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Lmao, holy shit:


Bernie Sanders’s around-the-clock Secret Service protection costs taxpayers more than $38,000 a day, according to a Washington Post report.

Even though his rival, Hillary Clinton, has effectively clinched the Democratic nomination for president, Sanders will continue to have a Secret Service detail until he officially ends his campaign.
According to the Post, agents guard Sanders at home and travel with him everywhere, which can cost taxpayers more than $1 million per month.

Sanders has vowed to remain in the race to help shape the party's platform, which will be discussed and approved at the Democratic National Convention next month.

The Secret Service declined to discuss Sanders's protection at length with the Post, but an unnamed source said he will keep it as long as he is a candidate.

"He's still a candidate for president, so we continue to protect him," one agent said.
What did he say this time to elicit your response?
e f

Just the fact that he exists, to be honest....:p No, he was blathering on and on about Trump's "strategy" on MTP.

The Nebraska Democratic Party voted at the convention to not send superdelegates to Philadelphia in July.


That's not how that works....
Also, where does this fiction come from that without Supers Hillary wouldn't win? Fine. Let's immediately get rid of them. Therefore, you need 2026 to win. Hillary has 2219. End of match. Everyone go drink.
The state parties can set whatever rules they want but the Superdelegate rule is one of the few rules set by the national committee. Superdelegates aren't even counted as it pertains to where they're from so it doesn't matter. Getting rid of superdelegates isn't even something Bernie wants to do, and even if he did, it would have to be done at the national level.

I'm for getting rid of them for reasons I've stated several times. It's a trigger you can't pull and does nothing but disenfranchise those without their support and minimize the wins of those who do have their support.


Ya, but that's not up to the local party. That's set by the DNC. But, if those 3 delegates make them happy, then, go for it. They'll be sent and seated just the same.

Right, I figured that they could protest all they wanted to, but it would be up to the DNC. I just wanted to post some Dem news from my super Red state lol. :'(
Right, I figured that they could protest all they wanted to, but it would be up to the DNC. I just wanted to post some Dem news from my super Red state lol. :'(

Haha, no worries. :) It's always interesting to see what comes out of the conventions. Just...so many more important things people could spend their time on. The Superdelegates had no say in who our nominee is going to be this time. I'll happily give Bernie 50% of them to shut him up. He still loses.

What they should have done, if they cared about the will of the voters, is pass a resolution calling for a primary instead of a caucus. It still would have meant nothing, but it would, at least have actually been a symbolic statement that was importnat.


Haha, no worries. :) It's always interesting to see what comes out of the conventions. Just...so many more important things people could spend their time on. The Superdelegates had no say in who our nominee is going to be this time. I'll happily give Bernie 50% of them to shut him up. He still loses.

What they should have done, if they cared about the will of the voters, is pass a resolution calling for a primary instead of a caucus. It still would have meant nothing, but it would, at least have actually been a symbolic statement that was importnat.

Hehe, seriously. How about they get what they want 100% - no superdelegates participate in the convention at all, and it's only the pledged delegates that vote. Ironically, that would only confirm Hillary's victory and remove the last pretense that Bernie can still be an active candidate with a theoretical chance of winning.
Why hasn't there been a Captain America game made in the last five years?

He's the most popular superhero currently and a Batman Arkham like AAA game would be really popular. It could complement the mobile stuff fine.

It doesn't seem like it should be that hard to do Captain America as a video game either.


Why hasn't there been a Captain America game made in the last five years?

He's the most popular superhero currently and a Batman Arkham like AAA game would be really popular. It could complement the mobile stuff fine.

It doesn't seem like it should be that hard to do Captain America as a video game either.

Marvel's video game IP strategy is to focus on superteam/universe games rather than individual characters so that they have more different characters and thus more appeal. It's working really well for them right now.


No Scrubs
Why hasn't there been a Captain America game made in the last five years?

He's the most popular superhero currently and a Batman Arkham like AAA game would be really popular. It could complement the mobile stuff fine.

It doesn't seem like it should be that hard to do Captain America as a video game either.

The shield physics are probably just too annoying for anyone to bother with because outside of that it's just a third-person shooter.

Marvel's video game IP strategy is to focus on superteam/universe games rather than individual characters so that they have more different characters and thus more appeal. It's working really well for them right now.

Something something Spider-man game.

Honestly, they should be giving the games the movie treatment. Everyone gets a solo-game and then the team game continues all their stories.


The shield physics are probably just too annoying for anyone to bother with because outside of that it's just a third-person shooter.

Something something Spider-man game.

Honestly, they should be giving the games the movie treatment. Everyone gets a solo-game and then the team game continues all their stories.

thats sony's strategy more so than marvels


So Scalia's buttbuddy Thomas might step down after the election.

Oh my God someone please hold me. That becomes a 6-3 split on the court.
Marvel's video game IP strategy is to focus on superteam/universe games rather than individual characters so that they have more different characters and thus more appeal. It's working really well for them right now.

You could just farm out Captain America to a good developer to make it an additional thing.

Like what's happening with Spider-Man.

Seems like there would be a lot of good developers that would want to make a AAA Captain America game right now.
Queen...no. Girl. Why....
Are we making fun of those being prepared for protesting and cops who are told to break it up? It's a really smart thing to do. They're going to protest because they want the change Hillary is likely to not bring them. As long as it's not violent, I see no issue with it.


Some insight into where the Clinton campaign plans to focus their efforts:

Politico: Hillary Clinton’s path to victory

Rather than expand the 2012 map in any significant way, the Clinton campaign and its allies want to replicate it. They are obsessed with choking off Trump’s narrower path, hoping to strike a decisive victory in Florida — multiple Clinton officials declared there is nearly no path for Trump without it — while aggressively defending the Democratic-leaning states in the industrial Midwest that Trump has talked most about flipping — most importantly, Pennsylvania. Campaign officials say they think Clinton can turn out more female voters than Obama did. But they see one surrogate in particular as key to recreating the Obama coalition: President Barack Obama himself.

Clinton has a multitude of paths, as her allies and advisers see it. Trump has a single route: ginning up disaffected, non-college educated, working-class white voters -- many whom may never have voted before -- to sweep across the Rust Belt, in places like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Ohio.


The battleground state Clinton allies most fear falling into GOP hands seems to be Ohio. Obama, the thinking goes, more or less maxed out the African-American vote there. Mitt Romney’s opposition to the auto bailout drove down his numbers among working-class whites. And Trump has unique appeal to those voters, while Clinton has less room to grow in a state Obama carried by less than 3 percent in 2012.

“Ohio will be the most challenging,” Stewart predicted.

Clinton’s flash points of concern are her inability during the primary to energize millennial voters – even young women – who flocked to Bernie Sanders. “The only scenario to lose is Trump consolidates the Republican base, Sanders people and young people don't come out to vote, and he overperforms among white voters in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Iowa and New Hampshire — all disproportionately white,” said one veteran Democratic strategist with ties to the Clintons.


That’s certainly true in Florida, which is expected to be the largest battleground state and the one Clinton’s campaign will devote the most resources. The Cuban population in South Florida has historically voted Republican but has been moving to the left and Democrats say there are early indications the Cuban vote is falling apart for Trump. Trump’s goal: Offset those losses by increasing turnout among white, non-college educated voters.

Clinton already has a 12-person senior staff on the ground in Florida, with office openings beyond the Tampa headquarters planned in the coming weeks. Staff there, one senior campaign official said, could balloon past the 600 people Obama deployed in a push for a knockout punch.

“If the Republicans don’t win Florida,” a senior Clinton campaign official said, “they probably have no path to win.”


There's also a counterpart article on Trump's "path" to victory:

To reach 270, Trump’s team is aiming to capture America’s Rust Belt — specifically, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin — where polls generally show him performing better than Mitt Romney did at this point in 2012. If he can capture Florida and keep North Carolina — the 2012 red state of the lightest hue — a strong showing that includes capture of the Rust Belt could, Trump’s team believes, put him over the top.

But the odds are long, veteran strategists said.

“It’s a fantasy. Romney got 19 percent of nonwhites. Is Trump going to do better? I don’t think so,” said Stuart Stevens, Romney’s 2012 campaign strategist. “It’s a joke. It’s just talking. It has no grounding in reality.”

Trump, however, is looking even farther afield. He is talking up his chances in states like New York and California and making tactical moves aimed at boosting his support in states no Republican presidential hopeful has won since the 1980s.

Despite being the only candidate left standing in the GOP field, Trump campaigned for three weeks in California, contending that he can take the state’s 55 electoral votes away from Hillary Clinton in November. And while his campaign has yet to hire a state director in Ohio, Trump recently brought on John McLaughlin, a New York pollster, to help him win his home state — even though polls show Clinton ahead by more than 20 percentage points, according to the RealClearPolitics average.

On Thursday, Trump reportedly told donors during a meeting that he thinks he can put New Jersey and Maryland in play as well. Plus, a super PAC backing him is tossing money into national cable ads rather than targeting voters in the battlegrounds.


Those close to his campaign privately say Trump’s pronouncements about turning some strongly Democratic states is essentially an old-fashioned head fake — an effort to raise money while forcing Clinton’s team to spend its own defending safe territory.

“He’s just poking and prodding to see if he can put [California] in play,” said one operative who works closely with the campaign. “He doesn’t have to win but would love to make her spend some money and time there.”

So Scalia's buttbuddy Thomas might step down after the election.

Oh my God someone please hold me. That becomes a 6-3 split on the court.

This election will be a disaster for the GOP. They're going to lose a generation worth of foothold they had in government.

If only this was 2020 and the Dems got to redraw the districts, they'd be done for a decade.


You have to wonder if some of the more established and moderate Republicans are rooting for a completely destruction of the party so they can start getting rid of the tea party cancer.


This election will be a disaster for the GOP. They're going to lose a generation worth of foothold they had in government.

If only this was 2020 and the Dems got to redraw the districts, they'd be done for a decade.

That's why this is such a pivotal election. We have the opportunity to drive the registration of Hispanics up to historically high numbers which will help do a lot of the heavy lifting for 2020. Also, turning as much of the government as possible blue allows Clinton the best chance to do a good job and help her reelection effort. 2016 is important because of the SCOTUS, but 2020 is arguably more important for a functioning government and thankfully, it is happening in a presidential election year.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
NRA lobbyist Chris Cox told ABC's "This Week": "No one thinks that people should go into a nightclub drinking and carrying firearms. That defies commonsense. It also defies the law. It's not what we're talking about here."
Bullshit. There are what, 10 or so states that allow guns in bars, thanks in no small part to the NRA's support.


Bullshit. There are what, 10 or so states that allow guns in bars, thanks in no small part to the NRA's support.

South Carolina being one of them.

As long as someone, anyone, can buy a gun the NRA will continue to get money hatted by the gun makers. They don't give a shit about people being killed.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Bullshit. There are what, 10 or so states that allow guns in bars, thanks in no small part to the NRA's support.

Yeah, this messaging from the NRA makes no sense given their history.
What were the people in this club supposed to do then? The goto message has been "Moar Guns!!!1".


The shield physics are probably just too annoying for anyone to bother with because outside of that it's just a third-person shooter.

Something something Spider-man game.

Honestly, they should be giving the games the movie treatment. Everyone gets a solo-game and then the team game continues all their stories.
The solution is obviously

Telltale Games
soz if old

Donald Trump: U.S. must "start thinking about" racial profiling

"Well I think profiling is something that we're going to have to start thinking about as a country," the presumptive GOP nominee said in a phone interview with CBS' "Face the Nation. "Other countries do it, you look at Israel and you look at others, they do it and they do it successfully. And I hate the concept of profiling but we have to start using common sense and we have to use our heads."

"It's not the worst thing to do," he added.
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