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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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If they try to do it without him he's just going to want to wade in that much harder.

This does feel like a significant quote, though.
I'm more or less hoping now that they'll ram through some temporary tax cuts, then deal with the debt ceiling and budget nonsense so the economy doesn't implode, and call it quits on Trump if things are still constant chaos by then (which they will be).

The situation with Steve Bannon kind of feels like a ticking time bomb....
IJR: Hill Republicans Want Trump to Stay Out of Tax Reform Push After Charlottesville


I think they're getting a little tired of Donnie's shit
It's not he would provide any actual help beyond shouting "JUST GET IT DONE, I NEED A WIN" on twitter.

And lol at him throwing his hands up over infrastructure.
It's not he would provide any actual help beyond shouting "JUST GET IT DONE, I NEED A WIN" on twitter.

And lol at him throwing his hands up over infrastructure.
Basically. Trump is so bad at actual policymaking. He doesn't understand anything in the first place, and his strategy with healthcare was to.... suck up to the people who were already onboard and sic his twitter and Interior Secretary on the holdouts?

Trump's base said they wanted someone who wasn't a politician, and they got it. The only ones are actually getting what they want out of this presidency are the scumbags in ICE and CBP.
It's not he would provide any actual help beyond shouting "JUST GET IT DONE, I NEED A WIN" on twitter.

And lol at him throwing his hands up over infrastructure.
The irony is if Democrats win Congress he might actually get his $1 trillion dollar infrastructure bill. But then again they might impeach his ass first.

He could brag about it though, blah blah I was President over divided government and still got things done, the trick was not giving a shit what was in the bills.


The $15 minimum wage is killing Seattle. Something must be done.
I think the rational (fuck the GOP) objections to a national $15 min wage are along two lines:
1. There is clearly such a thing as a min wage that's too high, and metro areas can sustain higher min wages than rural ones.
2. If the decision goes through and down the line it becomes obvious that it's a mistake, it will be impossible to roll it back. (See Prop 13 in CA as another example of a bone-headed decision that can't be rolled back. CA now generates a third of its revenue through regressive sales taxes, up from around 10% when Prop 13 was enacted.)
The irony is if Democrats win Congress he might actually get his $1 trillion dollar infrastructure bill. But then again they might impeach his ass first.

He could brag about it though, blah blah I was President over divided government and still got things done, the trick was not giving a shit what was in the bills.

Or have him sign infrastructure first because Pence won't and then impeach him.
I said it yesterday, I'll say it again after this Nunes-quality shenanigan from Rorahbacher:

There are some Russian-friendly people acting scared to-DAY.

And oil, I suppose. Granted, I feel most Fox-brained voters only WANT to see their enemies angry, so they have that too.

When people say he's getting acomplishments done, theyre thinking of this and are right in that way. :\


Also I hope we all acknowledge that the main reason we're talking about raising the minimum wage rather than expanding the EITC is political feasibility. Shifting the burden to employers means the government gets to hide a bunch of costs instead of raising taxes.
It's just like, wtf, you know. The Nation is a rag but they're not liars. Anyone who reads this article from a contributor would see immediately that it's just nonsense. WTF are "metadata layers"? How is 22MB/s infeasible if you're a government entity? Also who is this "Forensicator" in the FBI that is the sole, uncredited, anonymous, unaccountable source?



The American Civil Liberties Union, taking a tougher stance on armed protests, will no longer defend hate groups seeking to march with firearms, the group’s executive director said.
It's just like, wtf, you know. The Nation is a rag but they're not liars. Anyone who reads this article from a contributor would see immediately that it's just nonsense. WTF are "metadata layers"? How is 22MB/s infeasible if you're a government entity? Also who is this "Forensicator" in the FBI that is the sole, uncredited, anonymous, unaccountable source?

At first I gave the salon articles some weight because it's sourced from the nation. Then I read the source and was like, "fuckin' really"


Isnt the Nation's ownership/editor super pro-Putin? they will never retract it. plus, it's great for page views I'm sure
At first I gave the salon articles some weight because it's sourced from the nation. Then I read the source and was like, "fuckin' really"
Someone sent me the salon article first and I said I was going to need better than that. So I only read it once I found out it came from The Nation. Like I said, though: contributing editor.

I did a little digging, and these VIPS guys have a checkered history. I'd call them a bunch of cranks. From Wikipedia: "After the Ghouta chemical attack VIPS issued an "open letter" to President Obama claiming that their "co-workers" and "numerous sources in the Middle East" have informed them that Bashar al-Assad was not responsible for the attack, contrary to the position of the US government and foreign intelligence agencies. However, when asked about the identity of their sources, the group's report turned out to be based on an article from a conspiracy website "Global Research" and, Infowars, the radio show of the far right commentator and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones".

I'm mad I wasted my time!

Isnt the Nation's ownership/editor super pro-Putin? they will never retract it. plus, it's great for page views I'm sure
There is a kind of precariousness that some on the left find themselves in. On the one hand, it's imperative to be skeptical of official sources, especially after the Iraq War, and to question the validity of any attempt to engage in imperialist wars. On the other hand, they suddenly find themselves on the same side of the equation as Breitbart and Infowars, which isn't fun. Years ago I was pretty pro-Russian for exactly these reasons. I was skeptical of NATO and American wars.


Now you can see what Donald Trump sees every time he opens Twitter

Users of Twitter will understand, however, that it can be tricky to know what someone else sees when he or she fires up the application. Everyone follows a different group of people, and that colors the information they receive.

To that end, we've created @trumps_feed, an account that checks whom Trump follows every five minutes and then retweets any new tweets from them over that period. The net result is a replication of what Trump would see on those occasions that he switches over from the Mentions tab.

I feel kind-of physically ill reading that article, and the attached tweets from his feed.
Here's the email

I’m writing to you in a personal capacity, as a concerned citizen and a father. It has not been my habit to widely offer running commentary on current affairs, nor to presume to weigh in on the events of a given day save those that might be of particular or specific concern to 21CF and my colleagues. But what we watched this last week in Charlottesville and the reaction to it by the President of the United States concern all of us as Americans and free people.
These events remind us all why vigilance against hate and bigotry is an eternal obligation -- a necessary discipline for the preservation of our way of life and our ideals. The presence of hate in our society was appallingly laid bare as we watched swastikas brandished on the streets of Charlottesville and acts of brutal terrorism and violence perpetrated by a racist mob. I can’t even believe I have to write this: standing up to Nazis is essential; there are no good Nazis. Or Klansmen, or terrorists. Democrats, Republicans, and others must all agree on this, and it compromises nothing for them to do so.
Diverse storytellers, and stories, can make a difference, and that diversity, around the world, is a crucial strength and an animating force in my business. Often times not everyone agrees with the stories and positions that emerge from this, and that can be difficult. Certainly no company can be perfect. But I’m proud of the powerful art that can emerge, and I’m grateful to all of my colleagues who make this happen. From the potent and compelling narrative of “12 Years a Slave”, to the streets of Pakistan and the bravery of an extraordinary young woman that we saw in “He Named Me Malala”, to name just a few, we’ve never been afraid to help storytellers and artists say important things – hard things, too.
To further demonstrate our commitment, Kathryn and I are donating 1 million dollars to the Anti-Defamation League, and I encourage you to give what you think is right as well. We hardly ever talk about our charitable giving, but in this case I wanted to tell you and encourage you to be generous too. Many of you are supporters of the Anti-Defamation League already – now is a great time to give more. The ADL is an extraordinary force for vigilance and strength in the face of bigotry – you can learn more here: https://www.adl.org.

My very best to you and with all my gratitude,

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