PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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Unconfirmed Member
And also isn't even a vote on the bill itself so he'd have to fly out again or hang around or something?
Yes this is just motion to proceed to debate, but let's not pretend McConnell won't speed through procedural stuff with any garbage he can makeup to close debate asap and vote.
I disagree, actually. McConnell came within 100,000 votes of losing in 2008, and Grimey did okay despite running a piss-poor campaign.

Can Spoiled Milk make the new thread now?
08 was a lightning in a bottle year and Yertle still won, I don't know if you can replicate that. Maybe if BCRA passed and you could pin the blame squarely on him for robbing hundreds of thousands of Kentuckians of their health insurance, but I'd rather not.

Kentucky could still elect a Democratic governor who can run outside the party platform, but they hate the federal Democrats too much to elect a Dem senator.
What if McCain suffers complications while flying, like his brain starts bleeding or something... I can't believe they'd even consider this, what the hell. I'm still in disbelief.

Yes this is just motion to proceed to debate, but let's not pretend McConnell won't speed through procedural stuff with any garbage he can makeup to close debate asap and vote.

Some senators are only thinking about voting to proceed because they want a debate and amendments and stuff.


This is all absolutely insane. I can't believe they're so desperate for a vote this week that they want to fly McCain in after everything. I can't believe they literally don't seem to know what they will be voting on. I can't believe they're so public in their attacks on Collins and others. I can't believe they still think passing Trumpcare will be a political winner for them.

But mostly, I can't believe this farce is still going to continue.


What if McCain suffers complications while flying, like his brain starts bleeding or something... I can't believe they'd even consider this, what the hell. I'm still in disbelief.

Some senators are only thinking about voting to proceed because they want a debate and amendments and stuff.

I don't even see why they'd want that. How does McConnell keep Dems from offering poison pill amendments to make everyone take difficult votes (difficult for crazy GOPers anyway).


If I was a member of John McCain's family and the Republicans were proposing to undermine his health in order to make what would likely be his last act as a public servant a vote to take away health care from millions of people I would be raining hellfire down onto the Republican party in front of whatever cameras were available.


What if McCain suffers complications while flying, like his brain starts bleeding or something... I can't believe they'd even consider this, what the hell. I'm still in disbelief.

Some senators are only thinking about voting to proceed because they want a debate and amendments and stuff.

Whatever it takes.


Unconfirmed Member
What if McCain suffers complications while flying, like his brain starts bleeding or something... I can't believe they'd even consider this, what the hell. I'm still in disbelief.

Some senators are only thinking about voting to proceed because they want a debate and amendments and stuff.
"Some senators" will get whatever shit taco McConnell makes them if the vote yes on the MTP. That's the chance they take.

He's not even being forthcoming to his own caucus on what the will be voting on to proceed to tomorrow.
"Some senators" will get whatever shit taco McConnell makes them if the vote yes on the MTP. That's the chance they take.

He's not even being forthcoming to his own caucus on what the will be voting on to proceed to tomorrow.

Rand Paul will only for yes to proceed if he gets to add an amendment. There is no path to passing this without Rand Paul.
White House isn't even trying to spin Trumps comments on Sessions anymore...

Trump is about to learn just how hard it is to remove a racist from a position of influence. He will need to use a crowbar to pry that job from Sessions' hands.

That sounds like the plot to an indie movie: Little Maverick Sunshine.

It's been fun ya'll, but I'm definitely gonna get banned.

How about you just PM me your McCain hate and keep your account? :)
Compassionate Moderates: "But he didn't pay for the gas, did he? Maverick!"

Trump is about to learn just how hard it is to remove a racist from a position of influence. He will need to use a crowbar to pry that job from Sessions' hands.

I mean, Trump only has to say, "You're fired!" if he really wants Sessions gone. But he's a wimp and fears the blowback.


In a way it is kind of poetic. In order to pass a a bill which ignores the health care concerns of millions they have to ignore the health care concerns of one of their own.


It's kind of the perfect (hopefully not) end to McCain's story if you think about it:

- Spends years as a POW, heroically survives
- Serves his country in the House and Senate for years.
- Runs for president in 2000, gets smear-campaigned to death by GW Bush's slimeball operatives going after his family.
- Runs again in 2008 and in desperation nominates the single worst person in the world as his VP candidate.
- Gets shit on by the future president who says he's not a war hero.
- Watches as voters and elected Republicans alike swear fealty to Trump, meanwhile thinking, "Yeah screw McCain he's no hero."
- Get sick.
- Get fake condolence tweet from the prez that literally says hope he gets better we need his vote.
- Risk health to get driven/flown across country to vote on a bill to take healthcare away from poor people to cut taxes on the rich.

Going to be a hell of a biography one day.


Unconfirmed Member
Like, what the fuck. Dude just found out that he essentially has a terminal illness and they want to LARP Little Miss Sunshine.
Lmao. When McCain finds out he is color blind and can never be a pilot
He was already a pilot

Wasn't there some story he had a black baby on the side?
Bridget McCain is Bangladeshi and adopted. The whisper campaign was that she was an illegitimate child with some black lady that he had to pretend to adopt out of shame of the truth or some bullshit.

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