If you recall from any of the other debates, he would just tack mud onto the end of any question. I won't let people die in the street, and btw, Chris fucked up Atlantic City, just so you know.In what context could you even bring up that stuff?
Mr. Trump, you have said that mexicans are rapists. How do you respond?
I don't think it will hurt. But I still don't like it, because there's no upside and he's a shitty ally.
I would imagine his reaction also opens him up to people asking why he reacted the way he did. That opens the door to that Cuban is a billionaire and it's provable. Where Trump just claims to be one and refuses to release his tax returns, etc. so no one knows for sure and many believe he isn't and how that bothers Trump in the end. Even if this becomes about Trump around the debate it's not a good narrative to have because so much of it leads back to him negatively. The best thing he could have done was shut the hell up but he couldn't help himself. This is after he said he was going to be nice and respectful to Hillary. The next day that goes out the window.
What do you want me to say? Trumps move is way worse, but Cuban sucks. Just don't think he needs to be around, and Hill doesn't need someone to appeal to Trump voters. Fuck them, motivate your base.
If Trump makes any reference to Flowers or Bill's other peccadilloes, we'll be able to step outside and actually hear the gender gap sealing shut on him in real-time.
Who did Trump invite?
In what context could you even bring up that stuff?
Mr. Trump, you have said that mexicans are rapists. How do you respond?
Kim K. is voting for Hillary. Phew.
Who?Kim K. is voting for Hillary. Phew.
Sometimes I even amaze myself!IN THIS CORNER
weighing 98 pounds
The Sire of Statistics
The Commissioner of Censuses
The Deacon of Demographics
and in this corner
weighing 99 pounds
The Poo Pundit
The Mischievous Modeler
The Sad Sack of Stats
This is why you're the second best poligaf poster after me and me.I would advise Hillary to build a molecule chamber onstage, then bait Trump into activating it with her inside. What he won't know is that she switched it so the red light is outside. I have seen this work in a documentary.
Kim K. is voting for Hillary. Phew.
I thought the exact same thing when I got the notification, lol.![]()
This email makes it sound like Hillary hates to admit I was right about something and I'm making her say how great I am as a result.
Maybe Kanye talked some sense in her when that idiot Caitlyn Jenner was trying spew nonsense
Maybe Kanye talked some sense in her when that idiot Caitlyn Jenner was trying spew nonsense
Maybe Kanye talked some sense in her when that idiot Caitlyn Jenner was trying spew nonsense
Remember when FiveThirtyEight's writers actually believed in averaging polls and not overreacting to a single unexpected result in one?
Remember when FiveThirtyEight's writers actually believed in averaging polls and not overreacting to a single unexpected result in one?
FUCK, Pennsylvania is a dead-heat:
*Rolls-eyes at 538's team*
Blue wall is crumbling, Hillary lost 7 points in a week!
Imagine this fucking weird scenario:
Hillary is up by 5 points in Penn but then were two 4 point errors in opposite directions in different polls. How could that possibly happen, a statistical object could never have behavior like that.
You forgot to add the adjustment. That's like +4 Trump after the secret sauce.FUCK, Pennsylvania is a dead-heat:
*Rolls-eyes at 538's team*
Wait it went from McGinty +5 to Toomey +1? In a week with absolutely nothing happening?
The biggest news of the week was Hillary on Between Two Ferns.
This is a shit poll. WTF.
The MoE on the poll is 5%, so I suspect both results are crap. Still, um, does 538 not make enough money?
Why would ESPN cut them? How expensive could it really be?
The pollsters themselves said that there was a massive shift because... of that New York bomber who killed zero people (only really injuring one) and got arrested immediately.
... The pollsters are probably worse pundits than 538, lol.
Wait their last poll was last week?
Totally dopey.
This is all very true unfortunately. However, what can be done that isn't already being done? Just try harder?
Crab took a big shit on it. The MoE is huge so this is probably just noise.