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They don't exist. Surprisingly!

The bit the bros are jumping on is a section where the DNC talk about what they need to do against the GOP front runners. They lay out three actions they intend to do, which includes defending HRC against accusations of dishonesty and corruption. Presumably as a counter to the inevitable attacks along those lines from the right.

The only thing it proves is that in May 2015 the DNC were already presuming Clinton was going to be their nominee. It doesn't mention Bernie at all and the highlighted section, AGAIN, refers to how they plan to respond to the GOP.

Is anyone sane surprised that in May 2015 the DNC thought it was a done deal that HRC would be the nominee? Didn't we all pretty much think that?

I honestly think some people are reading "weakening the eventual [Republican] nominee" but seeing "weakening the eventual Democratic primary candidate" through their Bernfilters

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Clearly the DNC didn't get the memo - Sanders won every state he bothered to compete in. Every other state is in the Deep South.

All of them.
Don't they know that Julian Assange is gonna torpedo Hilldawg? They need to cater to the real presumptive nominee.
It's the most insane, ludacris faux outrage over something I've ever seen. It's only on conspiracy websites.

How DARE the DNC do their actual jobs and try to prevent a Republican from winning! By their own admission, this was dated before Bernie even got in the race. It's all so absurd.

oh that explains why i never saw this story today, I only read reputable "establishment shill" new sites


Sander's poltical steam seems to have run out anyway. In the last week I just haven't seen anyone give a shit about him given the issues we're currently facing. Dude is just gonna make it to the convention, take his moral victory, bow out and that's it. Sanders is barely a talking point worth investing in anymore.


This is like the perfect headline and story for the dozens of us gif. It literally says dozens.

Since no one else has posted it:

They don't exist. Surprisingly!

The bit the bros are jumping on is a section where the DNC talk about what they need to do against the GOP front runners. They lay out three actions they intend to do, which includes defending HRC against accusations of dishonesty and corruption. Presumably as a counter to the inevitable attacks along those lines from the right.

The only thing it proves is that in May 2015 the DNC were already presuming Clinton was going to be their nominee. It doesn't mention Bernie at all and the highlighted section, AGAIN, refers to how they plan to respond to the GOP.

Is anyone sane surprised that in May 2015 the DNC thought it was a done deal that HRC would be the nominee? Didn't we all pretty much think that?

Shouts of collusion are people seeing what they want to see while ignoring that Bernie wasn't seen as any kind of a threat circa May 2015.

It's even better than that too. If the document I saw is the one they're freaking out about, and I saw it on S4P so I'm assuming it is. The header says:

To: The Democratic National Committee

But there is no From. There is no indication who wrote it. It could very well be from Clinton's campaign to the DNC laying out their strategy against the Republicans.

It's all a bunch of nonsense.


Sander's poltical steam seems to have run out anyway. In the last week I just haven't seen anyone give a shit about him given the issues we're currently facing. Dude is just gonna make it to the convention, take his moral victory, bow out and that's it. Sanders is barely a talking point worth investing in anymore.
But you're failing to see the bigger point. Clinton's people are saying the same thing. Bernie doing what he's doing makes for bad optics and time is of the essence. They need to focus 100% on Trump/GOP and not waste ANY time trying to figure out how to make Baby Bernie feel good. He needs to bow out now so as to leave NO doubt not only to Democratic voters but the party itself. Instead he's being a completely selfish and stubborn fool and it's at everyone else's expense. Fuck him.

I mean, holy shit, his video last night was basically verbal masturbation over himself and his vision for nearly 30 minutes. Democrats should have kicked this guy to the curb years ago. He's so unbelievably full of himself and to be nearly 75 years old and yet so still out of touch is quite alarming as it is sad. Something's wrong with him.
It's even better than that too. If the document I saw is the one they're freaking out about, and I saw it on S4P so I'm assuming it is. The header says:

To: The Democratic National Committee

But there is no From. There is no indication who wrote it. It could very well be from Clinton's campaign to the DNC laying out their strategy against the Republicans.

It's all a bunch of nonsense.

I would try and talk to my mom about it, but I literally said something yesterday to the effect of "Trump an Co. think that they don't need to spend money or have a ground game, they think big crowds are going to translate into votes, didn't work for Bernie, why do they think it would work for them"

"Well there are lots of reasons why those crowds didn't translate into votes..."

then the yelling started, apparently it was rigged, and it has been rigged for "a long time". I asked when "a long time" started, and what I got was her storming up stairs saying that she doesn't want to argue. It's like the inverse of Adam's mom
Ironically, the presumptive nominee’s own toxicity is making the job of finding a vice presidential nominee that much easier, because the short list is so short. Multiple high-level Republican sources said it is topped by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, with Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions a distant third and Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin also in the mix.


1. Most hated governor in America
2. Guy so unethical he was replaced by a child rapist.
3. Klan supporter
4. Most far-right governor in America.


Also, he has no real campaign.

The New York billionaire has slowly begun to add paid staff in a handful of swing states — Wisconsin and Iowa, among them — even as campaign officials concede the presumptive presidential nominee has little desire or capacity to construct the kind of massive national operation that has come to define modern-day White House campaigns. Trump plans instead to depend upon the national Republican Party to lead state-based efforts on his behalf, while Democrat Hillary Clinton has had an army of staff dedicated specifically to her campaign in general election battlegrounds for months.

"It would be disingenuous and wrongheaded to take a playbook that has been used over and over again," said Trump senior aide Karen Giorno, in charge of an 11-state Southeastern bloc including battlegrounds Florida, North Carolina and Virginia. "We are creating the playbook."



"It would be disingenuous and wrongheaded to take a playbook that has been used over and over again," said Trump senior aide Karen Giorno, in charge of an 11-state Southeastern bloc including battlegrounds Florida, North Carolina and Virginia. "We are creating the playbook."

Uhh... this would basically instantly splinter the party if they tried this

I mean, they are running out of time and running out of options.

1) Trump is nominee, support him all the way till election, go down with the ship
2) Trump is nominee, support him till it's obvious ship is sinking, life boats go to senators and house members in danger of getting kicked out
3) Trump is nominee, completely end support for him from nearly everyone and don't even mention his name till election is over.
4) Ditch Trump, officially splinter the already splintered party and try and fix the obvious issues that need to be fixed to make the party actually viable in general elections.

Options 1-3 could have major ramifications for being the party that almost handed Trump the presidency. It could absolutely tank the party. It could cause more issues of the elite not supporting Trump enough and causing a repeat in 2020 of some insane nationalist getting the nomination again.

Option 4 is very real damage and could easily hand the entire government to the dems. I don't think they are going to do this option, it would be suicide for the longterm viability, but it could easily kill the party for many election cycles.


Christie's career is over as an elected official. Might as well take him along for the final ride since he was Trump's first big supporter.
Holy shit at this clip from Colbert's show, where he is drawing a swastika.

(starts 5 minutes in)

It totally caught me off guard, and even though the Hitler comparisons are a plenty, a fucking swastika being drawn on a network television about a presidential nominee....sheesh.

I feel like the media as a whole are wisening up how to report on Trump. I see less and less media outlets sugarcoating that this man is a dangerous lunatic.


I mean, they are running out of time and running out of options.

1) Trump is nominee, support him all the way till election, go down with the ship
2) Trump is nominee, support him till it's obvious ship is sinking, life boats go to senators and house members in danger of getting kicked out
3) Trump is nominee, completely end support for him from nearly everyone and don't even mention his name till election is over.
4) Ditch Trump, officially splinter the already splintered party and try and fix the obvious issues that need to be fixed to make the party actually viable in general elections.

3 seems like the obvious choice. The best possible outcome of a very bad situation for republicans is Trump losing by a historic margin while preserving as many congressional seats as possible. It lets them reject future Trump style candidates simply by arguing that they can't win a GE.

If they ditch him, not only will they still lose the White House, they will lose a huge number of congressional seats and in the future they will have to deal with copy cat candidates who argue that the only reason they lost is because the party got cold feet.
I would try and talk to my mom about it, but I literally said something yesterday to the effect of "Trump an Co. think that they don't need to spend money or have a ground game, they think big crowds are going to translate into votes, didn't work for Bernie, why do they think it would work for them"

"Well there are lots of reasons why those crowds didn't translate into votes..."

then the yelling started, apparently it was rigged, and it has been rigged for "a long time". I asked when "a long time" started, and what I got was her storming up stairs saying that she doesn't want to argue. It's like the inverse of Adam's mom
Lol and my mom was a Clinton convert.

2008 she literally said "I don't think I could vote for her after this nomination fight."

Now she's 100% Hillary. It was Obama giving her the SoS position, and her using it well that swayed my mom.

She initially liked Bernie but by early April she started saying things like "I think this guy really thinks he's going to become president. I've seen this before, men get so hungry for the power they could use that reality never sets in." and that slowly devolved into "He's never going to drop out!" "He's got the PRESIDENT FEVER!"

She's 71. I try not to judge.
Would a ban on immigration of one religion even be constitutional?

It's completely unworkable for a plethora of reasons.

You'd deny visas to anyone from a "Muslim" country. So, you'd be excluding Christians or atheists as well. This wouldn't stop an extremist from, let's say, the UK coming in, because what would you do? Ask them their religion? They could just lie. So, if that won't work, you just deny all the brown people entry to the country. It's just insane on so many levels.

I don't even know if you could require that people answer such a question. And there's the obvious problem of it's super easy to lie about your religion.

Naw it's a written exam,

A rabbi a priest and a minister walk into a bar, what do you do. (Choose one)
A) Join them for a pint
B) Consumption of Alcohol is counter to my religious beliefs
C) Blow up the bar
D) All of the above

What religion is (D)?

Holy shit 47-32 after telling respondents Rubio is against gun control. Not that informed ballot tests are usually that useful (the general population usually doesn't get that much information) but still.

I guess the thing about the terror watch list for me is that once you convince Americans that there are people who just shouldn't have guns, you already have one foot in the door. Even if I don't support the idea of the list for this purpose it's pretty useful.

I agree. If we keep self-sabotaging because we can't create a perfect net to get only the bad guns/owners, then we might as well also scrap all of our social programs since the number of fraudulent claims is higher than zero. People complain about the watch list being inaccurate, but so is every list on the planet, including voter rolls themselves. But you being inconvenienced when buying a gun isn't super important to me if you're a statistical blip. Most people on those lists don't need a gun.
Something's wrong with him.

Yeah, he's from a state no one ever pays attention to, and he's been shouting from that Ivory Tower for decades at empty rooms. Now he's got crowds, and he doesn't want it to end. There's no political future left for the guy; he'll be a Senator from VT for as long as he wants, but he'll never be able to swing another position.


Uhh... this would basically instantly splinter the party if they tried this

There's no point in kicking the can down the road. Eventually, if the GOP ever wants the White House, they have to eject the racists. That group actively drives away the demographics that are on the rise, and this won't change. Sure, they'll take a lot of crap for awhile, but eventually, they could be respectable again.

Like Silver said, if they run Trump (regardless of how vigorous their support of him), they will prove liberals right for decades. Who runs in 2020? Who can say that they completely opposed the party of Trump? No one that I can see. They're too chicken shit to say anything. Maybe someone like Larry Hogan, but he's disillusioned with politics after Christie went deep for Trump.


Holy shit at this clip from Colbert's show, where he is drawing a swastika.

(starts 5 minutes in)

It totally caught me off guard, and even though the Hitler comparisons are a plenty, a fucking swastika being drawn on a network television about a presidential nominee....sheesh.

I feel like the media as a whole are wisening up how to report on Trump. I see less and less media outlets sugarcoating that this man is a dangerous lunatic.

The best thing about this clip is that the second he finished the third line segment everyone knows where it was going.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I mean, they are running out of time and running out of options.

1) Trump is nominee, support him all the way till election, go down with the ship
2) Trump is nominee, support him till it's obvious ship is sinking, life boats go to senators and house members in danger of getting kicked out
3) Trump is nominee, completely end support for him from nearly everyone and don't even mention his name till election is over.
4) Ditch Trump, officially splinter the already splintered party and try and fix the obvious issues that need to be fixed to make the party actually viable in general elections.

Options 1-3 could have major ramifications for being the party that almost handed Trump the presidency. It could absolutely tank the party. It could cause more issues of the elite not supporting Trump enough and causing a repeat in 2020 of some insane nationalist getting the nomination again.

Option 4 is very real damage and could easily hand the entire government to the dems. I don't think they are going to do this option, it would be suicide for the longterm viability, but it could easily kill the party for many election cycles.

It's a bit of a conundrum. Whatever happens they are the party that got Trump in as presumptive nominee, and they are screwed in the short term.

The only option I can think of that would (or might) not also screw them long-term would be to get the nomination out of the way and then immediately en-masse everywhere abandon the entire party leaving Trump and his tiny rump the Republican tag, ignoring the presidency and running all the downticket under a separate banner, and spend the next four-eight years trying to build a non-toxic centrist party in the hope that the Dems veer too far left.

But I don't know if that is even possible, and I sure as hell can't think of anyone persuasive and powerful enough to make it work.


I find people who bitch about things like property taxes going on and other taxes like that pretty dumb. Those taxes go to pay for a variety of things.

Bitch about important things, like ISPs who raise rates, yet impose throtting and data caps. Or power companies that are $6million over budget on a nuclear power plant and keep asking for rate increases from customers to pay for it, yet when the project is completed, those rates will never go back down,

1. Most hated governor in America
2. Guy so unethical he was replaced by a child rapist.
3. Klan supporter
4. Most far-right governor in America.


Also, he has no real campaign.


He's basically too lazy to run an actual campaign. And yet we're going to endure months of "Trump is going to win, isn't he?"
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