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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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I'm relieved to see how Hillary and her team have responded to each stupid thing Trump had done. They're hitting back without getting in the gutter. How the GOP failed to do this is beyond me.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise

Nearly spit out my coffee. That's perfect.

This led to the most succinct summary of that subset of Hardcore Sanders Supporters i've ever read, in the comments:


It's obviously coming from someone who dislikes Clinton, but his underlying point is solid.

The question that's tougher to answer, did Sanders help create these supporters, or were they always this way?

I think he tapped into supporters that were already this way.
It's a cult mentality. They belong. NPR this morning interviewed some random supporters about Bernie's speech last night, and this one lady had the conviction of someone who knew salvation was coming. A True Believer.

I'm inclined to think these people always exist. Younger folks are more susceptible as they're determining their identities and have less life experience and knowledge to check things against. Being told what you want to hear, that the world is stacked against you, and that the solutions are easy and free. That's pretty seductive.



If I'm being honest, I think this gun control vote is just a play by Democrats. Make the most basic, common sense bill and watch as it still fails because all the Republicans vote against it . Then use it against them in November.

I think you're right. Terror watchlist gun bans are extremely popular among the electorate right now (71% support in this Gallup poll), and when the Republicans oppose it again next week it'll be held against them.

We probably can't get any real legislation passed without a strong majority.

i could never vote for someone who is anti-free trade, but thats the least of his stupid ideas

But he was on the right side of history didn't you see the image macro??

That's a misrepresentation. It should be DWS that's dragging Bernie not Hillary.

How can you tell? I only see labels on Bernie and the Donkey. Who is the mystery woman with no label?
I'm relieved to see how Hillary and her team have responded to each stupid thing Trump had done. They're hitting back without getting in the gutter. How the GOP failed to do this is beyond me.
Because the GOP agrees with his ideas. They just don't agree with how he expresses them.

They couldn't attack him for being a bigot because the GOP base is comprised of bigots.

I think it was Nate Silver who put it best, Trump winning the nomination validated every smug liberal's assessment of the Republican base.
Because the GOP agrees with his ideas. They just don't agree with how he expresses them.

They couldn't attack him for being a bigot because the GOP base is comprised of bigots.

I think it was Nate Silver who put it best, Trump winning the nomination validated every smug liberal's assessment of the Republican base.

Well, not the "What's the matter with Kansas" assessment where GOP voters are just tricked into buying into fiscal conservatism but the assessment where GOP voters valued white supremacy over some financial benefits.

Anyway, I hope Hillary hits Trump on vaccines once...


NPR posted a video of an 8th Grader impersonating Trump, Cruz, Obama, Hillary, and Bernie for his graduation speech.

"Some of the best cinnamon rolls I'VE EVER TASTED! I do have one improvement for them, though!: We need to make them FREE! What we need is a cinnamon roll REVOLUTION!"

"As far as school's go, TMS is in the top one half of one half of one percent of school's...in the ENTIRE COUNTRY!"​

Impressions are surprisingly spot on, especially Bernie.
Respect!! I love doing impressions (even if theyre mainly dudes) so this warms my heart.
They couldn't attack him for being a bigot because the GOP base is comprised of bigots.
Did you watch the debates? People attacked his Muslim ban and description of Mexicans all the time, while explaining that deporting 11 million people and building a wall is unfeasible.

But of course, there were candidates on stage that doubled down on nativism's side.


I'm relieved to see how Hillary and her team have responded to each stupid thing Trump had done. They're hitting back without getting in the gutter. How the GOP failed to do this is beyond me.
I think the GOP field was just too crowded. 1 guy saying "That's dumb" might get him some press. 12 guys saying it just all drowned each other out. By the time the field was un-crowded the only people left were crazy.
Did you watch the debates? People attacked his Muslim ban and description of Mexicans all the time, while explaining that deporting 11 million people and building a wall is unfeasible.

But of course, there were candidates on stage that doubled down on nativism's side.
Well, the fact that all those attacks fell flat proves his point that GOP base is bigoted.


Deep into his 30th decade
Why do political cartoonists always label the shit out of stuff in their cartoons. I mean, this would work perfectly without the text. Was the artist paranoid we wouldn't recognize that that was Bernie if he didn't have a T-shirt with his name on?

Political cartoons are almost part of history. We still look at cartoons from the 1800s, but people's faces might not be recognizable to people anymore. I always see it as a way of making sure people still understand the cartoon in 50-100 years from now.


Reading on how some of the GOP have been avoiding questions regarding Trump is fucking incredible. Some of the congressmen basically breaking out the bugout bags at the sight of a journalist and hightailing it out of a conversation.

Fucking strange times. Convention is right around the corner, November is a couple months away and yet you can't talk about the man you're endorsing. Christ.
QQ: I don't know the rules to this, but is no one talking about the hacked DNC documents about collusion with the media to paint Sen. Sanders in a negative light?
Why do political cartoonists always label the shit out of stuff in their cartoons. I mean, this would work perfectly without the text. Was the artist paranoid we wouldn't recognize that that was Bernie if he didn't have a T-shirt with his name on?

A combination of a respect for the history of the medium and an attempt to make the work easily understandable in a 100 years time.
The "We Need Guns to Overthrow the Government!" shit from right-wingers is just bizarre. If a more fascist Woodrow Wilson really took control of the U.S. government, there would be a military coup against him or her pretty quickly since the U.S. government is super right leaning at this point in time.


aka andydumi
Why do political cartoonists always label the shit out of stuff in their cartoons. I mean, this would work perfectly without the text. Was the artist paranoid we wouldn't recognize that that was Bernie if he didn't have a T-shirt with his name on?

To me it was an allusion to his childlike behavior. Note she is not labeled, but his shirt is, as sometimes kids have Tshirts with their or other names and logos on them.


I think the GOP field was just too crowded. 1 guy saying "That's dumb" might get him some press. 12 guys saying it just all drowned each other out. By the time the field was un-crowded the only people left were crazy.
There were very few non-crazy people on the GOP side this year. Their field was a dumpster fire. Trump just had the most tinder due to the hair and hot air.
Political cartoons are almost part of history. We still look at cartoons from the 1800s, but people's faces might not be recognizable to people anymore. I always see it as a way of making sure people still understand the cartoon in 50-100 years from now.

Thanks for this. People on here always whine about and/or mock labels on political cartoons, but I don't get what the problem is. Why is it a bad thing to make the cartoon easier to understand?
Well, the fact that all those attacks fell flat proves his point that GOP base is bigoted.
I don't think Trump enjoyed a majority support while there were still candidates, actually. I think he had only enough to beat the other candidates. If the delegate allocation had been proporational, I think Trump might have lost.


Sadly, there's really no point in calling my senators. I know how Tammy Baldwin will vote, given the chance. Ron Johnson continues to be a cunt.


Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Thursday dismissed the "nonsense" calls from Democratic lawmakers to enact gun control legislation following the deadly mass shooting in Orlando, Florida.

"We have to quit distracting the American public with these nonsense debates — and that’s what these are — these nonsense debates about gun control," Johnson said on WISN's "The Vicki McKenna Show."
Johnson, who is engaged in a tough re-election fight with former Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI), said that gun control measures "will have no effect on these tragedies."

"And that’s of course, we’re debating this in the United States Senate here today as we speak, laws that won’t actually prevent these things," he said.

Instead, Johnson argued that lawmakers should address "Islamic terrorism."

I've written him letters and emails and just get bullshit responses.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Political cartoons are almost part of history. We still look at cartoons from the 1800s, but people's faces might not be recognizable to people anymore. I always see it as a way of making sure people still understand the cartoon in 50-100 years from now.

And that's the real dig in this one. Labelling Bernie and not Hillary, because she will be remembered in 100 years and he won't be.


Is it happening!?
I think it is. The alternatives are just so much worse.

Warren getting to vet nominees internally is actually a massive perk of the job - letting her grind the sausage internally instead of making her have to be a pain in the butt externally has a lot of upsides.
It doesn't matter if it would be constitutional or not. In that case he would just settle on a moratorium on immigration from the middle east and africa.
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