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PoliGAF 2017 |OT3| 13 Treasons Why

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Clothed, sober, cooperative

He's referring to this story: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/11/us/politics/trump-comey-firing.html

It doesn't mention the memo at all nor does the information necessarily have to originate from the memo. It specifically says "according to two people who have heard his account of the dinner" and "Mr. Comey described details of his refusal to pledge his loyalty to Mr. Trump to several people close to him on the condition that they not discuss it publicly while he was F.B.I. director."

Lawyers can get disbarred for deliberately misrepresenting facts. This is about as convincing an excuse as "he's new." They couldn't have been more plain in their original assertion and they should just take the L. They're a law firm. they're not running for election. They can and should (and have a legal duty to) admit to errors.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
"Weathcare" is terrible opposition branding.

Call it Trumpcare and hang it around the necks of anyone who votes for it.

I disagree.

Trumpcare sounds clumsy and reactive and it's not even trump's thing. Further, the 30% will take it as a positive term.

Wealthcare sounds like something you can't afford. It's negative to every ear. It also nods towards the Swamp etc and reminds people the Republicans dont' give a shit about them.

I'll allow it.
Wealthcare sounds like something you want.

"Wealth" rhyming with "health" makes is cute, but it doesn't sell the point at all.

Trumpcare lets everyone know that every GOP person voting for this is aligned with Trump, who has historic low favorables.

It's not clever. But it works.


The average person doesn't follow politics and has no idea who Nancy Pelosi is or what her job entails. Hell, we see this every day on the left.

What I'm getting at is that what Republicans are doing to Pelosi's name can be done to any name.
The average person doesn't follow politics and has no idea who Nancy Pelosi is or what her job entails. Hell, we see this every day on the left.

What I'm getting at is that what Republicans are doing to Pelosi's name can be done to any name.

I just found out today that shes SEVENTY SEVEN, she doesnt look nearly that old and she still speaks well.
If it blows up they can just wipe their hands of all things Trump, including this.

Arguably no party in US history has pulled this off though. As much as it sucks when we have the White House, the American people generally blame everything on the current president.

No one really votes based on much else.
I disagree.

Trumpcare sounds clumsy and reactive and it's not even trump's thing. Further, the 30% will take it as a positive term.

Wealthcare sounds like something you can't afford. It's negative to every ear. It also nods towards the Swamp etc and reminds people the Republicans dont' give a shit about them.

I'll allow it.

Every shitty policy under his admin needs to be tied to him. He's been pushing just as hard for this and had a fucking party after the house vote.

It will forever and always be Trumpcare for me.


Every shitty policy under his admin needs to be tied to him. He's been pushing just as hard for this and had a fucking party after the house vote.

It will forever and always be Trumpcare for me.
The problem is that in 2/4/6 years when he's gona, he then becomes the scapegoat for the GOP and another red wave occurs. You need to stain them as much as possible.
AG Schneiderman examining Eric Trump Foundation

Politico said:
New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is looking into allegations of self-dealing by the Eric Trump Foundation that were raised by a recent Forbes report.

Schneiderman was already investigating the Donald J. Trump Foundation for whether or not the president personally benefited from the fundraising efforts and spending of the foundation before the inauguration.

"I can confirm that our office is looking into issues at the Eric Trump Foundation raised by the Forbes report," said Eric Soufer, the attorney general's director of communications.
At long last, U.S. President Donald Trump endorsed NATO’s bedrock collective defense clause, Article 5, in a press conference Friday. “Absolutely, I’d be committed to Article 5,” he said Friday in response to a question from a journalist, speaking beside Romanian President Klaus Iohannis at the White House. It gives nervous NATO allies something they’ve yearned for since he came to office in January after disparaging the alliance and openly praising its top geopolitical foe, Russia.

But it may not be enough to patch things over with his NATO allies after his visit last month to Brussels, where Trump gave a public tongue lashing that surprised NATO leaders and his national security team alike — because behind closed doors, things were even worse.

After a public showing on May 25 in which Trump refused to endorse NATO’s collective defense clause and famously shoved the Montenegrin leader out of the way, leaders of the 29-member alliance retired to a closed-door dinner that multiple sources tell Foreign Policy left alliance leaders “appalled.”

Trump had two versions of prepared remarks for the dinner, one that took a traditional tack and one prepared by the more NATO-skeptic advisors, Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon. “He dumped both of them and improvised,” one source briefed on the dinner told FP.

During the dinner, Trump went off-script to criticize allies again for not spending enough on defense. (The United States is one of only five members that meets NATO members’ pledge to spend 2 percent of GDP on defense.)

Several sources briefed extensively on the dinner say he said 2 percent wasn’t enough and allies should spend 3 percent of GDP on defense, and he even threatened to cut back U.S. defense spending and have Europeans dole out “back pay” to make up for their low defense spending if they didn’t pony up quickly enough. Two sources say Trump didn’t mention Russia once during the dinner.

“Oh, it was like a total shitshow,” said one source, who spoke on condition of anonymity as they weren’t authorized to discuss the closed-door dinner.

“The dinner was far worse than the speech,” said a former senior U.S. government official briefed on dinner. “It was a train wreck. It was awful




This just kind of proves my point.

There's probably nobody better at whipping votes than Nancy Pelosi. She's incredibly effective at her job, and this is indisputable. That people think her role somehow includes controlling every arm of the Democratic party and ascribe to her negative favorables shows an ignorance of what it is Nancy is actually responsible for. And that ignorance can be weaponized against anyone.


Why is this problem unique to France though? Don't all/most EU nations have rather strict labor laws that protect employees from shitty corporate practices?
Being able to fire an employee for business reasons is not a "shitty corporate practice", it's a necessity of doing business.

Similar to how the US's employment-based health care laws warp how businesses hire people on (lots of contract positions, lots of PT/"intern" postions), you see a similar unintended reaction w/ the inability to fire people.



Predictable as hell, given the content of the report and history re: the Trump Foundation.

I really have to wonder how involved Scheiderman's investigations are. Lot of power, independence, jurisdiction over any number of entities, and the ability to charges that can't be pardoned. Imagine there is already some quiet action, or perhaps if Mueller's team will pass along any info.
This just kind of proves my point.

There's probably nobody better at whipping votes than Nancy Pelosi. She's incredibly effective at her job, and this is indisputable. That people think her role somehow includes controlling every arm of the Democratic party and ascribe to her negative favorables shows an ignorance of what it is Nancy is actually responsible for. And that ignorance can be weaponized against anyone.
Yeah I'm not at all convinced that replacing Pelosi would be a solution. Paul Ryan is just as hated.
God, he's going nuclear. I want footage of his golfing when he waterhazards/sandtraps and he destroys his clubs in impotent rage.

Is Schneiderman less than people for attacking a Trump, or does that only go for Donald?

I love the new sailor-mouthed Democratic party.


If the Dems had any sense *sighhhhhh...* if the Dems had any sense, they would spin it "What do you fear more? What a Dem has said, or what a GOP has done?"
This just kind of proves my point.

There's probably nobody better at whipping votes than Nancy Pelosi. She's incredibly effective at her job, and this is indisputable. That people think her role somehow includes controlling every arm of the Democratic party and ascribe to her negative favorables shows an ignorance of what it is Nancy is actually responsible for. And that ignorance can be weaponized against anyone.

What's the point of whipping votes if voters hate you so much they'll never put you in power?


Here's today's fanfic

crazy louise said:
Exclusive: Sources with links to the intelligence community now confirm that a tape exists of Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House, discussing how Russian money could be funneled without detection to target GOP campaigns, including Ryan’s.

These sources report that Mr. Ryan is also on tape discussing how he can best use and disseminate Wikileaks material that was hacked from the DNC by Russia in order to win both his own election and election for Trump.


Did calling it Obamacare do the same for Dems?
I don't understand. I'm sayin Trump, like Dubya before him, will be blamed as the "real problem" and people will go back to rationalizing GOP votes.

The reason I'm worried about calling it "Trumpcare" is that once Trump is gone, that makes attacks using it less effective (and I don't expect to be running against him in 2020.)


Can we just ignore her crazy self? How do she even have the balls to print this without having or having heard the tape herself?

I think Ryan is too spineless for such a bold plan. Even standing with Russia is standing for something and I don't think Ryan is capable of that.

Thought people might enjoy seeing it, knowing it's ridiculous.

The part that amazes me is the long list of replies with people going "boom!" and "thank you louise," etc. Nothing she has ever reported has been true! Why are they believing her?!


What's the point of whipping votes if voters hate you so much they'll never put you in power?

Except they do put her in power. Unless Pelosi's recently lost an election that I'm not remembering.

We really ought to stop downplaying the Republican ability to make a boogieman out of anybody. I mean, I've heard Pelosi's name more in the last month than I did all of 2016. Favorables aside, she was a non-factor until Republicans desperately needed a new uppity woman to vilify. They could do that to anyone.
This just kind of proves my point.

There's probably nobody better at whipping votes than Nancy Pelosi. She's incredibly effective at her job, and this is indisputable. That people think her role somehow includes controlling every arm of the Democratic party and ascribe to her negative favorables shows an ignorance of what it is Nancy is actually responsible for. And that ignorance can be weaponized against anyone.

I'd also argue she could be completely incompetent at her job and would still be hated by republicans and be unpopular with the public. Congress is unpopular, which means the Speaker is unpopular and the minority leader is unpopular too. People don't know anything about House members outside of their district...all they know is that they dislike the House.
Oh we're at the arbitrarily remove Pelosi part of the weekly cycle.

She's 77 years old, seems to ramble like McCain when she talks sometimes, has a 28% favorable ratings, and could be the sole reason Democrats do not take the back the House.

There's nothing arbitrary about it, at some point she has to step aside. The better question should be why people cling to her like she's the only person on earth that can whip votes.
Oh we're at the arbitrarily remove Pelosi part of the weekly cycle.
I think there is something to the idea that younger Democrats need to be groomed better, the leadership team is pretty old and will leave a huge vacuum behind when they're gone. But as long as Pelosi can do the job, there's no one better.

She's 77 years old, seems to ramble like McCain when she talks sometimes, has a 28% favorable ratings, and could be the sole reason Democrats do not take the back the House.

There's nothing arbitrary about it, at some point she has to step aside. The better question should be why people cling to her like she's the only person on earth that can whip votes.
The sole reason we haven't won the House since 2008 is gerrymandering, don't be daft. We would have won it in 2012 under the old lines.

2014 and 2016 were referenda on Obama and Clinton respectively. Acting like Pelosi is the singular force causing us to lose House elections is laughable.
Yes, actually, it did.

If we have a democratic wave in 2018 and 2020 it will be because Dems are still tied to Obamacare and Trumpcare will have fucked everyone over.

I don't understand. I'm sayin Trump, like Dubya before him, will be blamed as the "real problem" and people will go back to rationalizing GOP votes.

The reason I'm worried about calling it "Trumpcare" is that once Trump is gone, that makes attacks using it less effective (and I don't expect to be running against him in 2020.)

I understand what you're saying. I just disagree that after one or two terms the GOP would be disassociated with the phrase. If Trumpcare caused a Dem wave it's gone in 2020 anyway.


No Scrubs
Thought people might enjoy seeing it, knowing it's ridiculous.

The part that amazes me is the long list of replies with people going "boom!" and "thank you louise," etc. Nothing she has ever reported has been true! Why are they believing her?!

How are they not demanding the tape? I mean, no one I've ever dealt with would even look at this story unless the person bringing it to them had the tape and at the absolute very least let them listen to it.

Fucking conspiracy theories man. The whole Russia thing is a legit investigation that's getting turned into a conspiracy theorist's wet dream.



I love Nancy Pelosi, but I have to admit--I think the name is so tainted now (similar to what happened to Hillary Clinton) that it might be a good idea to get some new blood in there that the republicans haven't been trashing for decades.

Pelosi's absolutely needed now when the Democrats need all the help they can get as an absolute minority party, but i agree that a new face will make a more compelling case to vote Democrat in 2020.

The question, again, is who? Steny Hoyer's as old as Pelosi is, and you're not going for the folks like Tim Ryan who want to do a Sanders-style downplaying of social/racial issues for poor-white appeal again, that simply isn't the party right now.

How old is Elijah Cummings?


How are they not demanding the tape? I mean, no one I've ever dealt with would even look at this story unless the person bringing it to them had the tape and at the absolute very least let them listen to it.

Fucking conspiracy theories man. The whole Russia thing is a legit investigation that's getting turned into a conspiracy theorist's wet dream.

She hasn't even heard the tape! She just has a source that says it exists. But for some reason all her followers eat it up.
What's the point of whipping votes if voters hate you so much they'll never put you in power?
Irrelevant. People voting for Obama in 2008 had absolutely nothing, positive or negative, to do with Pelosi. People voting for Trump had nothing to do with Ryan. People don't vote based on who the fucking Speaker of the House will be.

AT MOST, they vote purely part line to try to make sure that a certain party controls Congress, but they'd do that regardless. Who the Speaker will or won't be has nothing to do with it.

Unless you can provide evidence that potential Speaker choices influences Congressional voting habits above and beyond the combination of party affiliation, the party of the President, and opinions of said President, this seems a completely and wholly irrelevant thing to focus on to me.


Pelosi's absolutely needed now when the Democrats need all the help they can get as an absolute minority party, but i agree that a new face will make a more compelling case to vote Democrat in 2020.

The question, again, is who? Steny Hoyer's as old as Pelosi is, and you're not going for the folks like Tim Ryan who want to do a Sanders-style downplaying of social/racial issues for poor-white appeal again, that simply isn't the party right now.

How old is Elijah Cummings?

No one cares about the speaker then!
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