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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Edit: What happens if Rubio wins the GOP nom and picks Haley as his VP? The dem ticket is gonna look really old and white in contrast with either Bernie or Hillary at the top of the ticket.

Hillary will pick a minority VP and will be standing next to Obama.


I think in this imagined scenario Rubio and Haley would really push the "new generation/fresh thinking" angle and play up their bios as children of immigrants making it in America, etc. Not on policy, but not just on optics either, personal bios along with fresh faces can go really far in politics. I'm not saying they will sweep the youth vote or hispanic vote or anything like that, but Hillary in particular struggles against these image and bio contrasts like she did in 08.


Rubio/Kasich feels like a stronger, more balanced ticket to me, if only for that fact he goes a long way to helping in Ohio.

Kasich also has the ability to not sound like an insane maniac which is a plus.
Rubio/Kasich feels like a stronger, more balanced ticket to me, if only for that fact he goes a long way to helping in Ohio.

Kasich also has the ability to not sound like an insane maniac which is a plus.

Amazing that in 2016 this is actually a legitimate skill.
Rubio/Kasich feels like a stronger, more balanced ticket to me, if only for that fact he goes a long way to helping in Ohio.

Kasich also has the ability to not sound like an insane maniac which is a plus.

Rubio/Kasich or Kasich/Rubio is probably the scariest GOP ticket, assuming the Trumpeters don't rebel against them.
Amazing that in 2016 this is actually a legitimate skill.

What's more amazing is that in 2016, this is absolutely not a prerequisite to getting millions of people to think you're qualified to serve as President. "Does he sound like a rational human being? I don't care about that; what's his stance on banning literally every Muslim?"
What's more amazing is that in 2016, this is absolutely not a prerequisite to getting millions of people to think you're qualified to serve as President. "Does he sound like a rational human being? I don't care about that; what's his stance on banning literally every Muslim?"

That's actually a really good point. Our country is fucked.
Good VP Picks:

Cory Booker (will also send conservatives over the edge)
Deval Patrick (checks all boxes except FP experience which Hillary has)
Sherrod Brown (Liberal, but white)
Julian Castro

Dems actually do need to step up their game in elevating Latino politicians to the national stage.
Yeah, O'Malley was god awful at being a person and we saw how far that got him, which is why I really hope Hillary doesn't run with Castro. I think she should extend an olive branch to the Sanders democrats and pick someone from the more progressive end of the party. Who that would be? Idunno, but Hillary's got the establishment dem vote already and you don't need to pander to Latino voters against Trump. She needs to appeal to the liberal end of the party.
It doesn't matter who she picks. She can pick the embalmed body of Lenin and I'm not voting for her.
They're mostly either going to fall in line or they won't vote at all. The salty ones that won't vote for her were either part of a cult of personality around Sanders or just straight-up aren't Democrats, and in neither case will a liberal Democrat at the bottom of the ticket motivate them.
Hey buddy, I used to be a Democrat. I've voted Democrat in every presidential election since I could vote (1996 - I was ~20 days too young to vote in '92). The DNC insisting that Hillary must have her presidency is part of why I'm not one anymore.
Good VP Picks:

Cory Booker (will also send conservatives over the edge)
Deval Patrick (checks all boxes except FP experience which Hillary has)
Sherrod Brown (Liberal, but white)
Julian Castro

Dems actually do need to step up their game in elevating Latino politicians to the national stage.

Please no Senators from states with Republican governors. For all we know that could swing the entire Senate (like it would have if Gore had won in 2000).
I don't get it, what's so bad?

It's like he took a class on how to present yourself as a politician and was a consistent C- student. He makes weirdly deliberate hand gestures, refers to people as "folks" every 10 seconds, and managed to ram an anecdote about veterans into a 6 minute interview all while doing some half-assed courtesy chuckle at any moment that was intended to be funny.

One of the top comments on the video is "He's such a politician, it's kind of cringe-y". I'm definitely not the only person whose noticed.
Please no Senators from states with Republican governors. For all we know that could swing the entire Senate (like it would have if Gore had won in 2000).

Worried that in a GE Year Republican are suddenly going to show up to protest the VP pick? The VP pick secures nearly nothing--as apparent by the fact that Romney/Ryan lost Ryan's home state by 7% in 2012.
Worried that in a GE Year Republican are suddenly going to show up to protest the VP pick? The VP pick secures nearly nothing--as apparent by the fact that Romney/Ryan lost Ryan's home state by 7% in 2012.

I think he means that plucking a senator from their spot risks that spot being filled by a republican. Maybe I'm misinterpreting one of you (or both).
Worried that in a GE Year Republican are suddenly going to show up to protest the VP pick? The VP pick secures nearly nothing--as apparent by the fact that Romney/Ryan lost Ryan's home state by 7% in 2012.
I'm talking about how Republican governors would appoint a Republican to the Senate as a replacement for the VP and possibly swing the Senate until a special election is held. And special election in Ohio would hardly be a safe retention for the Democrats.
Hey buddy, I used to be a Democrat. I've voted Democrat in every presidential election since I could vote (1996 - I was ~20 days too young to vote in '92). The DNC insisting that Hillary must have her presidency is part of why I'm not one anymore.

Same, I've always voted Democrat in past elections but if Bernie doesn't get the nomination I might switch to Republican and go for Trump. The problem with the Democratic Party is that they rely on once-in-a-lifetime, political superstars like Obama or Bill Clinton. Once you take a closer look at the party members and politics at a more local level, the Democrats are a mess, they really are. DWS doesn't know what she's doing. Harry Reid was a joke. Nobody liked Pelosi. I mean in California we had a Republican governor who was an actor because our past Democratic governors were such disasters. And now all they're doing is trying to shove Hillary down our throats for the past 20 years, and she has no charisma whatsoever. She acts like she's applying to manage a Dairy Queen more than trying to actually lead the most powerful country on earth. Obama has mostly obscured the problems with this weak, dysfunctional party for the past 8 years, and now all the cracks are starting to show and Bernie's popularity is just proof of that. I'm close to being done to supporting this party and going Independent / GOP for at least a few cycles.
Same, I've always voted Democrat in past elections but if Bernie doesn't get the nomination I might switch to Republican and go for Trump. The problem with the Democratic Party is that they rely on once-in-a-lifetime, political superstars like Obama or Bill Clinton. Once you take a closer look at the party members and politics at a more local level, the Democrats are a mess, they really are. DWS doesn't know what she's doing. Harry Reid was a joke. Nobody liked Pelosi. I mean in California we had a Republican governor who was an actor because our past Democratic governors were such disasters. And now all they're doing is trying to shove Hillary down our throats for the past 20 years, and she has no charisma whatsoever. She acts like she's applying to manage a Dairy Queen more than trying to actually lead the most powerful country on earth. Obama has mostly obscured the problems with this weak, dysfunctional party for the past 8 years, and now all the cracks are starting to show and Bernie's popularity is just proof of that. I'm close to being done to supporting this party and going Independent / GOP for at least a few cycles.
Well, I'll never vote GOP. Jill Stein gets my vote if Hillary is the Democratic nominee. Russ will get my local vote too, even if he is a Democrat.
Same, I've always voted Democrat in past elections but if Bernie doesn't get the nomination I might switch to Republican and go for Trump. The problem with the Democratic Party is that they rely on once-in-a-lifetime, political superstars like Obama or Bill Clinton. Once you take a closer look at the party members and politics at a more local level, the Democrats are a mess, they really are. DWS doesn't know what she's doing. Harry Reid was a joke. Nobody liked Pelosi. I mean in California we had a Republican governor who was an actor because our past Democratic governors were such disasters. And now all they're doing is trying to shove Hillary down our throats for the past 20 years, and she has no charisma whatsoever. She acts like she's applying to manage a Dairy Queen more than trying to actually lead the most powerful country on earth. Obama has mostly obscured the problems with this weak, dysfunctional party for the past 8 years, and now all the cracks are starting to show and Bernie's popularity is just proof of that. I'm close to being done to supporting this party and going Independent / GOP for at least a few cycles.

Well, I'll never vote GOP. Jill Stein gets my vote if Hillary is the Democratic nominee. Russ will get my local vote too, even if he is a Democrat.

Oh, you're moving more to the left? I suspect you're in the minority. I feel most people who get older and more dissatisfied with Democrats start voting Republican. And look, I'm not enamored with the GOP either, they've got their own problems. Neither are many of my friends who vote Republican. But they're starting to feel like the lesser of two evils at this point.
Even if Trump were to blow SC somehow, he's only 3 days from his biggest win yet in Nevada. No time for the media to spin their trash narrative for Rubio or Bush.
Oh, you're moving more to the left? I suspect you're in the minority. I feel most people who get older and more dissatisfied with Democrats start voting Republican. And look, I'm not enamored with the GOP either, they've got their own problems. Neither are many of my friends who vote Republican. But they're starting to feel like the lesser of two evils at this point.

Do you have any allegiance to any policy positions?
Oh, you're moving more to the left? I suspect you're in the minority. I feel most people who get older and more dissatisfied with Democrats start voting Republican. And look, I'm not enamored with the GOP either, they've got their own problems. Neither are many of my friends who vote Republican. But they're starting to feel like the lesser of two evils at this point.
I'm a socialist. Not a 'Bernie Sanders' socialist, but an actual socialist.

I think the big banks should be nationalized.
I think that the largest companies should be nationalized.
(Not under our current system of government, though - that would be a disaster.)

Primarily, I'm interested in worker-ownership of most large firms. If you don't own your job, you don't own your life or your will.

I think housing is a basic human right. I think adequate food is a basic human right. I think health care is a basic human right. I think that access to higher education is a basic human right. I think access to culture is a basic human right. None of these things should be subject to the laws of capital or markets.
Do you have any allegiance to any policy positions?

It's complicated. I'm not a single-policy voter. No candidate is perfect on every issue and you try to pick the best one. It's not black-and-white like many on gaf pretends to be: Democrats = sensible and GOP = evil.

A few examples: while I support Bernie I don't agree with the $15 minimum wage. As a federal baseline it is way too high. While he has good intentions, the realistic consequences would be highly damaging.

Illegal immigration: I think Bernie is too lenient on this issue and I'm much closer to Trump. Stop illegal immigration and deport as much as possible (without breaking up families and whatnot) and let more people in legally.

Campaign finance: very much against superPACs and both Bernie and Trump are strong on this issue.

Healthcare: I think the very poor should be taken care of, and the rest can get our own healthcare. Trump says he will take care of the very poor, those dying in the streets. Sanders' plan will also take care of everyone. I feel like under Obamacare, the very poor will be the last ones covered.

But what's also important, and many here neglect, is the character of the President. You need someone who's honest and trustworthy. The problem with Hillary is even if I technically agree with her on an issue, like being against TPP, how do I really know that's what she believes in? Especially when she used to support it. When she says she will fight against Citizens United, how do I believe her she she takes in huge amounts of money from superPACs and special interests? I'm not sure she's agreeing with me just to get my vote, or because it's what she actually believes.
It's complicated. I'm not a single-policy voter. No candidate is perfect on every issue and you try to pick the best one. It's not black-and-white like many on gaf pretends to be: Democrats = sensible and GOP = evil.

A few examples: while I support Bernie I don't agree with the $15 minimum wage. As a federal baseline it is way too high. While he has good intentions, the realistic consequences would be highly damaging.

Illegal immigration: I think Bernie is too lenient on this issue and I'm much closer to Trump. Stop illegal immigration and deport as much as possible (without breaking up families and whatnot) and let more people in legally.

Campaign finance: very much against superPACs and both Bernie and Trump are strong on this issue.

Healthcare: I think the very poor should be taken care of, and the rest can get our own healthcare. Trump says he will take care of the very poor, those dying in the streets. Sanders' plan will also take care of everyone. I feel like under Obamacare, the very poor will be the last ones covered.

But what's also important, and many here neglect, is the character of the President. You need someone who's honest and trustworthy. The problem with Hillary is even if I technically agree with her on an issue, like being against TPP, how do I really know that's what she believes in? Especially when she used to support it. When she says she will fight against Citizens United, how do I believe her she she takes in huge amounts of money from superPACs and special interests? I'm not sure she's agreeing with me just to get my vote, or because it's what she actually believes.

You believe things Trump says though...


has calmed down a bit.
What if Hillary just picked a moderate republican as VP? I don't like any of the Dem picks. A republican governor with electoral college impact and not crazy....Kasich?


Hey buddy, I used to be a Democrat. I've voted Democrat in every presidential election since I could vote (1996 - I was ~20 days too young to vote in '92). The DNC insisting that Hillary must have her presidency is part of why I'm not one anymore.
No no, all Bernie supporters fit into whatever neat box anti-Bernie folks try to put them in.
What if Hillary just picked a moderate republican as VP? I don't like any of the Dem picks. A republican governor with electoral college impact and not crazy....Kasich?

Kasich is crazy. Just less so than the rest. Either way, there's no way Hillary is choosing a republican. It's like a giant middle finger to the democratic party.
No no, all Bernie supporters fit into whatever neat box anti-Bernie folks try to put them in.

I mean, with a handful of exceptions on here and outside, in my experience it's either been people who literally have no experience with losing and/or public policy, or [a symphony of air horns somehow obscures the rest of this post].

(Three of the exceptions: brainchild is Mirror Metaphoreus, disastermouse is secretly a reincarnation of Lenin from 1916, and y'all already know Melkr_ is running down a flight of stairs toward this post.)
I mean, with a handful of exceptions on here and outside, in my experience it's either been people who literally have no experience with losing and/or public policy, or [a symphony of air horns somehow obscures the rest of this post].

(Three of the exceptions: brainchild is Mirror Metaphoreus, disastermouse is secretly a reincarnation of Lenin from 1916, and y'all already know Melkr_ is running down a flight of stairs toward this post.)

I damn near spit out my tea reading this post, LMAO

Can Biden still run for VP?

I think he could, but why would he want to? He turns 73 this year. Diamond Joe's gonna go wash his Camaro so he can drive down to Tallahassee and drink piña coladas out of a coconut at a Jimmy Buffett concert.

Hypothetical question: Are you allowed to have someone who's already served two terms as president as VP?

I'm pretty sure you can't, because when that person inevitably conspires to kill the president they would get their 3rd term.
To be more specific, there's nothing stopping Obama from being nominated as VP after his presidency, but then he'd be disqualified from the position by the Supreme Court as they would inevitably rule it unconstitutional according to the 12th and 22nd amendments.

So technically, he could actually be VP, and maybe even president for a partial 3 term, but the window for that kind of opportunity would be very, very small.
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