This is how thoroughly the DNC screwed up:
Yeah.. but really we could have lost even more state legislatures and they could possibly have gotten two thirds of the house and senate in 2018 with the typical horrible dem White House mid term with Hillary in there...We needed to wake up. Obama and Clinton had virtually zero strategy and now it's time we get one.
They can't get that through 2/3rds of the house/senate.JESUS. A Balanced Budget Amendment, Right to Life Amendment, Marriage Definition Amendment, Anti-Union Amendment, Anti-Islam Amendment, elimination of birthright citizenship, eliminating the direct election of senators, and most of all, striking the 16th Amendment so the government can't tax and spend anymore. This is all on the table.
I'm not saying it's gonna happen but I don't think it's a bad thing to communicate reasons the other 47% should fucking get off their asses and vote.
And that reformed DNC will put up a McGovern in 2020 and get McGovern'd.The DNC needs to be gutted and redeveloped. Again, why its so important to get Ellison elected to head the DNC- he's done that work at the ground level for a long time.
Importantly, a lot of the Bernie movement is getting fired up based on my perusals of Reddit. If we can harness a lot of the energy from that and use that to reform the DNC, the party will be for the better.
God, I forgot. Ok, good. I think I need to lie down for a while.They can't get that through 2/3rds of the house/senate.
This is how thoroughly the DNC screwed up:
Boy are people fucking pissed: protests just keep going. Inauguration day is going to be a mess in D.C.
And that reformed DNC will put up a McGovern in 2020 and get McGovern'd.
This is my fear.And that reformed DNC will put up a McGovern in 2020 and get McGovern'd.
Fired up on reddit... ok. That sounds like an effective state level apparatus in the making..
I guess it kind of worked for Donald.
...that's not how the DNC works.And that reformed DNC will put up a McGovern in 2020 and get McGovern'd.
So let’s review what just happened. To guarantee that people with pre-existing conditions can get affordable health insurance, you need to have rules requiring guaranteed issue and community rating. To keep insurance companies in business because of guaranteed issue and community rating, you need to have an individual mandate. And because poor people can’t afford health insurance, you need subsidies. Combine all three, and what you have, in a nutshell, is ... Obamacare.
...that's not how the DNC works.
Clinton had pushed aside other contenders through sheer force of momentum before the primaries started. Only Biden could have fought, but he had just lost his son.
This is why pushing the idea of a Kander or Kamala for 2020 should be kicked around soon... On the one hand, people cry "Rigged" if it seems pre-ordained. On the other, raising awareness and enthusiasm for someone now means you can kick through the mid-terms and on to 2020 with a specific person to rally behind.
I mean, if it's charisma and sheer force of personality you want, then start creating that soon.
There is absolutely no reason to get rid of super delegates other than to placate the victim mentalities of Bernie voters who don't understand how the process works.plz no.
If they are good at messaging, it will come through in the primaries.
Let's get rid of super delegates instead, and push for open, same day primaries.
plz no.
If they are good at messaging, it will come through in the primaries.
Let's get rid of super delegates instead, and push for open, same day primaries.
Two-thirds of them are already bound to state results anyway: Bernie won that fight.plz no.
If they are good at messaging, it will come through in the primaries.
Let's get rid of super delegates instead, and push for open, same day primaries.
Two-thirds of them are already bound to state results anyway: Bernie won that fight.
You take what you can get: that's compromise.Two thirds is one third short.
Yeah. Stop propping candidates by the pedestal like they did Clinton. If the DNC decides its someones "turn" to be candidate we are fucked.
On Sept. 5, 2014, Democratic National Committee leaders received a proposal for a plan to boost the Hispanic voter turnout rate using direct mail, phone calls, radio ads and news media appearances. The plan urged that the party focus on Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas. The cost: $3 million.
While a strong Democratic allegiance is good for the Party, less than half of eligible Hispanics cast a ballot in 2012, the proposal reads. The challenge is not persuading Latinos to vote for Democrats ― our challenge in 2014 is TURNOUT. [Emphasis in the original.]
The plan was ultimately nixed.
The author of the proposal, then-DNC Hispanic Engagement Director Albert Morales, stayed at the committee until 2016, trying to cobble together a budget to build a robust Latino engagement effort. While Democrats publicly gloated about the countrys changing demographics, Morales worried his party wouldnt capitalize on the shift. The Republican National Committee, despite later selecting Donald Trump as its presidential nominee, was devoting significant resources to Hispanic outreach, including permanent Hispanic staff in 10 states.
I just asked for what I needed, Morales told HuffPost. I ended up getting closer to $300,000 and it all went to radio. It was just pitiful.
Both Morales and Pablo Manriquez, who worked for a year and a half as the DNCs Hispanic media director, described an atmosphere in which their pleas to invest in Latino engagement often were met with disinterest. Manriquez said he at times paid his own bus fare and slept on friends sofas to meet with Hispanic television and news executives in New York.
There was only one other Hispanic in the entire third floor, Manriquez said of his time at the DNC. And when I did see one I had to speak to them in Spanish so people wouldnt try to undercut us from doing our job.
Both Morales and Manriquez left the DNC during the presidential campaign, leaving the committee for weeks without a Spanish speaker on its media staff.
The DNC did not respond to multiple phone calls and emails requesting comment.
The Clinton campaign itself viewed Hispanics as a key constituency and made robust efforts to reach them. Clinton recruited Lorella Praeli, a prominent immigrant rights activist who is undocumented herself, into the campaign to work on outreach. Clinton aired an ad early in the general election campaign featuring the candidate promising to take care of a young girl worried about her parents being deported. Her staff organized campaigns to reach Hispanic voters through text messages and Facebook Live chats. And the campaign sank $10 million into more traditional ads, including more than 50 that ran on television in both Spanish and English, and 30 Spanish-language radio ads.
But even before Clintons stunning election loss, some critics wondered why her campaigns Latino outreach strategy appeared to depart from what had served President Barack Obama well.
Fernand Amandi, a pollster and political consultant, helped develop Obamas media strategy in Florida for the 2012 campaign. His plan called for airing television ads in English and Spanish, beginning a year before the election, highlighting positive themes rather than negative ones, and having extended conversations on Spanish-language broadcasters like Univision and Telemundo.
With just two months remaining before Election Day, however, Clinton had for the most part neglected Spanish-language television ads in Florida. She went on to lose the state, partly due to her weakness among Cuban American voters.
If you believe that [Obamas 2012 campaign] was a successful approach, many of those rules were violated in this campaign, Amandi told HuffPost.
The DNC needs to be gutted and redeveloped. Again, why its so important to get Ellison elected to head the DNC- he's done that work at the ground level for a long time.
Importantly, a lot of the Bernie movement is getting fired up based on my perusals of Reddit. If we can harness a lot of the energy from that and use that to reform the DNC, the party will be for the better.
Now his supporters expect action. If he doesnt pass that tariff, I will vote the other way next time, warned Nicole Hargrove, who has worked at Carrier for a decade and a half and is not certain what she will do if and when her job goes to Mexico.
Carrier isnt changing its plans. On Friday in a written statement, the company said, We are making every effort to ease the transition for our Carrier colleagues in Indiana. The company pointed out that it will finance four-year retraining and educational programs for employees and provide financial help.
For Mr. Trump, now comes the hard part. In interviews in recent days and in March, Trump voters here made clear that if he does not follow through on his promises, they are prepared to turn on him, just as they are seemingly punishing Democrats today for not delivering the hope and change voters sought from President Obama after he won as an outsider in 2008.
Kander is not going to be the one to smooth tensions. Nobody knows who Kander even is.
That job will fall to Obama. Lets not overlook our still massively popular president who still wants to be involved when he leaves office.
I don't think we see who we'll put up for 2020 right now, but honestly that is NOT what we should be focusing on. Did y'all see that map? 2018 needs to be the priority. 2020 could be fucking doomsday depending on what happens in 2018.
Thread it. Will be a huge flop for Trump if it happens.Carrier isnt changing its plans to move an Indiana factory to Mexico. Donald Trump's supporters expect action.
This isn't hard, guys and girls.
Kander is not going to be the one to smooth tensions. Nobody knows who Kander even is.
That job will fall to Obama. Lets not overlook our still massively popular president who still wants to be involved when he leaves office.
I don't think we see who we'll put up for 2020 right now, but honestly that is NOT what we should be focusing on. Did y'all see that map? 2018 needs to be the priority. 2020 could be fucking doomsday depending on what happens in 2018.
There is certain irony in saying Bernie should rebuild the party in his name, and then become the nominee. While spending the same breath to deride the "coronation" of Hillary.
The coalition is good, it got the majority of votes while losing strategic margins. There is a messaging and messenger issue that needs to be addressed. More importantly is not not fall in the revenge trap that got us to the field thinking Hillary was a clear shoe in. The pulse of the country in four years need to be taken into account where we pick a candidate. We also need to bring the activist wing on board to push the message and to energize. We need both, not either.
Carrier isnt changing its plans to move an Indiana factory to Mexico. Donald Trump's supporters expect action.
This isn't hard, guys and girls.
Obama has to get out there and be public.Kander is not going to be the one to smooth tensions. Nobody knows who Kander even is.
That job will fall to Obama. Lets not overlook our still massively popular president who still wants to be involved when he leaves office.
I don't think we see who we'll put up for 2020 right now, but honestly that is NOT what we should be focusing on. Did y'all see that map? 2018 needs to be the priority. 2020 could be fucking doomsday depending on what happens in 2018.
True, but it doesn't have to be that way. People are angry, connect them to the true responsible besides themselves and let them express that emotion democratically by voting.Populism is historically inextricable from finding an "other" to vilify, weather that's a group inside your nation, xenophobia, or both. There was an excellent long piece someone linked me too that I'm trying to track down
I preface this and the previous comment by saying I'm not wholly convinced by my argument myself...
I will say that the DNC shouldn't need to get its hands dirty with it at this stage - you could theoretically just start pushing Kander to various states as a person to rally behind and smooth tensions out. His statement proves that he's not going to sit idly by, and he should be able to enthuse/motivate Hillary supporters and the general DNC base.
As I say, though, not entirely sure of it.![]()
FUCK. Was just thinking what happens to NPR and PBS.