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The Autumn Wind
These DNC protesters are basically Britta from Community

This is perfect.
FEC reports on Monday. Should be interesting to see Trump's numbers.

I can't wait to see Bernies

also news from Washington convention

Washington State delegates didn't show up today and failed our state spectacularly.

We've gotten the final credentials report of the day after lunch. There are 960 Democratic delegates here total out of 1,400, which means there are less than 69% of the total delegates.
Not all of the Hillary alternates got seated, so their entire complement is here. (270 for Hillary.) That means everyone missing is Bernie, so while there are 690 Bernie voters here, 440 are still missing.
Every single Bernie alternate that showed up was seated, and we still have only 61% of Bernie's seats filled. Nowhere NEAR enough delegates or alternates showed up. Apparently some Bernie people "felt disenfranchised" and didn't bother to come. I'm ashamed and embarrassed of our performance today.
Abandoning the 50 state strategy has helped get us more GOP controlled state governments.

The 50 state strategy also requires the GOP to spend where it hadn't before. And it lays the foundation for taking advantage of future demographic changes.

It's the right time for it.


Abandoning the 50 state strategy has helped get us more GOP controlled state governments.

The 50 state strategy also requires the GOP to spend where it hadn't before. And it lays the foundation for taking advantage of future demographic changes.

It's the right time for it.
Nothing was going to stop the tea party frenzy back in 2010. NOTHING. A 50 state strategy might stop some of the bleeding but I don't see how it's going to make Democrats all that much more competitive. Sure, it worked great in 2006 when Bush and the GOP congress were in the toilet due to a perfect storm of the war, the economy, his shitty administration, etc.

Damn. Now imagine if he hadn't won WA by a landslide. At least we avoided all the screaming this time when a bunch of his delegates failed to show because he already had enough of a majority to handle that.

I mean this surprises no one of course. I'm sure certain sections of the internet will still find ways to spin this around to FRAUD though.


Junior Member
Being married to a former military member who leans Republican, i can vouch for that democratic shift. Like how scotus members become more liberal, the military makes simple connections that don't hold up to self reflection.

You in military: military good: Clinton rollbacks bad: bad Clinton

But since Republicans can't even follow the script on the military being good (ie veterans benefits), they make it easy to convert ex military to Democrats. So, my wife has voted democratic for the last two national election. So she's like Virginia.

She did vote for Cruz in the GA primary. I should have coached her up to the lesser of the assholes, Kaisch. But i will remind everyone that Kaisch is like a serial killer to me. He just hasn't been caught.

Either way, that tulsi story is like a story you would want for a friend. To see life and allow it to change her instead of continuing to be an asshole.


Being married to a former military member who leans Republican, i can vouch for that democratic shift. Like how scotus members become more liberal, the military makes simple connections that don't hold up to self reflection.

You in military: military good: Clinton rollbacks bad: bad Clinton

But since Republicans can't even follow the script on the military being good (ie veterans benefits), they make it easy to convert ex military to Democrats. So, my wife has voted democratic for the last two national election. So she's like Virginia.

She did vote for Cruz in the GA primary. I should have coached her up to the lesser of the assholes, Kaisch. But i will remind everyone that Kaisch is like a serial killer to me. He just hasn't been caught.

Either way, that tulsi story is like a story you would want for a friend. To see life and allow it to change her instead of continuing to be an asshole.
I don't know if I could date someone conservative. I almost did once, but I'm kind of glad we didn't (not just for political reasons of course); it was probably for the best. On the other hand I don't want to be completely opposed to it either.


I can't wait to see Bernies

also news from Washington convention

Washington State delegates didn't show up today and failed our state spectacularly.

which means there are less than 69% of the total delegates.


I don't know if I could date someone conservative. I almost did once, but I'm kind of glad we didn't (not just for political reasons of course); it was probably for the best. On the other hand I don't want to be completely opposed to it either.

Fiscally conservative I think I could deal with, but not socially conservative. I fundamentally disagree with most principles of fiscal conservatives, but it doesn't directly mean that someone is anti-poor as they may just not have really thought about the implications of cutting social programs. Social conservatives... lol. That's why stuff like okcupid is nice so you can see if someone is a total bigot before bothering to message them.
Nothing was going to stop the tea party frenzy back in 2010. NOTHING. A 50 state strategy might stop some of the bleeding but I don't see how it's going to make Democrats all that much more competitive. Sure, it worked great in 2006 when Bush and the GOP congress were in the toilet due to a perfect storm of the war, the economy, his shitty administration, etc.


Getting creamed in 2010 was no reason not to full court press in 2012.


Damn. Now imagine if he hadn't won WA by a landslide. At least we avoided all the screaming this time when a bunch of his delegates failed to show because he already had enough of a majority to handle that.

I mean this surprises no one of course. I'm sure certain sections of the internet will still find ways to spin this around to FRAUD though.

If you read the reddit thread, you'll find they forced a vote to endorse Sanders. They specifically voted down an endorsement of both candidates.

There's also a claim that Clinton delegates filibustered against some gender identity statement, but it's very unclear what was going on. Something about people who don't identify as either male or female.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
LOLOLOLOL trump's campaign is a total disaster

Why was Obama spending so much more though? Is Hillary short on cash or is there something else at play?


LOLOLOLOL trump's campaign is a total disaster

Why was Obama spending so much more though? Is Hillary short on cash or is there something else at play?
The airwaves were more competitive. There's no reason for Clinton to totally blanket the airwaves everywhere and have every commercial break be "I'm Hillary and I love children" commercials.
Somewhat unimportant question:

So in the unlikely and unfortunate event that Trump takes the Presidency, does control of the main "White House" social media pages flip over to him, or are new accounts created? I mean, for the past ~7 years the Facebook, twitter (and now Snapchat and Instagram) pages for "The White House" have generally talked about Barack Obama and framed all their posts in a positive light. It'd be really jarring to see them basically transform into republican propaganda pages.



Getting creamed in 2010 was no reason not to full court press in 2012.
I think they did they best they could. Obama shouldn't have been able to get re-elected. We were lucky enough to get that plus hold the Senate for another two years...

Dems definitely shit the bed in 2014 though


Somewhat unimportant question:

So in the unlikely and unfortunate event that Trump takes the Presidency, does control of the main "White House" social media pages flip over to him, or are new accounts created? I mean, for the past ~7 years the Facebook, twitter (and now Snapchat and Instagram) pages for "The White House" have generally talked about Barack Obama and framed all their posts in a positive light. It'd be really jarring to see them basically transform into republican propaganda pages.

The new administration takes control of the official White House/POTUS/FLOTUS/etc social media accounts.


Somewhat unimportant question:

So in the unlikely and unfortunate event that Trump takes the Presidency, does control of the main "White House" social media pages flip over to him, or are new accounts created? I mean, for the past ~7 years the Facebook, twitter (and now Snapchat and Instagram) pages for "The White House" have generally talked about Barack Obama and framed all their posts in a positive light. It'd be really jarring to see them basically transform into republican propaganda pages.



The Autumn Wind
Nothing was going to stop the tea party frenzy back in 2010. NOTHING. A 50 state strategy might stop some of the bleeding but I don't see how it's going to make Democrats all that much more competitive. Sure, it worked great in 2006 when Bush and the GOP congress were in the toilet due to a perfect storm of the war, the economy, his shitty administration, etc.
And you're looking around and don't feel like the GOP is in the toilet right now? This is the perfect time to strike.


Abandoning the 50 state strategy has helped get us more GOP controlled state governments.

The 50 state strategy also requires the GOP to spend where it hadn't before. And it lays the foundation for taking advantage of future demographic changes.

It's the right time for it.

This. Showing up counts. It's not going to turn a state blue over night, but sometimes you have to take losses up front to build the chance for profitability in the long run. You'd be surprised what you can accomplish if you just go and talk to people. I mean my parents are confused as hell on who to vote for and they've been lock step Republican their whole lives. You could win my parents. I would be dumbfounded. >.>


Also note that graph is presumably for the entire month of June 2012, but only the first half of June 2016.

But yes she can't spend gen elex $$ yet afaik due to Bernie.
Imagine Trump scheduled to speak every night of the convention and the GOP tries to oust him. Fires on the convention floor, chair barricades, mounted riot police on stage....
So I guess Bernie did this?

I think this is a really dumb idea. Why would you pay someone to be in South Dakota for example. Compkete waste.

When you have massive financial and organizational advantages. You want to play them everywhere you can.

The risky thing would be to intentionally leave resource advantages fallow.
I'm generally a fan of Howard Dean's tenure as DNC chair and the 50-state strategy. Investing in every state makes sense for the long-term health of the party as well as for the purposes of taking advantage of unexpected opportunities. Under Dean's leadership the Democrats were picking up seats in places like Idaho when Republicans stumbled there.

Ultimately I don't see a conflict between the 50-state strategy and prioritizing the most important races. The first is a matter of strategy and the second is a matter of tactics. Both are important.
Where is the graph for Trumps spending in Ju-


You laugh now but Trump doesn't even need to spend money because he gets so much media coverage or something. Maybe late in the race he can buy some ads in important states like Maryland or California, but no need to spend money or make any effort right now. He's got this.
There's a report that Clarence Thomas is thinking about retiring after the election. Can't say how reliable it is though.


So basically the last year of following the election has been me praying for the absolutely best case situations to happen with the GOP falling apart with Trump at the helm.

And then racist Scalia dies
gets assassinated
, god rest his soul, which then throws the entire supreme court into chaos as confermation hearings are rejected till the next POTUS is voted on

Trump has been a train wreck as he tries and sells this idea of turning Cali and New York red right in front of powerful donors

and there is even a chance that Thomas might hang up the coat.

everyone pls join me



The House would be great to take back, but so long as we win the Presidency and the Senate, we're good. Hillary can choose Supreme Court justices and the Senate would confirm them. She can end up with maybe 3 new justices in just one term.


Oh man, this would mean the court could conceivably be a 7-2 majority by the next presidential election.

I think that deserves its own post in OT.

Also shows how bankrupt Jill Stien is. Here's a chance to make actual change, and they're worried about a third party thats never had to bother with governing.
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