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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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It's surreal to me how a North Vietnamese POW could be such a reliable warmonger. You would think that shit would add perspective.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I'll admit, I don't know too much about foreign policy, so I was at a loss to see everyone acted all super impressed by Putin invading Ukraine. Glad I wasn't the only one:

*Has Rogers even been following events in Ukraine lately? The reason Putin has sent troops into Crimea is because everything he’s done over the past year has blown up in his face. This was a last-ditch effort to avoid a fool’s mate, not some deeply-calculated bit of geopolitical strategery. […]

[H]aving failed utterly thanks to ham-handed tactics on his part, he’s finally decided on one last desperation move. Not because the West is helpless to retaliate, but because he’s simply decided he’s willing to bear the cost. It’s a sign of weakness, not a show of strength. It’s the price he’s paying for his inability to control events.



Seattle? LOL.

Give him a call when you guys learn how to weather first.

We weather just fine. Everywhere else can keep their sweltering summers and/or frozen winters. All for the hefty price of less annual rainfall than New York City.

/double smug


We weather just fine. Everywhere else can keep their sweltering summers and/or frozen winters. All for the hefty price of less annual rainfall than New York City.

/double smug
Seattle weather is such a myth. Plus you don't get snowstorms galore.
We weather just fine. Everywhere else can keep their sweltering summers and/or frozen winters. All for the hefty price of less annual rainfall than New York City.

/double smug

when I found that out my mind was blown.

is that some kind of propaganda you guys use to keep people out or something.


The Twin Cities are an awesome place to live with a great economy. Come here. The more people we pack in to this city the less frozen I will be. Body heat will save us

when I found that out my mind was blown.

is that some kind of propaganda you guys use to keep people out or something.

They probably just get a constant, miserable depressing dribble of rain instead of proper thunderstorms



While states like New York and California have their fair share of STDs, the Centers for Disease Control reports that for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia–the two most prevalent STDs–Mississippi and Alaska take top honors, respectively. In fact, Mississippi’s Gonorrhea rate per 100,000 people is more than twice that of New York. Louisiana, meanwhile, is the grand roi of Syphilis.

Another very good reason never to visit the Deep South
The Twin Cities are an awesome place to live with a great economy. Come here. The more people we pack in to this city the less frozen I will be. Body heat will save us

I have no idea where I want to live. I'm thinking Washington D.C., New York, or New Orleans. I have a feeling I'd hate New Orleans though, I assume it will be ghetto as fuck but its unique culture fascinates me.


No Scrubs
I have no idea where I want to live. I'm thinking Washington D.C., New York, or New Orleans. I have a feeling I'd hate New Orleans though, I assume it will be ghetto as fuck but its unique culture fascinates me.

If you can afford it NY is a lot of fun. It's the sort of place where if you can't find something to do after work, it's your own damn fault.


I have no idea where I want to live. I'm thinking Washington D.C., New York, or New Orleans. I have a feeling I'd hate New Orleans though, I assume it will be ghetto as fuck but its unique culture fascinates me.

Are you thinking actually in Washington D.C. or the vast suburbs? Because if you hate traffic, DON'T.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
We weather just fine. Everywhere else can keep their sweltering summers and/or frozen winters. All for the hefty price of less annual rainfall than New York City.

/double smug

Is that because you guys have it rain constantly, but lightly more often? Cause if so I'd gladly tolerate the occasional massive flood or two in order to have more sunny days.

Speaking of why Cali is the best state in the union, once again we have proof that the so-called Texas "miracle" really isn't:

[A]ccording to Census Bureau data, 441,682 native-born Americans moved to Texas from other states between 2010 and 2011. Sounds like a lot. But moving (fleeing?) in the opposite direction were 358,048 other native-born Americans leaving Texas behind. That means that the net domestic migration of native-born Americans to Texas came to just 83,634, which in a nation of 315 million isn’t even background noise….

Net domestic migration to Texas peaked after Hurricane Katrina devastated Louisiana and Mississippi, and has been falling off ever since. Moreover, those supposedly fleeing to refuge to Texas from godless socialist places like California aren’t actually experiencing relief from higher taxes, unless they are very wealthy:

Texas has sales and property taxes that make its overall burden of taxation on low-wage families much heavier than the national average, while the state also taxes the middle class at rates as high or higher than in California. For instance, non-elderly Californians with family income in the middle 20 percent of the income distribution pay combined state and local taxes amounting to 8.2 percent of their income, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy; by contrast, their counterparts in Texas pay 8.6 percent.
And unlike in California, middle-class families in Texas don’t get the advantage of having rich people share equally in the cost of providing government services. The top 1 percent in Texas have an effective tax rate of just 3.2 percent. That’s roughly two-fifths the rate that’s borne by the middle class, and just a quarter the rate paid by all those low-wage “takers” at the bottom 20 percent of the family income distribution. This Robin-Hood-in-reverse system gives Texas the fifth-most-regressive tax structure in the nation.

Middle- and lower-income Texans in effect make up for the taxes the rich don’t pay in Texas by making do with fewer government services, such as by accepting a K-12 public school system that ranks behind forty-one other states, including Alabama, in spending per student.

I have no idea where I want to live. I'm thinking Washington D.C., New York, or New Orleans. I have a feeling I'd hate New Orleans though, I assume it will be ghetto as fuck but its unique culture fascinates me.

I've lived in both NOLA and now DC.

New Orleans is the greatest city in America, I'm pissed I missing Mardi Gras right now. It just is missing the things that I'd want for my career. D.C. is great and awesome but I don't know if I'd live here if it wasn't for work (I'd live in New Orleans or NY if I could. D.C. is third after that). New York is New York. I would live there if I could. I actually think I'm gonna make it my mission to at least do a year or two there before I hit 30. I make a jaunt up there pretty often.

Where do you live now?

Are you thinking actually in Washington D.C. or the vast suburbs? Because if you hate traffic, DON'T.

D.C. the city is awesome. Just sucks you have no congressional representation.
I've lived in both NOLA and now DC.

New Orleans is the greatest city in America, I'm pissed I missing Mardi Gras right now. It just is missing the things that I'd want for my career. D.C. is great and awesome but I don't know if I'd live here if it wasn't for work (I'd live in New Orleans or NY if I could. D.C. is third after that). New York is New York. I would live there if I could. I actually think I'm gonna make it my mission to at least do a year or two there before I hit 30. I make a jaunt up there pretty often.
My only concern about New Orleans is the crime. Is it really bad or is it one of those "just stay out of area X thing"?''

Also what makes New Orleans so great?

Where do you live now?

With my mom temporarily (I graduated two months ago). I live in the sticks fifteen minutes from Kenosha, WI. I hate it.

D.C. the city is awesome. Just sucks you have no congressional representation.
That is the biggest downside to me.

Are you thinking actually in Washington D.C. or the vast suburbs? Because if you hate traffic, DON'T.

I don't care about traffic. I'll ride my bike if I have to or take the subway. But I have been there before and gotten a taste of it. D.C. was voted of having country's worst drivers and it seemed to earned that title when I was there.

If you can afford it NY is a lot of fun. It's the sort of place where if you can't find something to do after work, it's your own damn fault.

I heard that if you look you can find some affordable places in NYC that isn't in the ghetto. Someone recommended Brooklyn earlier.


You mean like democrats during the final Bush years? Presidents being attacked on foreign policy grounds, lambasted as "weak" etc is common.
That's not the same thing.
It's perfectly fine to criticize the president "in a time of war" or any time for that matter, the problem with McCain is how and over what he criticize Obama.
He's not saying that the current approach that Obama is taking in regards to Ukraine is shit and he certainly don't offer an alternative, he's saying he was a pussy on Syria (or whatever) and now everyone think he's a pussy that wouldn't attack, so if he achieve anything is further hurt Obama (and by extension the US's) deterrence, and he does that for no other reason than to score empty political points.

Is that because you guys have it rain constantly, but lightly more often? Cause if so I'd gladly tolerate the occasional massive flood or two in order to have more sunny days.
It's because the summers are fucking perfect, the winters aren't cold and there are practically no dramatic weather events that can fuck you up.
I'll take Seattle weather over any city in the east coast.
My only concern about New Orleans is the crime. Is it really bad or is it one of those "just stay out of area X thing"?''

Also what makes New Orleans so great?
Crime isn't the best. And its not really a city where there are specific geographic areas. Its almost checkerboarded. I can change from block to block but there are areas where you learn tend to be more dangerous and areas that are safe. That being said I never felt really unsafe. Its a city, and like any other: be aware and you'll be fine. And you can always live in Metairie if your scared but you miss out on a lot. Most of the worst stuff is concentrated and focused on illegal activities. Drugs, domestic abuses, etc.

What makes it great? Its hard to qualify. But the city has such a joy in living and life that is infectious. The food is great, the parties are great, the music is great. It just is a life-affirming place. There's also a ton to do.

That is the biggest downside to me.
While I think it should change, living in DC you probably have more influence over political decisions than most people.
I don't care about traffic. I'll ride my bike if I have to or take the subway. But I have been there before and gotten a taste of it. D.C. was voted of having country's worst drivers and it seemed to earned that title when I was there.
The suburbs are horrible. I try to stay away. But the Metro is extensive especially if you live in they city. You can bike or walk most places.
I heard that if you look you can find some affordable places in NYC that isn't in the ghetto. Someone recommended Brooklyn earlier.
I don't know much about NYC but I have friends living there. Unless your pulling big bucks, expect roommates. Same is true for DC but a bit cheaper.


No Scrubs
I don't know much about NYC but I have friends living there. Unless your pulling big bucks, expect roommates. Same is true for DC but a bit cheaper.

There are some cheap places, not super cheap though, if you are willing to live outside of Manhattan and certain parts of Brooklyn/Queens.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Any Cali guys here? I'm leaving the Air Force this year and plan on going to college in Cali. Best schools for my buck?

Right here.

If you don't mind going to a state school, you can't go wrong with CSUN, or Cal State Long Beach.
As a fellow Seattle resident, yup, there's no reason to bitch about the weather when it's 40 and a little drizzly when the rest of the US looks like Hoth. Give me fantastic summers, mild winters, and actual seasons over 6 months of freezing weather or 6 months where it's 90 with 90 percent humidity.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Speaking of why Cali is the best state in the union, once again we have proof that the so-called Texas "miracle" really isn't:

[A]ccording to Census Bureau data, 441,682 native-born Americans moved to Texas from other states between 2010 and 2011. Sounds like a lot. But moving (fleeing?) in the opposite direction were 358,048 other native-born Americans leaving Texas behind. That means that the net domestic migration of native-born Americans to Texas came to just 83,634, which in a nation of 315 million isn’t even background noise.

I haven't had (and likely won't have) an opportunity to research the tax statistics from the article you linked to, even though I'm skeptical of them. However, this particular comparison bothers me. What useful information is provided by comparing net interstate migration into a state with the total population of the nation? It would make much more sense to compare the net interstate migration into Texas with the net interstate migration into (or out of) every other state. Like so (source):


This puts net migration into Texas--not to mention the much-disdained Florida--in a quite different light. (The claim that positive net interstate migration into Texas has been falling ever since it peaked in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina also seems suspect. In 2010, the net positive into Texas was about 75,000; in 2011, it was about 109,000; in 2012, 105,000. I didn't check further back than that, and it's possible that that claim fairly represents the general trend of the prior decade. However, the data for years earlier than 2009 weren't presented with aggregate in- and outflows, and I didn't take the time to create such aggregates. Someone with the time to compile the information from the other spreadsheets at the above link should feel free to do so.) See also the following chart, which shows the percentage of total positive net interstate migration among the states having a positive net (sorry for the wonky labels):


So, among all states having a positive net interstate migration during 2012, net interstate migration into Texas accounts for 18% of the total. That seems fairly significant--maybe even rising to the level of background noise! Third-place Colorado doesn't even account for half of that.

As a final note, I'm not sure where the author of the article is getting his net migration statistics. For starters, he says the migration he's tracking is only that involving "native-born Americans." The data I found don't seem to be so limited. Also, it should be noted that the author appears to be discussing a one-year period, not a two year period covering both 2010 and 2011--the article seems ambiguous to me on that point.


Is this true?
No idea if it is, but churches need to pay taxes. Specifically megachurches that are basically glorified theocratic arenas. They take up so much land, use so much electricity, gas, generate so much traffic etc. etc. that it is absurd they somehow can't be subject to taxation. Churches get entirely way too political as well. Time to pay up!
That's not the same thing.
It's perfectly fine to criticize the president "in a time of war" or any time for that matter, the problem with McCain is how and over what he criticize Obama.
He's not saying that the current approach that Obama is taking in regards to Ukraine is shit and he certainly don't offer an alternative, he's saying he was a pussy on Syria (or whatever) and now everyone think he's a pussy that wouldn't attack, so if he achieve anything is further hurt Obama (and by extension the US's) deterrence, and he does that for no other reason than to score empty political points.

It's because the summers are fucking perfect, the winters aren't cold and there are practically no dramatic weather events that can fuck you up.
I'll take Seattle weather over any city in the east coast.

McCain's general point is being made by more than a few foreign policy experts right now. A leader who makes empty threats isn't going to scare anyone. Obama once again made an empty threat against Putin.

I know McCain is a bitter idiot, and if Obama had said military options aren't good right now (as McCain said yesterday), the right would savage him. But to act like this is some unprecedented level of attacks against a president's handling of a foreign policy crisis is ludicrous.


McCain's general point is being made by more than a few foreign policy experts right now. A leader who makes empty threats isn't going to scare anyone. Obama once again made an empty threat against Putin.

I know McCain is a bitter idiot, and if Obama had said military options aren't good right now (as McCain said yesterday), the right would savage him. But to act like this is some unprecedented level of attacks against a president's handling of a foreign policy crisis is ludicrous.
it's the job of commentators to make comments about these things, I happen to disagree on that point, and that's fine (and it's not like you can truly prove who's right).
But McCain job is to do what's right for the country, and if you accept his premise that Putin make decisions based on how much he respects Obama's girth or whatever, such crap further undermine his authority.

And I'm not saying it's unprecedented, I just think that McCain going full campaign mode because he's butthurt about the '08 election is not exactly the same a politicians who wanted to pull out of Iraq.


Paul Ryan shitting on anti-poverty programs with a lot of the GOP constituents are in poverty. Yet all of the people will eat it up.

I was listening to Fox News on the radio for about 5 minutes and there was a senator from WY who was just shitting all over the healthcare law, Obama, welfare programs, etc. Every word out of his mouth was utter bullshit. I'd never want to be in the same office as those people. It most likely reeks of shit.

Edit: Oh what the fuck, Palin:

Sarah Palin on Monday blasted President Barack Obama's "weak leadership" on the situation in Ukraine, saying the perception of Obama across the globe is of a guy in "mom jeans."

“Look, the perception of Obama, of him and his potency across the world is one of such weakness," Palin told Fox News' Sean Hannity. "People are looking at Putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil. They look at our president as one who wears mom jeans and equivocates and bloviates.”

Palin, who gloated about her 2008 prediction that Russia would be spurred on to invade Ukraine after it occupied parts of Georgia, criticized Obama for "leading from behind" and said other countries are starting to take advantage of his weakness on foreign policy.

The former vice presidential nominee also hit Obama on energy policy. Arguing for the Keystone XL pipeline, Palin said that when the U.S. can no longer "feed others with our resources," those nations turn toward resource-rich countries like Russia.

As for Putin's movements in Ukraine being criticized as unlawful, Palin said the Kremlin leader should respond the same way she says "liberals" justify their actions in the United States: by calling them "executive orders."
I really want some Democrat (doesn't have to be Obama) just call out all of the conservatives who are washing Putin's balls right now. Seriously?


I really want some Democrat (doesn't have to be Obama) just call out all of the conservatives who are washing Putin's balls right now. Seriously?

Republicans are two seconds from calling him leader Putin with their admiration. Male, White, Authoritarian and hates gays. Putin is like a republican's wet dream.


Paul Ryan shitting on anti-poverty programs with a lot of the GOP constituents are in poverty. Yet all of the people will eat it up.

I was listening to Fox News on the radio for about 5 minutes and there was a senator from WY who was just shitting all over the healthcare law, Obama, welfare programs, etc. Every word out of his mouth was utter bullshit. I'd never want to be in the same office as those people. It most likely reeks of shit.

Edit: Oh what the fuck, Palin:

So I uh

She just


Brainmake thoughwrite not goodly work


Republicans are two seconds from calling him leader Putin with their admiration. Male, White, Authoritarian and hates gays. Putin is like a republican's wet dream.

The GOP is late to the party. The internet (and GAF) have been licking Putin's ball sweat for years now.
We weather just fine. Everywhere else can keep their sweltering summers and/or frozen winters. All for the hefty price of less annual rainfall than New York City.

/double smug

But that is very misleading. Yes, the accumulated inches of rainfall is small. But there are just very long stretches of many days of cloudy misty rain. In New york, you have fewer cloudy days but when it rains, it pours.

It is the long stretches of not seeing the sun that I don't like . . . especially as a solar PV guy.
Edit: Oh what the fuck, Palin:

The former vice presidential nominee also hit Obama on energy policy. Arguing for the Keystone XL pipeline, Palin said that when the U.S. can no longer "feed others with our resources," those nations turn toward resource-rich countries like Russia.

I'd like to say I'm shocked about how stupid she is but of course I'm not. She's just an idiot.

Sarah . . . the XL pipeline is about us being fed by CANADIAN oil, not our oil.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'd like to say I'm shocked about how stupid she is but of course I'm not. She's just an idiot.

Sarah . . . the XL pipeline is about us being fed by CANADIAN oil, not our oil.

But 99% of the people she speaks to won't know and won't believe it when people tell them otherwise. She knows what she's doing.


But that is very misleading. Yes, the accumulated inches of rainfall is small. But there are just very long stretches of many days of cloudy misty rain. In New york, you have fewer cloudy days but when it rains, it pours.

It is the long stretches of not seeing the sun that I don't like . . . especially as a solar PV guy.

Yeah it's gray and overcast during the winter (but rarely below the 40s), but we do get about 3 absolutely gorgeous months of no rain and sunny days during the summer without it getting overbearingly hot.

RE: Solar. We get almost 90% of our power from hydro, So we make due without lots of sun and still consistently get voted one of the 'greenest' cities because of it.

Another gubernatorial tossup brewing in Arizona:

In hypothetical general election contests between Democratic candidate Fred DuVal (who has just 27% name recognition) and the Republican field, no candidate ever gets more than 40%. DuVal trails Scott Smith (39/33) and Ken Bennett (37/33) but leads the rest of the GOP hopefuls- it's 36/35 over Doug Ducey, 35/32 over John Molina, 36/32 over Frank Riggs, 37/33 over Christine Jones, 37/32 over Al Melvin, and 40/35 over Andrew Thomas. Overall the race has to be considered a toss up at this point.

We also looked at one other statewide race for this fall- Attorney General- and found Democratic challenger Felicia Rotellini starting out with a 42/36 advantage over incumbent Republican Tom Horne in a rematch of their close 2010 contest.
I thought it was actually about China being fed by Canadian oil.

I know...semantics. ;p

That 'Canadian oil for China' meme is quite popular but it doesn't really make much sense. The oil will hit the international market but since it is on the Gulf Coast, it isn't easy to ship to China. Much will be refined and sent to Latin America and perhaps Europe though.

I still find the most amusing thing to be that a lot of Rocky Mountain state and mid-West conservatives that support the Keystone Pipeline XL will end up paying more for gasoline if/when it is built since that pipeline will eliminate the oil glut they currently enjoy from all that oil stranded around that region.
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