I'm surprised this whole recount thing actually seems to have legs.
So let me ask you guys something. On November 8th, like most every here, I was praying/expecting that Hillary would win. But given the chance now, on November 27th, to have Hillary become president again, I'm not sure if I'd want that.
Here me out.
If Hillary somehow wins, she'll become president and will thus be able to veto most of the crazy shit Republicans in congress want. Furthermore, we won't have to worry about Scalia's seat being filled by some Scalia-jr.
But that's where the positives end. While there may not be a Scalia Jr. added to the SC, Republicans in the senate are not going to fill that seat while a Democrat is president. Furthermore, with Hillary already being as unpopular as she is, we're going to get an even bigger blowout in 2018 by the Trumpsters than we would have if Hillary won the first time around. 2020 would continue to look just as ugly and with the opposition even more energized than before, we once again get crushed on the state and local level, which will allow Republicans to gerrymander things even further for another decade. And hell, we might even lose the presidency.
If Trump stays in power, this means that we at least have a chance to undo the damage on the state and local level, fight back gerrymandering, and take back control of congress.