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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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Jamie Dupree ‏@jamiedupree 3m3 minutes ago

GA delegates were told today that if you behave on the floor, you're fine - "you don't behave - you get taken out"

Stop Trump PAC ‏@StopTrumpPAC 4m4 minutes ago

Trump whip now to young female #NeverTrump delegate: You will pay a heavy price, don't ruin your life.

Taken out? Are they threatening to kill them?


Do they have to declare it before the vote? So he'd have to betray Trump and then if he loses Trump picks another VP? lmao

Nothing has to be revealed at all until the unbinding goes through or doesn't, so if hypothetically it was Pence he would be safe.

I recognize the total craziness of my theory but ultimately Pence is the guy they've been looking for. Everybody establishment loves him, he is widely acceptable to all GOP interest groups, and even Trump can't say he hates him because he chose him for VP. And he never lost to Trump because he didn't run.
Ed O'Keefe ‏@edatpost 58s58 seconds ago

As party and campaign officials sit in a back room sorting out what to do, house band plays the music loud.


Jamie Dupree ‏@jamiedupree 3m3 minutes ago

GA delegates were told today that if you behave on the floor, you're fine - "you don't behave - you get taken out"

Stop Trump PAC ‏@StopTrumpPAC 4m4 minutes ago

Trump whip now to young female #NeverTrump delegate: You will pay a heavy price, don't ruin your life.
Damn, those are some mob goon words..
Ed O'Keefe ‏@edatpost 58s58 seconds ago

As party and campaign officials sit in a back room sorting out what to do, house band plays the music loud.

They should play some Randy Newman!


There's a red moon rising
On the Cuyahoga River
Rolling into Cleveland to the lake

There's a red moon rising
ON the Cuyahoga River
Rolling into Cleveland to the lake

There's an oil barge winding
Down the Cuyahoga River
Rolling into Cleveland to the lake

There's an oil barge winding
Down the Cuyahoga River
Rolling into Cleveland to the lake

Cleveland, city of light, city of magic
Cleveland, city of light, you're calling me
Cleveland, even now I can remember
'Cause the Cuyahoga River
Goes smokin' through my dreams

Burn on, big river, burn on
Burn on, big river, burn on
Now the Lord can make you tumble
And the Lord can make you turn
And the Lord can make you overflow
But the Lord can't make you burn

Burn on, big river, burn on
Burn on, big river, burn on
Ed O'KeefeVerified account

9 STATES signed this rules petition, ac'd to senior convention official: Wa
Iowa, Va, DC, Minnesota, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Maine
ok so personal question.

if a potential job calls you back and says "can you call the head of the firm in a few hours" for a call and "I think it will be a good call" that's kinda a good sign for landing the job? i don't want to jinx it but wouldn't they just tell you then you didn't get it?

(this is the one I did the writing test for)


ok so personal question.

if a potential job calls you back and says "can you call the head of the firm in a few hours" for a call and "I think it will be a good call" that's kinda a good sign for landing the job? i don't want to jinx it but wouldn't they just tell you then you didn't get it?

(this is the one I did the writing test for)

It will be the most amazing and luxurious call you've ever had.


ok so personal question.

if a potential job calls you back and says "can you call the head of the firm in a few hours" for a call and "I think it will be a good call" that's kinda a good sign for landing the job?

(this is the one I did the writing test for)

Anything that isn't "Sorry but no" sounds like good news to me. Them taking up more of their time and your time means they are interested. Good luck, you'll do great!
ok so personal question.

if a potential job calls you back and says "can you call the head of the firm in a few hours" for a call and "I think it will be a good call" that's kinda a good sign for landing the job? i don't want to jinx it but wouldn't they just tell you then you didn't get it?

(this is the one I did the writing test for)

I'd feel like that's a good sign, Good luck brah.
ok so personal question.

if a potential job calls you back and says "can you call the head of the firm in a few hours" for a call and "I think it will be a good call" that's kinda a good sign for landing the job? i don't want to jinx it but wouldn't they just tell you then you didn't get it?

(this is the one I did the writing test for)
Yes, its a good sign. Any followup that doesn't have the word "unfortunately" is good.
That's great, it starts with DeFlate-Gate
No it's not fair, Obamacare
Newt's gums flap like Donald's hair.

Why does my brain start writing parody lyrics when I get excited?
Anything that isn't "Sorry but no" sounds like good news to me. Them taking up more of their time and your time means they are interested. Good luck, you'll do great!

I've had 3 interviews and did a written test last week. I just want to be able to relax. I can't even apply for other jobs...
Traditionally deep blue states+Wisconsin+Colorado+Florida+Nevada+Virginia get Hillary to 284 so I shouldn't be worried, but still a little bit concerned about tighter recent polls :(


ok so personal question.

if a potential job calls you back and says "can you call the head of the firm in a few hours" for a call and "I think it will be a good call" that's kinda a good sign for landing the job? i don't want to jinx it but wouldn't they just tell you then you didn't get it?

(this is the one I did the writing test for)

It's done.

You'll get an offer.
ok so personal question.

if a potential job calls you back and says "can you call the head of the firm in a few hours" for a call and "I think it will be a good call" that's kinda a good sign for landing the job? i don't want to jinx it but wouldn't they just tell you then you didn't get it?

(this is the one I did the writing test for)

Terrible sign. The head of the firm only wants you to call so he can personally laugh at you himself. Call him and beat him to the punch.

Uh, yeah I'd say that's a good sign.


Traditionally deep blue states+Wisconsin+Colorado+Florida+Nevada+Virginia get Hillary to 284 so I shouldn't be worried, but still a little bit concerned about tighter recent polls :(

If you thought polls wouldn't tighten during a timeframe filled with FBI investigation talk and the RNC, then I don't know what to say. Not to mention the floor of support for any major party candidate given the partisanship in the country right now.

Ed O'Keefe ‏@edatpost 1m1 minute ago
Rules committee is up next...

Ed O'Keefe ‏@edatpost 1m1 minute ago
Renegade delegates standing at various microphones...


My wi-fi sucks at work so I'm just listening to MSNBC via slingbox with no video. Apparently some woman named Enid is being whipped by a whipping operation. Sounds like good TV.

Stop Trump forces vowing to disrupt things any minute.
Kris Hammond ‏@KrisHammond 2m2 minutes ago Cleveland, OH

Updated list of all 11 states submitting petitions for roll call vote: MN, IA, WA, CO, DC, ND, AK, VA, UT, ME, WY

Steven Portnoy ‏@stevenportnoy 6m6 minutes ago
On convention floor just now, Sen. Mike Lee tells reporters he'll push for roll call on the rules. Blasts "coercion masquerading as unity."


I'm not letting Poligaf jinx me! lol

I just don't know why they'd ask me to call back at the end of the day to tell me no. And the "I think it will be a good call" was kinda off the cuff so I'm hopefully optimistic

I can't jinx you, only you can jinx yourself :p

I just don't see the utter fuckery of a scenario where the head of an office will waste their time to tell a candidate "No".

In my (limited) experience, you talk to the head of the office because first they want to woo you, and second becuase they are the ones that walk you through a simplified version of the offer you are receiving before the official documents with the offer are mailed over.


An intriguing look at the relationships between Obama and Hillary, and Obama and Biden:

Politico Magazine: Party of Two

Joe Biden wouldn’t take the hint, and Barack Obama wouldn’t take “yes” for an answer.

It was the fall of 2015, Donald Trump was rocketing up in the polls, Hillary Clinton was already wilting, and there was Obama’s vice president, occupying national center stage in an awkward public display of grief and political vacillation. Biden’s son Beau had died at age 46 that May, and the vice president was coping, it seemed, by throwing himself into a very open exploration of running against Clinton.

To Obama, this was a big, unwelcome problem. He had picked Biden for the ticket back in ’08 because he didn’t want him to run for president again, and besides, he honestly believed Biden would be crushed by a defeat he viewed as inevitable.


One of the most important if hidden story lines of 2016 has been Obama’s effort to shape a race he’s not running in an anti-establishment environment he can no longer control. Over the past two years, he has worked quietly but inexorably on Clinton’s behalf, never mind the not-so-convincing line that he was waiting for the Democratic electorate to work its will. He has offered his former rival strategic advice, shared his top talent with her, bucked her up with cheery phone chats after her losses, even dispatched his top political adviser to calm the Clintons during their not-infrequent freakouts over the performance of their staff, according to one of the two dozen Democrats I interviewed for this story.

The one thing he wouldn’t do was endorse her before she cleared the field. And once, when things were darkest after Clinton’s devastating defeat to Senator Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire, Clinton’s staff urged him to break his pledge and rescue her—but his team refused, a senior Democrat told me.


Obama’s ultimate goal in his final year has been strikingly ambitious, according to those I spoke with: not only blocking from office the birther who questioned his legitimacy as president, but preserving the Democratic Party’s hold over the presidency during an era of anti-establishment turbulence. Obama, always one to embrace a grand goal, talks in terms of creating “a 16-year era of progressive rule” to rival the achievements of Roosevelt-Truman and to reorient the country’s politics as a “Reagan of the left,” as one of his longtime White House advisers put it to me.

Which is why Obama first needed to stop Biden, and without seeming like he was trying to. As much as Obama loved him, Biden didn’t fit into the plan—especially when polls showed he would enter the race against Clinton with 20 percent of the Democratic vote.

So for most of last summer, Obama emphasized Biden’s weaknesses, gently jousting with him at their weekly lunches. He dispatched his de facto political director, Dave Simas, to Biden’s office to deliver a steady diet of polls showing a steep uphill climb, while a former Obama communications adviser presented Biden a plan that showed how tough it would be to attack Clinton, a woman Biden had previously praised in over-the-top terms. The most influential naysayer from the presidential orbit was David Plouffe, the disciplined brand manager and architect of Obama’s two White House campaign victories who remains Obama’s political emissary despite his day job on the board at Uber.

Eventually, Obama toughened his tone, telling Biden in a meeting that it was simply too late to run, a former White House aide told me.

But by the end of September, Biden still hadn’t gotten the message (though my sources insist he already was leaning toward no, at the advice of his still-grieving family), and Obama was getting itchy. Plouffe stepped up the pressure on his fellow Delawarean after months of gingerly trying but not succeeding to get Biden to step aside gently.

“Mr. Vice President, you have had a remarkable career, and it would be wrong to see it end in some hotel room in Iowa with you finishing third behind Bernie Sanders,” he said, according to a senior Democratic official briefed on the effort to ease Biden out of the race.

When Biden finally did tell Obama he wasn’t running, on the morning of October 21, the president comforted his veep—then sprinted into action like a man liberated. Within minutes, Obama ordered up a Rose Garden announcement—that same day. Although Obama saw it as a generous way to give his friend a chance to bow out on his own terms, several former White House staffers told me it also reflected Obama’s jitters; he wanted to lock in the decision before Biden had a chance to change his mind.

A lot more at the link!
Patrick SvitekVerified account
About 70 members of Texas delegation have signed on effort to force vote over convention rules, per a Free the Delegates organizer #RNCinCLE

Holy shit. Texas hahahaha.
Well, didn't Vermont also vote for this and then have to back out because they couldn't make it work?

VT never made it to the ballot. The governor backed out saying the numbers didn't work and it just kinda died from there.

CO will be the first time ever single payer is on the ballot for a state, AFAIK. I have no idea how and which way it is leaning right now, except that the opponents have raised significantly more money than the proponents, backed by big insurance and pharma companies.


Patrick SvitekVerified account
About 70 members of Texas delegation have signed on effort to force vote over convention rules, per a Free the Delegates organizer #RNCinCLE

Holy shit. Texas hahahaha.

They always trying to secede
Wait a second.

Karl Rove promised a spoiler. Karl Rove and Andrew Breitbart were good friends. Andrew Breitbart sends Michelle Fields to get up close and personal with Trump, only to anger Lewandowski. Lewandowski gets fired... And Manafort enters the mix.

Manafort and Rove were one of the big four advisers who shaped all of Republican politics since the 60s: Roger Stone (who's advising Trump), Karl Rove, Lee Atwater, and Paul Manafort. They all know each other very well. Manafort is called a "master" of delegate counting and convention strategy. The VP fight comes around and suddenly Mike Pence's name appears just two weeks ago when he had never been previously considered. Nobody had heard that name around. Suspiciously at the same time Manafort joins the fray.

Manafort pushes Pence onto Trump and gets in a huge fight with him. Trump almost doesn't pick him. The pick is odd because Pence has verbally revoked everything Trump stands for. Trump and Pence go on a disastrous 60 minutes interview where the two are exposed as being very different. Why didn't Manafort rehearse them? Maybe he didn't want to. Maybe he wanted us to see how different they are.

Now the convention is in full swing and enough delegates are rebelling that this will be contested. Paul Manafort is a "delegate counting master" and is the one who personally lobbied for Pence.

...Mike Pence is the spoiler.

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