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Why do political cartoonists always label the shit out of stuff in their cartoons. I mean, this would work perfectly without the text. Was the artist paranoid we wouldn't recognize that that was Bernie if he didn't have a T-shirt with his name on?

To be fair, people might wonder why Hillary is holding Larry David's hand if not for the label.


No Scrubs
I don't think so. The Solicitor General said that he didn't think it would hold up. I mean, it definitely wouldn't hold up for American citizens. I'm not sure how it would apply to non-citizens, though.

It would apply the same way I imagine.


Would a ban on immigration of one religion even be constitutional?

We banned plenty of immigrants for their race in the early 20th century. Immigrants are not American citizens until they successfully immigrate and so they don't necessarily have a Constitutional right to equal protection or due process.

bridges v wixon said:
Since an alien obviously brings with him no constitutional rights, Congress may exclude him in the first instance for whatever reason it sees fit. Turner v. Williams, 194 U.S. 279, 24 S.Ct. 719, 48 L.Ed. 979. The Bill of Rights is a futile authority for the alien seeking admission for the first time to these shores. But once an alien lawfully enters and resides in this country he becomes invested with the rights guaranteed by the Constitution to all people within our borders.
What does religious test even mean? Eat pork?

It's completely unworkable for a plethora of reasons.

You'd deny visas to anyone from a "Muslim" country. So, you'd be excluding Christians or atheists as well. This wouldn't stop an extremist from, let's say, the UK coming in, because what would you do? Ask them their religion? They could just lie. So, if that won't work, you just deny all the brown people entry to the country. It's just insane on so many levels.


Unconfirmed Member
What does religious test even mean? Eat pork?
Naw it's a written exam,

What does Everybody Love? (Circle one)
A) Ramen
B) Ramadan
C) Raymond

How many virgins await you in heaven upon martyrdom?

A rabbi a priest and a minister walk into a bar, what do you do. (Choose one)
A) Join them for a pint
B) Consumption of Alcohol is counter to my religious beliefs
C) Blow up the bar
D) All of the above
Warren meeting with Clinton and then they deleted all the photo evidence?

At the end of the poll we did a simple informed horse race, after telling respondents that Rubio has opposed barring people on the Terror Watch List from buying firearms and that he's opposed requiring criminal background checks for those wanting to buy firearms. Murphy's initial 42/41 lead over Rubio ballooned all the way up to 47/32 based on his position on those gun issues. Those numbers are a pretty strong indicator that this year might be different when it comes to gun issues and the election if Congress once again fails to act.

Banning brown people from having guns is extremely popular in America.

The terror watch list is a joke, we shouldn't be using it at all. I hope this is just point-scoring and not real policy they want to implement. Hopefully voters care more about no background checks than the watch list stuff.


Anyway, Rubio is probably gonna get wrecked in Florida if he dares to try for his Senate seat this year.

Rubio remains very unpopular in Florida- only 30% of voters approve of him to 49% who disapprove of the job he's doing. Among critical independent voters he's even more unpopular than he is with the electorate as a whole- a 26/55 spread. Rubio trails Patrick Murphy 42/41 in a hypothetical match up. That one point deficit is the same as we found when we polled Florida last week. That previous survey also found that among voters familiar with both Rubio and Murphy, Murphy held a 57/35 advantage. Alan Grayson trails Rubio 42/40 this week, on the heels of trailing Rubio 43/38 on the previous survey.

30/49 approve/disapprove, he's dead.


Politico: Clinton allies try to entice Sanders with prime time convention slot

Hillary Clinton allies are beginning to put public pressure on Bernie Sanders to end his bid before the convention, suggesting the prospect of a prime time convention speech as an incentive.

“If I were advising Sen. Sanders,” former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, a longtime Clinton ally, said in an interview, “I would say, you’ve done so fabulously, but there’s one thing left you need to do and that’s make a speech in prime time at the convention. You only do that if you’re not contesting the nomination.”

If Sanders waits to hold a roll call in Philadelphia on the Wednesday of the convention, the only speaking slots left would likely go to President Obama and the party’s nominee. But if he conceded beforehand, Rendell said, Sanders would be in a position to demand a prime time slot on the stage at the Wells Fargo Center. A Clinton campaign spokesman would not discuss the internal convention negotiations underway with the Sanders campaign.


Clinton officials and surrogates have come to expect nothing short of a stubborn and persistent challenge from Sanders over the course of a contentious campaign. But patience is wearing thin among Clinton allies for a vanquished rival who seems to be coming around to his party’s nominee at the speed of a tanker changing course, in an election when time is a scarce resource.

“The lack of processing, publicly, the fact that he has actually not won, is frustrating,” said one Clinton surrogate with close ties to the campaign. “Framing his desires as a list of demands when his margin of loss was actually significantly larger than he’s acting, is frustrating."

Other Clinton allies described Sanders’ much-hyped speech as unsurprising, but “lame” nonetheless.
The address was viewed as an opportunity for Sanders to assure his supporters that he’s still fighting for the principles that energized his supporters, even as he winds down from actively campaigning. But some Clinton loyalists told POLITICO they resented his address because they believe the only reason for Sanders to carry on at this point is his unspoken hope that Clinton is somehow disqualified between now and the July 25 convention.


Pretty much did a spit take when this came up on my Facebook feed.

Ted Cruz: US Senator, R-Texas, Criticizes Democrat-Led Filibuster for Gun Control
"This is political distraction. This is political gamesmanship," Cruz said on the Senate floor after Democrats, led by Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., called for tighter gun control measures.
The person in charge of Queen's Twitter needs a god damn raise.

They re-tweeted a story from the NYT Metro Desk explaining the optimum speed to swipe a Metrocard. Her Tweet was:

Hillary Clinton ‏@HillaryClinton 6h6 hours ago

Hillary Clinton Retweeted NYT Metro Desk


Hillary Clinton ‏@HillaryClinton 3h3 hours ago
Donald Trump says he's "the real friend" of the LGBT community.

Yeah, no.

Politics Polls ‏@Politics_Polls 16m16 minutes ago
Arizona General Election:
Trump 42% (+3)
Clinton 39%

@nationaljournal Poll 6/4-6

Via @ppollingnumbers

Politics Polls ‏@Politics_Polls 23m23 minutes ago View translation
Florida Senate - General Election:
Murphy (D) 42% (+1)
Rubio (R) 41%
Rubio (R) 42% (+2)
Grayson (D) 40%

Newsflash: Trump appears to have paid no taxes for two years in early 1990s
‘Welcome to the real estate business,’ the presumptive Republican nominee tells POLITICO.
I haven't seen them. Do you have a link?

It's the most insane, ludacris faux outrage over something I've ever seen. It's only on conspiracy websites.

“Our goals in the coming months will be to frame the Republican field and the eventual nominee early and to provide a contrast between the GOP field and HRC,” the document continued. “Over the long-term, these efforts will be aimed at getting us the best match-up in the general election, and weakening the eventual nominee through the course of the primary.”

Read more at http://redalertpolitics.com/2016/06...dnc-clinton-coordination/#uj9WYkg4JjKcsxJV.99

How DARE the DNC do their actual jobs and try to prevent a Republican from winning! By their own admission, this was dated before Bernie even got in the race. It's all so absurd.




I haven't seen them. Do you have a link?

The most I've seen was a tumblr post going around, but the only image I saw included was one that showed the DNC talking about strategies to support Clinton in the general election back in May 2015... which only really proves that they assumed Clinton would be the nominee back in May 2015.

Also one of the sources for the post was infowars
Banning brown people from having guns is extremely popular in America.

The terror watch list is a joke, we shouldn't be using it at all. I hope this is just point-scoring and not real policy they want to implement. Hopefully voters care more about no background checks than the watch list stuff.


Anyway, Rubio is probably gonna get wrecked in Florida if he dares to try for his Senate seat this year.

30/49 approve/disapprove, he's dead.
Holy shit 47-32 after telling respondents Rubio is against gun control. Not that informed ballot tests are usually that useful (the general population usually doesn't get that much information) but still.

I guess the thing about the terror watch list for me is that once you convince Americans that there are people who just shouldn't have guns, you already have one foot in the door. Even if I don't support the idea of the list for this purpose it's pretty useful.

We did find one issue in Virginia where voters side with Trump over Hillary. Only 36% think he should delete his account, 42% say keep it

God, I love PPP and their trolling questions.
Are they implying Obama gets a spot only if Sanders doesn't take it...?
Just that there's limited speaking engagements if they have to go through holding a vote, and they'd give it to Obama over Sanders because fucking duh.

Sanders would get to speak in lieu of forcing a floor vote.
Because the GOP agrees with his ideas. They just don't agree with how he expresses them.

They couldn't attack him for being a bigot because the GOP base is comprised of bigots.

I think it was Nate Silver who put it best, Trump winning the nomination validated every smug liberal's assessment of the Republican base.

Yeah, I don't get why people don't get this. A Republican can't attack Trump on his racism because the base is racist. A Republican can't attack Trump on his sexism because the base is sexist. A Republican can't attack Trump on being a conman using his wealth to get out of regulations and screwing over the little guy because the donors are rich people who want no rules to stop them from screwing over the little guy.

Hillary Clinton has none of these restrictions.


He's gonna pull a Jerry Brown and second his own nomination while giving his stump speech, instead of getting a speaking slot.
He's gonna pull a Jerry Brown and second his own nomination while giving his stump speech, instead of getting a speaking slot.

He better talk fast. He'll get 10 minutes, probably between a local city councilwoman and a PTA board President.

(Really, if he 2nds his nomination he only gets 10 minutes to do it by rule, I believe)
I'd agree that if Sanders doesn't drop out/endorse Clinton he shouldn't have a prime time spot. That's simple give/take politics. Of course I'd imagine he'd love to be denied a prime time slot so he can further complain about how he's been mistreated.
I'd agree that if Sanders doesn't drop out/endorse Clinton he shouldn't have a prime time spot. That's simple give/take politics. Of course I'd imagine he'd love to be denied a prime time slot so he can further complain about how he's been mistreated.
Clearly the DNC didn't get the memo - Sanders won every state he bothered to compete in. Every other state is in the Deep South.

All of them.
so where is that link to the DNC emails about making Bernie look bad

They don't exist. Surprisingly!

The bit the bros are jumping on is a section where the DNC talk about what they need to do against the GOP front runners. They lay out three actions they intend to do, which includes defending HRC against accusations of dishonesty and corruption. Presumably as a counter to the inevitable attacks along those lines from the right.

The only thing it proves is that in May 2015 the DNC were already presuming Clinton was going to be their nominee. It doesn't mention Bernie at all and the highlighted section, AGAIN, refers to how they plan to respond to the GOP.

Is anyone sane surprised that in May 2015 the DNC thought it was a done deal that HRC would be the nominee? Didn't we all pretty much think that?

Shouts of collusion are people seeing what they want to see while ignoring that Bernie wasn't seen as any kind of a threat circa May 2015.
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