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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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You'd also need at least a majority of the state legislature to go along with it, which is why Virginia still doesn't have it.

In Kentucky, the governor was able to do it himself (and had to) via an executive section 1115 waiver, because the state senate was GOP-controlled. Can the remaining states still do those?


Yeah when he goes off the edge on Anti-religion he starts loosing me. I mean I am an atheist, but being an atheist doesn't mean I don't understand the role of Religion in society and why people would gravitate towards it.

his closing comments are good though. I guess its why i keep watching. I brace for the moment of disagreement and then nod my head in all other instances. Its almost like a democracy of ideas.

"weak" on? Understatement of the year. He's cancerous.

Sure, but the people smart enough to realize the ideas are good also arent gonna be flatly brainwashed in some quick attempt of sabotage. He says a stupid shit thing, but then says and gives a platform to a whole lot more. Im fine with holding that stance.
In Kentucky, the governor was able to do it himself (and had to) via an executive section 1115 waiver, because the state senate was GOP-controlled. Can the remaining states still do those?

It looks like Kynect is on the way out. Apparently the people who think "states can handle these things better" decided the best way for the State to handle peoples health insurance was to... use the Federal Governments marketplace? Oh right they're full of shit so that makes sense.


In Kentucky, the governor was able to do it himself (and had to) via an executive section 1115 waiver, because the state senate was GOP-controlled. Can the remaining states still do those?

As long as the legislature has no control over whether the Governor is allowed to expand on his own then yes. Edwards the most recent to expand Medicaid did it via executive order.


Junior Member
his closing comments are good though. I guess its why i keep watching. I brace for the moment of disagreement and then nod my head in all other instances. Its almost like a democracy of ideas.

Yeah.. I still watch him.. I just cringe at times, because some of his views regarding Muslims just do not agree with me. Pretty much everything else is in the vicinity of my beliefs.
Carter actually was neck-and-neck until Anderson surged and took a large portion of the left vote from people dissatisfied with how close to the center he was, I'm not sure if he would've won but it would've been very close if they hadn't broken to Anderson.

Reagan had a majority of the popular vote and got an absolute majority in 25 states worth 250 electoral votes. By my count, his total exceeded the combined totals of Carter and Anderson in another 5 states worth 77 votes. Even if we allocate every Anderson voter to Carter, Reagan wins 327-211 with a 50.8%-47.6% popular vote victory. But of course giving every Anderson vote to Carter is unrealistic. Polling suggests they would have broken for Carter something like 49%-37%, which would put Reagan's popular vote margin around 53%-44% (not going to attempt to estimate the electoral college here, but that popular vote margin would be a bit bigger than Bush-Dukakis in 1988, which produced a 426-112 electoral college result).


What the hell is going on here?!


Also (photoshopped)



Paul Ryan listens to Papa Roach to help him get through this? That's the most fucked up thing I've read all week.


What the hell is going on here?!


Now I'm curious what Paul Ryan's playlist looks like.

On topic, something got Nunes shook this week. That is absolute certainty. He's trying to somehow self-sabotage his own house intel panel in the hopes that he will be forced to stop it because it lost its air of impartiality.


You'd think so, but we'll see.

"NO TAX CUTS UNTIL YOU END SOCIAL SECURITY" I don't think is out of the realm of demands they make.

And yes, the debt ceiling is going to be a crisis, and that's likely where Ryan will duck out (like Boehner did)

Duck out because he'll need Democratic votes for must-pass legislation, which will lose him any remaining cache he has with the Right, much like it did for Boehner.

Scalise is probably the one, with his old Klan ties. Breitbart will throw their weight behind him, since Kevin McCarthy seems too clumsy for the job (frankly i'm surprised they let him keep Majority Leader after he fumbled his bid for speaker, but i guess Ryan felt he needed experience in his corner).
Did we have this audio before?


Jesus fucking christ
I'm still blown away on the level of projection he does. Literally every complaint filed against Obama, Clinton, Minorities, etc. is something he had done. He goes on about Muslims in NJ celebrating on 911. However, in all actuality it was him.

Paul Ryan listens to Papa Roach to help him get through this? That's the most fucked up thing I've read all week.


We shouldn't make fun or question him for his music selection.

He just wishes somebody would tell him he's doing just fine. He also never realized that he was spread too thin. Till it was too late and he was empty within. HUNGRY! Feeding on chaos and living in sin. Downward spiral where does he begin?


I'm still blown away on the level of projection he does. Literally every complaint filed against Obama, Clinton, Minorities, etc. is something he had done. He goes on about Muslims in NJ celebrating on 911. However, in all actuality it was him.

And this is also why he dismissed the sexual assault as "locker room talk". Because he thinks it's okay, and he has done it, he thinks it's standard behaviour for the majority of people - if people haven't actually sexually assaulted someone, he thinks everyone wants to, because he does.

He really doesn't have an empathetic/sympathetic bone in his body.


Is there any good documentaries about the ACA and how it passed etc.,? I never really paid attention to politics as much as I do now so I never followed it as much as I would have knowing everything I do today.


Frontline has you covered:
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/obamasdeal/ (2010)

This is a two parter that explains how we became so divided that has some stuff about the ACA in it.
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/divided-states-of-america/ (2017)

Excerpt from Divided States of America: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/watch-how-obamacare-became-a-symbol-of-americas-divide/


Reagan had a majority of the popular vote and got an absolute majority in 25 states worth 250 electoral votes. By my count, his total exceeded the combined totals of Carter and Anderson in another 5 states worth 77 votes. Even if we allocate every Anderson voter to Carter, Reagan wins 327-211 with a 50.8%-47.6% popular vote victory. But of course giving every Anderson vote to Carter is unrealistic. Polling suggests they would have broken for Carter something like 49%-37%, which would put Reagan's popular vote margin around 53%-44% (not going to attempt to estimate the electoral college here, but that popular vote margin would be a bit bigger than Bush-Dukakis in 1988, which produced a 426-112 electoral college result).

Carter would have gotten probably somewhere between 80-105 EV's if Anderson never existed. He would have probably won MA, AL,AR,DE,KY(?),ME(?),NC(?),SC(?) and TN(?).WI may have been another possible win.


That was an almost perfect episode of Real Time until Bill lost his shit over Islam again right before New Rules and didn't even let anyone else complete a sentence.

Also, surprised to learn that Louise Mensch is a hardcore brexiter. Seemed reasonable on the panel.
Props to journalists for being on fire so quickly after the aftermath.

This was my favorite gem today, from Rep. Joe Barton (R) of Texas...

It's such a candid revelation.

"Yeah, those votes to repeal Obamacare we always bragged about and made a big deal out of didn't actually mean shit, basically we're all frauds"


That was an almost perfect episode of Real Time until Bill lost his shit over Islam again right before New Rules and didn't even let anyone else complete a sentence.

Also, surprised to learn that Louise Mensch is a hardcore brexiter. Seemed reasonable on the panel.

Britain, Better Off Out of Europe

First, the cash. Britain sends about £55 million, or about $80 million, per day to Brussels. To place that in context, Daniel Hannan, a Conservative member of the European Parliament, calculated that all the austerity cuts that the chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, made during the last Parliament, amounted to £36 billion, while Britain's contribution to the European Union in the same period was £87 billion. Mr. Osborne could reverse every cut in public spending and still pay the deficit down faster if Britain were outside the European Union.

Of course, it is not quite that simple. The European Union returns some of that money through spending in Britain, though not nearly the amount it takes out. In 2015, Britain's net contribution was £8.5 billion; in 2016, it is forecast to top £11 billion. If we ended these payments, we could end our austerity measures.

The second issue is the wave of illegal immigrants effectively invited into Europe by Germany's chancellor, Angela Merkel. A growing proportion of Britons believes their country should accept fewer refugees; Turkey, where a majority of these migrants have come from, is already a safe destination.

We also note that many are young men, of fighting age, who appear to have abandoned their families; the recent sexual assaults on women in Cologne, Germany, by marauding groups of migrants have confirmed the fears of many in Britain. With no curbs on the free movement of migrants under Europe's Schengen Agreement, British voters expect a wave of unwanted immigration once these migrants are given asylum elsewhere in Europe. We are unwilling to close our eyes to this, and we want our borders back.

I'd be wary of listening to Mensch too much.


That was an almost perfect episode of Real Time until Bill lost his shit over Islam again right before New Rules and didn't even let anyone else complete a sentence.

Also, surprised to learn that Louise Mensch is a hardcore brexiter. Seemed reasonable on the panel.

Mensch is a gamergater.
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