crossing to Canada. So this is all about Canadian oil.

And it is not like it will really benefit the USA much. It will create a few thousand temporary jobs while it is built and only like 50 jobs when it is done. And as far as benefits to the USA consumer go, it will end up RAISING the price of gasoline in much of the Mid-west and Mountain states because it will help solve the glut of stranded oil in that region. The pipeline will get the oil down to TX & LA where it will fetch international market prices . . . higher prices.

The GOP rank & file are really stupid if they think they will benefit from it. But they've already proved they are stupid by fighting tooth & nail against Obamacare when so many of them will benefit from it. I gotta say, it is AMAZING how the GOP leadership can get their low-level folks to go along with policies that don't help them at all.

But they are damn good at it. One of the big talking points in the right-wing chatter is how not having the pipeline is a secret deal for Obama to help Warren Buffet because he owns so much of the train companies and the lack of the pipeline means the trains carry the oil.
You should see how much Canada advertises in the DC. They have ad everywhere extolling out friendship and how Canada is pretty much America
This is what the CBO says: ...

In essence, it provides security so people have to work less (and to be fair provides penalties, in the form of increased health cost because of less generous subsidies, for making more) which gets spun into


In reality what the CBO says is that the ACA reduces labor supply but increase demand for it.

That's great news if true. More policy needs to be analyzed from the perspective of impact on labor bargaining power. Any policy that makes a worker less desperate to have a job is good for increasing bargaining power across all jobs. When the bargaining power of unskilled workers rises, so too does the bargaining power of skilled workers. Wages across the board get driven up from the bottom.

I like it.
Now THIS put a smile on my face . . .

Victoria Jackson files for county seat in Tenn.
Associated Press
4 hours ago

THOMPSON STATION, Tenn. (AP) — Former "Saturday Night Live" cast member Victoria Jackson has filed to run as an independent candidate for a seat on a county commission outside Nashville, Tenn.

Jackson, who calls herself a tea party conservative, moved to Thompson Station in Williamson County last year. She told The Tennessean (http://tnne.ws/1n8zPjr) she filed as an independent because she's "very disappointed with the Republican Party."

As long as Jackson meets the candidate qualifying requirements by the Feb. 20 deadline, her name will appear on the election ballot Aug. 7.

She would run against the Republican nominee, who will be chosen May 6.

The newspaper reports Jackson has made appearances at multiple political events in Middle Tennessee since making her home there.

It's gold, Jerry, GOLD.
That's great news if true. More policy needs to be analyzed from the perspective of impact on labor bargaining power. Any policy that makes a worker less desperate to have a job is good for increasing bargaining power across all jobs. When the bargaining power of unskilled workers rises, so too does the bargaining power of skilled workers. Wages across the board get driven up from the bottom.
The report (link, Labor market analysis is on 117 I think)
Its not as optimistic about that point as it states business will pass on costs to the workers who don't reduce working (do to the structure of penalties) so its not like workers are going to have this amazing new bargaining power.

It reduces the need to work but might hurt some workers through less compensation (likely less raises than normal).

Another problem I have with the report is it constantly uses the phrase 'incentive to work' so things increase or decrease 'the incentive to work' I think that's the incorrect framing. Its the need to work. By giving more safety nets its not reducing the incentive to work (as one can have many incentives or reasons for working: pleasure, artistic expression, pride, cultural) but the need. One need not take a job they don't want just to survive. I think its framed as that way as the more people are obligated to work it loosens the labor market reducing their power and influence over wages. If more people need to look for a job they have less a chance to say 'no' to conditions they don't like which of course favors employers and large coorporations


The Constitution requires a candidate to be a resident of the state when elected. So he can't win multiple district across the states. But there is no such requirement for primary elections, so he's running in four primaries.It's not even that the policy has failed to end the war. Graham and McCain's primary goal is regime change, and they've been agitating for the armament of the insurgents since the beginning of the conflict; of course, that would only be the first step for them. Fortunately, Obama directs foreign policy. And as you note, his circumspection has prevented our entanglement in another hornet's nest. Moreover, it prevents our arms from exacerbating the transnational dispersion of weapons that is undoubtedly occurring throughout the region. The diffusion of arms after the Libyan revolution contributed to the subsequent instability throughout Northern and Central Africa. And the stakes in Syria are greater given the presence of numerous Islamist factions.

Also, I'm not convinced our quiescence has bled al-Qa'ida. There has been friction recently between the various factions nominally affiliated with al-Qa'ida and the core group. But the friction will only increase uncertainty and make our participation, if there is to be any, more perilous.He wasn't involved in them. But they clearly didn't bother him, and he might've supported them if Jeremiah Wright's to be believed.
It may be a faulty assumption on my part, but the active friction of open war (both against Assad and their fellow rebels) seems to me like it would be responsible for the burn of much more men and materiel than punctuated drone strikes.
Even if for no other reason than the relative ease of burning them when concentrated in-theater.

You should see how much Canada advertises in the DC. They have ad everywhere extolling out friendship and how Canada is pretty much America
Strikes a funny contrast to the ads running here, "BIG SCARY MURKA BILLIONAIRES TRYING TO DEESTROY OUR OIL GOD BLASS CANADA".

CBO also reduced projections by 1 million for private plans and 1 million for medicaid for this year (but unchanged overall) due to the bad early rollout.

Of course, I think they may be incorrect because we don't know the non-exchange numbers really and some companies have enrolled anywhere from 20%-60% off the exchanges. I don't think we'll know the real numbers for quite a while (ie August or something) in the private market.

Yeah, the GOP lost the risk corridors argument (we always knew they would). Now repealing it increases the deficit.

Also, as APK pointed out, the amount of hours people will choose to work is predicted to go down because of the ACA. GOP must hate the idea that poor people can work 2 jobs instead of 3 now that their healthcare is mostly free. The CBO reports increased labor demand and also that the small deficit is a drag on the labor market. shocker!

On the plus side, seems like the GOP is going to easily concede the debt ceiling this time without making much of a show about it.


Alex Wayne ‏@aawayne 7m
So if the #ACA reduces employment b/c of tax credits, and the only credible GOP replacement includes tax credits, where's that leave us?

tee hee

PS: Ted Cruz argued that Obama not going after pot users in Colorado is an afront to liberty. lolololol
PS: Ted Cruz argued that Obama not going after pot users in Colorado is an afront to liberty. lolololol


Ted Cruz said:
“Anyone who is concerned about liberty should be concerned about the notion that this president over and over again has asserted the right to pick and choose what laws to follow,” Cruz said. “That is fundamentally dangerous to the liberty of the people. The concept of the rule of law doesn’t just mean you’ve got lots of laws, just about every society has laws, and indeed dictatorships typically suffer from an abundance of laws. What rule of law means is that we are a nation of laws, not of men, that no man is above the law, and especially not the president.”

OK, I can see the principle he is talking about but it really does depend on the particular law. If Obama were not enforcing a law that covers corruption of his political friends that would be one thing . . . but not going after pot smokers is dangerous to liberty? Shut the fuck up, Cruz.
So the GOP launched a 'start up laboratory' and named it Para Bellum Labs.

Para Bellum, latin for prepare for war (yeah that's the vibe your going for?) was also the name of a fancy Nazi pistol.

These people can't not screw up.
So the GOP launched a 'start up laboratory' and named it Para Bellum Labs.

Para Bellum, latin for prepare for war (yeah that's the vibe your going for?) was also the name of a fancy Nazi pistol.

These people can't not screw up.

Well calling it cerebellum labs would be false advertising.


Sidhe / PikPok

OK, I can see the principle he is talking about but it really does depend on the particular law. If Obama were not enforcing a law that covers corruption of his political friends that would be one thing . . . but not going after pot smokers is dangerous to liberty? Shut the fuck up, Cruz.

Seems like Ted Cruz isn't really much of a believer in States rights and would prefer federal rule and stricter enforcement of federal laws?
It's also very popular type of 9mm cartridge (if you remove the space between the words), which is probably what they were going for.


And the German gun in question wasn't specifically a "Nazi gun" at all. It was used in World War I about 30 years before Nazi Germany (and was used by the Weimar Republic)

This is one reason why I think liberals do themselves disfavors when they talk about guns
I just realized Christie must be kicking himself in the nuts for skipping 2012. He could have easily defeated Romney and could very well have scored an upset against Obama.

Thats assuming the skeletons prior to Bridgegate stay hidden in his closet though.
And the German gun in question wasn't specifically a "Nazi gun" at all. It was used in World War I about 30 years before Nazi Germany (and was used by the Weimar Republic)

This is one reason why I think liberals do themselves disfavors when they talk about guns
It was made famous by the Nazi's and strongly associated with them. Why make the association?
The tax thread makes me sad. So many people getting fucked over by shitty "accountants".

I assume this is part of why so many Americans think taxes get raised when they don't.
The CBO report strikes me as an example of the easier talking point being the most effective. 2mil losing jobs is easy to repeat, especially when Chuck Todd and other "journalists" play along. But at the same time, I don't think it's hard to argue that people will decide to work less thanks to having healthcare security; being able to quit one of your two jobs for instance.

Another thing: the CBO report notes the deficit has been halved, compared to this point in 2009. It was good to hear Obama throw the deficit hawks in the bushes during the SOTU. It's under control, now it's time to get shit done.


This is semantics, and nothing more
lol nope. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLw6RLJQin4

Translation: It's against liberty to not enforce laws that are wrong and take away liberty.

Cruz's argument appears to be something like this: the rule of law protects liberty, and the abrogation of the rule of law therefore threatens liberty. The president abrogates the rule of law when he refuses to enforce the law for policy reasons, and so threatens liberty.

Which part of that argument, if any, do you disagree with?

Mike M

Nick N
Cruz's argument appears to be something like this: the rule of law protects liberty, and the abrogation of the rule of law therefore threatens liberty. The president abrogates the rule of law when he refuses to enforce the law for policy reasons, and so threatens liberty.

Which part of that argument, if any, do you disagree with?

Presumably that that the rule of law protects liberty as an absolute.


Which would be relevant if I had stated Cruz's argument as "rule of law therefore liberty; not rule of law therefore not liberty."

I suppose I'll need to spell it out a bit more.

The abrogation of the rule of law doesn't threaten liberty unless it is taken as a given that the rule of law, always and everywhere, does nothing but protect liberty. If there are laws that do not protect liberty, then failing to enforce them does not threaten liberty. Thus, unless you're arguing that all laws are perfectly just, Cruz's argument does not hold water.
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