Serious question, with the Trump base becoming more and more emboldened (deplorables) and solidified, how the fuck does the GOP fix themselves? I was thinking about the 2020 election and beyond, and I just don't understand how in the hell the GOP could possibly pick a candidate that's palatable to the general electorate. And then in 2024 we likely get a decent bench of candidates that can excite people, or at least not have people actively hating them for made up reasons. I actually just realized how bizarre it will be if the Dems pick a white dude as their candidate after Obama and Hillary.
People here talk about Hillary having already lost in 2020 but the GOP is a party where a potentially strong candidate like Nikki Haley can be disqualified just because there's a picture of her wearing a hijab (I think that's the right name, I'm not too familiar with this stuff). The war between the Trump coalition and moderates trying to save their party will be amazing to see. Cruz might as well have ended his own political career, Kasich betrayed the Trumpers, and Rubio is just a loser.
I also think people need to pay more attention to stories of young people (below voting age) in this election. We have an entire generation of people who associate Trump with racism and are seeing the GOP as the party of racism. That's the kind of stuff that won't show up for years.
I'm probably rambling but I had a long drive home and plenty of time to think. It's just crazy to think about how we're really in the middle of a full-blown culture war in this country.
tl;dr I think the Trump coalition has been baked into the GOP and they have no escape
What if Trump's gains with the poorly educated white electorate stick with the GOP and all the party has to do is nominate someone better at hiding their racism to keep the suburban whites in the fold? And those young people you speak of aren't breaking for Hillary in especially good numbers right now. The GOP brand doesn't look tainted right now, even with Trump at the head of their party their downticket looks pretty resilient. Their near future looks pretty strong actually. 2018 is going to be another bloodbath for Democrats, and with structural changes to the primary process the party will get someone more palatable (not hard with Trump) in 2020.