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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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Well he's going to be the face of the court's ideological future. SCOTUS is gone for decades.

I'm no fan at all of what the GOP pulled on this, but this just isn't true. Gorsuch after Scalia is barely a distinction. The same justices that gave us the rulings we got over the past several years are still there.
So. This is fairly surprising?

"Story coming soon - James Murdoch, son of Ripert +chair of 21st Century Fox, rips Potus response to Charlottesville, pledges $1 mill to ADL"


Murdock wants Trump to can Bannon and the other nazis. This was before he tripled down on white power though and before everyone realized Trump didn't need help becoming a racist, he's always been one and it's actually his twitter bubble that's fueling his racism.


I'm no fan at all of what the GOP pulled on this, but this just isn't true. Gorsuch after Scalia is barely a distinction. The same justices that gave us the rulings we got over the past several years are still there.
Winning the Senate is a long shot in '18 and can you really see Ginsburg or Kennedy sticking around much longer after that? Breyer too.

A miracle would be nice but I'm not counting on it
Winning the Senate is a long shot in '18 and can you really see Ginsburg or Kennedy sticking around much longer after that? Breyer too.

A miracle would be nice but I'm not counting on it

I'd bet on Breyer lasting the duration. Ginsburg will be the wild card, but hatred can be a potent preservative. Watch Clarence Thomas choke on a walnut or something.

I really can't tell if the people in the ACLU thread are concern trolls or just stunningly dumb.



Clothed, sober, cooperative
I really can't tell if the free speech absolutists in the ACLU thread are concern trolls or just stunningly dumb.

Well you can eliminate the accounts started in 2012 with a fraction of one post per day. If there was a script for that it would eliminate a lot of idiotic noise.
From what I can tell, it's in response to the NYTimes Op-Ed I Voted for Trump, And I Sorely Regret It. Of course, there are plenty Trump supporters co-opting the tag and criticizing the article.
A great deal of swing voters spent the last election deliberately ignoring every red flag that popped up surrounding Trump while at the same time overzealously buying into every narrative about Hillary being a shedevil.

Like I'm glad this guy is having a come to Jesus moment but Jesus fucking Christ, think of how much of this could have been avoided if people had simply been less goddamn stupid.
A great deal of swing voters spent the last election deliberately ignoring every red flag that popped up surrounding Trump while at the same time overzealously buying into every narrative about Hillary being a shedevil.

Like I'm glad this guy is having a come to Jesus moment but Jesus fucking Christ, think of how much of this could have been avoided if people had simply been less goddamn stupid.

Well if dumbasses didn't write in stuff like Harambe we wouldn't be here either.
The nice thing about a close election is you can blame anyone and not be wrong. Yaaay!

Pretty much. Also millenials too lazy to vote etc. Many things to blame for Trump. He just keeps getting away with dumb shit. Look he comes out with the most racist shit ever and a terror attack comes the next day to distract everyone in the news.
A great deal of swing voters spent the last election deliberately ignoring every red flag that popped up surrounding Trump while at the same time overzealously buying into every narrative about Hillary being a shedevil.

Like I'm glad this guy is having a come to Jesus moment but Jesus fucking Christ, think of how much of this could have been avoided if people had simply been less goddamn stupid.

From the article:

Senators Tom Cotton and David Perdue's recently proposed legislation offers a sound basis for reforming immigration policy, but seems to have no prospects and has received comparatively little attention.

You gotta realize, this isn't a coming to Jesus moment. Trump's supporters, even the ones abandoning him now, are the worst. Stupid and vicious. That they won't get on board with backing actual Nazis is literally the least possible thing they can do.


From the article:

You gotta realize, this isn't a coming to Jesus moment. Trump's supporters, even the ones abandoning him now, are the worst. Stupid and vicious. That they won't get on board with backing actual Nazis is literally the least possible thing they can do.

They needed the cover. They needed the plausible deniability.


Winning the Senate is a long shot in '18 and can you really see Ginsburg or Kennedy sticking around much longer after that? Breyer too.

A miracle would be nice but I'm not counting on it

Thing is, it's two different points here

1) Gorsuch after Scalia. Not much of a difference, really.
2) Stress whether liberal Judges can/will stay until 2020/early 2021.

And in both cases, the blame can - and should - be traced back to the GOP blocking Garland for nonsensical racist reasons. We can only think what might have been had they not been dicks to Obama. But what might have been if Hillary had won (and everything else as it currently is) is Republicans refusing to accept that Hillary's SCOTUS nominations are of any value, becuase Benghazi and emails, and letting SCOTUS play-out with one less judge for her single four year term.

What ought to be the focal point of people's anger - and get people marching in the streets - is the Republican's unwillingness to follow the rules of a functioning government, and voting on Garland. Gorsuch is the beneficiary of this mess, but he ain't the cause.


Dead XD

Sean Hannity @seanhannity
Conservatives reject the evil of racism, white supremacy and ignorance. Look at left, Madonna, Depp, Mo Sen, R DeNiro, Griffin And on and on
8:35 PM · Aug 17, 2017

Sean O'Neal @seanoneal
Elephants like peanuts and live on savannahs. Look at me, Wallace Shawn, Monique, Lil Peep, V D'Onofrio, Duplass And on and on


If/when dems have the presidency, house and senate again I seriously want them to attempt something with the SC. Try another size increase, or boot Gorsuch (+any other Trump picks) ...I don't care, something. Rs broke the rules with Garland, they'll try to pull something bigger in future. Until the GOP regains sanity we shouldn't be the only ones following the rules.

I mean the Republican party is now on record that they won't allow a dem president to appoint a justice EVER, PERIOD if it's within their power. They said Hillary would have an open slot on the court for 4 years. Proudly said it.


If/when dems have the presidency, house and senate again I seriously want them to attempt something with the SC. Try another size increase, or boot Gorsuch (+any other Trump picks) ...I don't care, something. Rs broke the rules with Garland, they'll try to pull something bigger in future. Until the GOP regains sanity we shouldn't be the only ones following the rules.

I hope they should pressure Goeauch to step down. Especially if they can find Russia collusion, they can argue all of trumps appointments, even to the SC, are suspect and need to go. That could even be used to justify adding more justices. Just have them say you need to ensure people faith in the SC and they'll step down once gorsuch is gone.
Once Assange provided Rohrbacher with evidence it was an inside job, Hannity can run a story on it, and Trump can tweet about it.
from @yashar:
Hannity: Mueller needs to get on a plane tonight to London to get evidence from Assange that proves Russia didn't give him the hacked emails

Also... On Hannity, the Hill's John Solomon says Assange is trying to get a seat with the White House press corps for Wikileaks.


Corporate Apologist
Well he's going to be the face of the court's ideological future. SCOTUS is gone for decades.

Supreme Court Justices can also be impeached for improper conduct. Haven't tried since Samuel Chase in 1805, but Congress can do it. If Trump leaves office early and Gorsuch doesn't keep his head down, I think Congress would act.


A good explanation of why you shouldn't be "tolerant" of hate groups, or "the paradox of tolerance"


There's some more pragmatic issues I have with this, but on a conceptual level if you have to destroy your political system in order to "save" it, then what's the point of democracy in the first place?

(I also think it misrepresents the idea of tolerance even of hateful speech in a free society as absolute tolerance under all circumstances, when I think most people would agree tolerance, like approaching others in good faith, is not a suicide pact. Tolerance also does not mean respect, so then we're getting into a simple failure of definitions.)
There's some more pragmatic issues I have with this, but on a conceptual level if you have to destroy your political system in order to "save" it, then what's the point of democracy in the first place?

(I also think it misrepresents the idea of tolerance even of hateful speech in a free society as absolute tolerance under all circumstances, when I think most people would agree tolerance, like approaching others in good faith, is not a suicide pact. Tolerance also does not mean respect, so then we're getting into a simple failure of definitions.)
Eh, I've talked to several people who think we should give Nazis a platform and like, no. That goes beyond tolerance.


from @yashar:
Hannity: Mueller needs to get on a plane tonight to London to get evidence from Assange that proves Russia didn't give him the hacked emails

Also... On Hannity, the Hill's John Solomon says Assange is trying to get a seat with the White House press corps for Wikileaks.

Really? In front of my salad?

Not surprising.


Eh, I've talked to several people who think we should give Nazis a platform and like, no. That goes beyond tolerance.

I guess it depends on what you mean by giving them a platform. Equal access to the commons seems like a requirement of tolerance. But you can think that anarchists to neo-Nazis must be allowed to march while also being fine with private enterprise shuttering their storefronts and removing their websites, and with citizens pressuring or lobbying those private institutions to do so, and with arguing that the media should not hold to some precept of false balance and instead report the ugly truth of these groups.

I'd say that most of the fallout from Charlottesville has shown that free speech has worked. I disagree with the absolutist stance on the Confederate monument question, but it's something that each locality should be able to decide, and plenty of cities and states are saying they want nothing to do with it and acted swiftly to bring them down. Pressure on the internet has for once led to demonstrable results, with social media platforms and CDNs cutting ties with neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Much work remains to be done, especially with the obstacles in the federal government, but it seems to actually be tipping in the right direction for the first time in months.

Spencer and his company had their say, and Americans have responded in kind. They have basically shown up as Gamergate Part 2: a reactionary movement that has managed to spur action in the exact opposite direction from their intent. Way more Confederate memorials would have remained up if they hadn't done such a good job of showing that they are happy to be hateful people animated by the past.

Where I find myself conflicted is on the question of the permit denials. On one hand, if these rallies are resulting in violence it seems like that reaches the natural limit of the aforementioned tolerance, and so it makes sense to shut them down as a precaution (the general welfare at that point taking precedence over their speech rights, as one's rights naturally end where others' begin.) On the other hand, the promise of violence can basically be used as a cudgel against any demonstration, including far more valid and progressive ones.
So how much fuckery is trump going to pull to try and get Menendez convicted?
well, are you opposed to keeping a convicted senator in office for a couple of months?

Even a bribery conviction would not automatically force Mr. Menendez from office, under the Senate rules. He would either have to voluntarily resign his seat, or two-thirds of his Senate colleagues — including at least 15 Democrats — would have to vote to expel him.

Might not play well with a certain audience considering our past associations with Crooked Hillary, but I don't know why we always have to take the high road.


well, are you opposed to keeping a convicted senator in office for a couple of months?

Might not play well with a certain audience considering our past associations with Crooked Hillary, but I don't know why we always have to take the high road.

After Gorsuch? Fuck em.


There's some more pragmatic issues I have with this, but on a conceptual level if you have to destroy your political system in order to "save" it, then what's the point of democracy in the first place?

(I also think it misrepresents the idea of tolerance even of hateful speech in a free society as absolute tolerance under all circumstances, when I think most people would agree tolerance, like approaching others in good faith, is not a suicide pact. Tolerance also does not mean respect, so then we're getting into a simple failure of definitions.)

Saying that white supremacist terrorists need to be allowed to publicly organize their future acts of terrorism or democracy has ended is maybe the epitome of moderate darlingism.


Menendez found guilty. Resigns. Christie appoints R replacement. McConnell brings up HealthCare vote again. Pass it with Pence tiebreaker.

We are doomed.

99.9% chances of never happening but you never know.
Virtually every political strategist on both sides is telling Dems to keep the issue on Nazis and white supremacists instead of statues but apparently George Washington must go and that's just too important.
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