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PoliGAF 2017 |OT3| 13 Treasons Why

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This might be the greatest twitter thread i've ever read:
More at the link

How I feel all these first contacts with foreign leaders go for Trump:


60 seconds of talking to Trump later:



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
What a nightmare.
But perhaps the most disturbing part of the bill is the new restrictions it puts on suing police officers for constitutional violations. As we’ve discussed here several times before, it’s already extremely difficult to even get in front of a jury with a claim against law enforcement, much less win an award. Police officers are protected by qualified immunity, which requires you to show that not only were your rights violated but also a reasonable police officer should have known that the actions in question were a violation of the Constitution. Under this bill, even if you can show all of that, if the police can show that the violation and resulting injuries were “incurred in the course of, or as a result of, or . . . related to, conduct by the injured party that, more likely than not, constituted a felony or a crime of violence . . . (including any deprivation in the course of arrest or apprehension for, or the investigation, prosecution, or adjudication of, such an offense),” then the officers are liable only for out-of-pocket expenses. What’s more, the bill would bar plaintiffs from recovering attorneys fees in such cases.
This would destroy the majority of attempts to hold police accountable. It simply wouldn't be affordable for anyone to attempt.


I would say that the owner class is still very meaningful, but what we think of as a labor class has splintered and remixed in some very fundamental ways we're not fully accounting for. A lot of anarcho-socialist thought I see still isn't set up for "what do we do when 30% of the population doesn't need to work" other than "divide the labor so more people work less" which I have some pretty strong concerns about
It's not just "30% doesn't need to work", it's also "X% of the population isn't employable." The marginal line at which someone isn't employable because they don't provide enough value to an employer is going up.
What's the issue for you here? We've cut down the work week down to 40 here, and France has it blessedly low. If we got everyone to only need to work 20 hours/week in the future that would be amazing.
Doesn't work in high-skill service jobs that require significant time investment (Nursing was the one where they tried and failed to implement it recently because it was way too expensive.)

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
What's the issue for you here? We've cut down the work week down to 40 here, and France has it blessedly low. If we got everyone to only need to work 20 hours/week in the future that would be amazing.

If everyone is working 20 hours a week because efficiency gains then that's fantastic, and where I think we're actually headed for various reasons (also because we are overworked already).
But the idea that twenty people working full time can split neatly into forty people working half time doesn't work, I think, for anything above things like retail or simple mechanical jobs. Its why if I'm on board with socialism I want a state that's accounting for a significant fraction of the population not engaged in work, because I don't think "everyone works so everyone receives" is going to work


It is, but I've also been grappling recently with how to fold this into a vision of socialism that isn't too labor centric.

EDIT: Like, if you're anarcho socialist the labor community angle really doesn't sit well with me and if you're state socialist then...UBI or its equivalent seems like its going to feature really prominently

It's just about ownership of the MoP. Theres no need for private control of the MoP in a UBI/automated society. Im not really sure how anarchism is supposed to work either in this scenario TBH.

I'm cool with a super democratic state that runs things centrally once we get advanced enough AI but in the meantime I'd prefer a transition to whatever kind of socialism could be feasible (probably market socialism in the US). Socialism is just a transitionary period after all.

It's also easy to criticize it by calling it a handout to the "other", too!

Uh sure, but that's not what we're talking about

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
It's just about ownership of the MoP. Theres no need for private control of the MoP in a UBI/automated society. Im not really sure how anarchism is supposed to work either in this scenario TBH.

I'm cool with a super democratic state that runs things centrally once we get advanced enough AI but in the meantime I'd prefer a transition to whatever kind of socialism could be feasible (probably market socialism in the US). Socialism is just a transitionary period after all.

Yeah I agree, I've just been reading around the internet lately and the "worker communities in place of the state" idea is one that comes up with some frequency, which doesn't sit right with me because of an emphasis on worker participation that I think is rapidly becoming outmoded.
Senate confirms Trump's conservative pick for 6th Circuit Appeals court

President Donald Trump is on his way to leaving a conservative imprint on the federal judiciary with the confirmation of Amul Thapar, his first judge to the lower courts, and a renewed willingness from Republicans to sidestep a century-old custom involving judicial nominees.

In addition to Thapar, Trump has nominated 10 prospective judges to the lower courts. Two in particular could trigger a partisan battle over the so-called blue slip rule — a long-standing custom of the Senate Judiciary Committee that says the panel will not advance a judicial nominee without the consent of both the candidates' home-state senators.

Democrats have already started fighting back, arguing that the Judiciary Committee strictly abided by the blue slip rule under President Barack Obama and that Trump should be treated the same way. Under Obama, 17 judicial nominees — 11 for the district court and six for the circuit courts — never advanced because a blue slip wasn't returned. One of the unreturned blue slips was for the vacant 6th Circuit seat that will be filled by Thapar after his confirmation on Thursday.
Republicans only give a shit about customs and norms when they benefit them, but we knew this already.
Zuckerberg would only be successful as a upsetter.

I expect him to be even worse with minorities then Trump

Given his dogmatic approach toward "fairness" on facebook to the point that they don't censor blatantly racist material, I'd honestly be surprised to see him outright run as a democrat. I'd expect him to run as an independent, as the wealthy outsider business types often do.
Multiple dummies in the administration confirmed:

Mathieu von Rohr‏Verified account

Clueless: Gary Cohn reportedly said in EU meeting that German-US tariffs differed from Belgian-US tariffs (untrue)


Bradd Jaffy‏Verified account @BraddJaffy 4m4 minutes ago

NBC NEWS Exclusive: Jared Kushner under FBI scrutiny in Russia investigation, multiple officials say


Jared Kushner Now Under FBI Scrutiny in Russia Probe, Say Officials

Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law and one of his senior advisers, has come under FBI scrutiny in the Russia investigation, multiple U.S. officials told NBC News.

Investigators believe Kushner has significant information relevant to their inquiry, officials said. That does not mean they suspect him of a crime or intend to charge him.

The FBI's scrutiny of Kushner places the bureau's sprawling counterintelligence and criminal investigation not only on the doorstep of the White House, but on the cusp of the Trump family circle. The Washington Post first reported last week that a senior White House official close to Trump was a "person of interest," but did not name the person. The term "person of interest" has no legal meaning.

The officials said Kushner is in a different category from former Trump aides Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn, who are formally considered subjects of the investigation. Records of both Manafort and Flynn have been demanded by grand jury subpoenas, NBC News has reported.

More at the link


Yeah I agree, I've just been reading around the internet lately and the "worker communities in place of the state" idea is one that comes up with some frequency, which doesn't sit right with me because of an emphasis on worker participation that I think is rapidly becoming outmoded.

It would have been a better idea in the 20th century but yes the theory needs to adapt to the changing material conditions.

I think part of people focusing on labor itself is the fact that many people still aren't thinking about AI, in addition to the USSR banging it into everyone's skulls that work was both a right and a duty. They miss the fact that the point of socialism is ownership, not the work itself, and that it's purpose into eliminate labor in the end.
Senate confirms Trump's conservative pick for 6th Circuit Appeals court

Republicans only give a shit about customs and norms when they benefit them, but we knew this already.

When will democrats stop being fucking stupid on these issues? Republicans Do Not Care about norms, courtesies, traditions, etc when it comes down to honoring them versus personal gain. We need to follow suit. Let them go ahead and call you out for breaking tradition, who gives a shit once you've got the legislation on the books or the judges on the bench or whatever is as stake? The only people that get angry about breaking traditions or norms are people on the other side of the aisle with no intent of voting for you or your party anyway.


Unconfirmed Member
Senate confirms Trump's conservative pick for 6th Circuit Appeals court

Republicans only give a shit about customs and norms when they benefit them, but we knew this already.

I remember that rule being very annoying under Obama too. Nominated some more conservative judges than we had to as Republicans used the blue slip more than ever before.

EDIT: I found where I complained about democrats not doing this in 2014, and it turns out the democrats were being stupid to think this rule would continue under republican control.



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Eli Stokols‏Verified account @EliStokols 34m34 minutes ago

Just got this text from GOP natsec official: "Had to apologize to a European defense attaché just now. 'I'm sorry. He's an idiot.'"

Eli Stokols‏Verified account @EliStokols 35m35 minutes ago

Sounds like the adults in the GOP national security world are really in cleanup mode tonight after Trump's performance today...

Eli Stokols‏Verified account @EliStokols 33m33 minutes ago

Per same source, European counterparts are "not in a forgiving mood." Especially w/ Russia set for a massive "exercise" in the Baltics.

Eli Stokols‏Verified account @EliStokols 33m33 minutes ago

Such exercises, source continues, "are often covers for offensive ops.

"This is how wars get started."



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
If I took it too personally I would have gotten banned again. On a serious note though. One of the benefits to UBI or NIT should be the removal of a need for a wage floor.

Yes, that's rarely talked about but should be mentioned when arguing with those concerned or against UBI.

Minimum wage can easily be abolished with the implementation of a UBI and additionally you might even be able to loosen some of the employment regulations too.

Such rules exist since every able bodied person is expected to hold a job, and in most situations the employer has all of the leverage. The leverage would significantly shift in favor the employee in a UBI scenario.

A job treating you like shit? Unethical practices? Without UBI, you have to hope the law can save you or try to find another job. With UBI, you just say Fuck Off.



Again, Republicans ceased being a legitimate, functioning party ages ago. This shit only gets more terrifying the more you think about it.

So the idiot got elected. Whatever, they said. We'll use him to sign whatever bills we put in front of him, mitigate any damages he does domestically and trot out Pence when we need a actual adult for the international stuff, score!

That seemed to be the initial plan for Republicans, anyway. But Trump can't even keep it together for that to work. He's hateful and moronic on a level we haven't seen in the White House in modern times. He's wrecking everything. And Republicans are content to let him.

That last quote is exactly right: the distrust and fear Trump is breeding in our allies IS how wars get started.

And Republicans are smart enough to know this. They're just evil enough to not give a fuck.
Basically just confirmation of what everyone had already concluded, that it's Kushner who is the senior White House advisor being looked at.

Trickle #1: It's somebody close to the president.
Trickle #2: It's Kushner
Next: Kushner is a target

The investigation could take months to years but Kushner is going to have to lose his security clearance way before it's over. So the public is going to know, and this trickle is all part of it.

Remember, Trump declared war on the IC and the media. You think they are just going to sit there? Trickling the truth out keeps it in the news.


Kushner was never reported as being a person of interest, it was just reported as a high level WH official. There were only rumors that it was Kushner.
An article the next day from one of the UK publications explicitly named Kushner, and the WaPo wording made it clear it was Kushner or Miller.
you guys are reminding me of a year ago when Hillary got interviewed by the FBI

kushner is in a position to have information that will be helpful to the FBI. whatever
you guys are reminding me of a year ago when Hillary got interviewed by the FBI

kushner is in a position to have information that will be helpful to the FBI. whatever

If you think it's the same maybe you haven't been paying attention to the last 1-2 weeks?

Also wasn't kushner involved with the lies about meeting russians deal. Seems like it's potentially more than just information he has.
The only deadline with actual teeth in the entirety of the process is the October 1st deadline to pass a budget or the government shuts down, but once they start the official process with a resolution that sets topline spending, they lose their opportunity, and there's a ton of steps and negotiation with democrats and the house after they start that process to finish by October 1st.

But that doesn't mean they can't use continuing resolutions and just never adopt a budget resolution. For the 2017 budget, they didn't adopt a budget resolution until January 13th, and the only reason they even passed that is so they could start the reconciliation of it for repeal.

That said, continuing resolutions are still a victory for the democrats, because Republicans are giving up a lot of power over the budget process by going that route.

So that's all I mean when i say it causes them problems if they delay it far into june. They totally might prefer taking their time on AHCA, even if they can't pass it until January of next year, and be OK with giving democrats the victory of continuing resolutions.

Okay, thanks for explaining that for me!
Senate confirms Trump's conservative pick for 6th Circuit Appeals court

Republicans only give a shit about customs and norms when they benefit them, but we knew this already.

McConnell will go down in history, even if he doesn't remove this rule or any other further Senate rules, as The Man Who Broke The Senate.

Again, Republicans ceased being a legitimate, functioning party ages ago. This shit only gets more terrifying the more you think about it.

So the idiot got elected. Whatever, they said. We'll use him to sign whatever bills we put in front of him, mitigate any damages he does domestically and trot out Pence when we need a actual adult for the international stuff, score!

That seemed to be the initial plan for Republicans, anyway. But Trump can't even keep it together for that to work. He's hateful and moronic on a level we haven't seen in the White House in modern times. He's wrecking everything. And Republicans are content to let him.

That last quote is exactly right: the distrust and fear Trump is breeding in our allies IS how wars get started.

And Republicans are smart enough to know this. They're just evil enough to not give a fuck.

Scared or cocky as much as evil. They see the polls. They talk to ambassadors. They work with DEEP STATE personnel. Those that are scared just can't shitcan his ass along with the Dems as the cocky-evil ones would kill them for betraying...Rush Limbaugh or the Mercers, or whoever was given the puppet strings to the whole conservative movement. They are damnedly continuing to pray to the false idols of Hillary Hate, Obamacare Hate, etc that Dolt 45'll mellow out and wisen up, that there won't be a Dem Tsunami, that there won't be a GOP civil war all while all three are happening and it's accelerating.

But it's like you said, they're not a functioning party any more and the godawful bills being the only thing crawling thru the shell-shocked GOP Congress is proof of their ideological, moral, and ethical hollowness.
So who is rumored to have leaked the Manchester bomber info to the media? Was it the intelligence agencies or was someone within the WH who leaked it to the media after an intelligence briefing?
How close do you guys and gals think the Monata election will be?

Gianforte by 9.

I don't think this was ever as close as people said it was. And I think despite what normal people would think, his assault of the reporter got more Rs to go out and vote FOR him today because they're living their fantasies of what they want to do through what he did.
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