Except a very significant chunk of Trump voters were literally only voting for Trump because they bought into all the antiHillary propaganda, which meant they LITERALLY thought Hillary got away with murder.
Combine that with the facts that Trump was successful as getting his fanbase to turn out in high numbers and the democrats were struggling to get their own base to turn out like they did for Obama.
And even with all that, Trump BARELY won and lost the Popular Vote.
That's the silver lining in all of this. For how qualified Hillary Clinton was, she was definitely the wrong candidate for how low information campaigns in the USA are. At least Australian election campaigns have political parties try and sell some sort of policy. The only "policy" I really remember hearing about through very mainstream USA media (so CNN, MSNBC, Fox) was the goddamn wall.
When I saw that Ernie Johnson, from Inside the NBA, claim that he couldn't vote for Hillary Clinton because "she wasn't trustworthy", it actually dawned on me just how effective the whole baseless EMAILS EMAILS EMAILS bullshit was at making her look more corrupt than Donald Trump. Not because Ernie Johnson's political opinions mean anything but because a lot of people were successfully convinced that Hillary Clinton was, at the very best, just as bad as Donald Trump.