Yeah, worrying about whether we need to follow the Bernie blueprint or whether we've properly addressed Hillary's deficiencies is a lot less important to me now that I've started to think harder about Trump as president. Everything is way more in his hands than ours.
I have written a more extensive version for my friends -- I'll take the liberty of posting it here:
Recipe for total Trump success in one term and done. Essentially this is a pump and dump scheme, so let's call it Trump and Dump:
1) Replace Janet Yellin (retiring next year) with a toady to politicize monetary policy, and time things to goose the economy in election years and let inflation hit his successor.
2) Total drilling deregulation gets you a short-term economic boost as well. No one cares about global warming, and the EPA won't be around to say anything.
3) Use your internal GOP political capital to convince Paul Ryan to allow an infrastructure bill and a nominal minimum wage increase or a miniscule family leave. These will be hugely popular and will earn you the status of wise bipartisan conciliator with the media and history.
4) Structure total safety net evisceration (Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, food stamps, etc.) so the pain doesn't hit until 2021.
5) Structure abolition of progressive taxation so deficits don't explode until 2021.
5) Collude with Roberts so that most divisive supreme court decisions don't hit (like Roe v. Wade getting shitcanned) until 2021, too.
6) Claim all economic growth is due to tax cuts and deregulation.
7) Scapegoat liberal traitors and protesters for literally everything, beginning with the terrible way they rudely disrupted your inauguration.
Boom. New Reagan, 4 years and out so you get the glory with none of the headaches of reelection, governing, actually delivering to the country, etc. All problems that get noticed after you leave are your successor's fault. Sure, your successor (probably Vice President Pence) is fucked, but what do you care? The GOP will still have the Supreme Court, get to gerrymander the House for the next decade, and have another Reagan to idolize. If I were his people, this is what I'd be selling him on.
Conversely, if he just governs by passing the Paul Ryan plan, and building the wall, we have nothing to worry about since it's unpopular and won't work, and party unity, messaging, and candidates will all work themselves out naturally.