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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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So glad my extended family is safe, some of they were evacuated from the Cascade Mall that just got shot up, as I posted in the main thread.

Gun control was already a top 3 issue for me (and one of the big reasons I wasn't a huge fan of Bernie), but this just reinforces it for me. So close to home, people in this area know everyone else in the area, very tight knit. I have a really bad feeling I will know a name of a person that was killed.


Glad to hear your family is safe


So glad my extended family is safe, some of they were evacuated from the Cascade Mall that just got shot up, as I posted in the main thread.

Gun control was already a top 3 issue for me (and one of the big reasons I wasn't a huge fan of Bernie), but this just reinforces it for me. So close to home, people in this area know everyone else in the area, very tight knit. I have a really bad feeling I will know a name of a person that was killed.


Glad to hear that they're safe. I hope no one you know was killed. It's really scary to think about. Here's hoping for the best of this awful situation


So glad my extended family is safe, some of they were evacuated from the Cascade Mall that just got shot up, as I posted in the main thread.

Gun control was already a top 3 issue for me (and one of the big reasons I wasn't a huge fan of Bernie), but this just reinforces it for me. So close to home, people in this area know everyone else in the area, very tight knit. I have a really bad feeling I will know a name of a person that was killed.


This is fucking terrible...

It's good that your family is safe though...
I like how the news section of WSJ is top of the line stuff and the opinion section is basically just white supremacist propaganda:

To many liberal and African-American activists not living under immediate threat of gun violence, however, stop-and-frisk has become unacceptable. They reject the tactic because police, some of whom are white, would inevitably be stopping mostly black and Hispanic citizens on the street in search of illegal weapons.



Oh god, fucking mass shooters. RIP to the victims.
So glad my extended family is safe, some of they were evacuated from the Cascade Mall that just got shot up, as I posted in the main thread.

Gun control was already a top 3 issue for me (and one of the big reasons I wasn't a huge fan of Bernie), but this just reinforces it for me. So close to home, people in this area know everyone else in the area, very tight knit. I have a really bad feeling I will know a name of a person that was killed.

I'm happy to hear your family is safe.

My Baby Daddy

(...well, one of them, anyway)
As a general response, the GOP will inevitably do well in midterms and local elections because liberals and milennials are most definitely The Worst but I the Trump coalition taking over the party doesn't make them sustainable for the future. I think Clinton is in such a weird situation because she's so universally disliked that it's impossible to compare this election to future ones. Even if young people don't like Clinton because they fell for the Bernie meme or whatever it isn't like they're suddenly going to vote Republican or uh Green Party(?) or whatever. These people are likely lifelong Dems in the making. If we get a Cory Booker or Kamal Harris? (idk but people seem to like her alot) in 2024 bringing the hype people will come out in droves to destroy the dumpster fire that is the GOP.

I don't want to predict 2020 because unless it turns out she's awful (which is unlikely) I think we're going to see a lot of people realize that she isn't actually the worst person ever and isn't going to sell us all into slavery of the big banks or whatever dumb shit people my age seem to believe. I wouldn't be surprised if people were actually more excited to vote for her then than they are now, especially if the Republicans pick some other jackass for their candidate. People's incredibly low expectations might actually work in her favor!

Also unrelated but holy shit I didn't realize Roy Blunt was so stupid. Dude should get roasted on having such strong lobbying connections in his own family. I was going to vote for Kander anyway but that should be the stuff that gets moderates/undecideds to turn on him. I'm imagining a bizarro world where Missouri goes for Trump but then elects a dem governor and a senator
The least Palmer could do for the rest of the people if he actually cared would be to be completely honest and distance himself completely from the company.


So, after the Palmer bullshit (bigoted asshole) I'm definitely looking for other vr options in the future when I can afford it.

It's funny how people don't/cant understand you may not agree with Trump on everything but if you support him, you're still enabling a racist and his bigoted platform!

That is still awful!

East Lake

Yup. And the press that covers them is a sycophantic sham.

Considering their power we need a more combative press. Not ones that blow their load over a prettier screen on their iPhone

I legit believe the lack of a good silicon valley press is detrimental to our democracy and rights as people
pando seems pretty combative. I haven't paid for access to it though (yet).
NTY: Hillary Clinton Aide Playing Donald Trump in Mock Debates

Philippe Reines, a longtime aide to Hillary Clinton and one of the most astute observers of her personal and political vulnerabilities, is playing Donald J. Trump in her mock debate sessions, according to people familiar with Mr. Reines’s involvement.

Mr. Reines, who was Mrs. Clinton’s chief defender, enforcer, and gatekeeper during most of her years in the Senate and as secretary of state, is a deft practitioner of the combative, no-holds-barred politics that Mr. Trump favors.

His selection as the Trump stand-in means that Mrs. Clinton wants an opponent in her mock debates who knows her flaws and how to exploit them and who is fearless about getting under her skin the way that Mr. Trump might at their first debate on Monday night.


The Light of El Cantare
One of Ohio's largest newspaper is supporting Clinton after almost a century of supporting Republicans:

I've always wondered; do newspaper endorsements matter to anyone if the editorial board has a long and consistent track record of being in the tank for one party? The Enquirer's case is notable like that other pro-GOP New Hampshire paper that went NeverTrump, but if this were a conventional election year and the Enquirer had endorsed nominee Jim Gilmore, aren't readers just "well, duh, it's the Enquirer"? I guess it's free advertisement if the campaign puts out a press release thanking a paper for an endorsement.


I like how even Trump supporters think he will be a mass murdering war criminal dictator who will destroy the world economy.

They're mad.
44 percent chance Trump would authorize internment camps for illegal immigrants

One of Ohio's largest newspaper is supporting Clinton after almost a century of supporting Republicans:
Nice. Definitely looking for the PSVR since I have a PS4. Just gotta save some money.
It's not just start ups and the ideology pervades even GAF. It's this tech supremacy type thinking. The idea that this stuff is somehow enlightened and everybody else is luddites.

It's a randian philosophy with billions. It's also built on lies much of the time..

The other day a friend of mine who now lives in Europe posted on Facebook about how, while traveling back to the US, it was really noticeable how bad public transit is in so much of the country. There was a reply from some friend of his how it wasn't a problem because in a few years Uber would get their self-driving cars going and take over the role of public transportation. It just amazes me how people swallow the hype. I can't even imagine what a mess Chicago would be if you tried to replace the CTA with Uber.

What I really hate in general is that attitude that if the company is "cool" we should let them do whatever they want. You see this a lot with both Uber and Airbnb.


There once was a young man from Texas
With a strong Presidential cathexis.
He implored "Vote your conscience!"
But his pleas were all nonsense.
Turns out Ted is politically dext'rous.

Time for pigeon to change avatars again. Ted ain't the vertebrate he thought he was

So glad my extended family is safe, some of they were evacuated from the Cascade Mall that just got shot up, as I posted in the main thread.

Gun control was already a top 3 issue for me (and one of the big reasons I wasn't a huge fan of Bernie), but this just reinforces it for me. So close to home, people in this area know everyone else in the area, very tight knit. I have a really bad feeling I will know a name of a person that was killed.


Jesus. Glad y'all are safe

We really do need serious gun reform
These "we should worry that the GOP will nominate someone as hateful as Trump but good at keeping it quiet" arguments might as well be arguing for unicorns. Black people aren't swayed by any Republicans, and I honestly think Trump is going to put Hispanic voters in a similar category.

Every one of these arguments should have a giant disclaimer above them that says "Mitt Romney was the most moderate Republican nominee in 30 years and he lost by over 100 EVs." If your hypothetical Republican in 2020 (or beyond) isn't further left than Romney, he's not winning. And no one as far to the left as Romney can make it through the GOP primary (since Romney himself, or a stand-in with all of his positions, would've lost badly to Trump too).

If you order it from left to right, you get: (Anyone the electorate can stomach) - (Romney) - (Anyone the GOP base can stomach). The GOP can't win if they don't cross Romney's line, and they aren't doing that anytime soon.
He didn't win the Cincinnati fucking Enquirer.

What is unprecedented is what papers we are talking about.

That a Republican candidate for president couldn't get the endorsement from the newspaper of record in the stronghold of Ohio Republicanism, the home base of the Tafts and John Boehner, should speak loudly as to how toxic Trump is. Like my place of employment, the Enquirer will endorse anything that has an R next to it, no questions asked. But Trump was too much for them.


We'll see, I guess. I'd prefer if Trump doesn't pass the 48% threshold set by McCain and Romney, but the polling is far too close for comfort right now.

I dont think he will hit it, but more than three quarters of those former Taft-Boehner Republicans are going to come home to Trump.
Garrison Keillor wrote another op ed: WaPo: What every New Yorker knows about Donald Trump

Trump is a man whom few Republicans would care to invite into their homes. So what’s going on here? An epidemic of hippocampus poisoning from bad enzymes in cheap beers? The man is a fraud, a compulsive liar and a clueless playboy whose presidency would be an unmitigated disaster for the country. If you would make us the laughingstock of the world just to irk your liberal sister-in-law, you are someone who should not be allowed to come within 500 yards of an elementary school.

Yet another Powdermilk Biscuit burn from the master.
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