Be more specific. What is "systematic abuse"?
I'd probably let groups petition the government with cases alleging violations of human rights. The legal system seems to be the best approach to this by way of the courts. (Though I note the irony since these courts allowed such abuses in the past).
So I have to pay a reparations tax to people I've never disenfranchised or abused?
Yes. A nation typically implies a level of communal responsibility. I don't keep to libertarian philosophy on this one.
Why am I being held accountable?
You aren't, the United States is. Which you are a member of, and therefore send your tax dollars for the purposes of maintaining the obligations of the US government. Part of which is paying for shit we broke, so to speak.
My white ancestors arrived here almost a hundred years after the Civil War. Also the most egregious crime is slavery, of which a minority of white people are responsible for. Shouldn't slave holding families pay more, directly, instead of distributing this restitution through the government? They still have the wealth, and the business, and the property to this day.
Good thing taxation is progressive, so that means these still-wealthy Confederate descendants will shoulder more of the burden. And while I agree with your line about slavery being the worst, I feel like you're minimizing a whole lot of other human rights abuses that we've dealt to people.
Black people are owed reparations for the injustices they have suffered for over 400 years but the price is too high and the best we can do is give economic justice to everyone and have affirmative hiring practices. Sorry.
I just posted above that we've actually spent more money on a jet that can't fly correctly than your own quoted figure. A lot more, in fact, over the next few decades. Redirect that money and it's paid for.
As for "the best we can do," I obviously disagree.
All aboard the gravy train! My mother's family probably (I surmise by anecdote) employs something like slave labor on their hacienda (common in the Philippines) but somehow I'm still getting a check. What a waste of money.
I don't quite understand this part.