There's WAYYYYYY more hurdles to the wall than just funding. Hurdles nobody wants to cross because they're unpopular.
Stuff like using generous amount of eminent domain, stealing native american reserve land and repealing the endangered species act.
Not to mention the Herculean task of moving material and equipment into unhospitable land. Hell, it'll be at least a year of surveying before they could start and work
and maintaining a wall will be impossible.
I still haven't heard an explanation about what the plans are when the wall reaches the Rio Grande.
That's because he Wall cannot be built in the Rio Grande due to international law.
So it will have to be built inland from the river. Which in the vast majority of Texas means taking land from private AMERICAN citizens. This would be forced through eminent domain. With zero recourse by the owner.
How do I know this? We all ready have a "Wall". Mainly a fence. And it had to do just that.
For one family it split their farm in half. So the Feds put in a gate for them with a security code. Yes, that's right the owners would go thru a gate to get to the rest of their land. And when they had a fire? The fire department could not get/find them.
Currently there is a golf course on the other side of the fence (but this side of the river). People play it all the time.
Building a wall is such a fucking joke. An embarrassment that would do nothing but spend money.
And there is evidence that building a more secure border wall will INCREASE illegal immigration here. Why? Often illegals come here for a bit to work, earn some money and go back to Mexico to be with family. If it is harder to get back here, they could decide to stay.
Let's say a wall does get built... since it'll be a physical manifestation of Trump's idiot policies, it is going to be attacked mercilessly. Maintenance estimates for the wall are at around $100 to 200 million a year, but you know full well, if it gets built, A
merican citizens will be trying to bulldoze that fucking wall any way they can, mostly as a "fuck you" to Trump, and there's no way the entire length can be monitored. It will have to be under
constant maintenance and upkeep.
And I'm sure you've all seen it, but here's Oliver's take on it again: