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PoliGAF 2017 |OT3| 13 Treasons Why

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Fucking christ 38% of poll respondents support rolling back pre-existing coverage requirements. I feel like the amount of people in this country who actively support healthcare regression goes under discussed, even after they helped fuel the Tea Party wave. We like to frame bad healthcare as being a result of nefarious insurance agencies and evil politicians, and there's a lot of that, but also a huge part of the problem is the fucking voters

Someone linked some research earlier that showed people were willing to lose their own healthcare to ensure that certain other groups didn't get it as well (give a guess which groups). We can't walk away from the fact that a third or so of the people in both our countries are flat out evil.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Someone linked some research earlier that showed people were willing to lose their own healthcare to ensure that certain other groups didn't get it as well (give a guess which groups). We can't walk away from the fact that a third or so of the people in both our countries are flat out evil.

Does anyone have this link?


Republicans are a cancer, nothing more can be said about them. They create a society of evil selfish people by enacting evil and selfish policies.


The House voting it through just for it to die in the Senate could be the best outcome for us politically but I still don't like seeing it move forward.

Keep telling yourself it will die in the Senate

Like everyone here was so sure it had zero chance in the House as of yesterday



Fucking christ 38% of poll respondents support rolling back pre-existing coverage requirements. I feel like the amount of people in this country who actively support healthcare regression goes under discussed, even after they helped fuel the Tea Party wave. We like to frame bad healthcare as being a result of nefarious insurance agencies and evil politicians, and there's a lot of that, but also a huge part of the problem is the fucking voters

This is what rabid partisanship has done. People literally voting against their own self-interest in the name of "their" team. People supporting putting a metaphorical loaded gun against their own head.


This is what rabid partisanship has done. People literally voting against their own self-interest in the name of "their" team. People supporting putting a metaphorical loaded gun against their own head.
I guess they want to head into their next job potentially not getting health insurance because they broke their toe two years ago or something.

Fucking fools.


Well, no, not just now. Paid speeches is kind of a newer thing, but like, people have spent years complaining about the pipeline that moves DC politicians into cushy lobbying positions and Board memberships in corporations that pay them large salaries. This is just a different manifestation of an old worry.

One off speeches are probably far better than the usual permanent 'consulting' role.

To be honest, while the optics are bad for politicians, I've never really saw anything problematic for paid speeches. I've sat through guest speeches from a few politicians but far more celebrities or celebrated academics. I doubt there's much quid pro quo from Dr Brian Cox getting £80,000 to talk about education to a bunch of bankers and their clients. It's almost always about the celebrity of the person speaking.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Nothing to see here, people:
Topher Spiro @TopherSpiro

WALL STREET JOURNAL LATE-BREAKING BOMBSHELL: Millions in employer coverage at risk due to little-noticed provision.


Many people who obtain health insurance through their employers—about half of the country—could be at risk of losing protections that limit out-of-pocket costs for catastrophic illnesses, due to a little-noticed provision of the House Republican health-care bill to be considered Thursday, health-policy experts say.

The provision, part of a last-minute amendment, lets states obtain waivers from certain Affordable Care Act insurance regulations. Insurers in states that obtain the waivers could be freed from a regulation mandating that they cover 10 particular types of health services, among them maternity care, prescription drugs, mental health treatment and hospitalization.

That could also affect plans offered by large employers, health analysts said.

Under the House bill, large employers could choose the benefit requirements from any state—including those that are allowed to lower their benchmarks under a waiver, health analysts said. By choosing a waiver state, employers looking to lower their costs could impose lifetime limits and eliminate the out-of-pocket cost cap from their plans under the GOP legislation.


The GOP is actively attacking the lower and middle classes of this country. I mean, right in our faces. They're not even trying to hide it. This is worse than Pre-ACA. Worse than I ever thought it would be.

Just ran into Rep. Mark Amodei on Pennsylvania Ave.

He's flipped to yes on AHCA.

We're now at around only 15 hard noes.



The GOP is actively attacking the lower and middle classes of this country. I mean, right in our faces. They're not even trying to hide it. This is worse than Pre-ACA. Worse than I ever thought it would be.

And all just to give the wealthy tax cuts. That's the only reason they are doing this at this time, to eliminate the tax provisions and subsidies to hand over the money as tax cuts to the wealthy through tax legislation.

Shit like this is so maddening that I don't know what I would do if I were a politician. It just seems so hopeless.

People are going to die because a rich person getting richer is more important to these sociopaths.
Trump and Ryan really reaching for that W. Going to be interesting to see what happens when it reaches the senate, considering how the thing is going to get torn apart between now and then.
Nothing quite like waking up to news that a shitty healthcare bill just got better chances of being enacted and the Republicans could get yet another SC seat.
Wait, isn't this bill going to die in the senate?

Why all the worry if it passes the House? I thought this was a 60 vote thing?

I understand it's bad if it even passes the House, but still.


Wait, isn't this bill going to die in the senate?

Why all the worry if it passes the House? I thought this was a 60 vote thing?

I understand it's bad if it even passes the House, but still.
People keep saying this

But it's not true. They can tweak the bill and pass it with 50.
People keep saying this

But it's not true. They can tweak the bill and pass it with 50.
Tweaking the bill to make it passable with 50 renders it dead in the House again, though. They'd have to drop the preexisting conditions waiver and oops there goes the FC.

I'll admit I'm not gonna be hugely shocked if they get the moderates on board. I'd drifted from it, but back when this thing first failed I mentioned that this was the way to get it out of the house. "Moderate" Rs aren't actually moderates, they're just cowards in less-safe districts than the Freedom Caucus. Lean on 'em hard enough and they'll flip.

Still, vote hasn't happened yet. We'll see how it goes.
Nothing quite like waking up to news that a shitty healthcare bill just got better chances of being enacted and the Republicans could get yet another SC seat.
Wait, did something happen? Because we knew this was a possibility.

Oh, that thing about Kennedy retiring. That's been rumored for a while now.
But I thought the budget reconciliation period thing was over?
There technically is no period as it can just be moved up. I believe the period being talked about was for political expediency


But we're lying to ourselves if we think McConnell can't make those changes happen.
McConnell isn't in the House and if Boehner could barely keep them in line.. I don't see how McConnell could browbeat the FC into accepting any changes that will be made in the Senate.



But we're lying to ourselves if we think McConnell can't make those changes happen.

McConnell will get someone or someones to fall on this sword. And they'll end up with a cushy lobbying gig after they're voted out of office.

But we're lying to ourselves if we think McConnell can't make those changes happen.

Well yeah obviously, but those changes then need to be approved by the house and in the interim every health industry lobby is going to be breathing down their necks. If you want to be realistic yeah it could pass, but you also have to look at everything else. The only reason they even have a chance to pass the house right now is because it's a rush job.


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

The Fake News media is officially out of control. They will do or say anything in order to get attention - never been a time like this!
7:02 AM · May 4, 2017



Tweaking the bill to make it passable with 50 renders it dead in the House again, though. They'd have to drop the preexisting conditions waiver and oops there goes the FC.

I'll admit I'm not gonna be hugely shocked if they get the moderates on board. I'd drifted from it, but back when this thing first failed I mentioned that this was the way to get it out of the house. "Moderate" Rs aren't actually moderates, they're just cowards in less-safe districts than the Freedom Caucus. Lean on 'em hard enough and they'll flip.

Still, vote hasn't happened yet. We'll see how it goes.
I really think the MacArthur amendment completely changes the dynamic.

But we're lying to ourselves if we think McConnell can't make those changes happen.

The Freedom Caucus does not want anything about this bill changed at all. If they make any changes to allow it to pass the senate with 50 votes, they'll have a war again when it goes back to the House. And also remember it goes back to the House after their recess where they likely had some nice "chats" with some "pleasant" voters.


The Freedom Caucus does not want anything about this bill changed at all. If they make any changes to allow it to pass the senate with 50 votes, they'll have a war again when it goes back to the House. And also remember it goes back to the House after their recess where they likely had some nice "chats" with some "pleasant" voters.
Okay. Go back and read this thread just earlier this week. So much gloating about how this bill would fail.

We keep losing and people keep assuming the Rs will act rationally.
Okay. Go back and read this thread just earlier this week. So much gloating about how this bill would fail.

We keep losing and people keep assuming the Rs will act rationally.

Everything that is bad will always happen because a bad thing happened one time is no way to live your life.
The Freedom Caucus does not want anything about this bill changed at all. If they make any changes to allow it to pass the senate with 50 votes, they'll have a war again when it goes back to the House. And also remember it goes back to the House after their recess where they likely had some nice "chats" with some "pleasant" voters.

Except the HFC just proved that they control the house. What's to stop the Senate equivalent from pulling the same shit. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, etc
Question - what should Democratic congresspersons be doing today?

Sarcastically thanking their moderate Republican colleagues for donating their seat to the Democrats next year.

Except the HFC just proved that they control the house. What's to stop the Senate equivalent from pulling the same shit. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, etc

I don't think there's enough FC members in the senate to have the same sway.


The senates actually more vulnerable to that sort of disruption because of the low numbers. It's how Lieberman was able to kill off the public health option on his own when the ACA was being put together.
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