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PoliGAF 2017 |OT3| 13 Treasons Why

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Hard how? It's not the best political message to run on. It might help raise minority turnout some by people being pissed their vote is being suppressed, but overall polls show they'd be better off ignoring suppression and instead promoting election day holiday, move election day to weekend, or vote by mail.

Why not do all of these? A Dem message of Electoral Reform, that encompasses voter suppression, gerrymandering, and a national holiday for Election Day. The beauty of the multiple points is that the GOP can't argue against it and appear reasonable. They can argue for voter ID laws on its own, but how do they argue against a National Holiday and not appear dicks?

The Dems need to own voter rights and electoral integrity. And, with Russia's influence on Trump and the GOP, it shouldn't be hard to argue to the reasonable section of the electorate that the GOP can't be trusted on such things.
I mean, the policies are generally struck down pretty quickly as voter ID as implemented by the GOP pretty clearly constitutes a poll tax. The issue is they get put up in the first place.
Sure but it is hard to run against a policy when like 80% in the country likes it, which is was makes it so insidious. AVR and free national IDs work around this by putting the policy everyone likes in place without the negative consequences (and a better overall system, judging by AVR in Oregon last year)

I agree with what's been said and also think that "Trump won Wisconsin by 20k votes, up to 200k voters might have been suppressed" is an incredibly simple message for a ton of people who are royally pissed and fired up right now
I don't disagree with this at all.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I agree with what's been said and also think that "Trump won Wisconsin by 20k votes, up to 200k voters might have been suppressed" is an incredibly simple message for a ton of people who are royally pissed and fired up right now


No Scrubs
Sure but it is hard to run against a policy when like 80% in the country likes it, which is was makes it so insidious. AVR and free national IDs work around this by putting the policy everyone likes in place without the negative consequences (and a better overall system, judging by AVR in Oregon last year)

Easily available free IDs for everyone would make it a non-issue legally, but we all know why these policies are put into place and free IDs would undercut the intended purpose.

I agree with what's been said and also think that "Trump won Wisconsin by 20k votes, up to 200k voters might have been suppressed" is an incredibly simple message for a ton of people who are royally pissed and fired up right now

It is, but getting rid of voter ID laws is both the right thing to do and would help.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Easily available free IDs for everyone would make it a non-issue legally, but we all know why these policies are put into place and free IDs would undercut the intended purpose.

His point is that voter ID as currently presented isn't even as unpopular as it should be, so there's friction there. I think bundling it into a larger package is a good idea
Easily available free IDs for everyone would make it a non-issue legally, but we all know why these policies are put into place and free IDs would undercut the intended purpose.
Well sure, but I wasn't expecting to get GOP votes for them anyways. The issue is that running against Voter ID laws is tricky because like 70% of the people they're intended to disenfranchise support them, so it's better to approach the issue from a different angle.


will gain confidence one day
You can also put in the work and money to support getting as many people ID'd and registered to vote as possible.
You can also put in the work and money to support getting as many people ID'd and registered to vote as possible.
Part of me wonders if there's too much faith in the courts to do the right thing to really try and educate people on voter ID.

Minnesota swatted down a voter ID law via ballot initiative in 2012 (same time as the constitutional ban on same-sex marriage was defeated), so I feel like with the right messaging it's possible to sway people. Minnesota is ancestrally Democratic/DFL though its lean is overrated.
I think the only overheated event from Trump's admin so far was the strikes on Assad.

They were nothing, nothing much happened, and then the Trump admin stopped caring.
Personally I think tying in voter registration with tax filing and compulsory stuff like the Selective Service Act is what will help break suppression. If you file your taxes there should be a return that can be accepted as voter registration/ ID that can get you in a polling place. Even something like Obamacare registration should automatically register you to vote and provide some sort or voter card along with it.
Personally I think tying in voter registration with tax filing and compulsory stuff like the Selective Service Act is what will help break suppression. If you file your taxes there should be a return that can be accepted as voter registration/ ID that can get you in a polling place. Even something like Obamacare registration should automatically register you to vote and provide some sort or voter card along with it.

Would that hold up in court though? The federal government doesn't have the authority to supersede the states when it comes to voting/election requirements.
Every state should have the mail-in ballots that come right to your house like some of the states out west--I think Oregon as them and maybe Washington. Going to the polls is such a disruption and most people can't be bothered to wander down to Town/City Hall and wait to fill out an Absentee/EV ballot.
Every state should have the mail-in ballots that come right to your house like some of the states out west--I think Oregon as them and maybe Washington. Going to the polls is such a disruption and most people can't be bothered to wander down to Town/City Hall and wait to fill out an Absentee/EV ballot.

Colorado too I think


Every state should have the mail-in ballots that come right to your house like some of the states out west--I think Oregon as them and maybe Washington. Going to the polls is such a disruption and most people can't be bothered to wander down to Town/City Hall and wait to fill out an Absentee/EV ballot.

politicians don't like it because it lets you sit down with the ballot and research the candidates on the internet and take your time to decide.

GOP don't like it because it makes it near impossible to intimidate voters from the polls.



The population of the country favors Democrats.
Too bad the electoral college doesn't
Macron says long Trump handshake ‘not innocent’
French President Emmanuel Macron said his extended handshake with Donald Trump before a NATO summit was “not innocent” and intended to show he did not make even small concessions.

In an interview with the Journal du Dimanche published on Sunday, the French leader said his interaction with the American head of state was “a moment of truth.”

“My handshake with him was not innocent,” Macron said. “We need to show that we won’t make small concessions, even symbolic ones, while not overhyping things either.”



It is my opinion that many of the leaks coming out of the White House are fabricated lies made up by the #FakeNews media.

The lawyers got to him. Sad!
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Does anyone notice how the Montana Congressional race was such a big deal to Dems & Fake News until the Republican won? V was poorly covered

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

....it is very possible that those sources don't exsist but are made up by fake news writers. #FakeNews is the enemy!

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Whenever you see the words 'sources say' in the fake news media, and they don't mention names....

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

It is my opinion that many of the leaks coming out of the White House are fabricated lies made up by the #FakeNews media.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Just returned from Europe. Trip was a great success for America. Hard work but big results!

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Big win in Montana for Republicans!

I for one was tired of Phantom Trump


Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Whenever you see the words 'sources say' in the fake news media, and they don't mention names....

Oh you mean like your "sources" that were telling you that there was no doubt that Obama was born in Kenya?

Fucking idiot -_-
Lindsay Graham PISSED at Comey using fake intel to act and not tell congress.

Matches my thinking really. The excuse of not burning sources and methods doesn't hold water to me. But for that Comey press conference, Hillary could've won the election.

What either situation could be more important than this? If they're not willing to burn sources and methods to prevent changing the results of a presidential election, what merits it?
Oh you mean like your "sources" that were telling you that there was no doubt that Obama was born in Kenya?

Fucking idiot -_-

Tbh, this one barely even qualifies as projection it's so transparent. It's something he did regularly, so he knows that it happens, he just isn't aware that it's pretty much just him and a handful of his tabloid buddies.


The more carefully phrased tweets, with editing and rephrasing is a sign those around trump know he's in trouble. They must have at least one person or lawyer actively editing his comments now on twitter. He probably refused to stop doing it altogether.

We'll see if he's being guarded in this way 24/7 now.

The messages from the other leaders giving a clear indication what the rest of the world thinks of trump. National disgrace, and worthless leader.
Trump sooooo has his lawyer screening these tweets and changing them before posting them now..

He'd never say "it is my opinion" on his own.

He's gonna be chomping at the bit to tweet something himself without the "filter" before long. It has to happen.

Also, this is ground we've been over with him already. Leaks can't be fake news and fake news can't be leaks.


Lindsey Graham: Trump trip went well

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners
Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.

"The times in which we could completely depend on others are on the way out. I've experienced that in the last few days," Merkel told a crowd at an election rally in Munich, southern Germany.

"We Europeans truly have to take our fate into our own hands," she added.

While Germany and Europe would strive to remain on good terms with America and Britain, "we have to fight for our own destiny," Merkel went on.


All republicans have gone absolutely insane. It's hard to listen to all their shit. Some WSJ was talking on meet the press about how obama established a back channel to Iran in 2008. This is always taken complete out of context when it comes to republicans so what is the real story on that. It's the first I had heard about it so it must be a new republican talking point


Bob Corker, Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair:


Trump's target audience, low-information voters, will hear things like this and assume it all went hunky-dory and go back to doing whatever they spend their time doing that they feel is more important.

Trump only did well if the bar of criteria is something like 'did not implode and throw himself on the floor throwing a tantrum'. Relations are now clearly worse with the other nations, as seen in their comments, as they were able to confirm for themselves that trump is a moron and of no use in pursuing common goals.
well if that's the case then a national ID card to vote would be thrown out.

You can get around this. Just pass a National ID Act that creates a free ID that you say in the bill is stronger than a US passport. No state would ever say you needed more ID than a passport so this ID would get everyone past the restriction.

And I completely agree with someone else who said we should use things like Selective Service and the IRS to get these out. Every man registers for the draft and should get one of these instead of their draft card. Everyone files taxes and we can just make it a part of the forms to ask "do you have the national ID?" If they say no, mail em one.


You can get around this. Just pass a National ID Act that creates a free ID that you say in the bill is stronger than a US passport. No state would ever say you needed more ID than a passport so this ID would get everyone past the restriction.

And I completely agree with someone else who said we should use things like Selective Service and the IRS to get these out. Every man registers for the draft and should get one of these instead of their draft card. Everyone files taxes and we can just make it a part of the forms to ask "do you have the national ID?" If they say no, mail em one.

Add an opt out for conservatives who don't believe in it, while you're at it.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Trump's target audience, low-information voters, will hear things like this and assume it all went hunky-dory and go back to doing whatever they spend their time doing that they feel is more important.

Trump only did well if the bar of criteria is something like 'did not implode and throw himself on the floor throwing a tantrum'. Relations are now clearly worse with the other nations, as seen in their comments, as they were able to confirm for themselves that trump is a moron and of no use in pursuing common goals.

trump's target audience has no idea who bob corker is, that he was overseas, or who any of those people are.


trump's target audience has no idea who bob corker is, that he was overseas, or who any of those people are.

Of course not, but if enough sources are claiming things are going well, they'll pick up the idea somewhere along the line and it'll enter their consciousness that way.
Ok Lindsay Graham, he did real well when he was sleeping in Italy and not listening to the translater 🙄. The GOP has 0 credibility in anything they say.
All republicans have gone absolutely insane. It's hard to listen to all their shit. Some WSJ was talking on meet the press about how obama established a back channel to Iran in 2008. This is always taken complete out of context when it comes to republicans so what is the real story on that. It's the first I had heard about it so it must be a new republican talking point

I don't know but I just googled the bolded above and every relevant hit seems to be at a conservative or fringe website.
Conservatives where i live (Oklahoma) dont give a shit about Trump's foreign trips either way. I dont know why republicans are even wasting their time writing fan fiction about how perfect the trip went.

They didnt elect him to be nice to foreign leaders.
Stop worrying about or mind-reading low information Trump voters. They think and vote provincially. They will never give a shit about anything that happens except for the economy tanking and terrorist attacks. They will never be embarrassed by Trump.
Stop worrying about or mind-reading low information Trump voters. They think and vote provincially. They will never give a shit about anything that happens except for the economy tanking and terrorist attacks. They will never be embarrassed by Trump.

Oklahoma's economy has been devastated by republicans, and the only terrorist attack we've had was from a white christian, they're incapable of taking responsibility for themselves or blaming the republicans for anything.

They'll continue to blame all of their problems on the democrats, brown people, LGBT, and non christians.
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