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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Now that everyone has had nearly a month to ruminate a bit.....what's everyone feeling like these days?

Better? Worse?

What is everyone's realistic worst-case and best-case scenarios they can foresee at this point, overall, in terms of Trump's presidency for the next four years and what can happen and not happen?

Stop me if these kinds of questions are frowned upon. I am still depressed and these kinds of questions poised to PoliGAF help me cope somewhat....

Best-case scenario is: infighting within the White House, and between the administration and Congressional Republicans, prevent much of anything from being done; Ryan, et al. move to gut/privatize Medicare/Medicaid/SS, which creates a backlash in 2018; Dems gain control in both chambers in 2018; RBG, Breyer and Kennedy stick around for at least three years, and Dems use the GOP's precedent to block Trump from filling a potential second/third vacancy in 2020.

Worst-case scenario is a constructive Trump administration and GOP Congress (which retains control of both chambers following the midterms) that accomplishes everything they set out to do, faces no blowback for the policies that actual harm their constituents, and pushes through three conservative SCOTUS justices before 2020.
Why should one exchange of goods and services not be taxed like any other exchange of goods and services?

Because when your internet provider throttles netflix without repercussion, and theyre tje only internet provider in your area, than it feels bad that you have to pay an extra fee for throttled netflix.

If this led to california to clamping down on providers and telling them to step up their game, sure tax it. But right now it seems like the cities want to have their cake and eat it too.
The tax man doesn't and shouldn't care that your internet is slow or why it's slow. It's an exchange. It should be taxed as any other exchange is.

Otherwise it gives streaming services an unfair advantage over competitors.

We're taxing (or not) based on what "feels bad" now? Isn't that how Trump and the GOP operate?
Now that everyone has had nearly a month to ruminate a bit.....what's everyone feeling like these days?

Better? Worse?

What is everyone's realistic worst-case and best-case scenarios they can foresee at this point, overall, in terms of Trump's presidency for the next four years and what can happen and not happen?

Stop me if these kinds of questions are frowned upon. I am still depressed and these kinds of questions poised to PoliGAF help me cope somewhat....

I've been avoiding the news on a daily basis, which was a bit tough at first because it was such a habit waking up to CBS This Morning (the beginning 20min is what I watched). I still scan headlines about once a day, but that's it. I still get that anxious pang of anxiety when I realize Trump's our Troll Elect.

The good thing is that I realized how deep into the politics bubble I dove last year, and that I needed to pull out for my own good (the only thing I pull out of). It didn't do me any good except getting me more anxious.

Besides those pangs of anxiety, I feel way better and more relaxed now that I've weened myself off of the news and Daily Show-related shows. I just can't care anymore. I can't do anything about it besides being the best husband and father I can be and worrying about how fucked we are (we truly are!) won't help anybody. I mean, i could fret over how crazy the world will be for my daughters, but again, that doesn't help anyone.

So, fuck it, I'm relishing my ignorance is bliss style and have been loving the extra video game time.


The tax man doesn't and shouldn't care that your internet is slow or why it's slow. It's an exchange. It should be taxed as any other exchange is.

Otherwise it gives streaming services an unfair advantage over competitors.

We're taxing (or not) based on what "feels bad" now? Isn't that how Trump and the GOP operate?

I think people rather have fiscal responsibility than new taxes on new shit.

However, this reminds me of when amazon was getting away with no tax everywhere. People probably should be taxed on this and eventually they will. But it should be everywhere and not California cities


Yeah, I'm being snarky about their government and international influence, but it's a great place. My wife and I visited Toronto and the immediate region one year, and then the following year went on a trip from Toronto to the Gaspe Peninsula. We're actually looking at trying to emigrate there. Though we made just end-up in Sweden or Denmark, because we're British Citizens, and it'll be easier to emigrate to a European Union country. (Which reminds me - need to sort my Irish Passport. :D )

Northern Ontario is the superior region of Ontario.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I think people rather have fiscal responsibility than new taxes on new shit.

However, this reminds me of when amazon was getting away with no tax everywhere. People probably should be taxed on this and eventually they will. But it should be everywhere and not California cities

The first sentence is called "fiscally conservative."


I think people rather have fiscal responsibility than new taxes on new shit.

However, this reminds me of when amazon was getting away with no tax everywhere. People probably should be taxed on this and eventually they will. But it should be everywhere and not California cities
Netflix being untaxed is exactly like Amazon getting away with no tax. Cable and other systems are taxed.
You are completely missing the point.

We don't have the power, unilaterally, to decide that there won't be any violent action or conflict in the Trump administration. There are two parties who can choose to escalate to violence -- Dems/protestors, and Trump and his administration. So if you think Trump would inevitably win any violent confrontation, you should be more concerned about that.

Define concerned? What are you saying I should be differently just because I said a Civil War would not work in our favor?


The first sentence is called "fiscally conservative."

To be fair, if republicans actually were fiscally responsible and produced balanced budgets and lower taxes they'd win a lot of votes. It's that they blow massive holes in the debt and give billionaires corporate welfare that pisses people off.


How to Deal With the Lies of Donald Trump: Guidelines for the Media

1) Call out lies as lies, not “claims.” In covering Trump’s latest illegal-voting outburst, The Washington Post and the LA Times took the lead in clearly labeling the claim as false, rather than “controversial” or “unsubstantiated.”

2) Fighting for Reality Itself. I highly recommend this new essay by Ned Resnikoff at the Think Progress site. It explains the chaos-generating logic of Trump’s seeming illogical stream of nonstop big and small lies, which Resnikoff traces to reality TV, to Breitbart and Steve Bannon, and to Vladimir Putin’s advisor Vladislav Surkov. It also lays out very different responsibilities for the press and public institutions from what they have assumed their duties to be.

3) Dealing with this kind of man.
It troubles me to observe that so far the news media are having trouble when they deal with him directly. I am seeing good investigative reporting on his conflicts of interest, for instance, but it looked like the NY Times just sort of rolled over when they interviewed him in person.

Nobody seems to realize that normal rules do not apply when you are interviewing a narcissist. You can’t go about this in the way you were trained, because he is an expert at manipulating the very rules you learned. It’s clear to me that reporters (and anyone else) who will deal with DT directly need to take a crash course in handling someone displaying these behaviors.
Obviously more in detail at the link.


Now that everyone has had nearly a month to ruminate a bit.....what's everyone feeling like these days?

Better? Worse?

What is everyone's realistic worst-case and best-case scenarios they can foresee at this point, overall, in terms of Trump's presidency for the next four years and what can happen and not happen?

Stop me if these kinds of questions are frowned upon. I am still depressed and these kinds of questions poised to PoliGAF help me cope somewhat....

Still depressed.
This election destroyed PoliGAF.
If Appalachia was a state:

Hillary would've lost NC by .4%
Now that everyone has had nearly a month to ruminate a bit.....what's everyone feeling like these days?

Better? Worse?

What is everyone's realistic worst-case and best-case scenarios they can foresee at this point, overall, in terms of Trump's presidency for the next four years and what can happen and not happen?

Stop me if these kinds of questions are frowned upon. I am still depressed and these kinds of questions poised to PoliGAF help me cope somewhat....

Some are too depressed to stay engaged in politics.

Others are wasting their time finding democrats to blame.

And then there are those of us who don't want to waste time licking our wounds and want to actually focus on doing what it takes to turn this around.


Unconfirmed Member
Lol, the author was quizzed on the headline on Twitter.
He said he didn't write the headline.
Someone suggested a correction to "white supremacist."
He told them to show him evidence of this supposed white supremacy... when this is reported in his own story.
"White supremacy" to most people is wearing a white pointed hood, short of that they don't see it as such.


Edit: "Do you HAVE a picture of him burning a cross?! Maybe he just hates black people but that's no reason to smear him as a racist!" /s


Cool. Seems like the optimal Democratic path to the presidency is "get elected to the Senate at a relatively young age and run for President two years into your term."
Something which I hope Warren is able to get through to Sanders on. He needs to not endorse and let the candidates fight it out. If his chosen candidate loses, there's a serious chance of 2016 Bernie Bro repetition.


Priebus confirmed Trump wasn’t being forthright with the Times, telling Wallace, “As far as this issue on climate change — the only thing he [Trump] was saying after being asked a few questions about it is, look, he’ll have an open mind about it but he has his default position, which most of it is a bunch of bunk, but he’ll have an open mind and listen to people.”


Did I already say we were fucked? Because if I didn't:
We're. Fucked.



Did I already say we were fucked? Because if I didn't:
We're. Fucked.

I mean at this point you might as well assume the president is just spouting bold faced lies to the press when he meets with them. I think to myself at times that this must be what it felt like for the nutjob teaparty types when they heard Obama speak, but then again Obama wasn't flipping opinions on a whim either so...


When did Kamala put together a PAC?

Also, I kinda dislike the idea of Masto leaving her Senate seat for anything, especially so soon...that was not an easy seat to hold on to, and even with the full might of Reid's machine churning out droves of newly registered Hispanic voters and even with Trump at the top of the GOP ticket, the result was still fairly close.


Some are too depressed to stay engaged in politics.

Others are wasting their time finding democrats to blame.

And then there are those of us who don't want to waste time licking our wounds and want to actually focus on doing what it takes to turn this around.

Cool. So what do we do?
And furthermore, Jindal is only uncharismatic if the last time you watched tv was the SOTU response in 09. People change and grow with time, you know


To be honest, what did you guys expect? Why wouldn't Harris and Masto be hungry? Everyone is.

Can you imagine how angry some women are at the result of this election? Especially high powered women like them?
When did Kamala put together a PAC?

Also, I kinda dislike the idea of Masto leaving her Senate seat for anything, especially so soon...that was not an easy seat to hold on to, and even with the full might of Reid's machine churning out droves of newly registered Hispanic voters and even with Trump at the top of the GOP ticket, the result was still fairly close.

She put her PAC together like a week after the election.

And Masto doesn't have to give up her Senate seat to run in 2020. She's not up again until 2022.
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