PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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Seems like what Trump really wanted with Scaramucci was for someone to stop nagging him about his Tweets. Jesus he's even crazier than usual. He should just tweet out "I've been attacking Jeff Sessions for a week and he hasn't even resigned yet. SAD!!"

From last December:

Trump on 'lock her up' chant: 'Now we don't care'

Donald Trump said Friday he doesn't care about prosecuting Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, after attendees at his rally chanted "lock her up."
After the chants started at the President-elect's post-election "thank you" rally in Michigan, he responded, "That plays great before the election -- now we don't care, right?"
He also said the idea of prosecuting Clinton is "just not something I feel very strongly about."


Wasn't Priebus supposed to to do a staff shakeup by the July 4th or be kicked out?

yes, but Trump is actually a huge pussy when it comes to firing people so instead they just end up in "reduced roles"

I guess he thinks if he goes around asking all his golf friends about firing someone it might demoralize them into quitting
What's the basis for thinking Guliani wouldn't get confirmed? Anything more than banking on the hope that the Senate GOP won't just rubber-stamp anyone he sends their way like they have everyone to this point?

Shady business interests with foreign entities that would most likely reveal more in his confirmation hearings.
What's the basis for thinking Guliani wouldn't get confirmed? Anything more than banking on the hope that the Senate GOP won't just rubber-stamp anyone he sends their way like they have everyone to this point?

Spoiler alert: Presidents normally only nominate people they KNOW will be confirmed. If the President floats a name and the Senate privately says, "Eh, no," the person won't get the nomination. This process saves the President the embarrassment of having a nominee rejected publicly, but it can give outsiders the impression of the Senate being a rubber stamp.

Again, in January we heard rumors that Trump wanted to nominate Rudy, but senators probably told him that Rudy wouldn't survive the hearings. Thus, Trump nominated someone else.


When Health Law Isn’t Enough, the Desperate Line Up at Tents
The Remote Area Medical Expedition, held at a county fairground in Appalachia over three days ending Sunday, drew more than 2,000 people who endured high heat and long waits for basic health services. It was a dispiriting reminder that as Congress flails around for health plans that could cost millions of people their insurance, many more don’t have much or any insurance or access to medical care to lose.

Four years into the rollout of the Affordable Care Act’s major provisions, 29 million Americans still lack health insurance. Millions live in states like Virginia that did not expand Medicaid to childless adults among the working poor, as the law allowed. Even for people helped by government programs like basic Medicaid, veterans’ care and disability, there are many gaps: Low-income people struggle to afford co-payments, the gas to drive to a doctor and prescription drugs.


This is a pretty mesmerising gif:


Sums up why America is so fucked up these days. Bi-partisanship virtually dies out by the turn of the century.
I noticed here that house dems have largely stayed in the place over time while the GOP has just been scuttling further to the right

On the average, they moved slightly left, but that's at least as much about the absolute collapse of the Blue Dogs as anything else; looks like most of the seats we kept stayed in the same position. Meanwhile, R's have taken a running jump off the deep end.



This is a pretty mesmerising gif:


Sums up why America is so fucked up these days. Bi-partisanship virtually dies out by the turn of the century.

and the sudden swing away is about where I expected, right after Reagan and them going all in on the derp in the 90s

Oni Jazar

"Trump wants you to focus on Sessions, Clinton, and Scaramucci this week. You need to focus on health care, health care, and health care."


Call your Senators! 2022243121


This is a pretty mesmerising gif:


Sums up why America is so fucked up these days. Bi-partisanship virtually dies out by the turn of the century.

Right around the time Fox News came to prominence.

It's scary that something so irresponsible can hold such sway over a political party.
and the sudden swing away is about where I expected, right after Reagan and them going all in on the derp in the 90s

I think they were hoping that democrats were permanently screwed by '92 so Clinton's win sent them over the edge. Like they almost caught the big fish but then it started pulling away, and instead of playing it cool and letting the reel out a bit, they snapped and screwed it up.
Right around the time Fox News came to prominence.

It's scary that something so irresponsible can hold such sway over a political party.
Talk radio seems to have been the bigger factor.

Talk radio, Fox News and the Gingrich revolution all happened to coincide in the early 90s and Bill Clinton was the perfect punching bag.

Here's a terrifying thought - many of the GOP establishment at the time knew they were pedaling bullshit, knew guys like Limbaugh etc were full of hot air and were just trying to fleece as many middle class white people as they could. That was about 20 years ago. Now think of the current crop of GOP Congressmen - what were they doing 20 years ago? Listening to talk radio, watching Fox News and rooting for Clinton's impeachment. The tea party is the natural conclusion of the right-wing brainwashing that happened in the 90s.
Odds on Tillerson out before Sessions? Rumors are he might be out before the end of the year.

I'd put money on that, tbh. Tillerson hasn't been the focus of as many scandals, so he's got less reason to leave, but he's also got a lot less to stay for. Dude is basically totally impotent and everyone knows it. That's gotta sting.
And it has to sting an actual, competent businessman who to be bossed by some capricious trust fund kid (two actually, Trump and Kushner). Russian tool or not, pride plays a role.

All those principled Mormons in Utah changed their tune, huh?

Also, his approval being above 50% in 1/3 of the state matches his national approval rating pretty closely.

DOUBLE EDIT: His approval being below 50% in TX, AZ, NV, and GA bodes well for the future.


And it has to sting an actual, competent businessman who to be bossed by some capricious trust fund kid (two actually, Trump and Kushner). Russian tool or not, pride plays a role.

All those principled Mormons in Utah changed their tune, huh?

Also, his approval being above 50% in 1/3 of the state matches his national approval rating pretty closely.

DOUBLE EDIT: His approval being below 50% in TX, AZ, NV, and GA bodes well for the future.

It's almost as if people are realizing they voted for an incompetent, orange-assed babboon.
It's worth noting they aren't voting on a bill tomorrow, just to start the process

They also don't have enough votes to do even that, so tomorrow will be something

McCain is still out so they literally can't even afford 2 right?

DOUBLE EDIT: His approval being below 50% in TX, AZ, NV, and GA bodes well for the future.

What I've been saying this whole time is just wait until he fucks up a legit crisis. Imagine if something terrible happens and he's on the golf course.
Trump trying to shove Sessions out the door just completely beggars belief, even for Trump. Just when you think you're numb to his stupid decisions, he hits peak stupidity again. I'm honestly still trying to comprehend that this might be happening. Cutting the politician most directly responsible for legitimizing your entire campaign after six months. Just total pour-gasoline-on-yourself self-immolation. Also, it's hilarious that Sessions gave up a lifetime position as Senator for what might be a half-year freefall into political oblivion.

One wonders if this ends up being the thing that makes the Senate tell Trump to go take a flying fuck in a rolling donut. Legislatively speaking.
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