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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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quadriplegicjon said:
do you have a wallpaper size version of this?

by the way. why does cnn.com say the polls close an hour later than that image people are throwing around? for instance, they have indiana closing aat 7pm, not 6pm .. ?

most of IN and KY close at 6pm. western KY and parts of IN, including gary, close at 7pm. as such, no network will call a state until ALL the polls close in the state. (multiple timezones do this)


Master of the Google Search
icarus-daedelus said:
FDR had the highest EV margin since the electoral college has been based on popular vote, though, right?
About half of the states decided by popular vote when Monroe won but otherwise, yeah FDR


quadriplegicjon said:
do you have a wallpaper size version of this?

by the way. why does cnn.com say the polls close an hour later than that image people are throwing around? for instance, they have indiana closing aat 7pm, not 6pm .. ?



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
VPhys said:
CNN just reported that areas of Virgina that have had allot of new registrations are reporting waiting lines of 4 to 7 hours. W T F.

As long as they're in line, they get to vote. That's what matters.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
CNN is going to be doing Minority Report type stuff by 2012. :lol


HylianTom said:

The president above Obama (Truman?) looks like John McCain.


First tragedy, then farce.
kkaabboomm said:
i look on the CNN map of ky and cant find where the numbers are coming from

they are counting the numbers but will not report the numbers until all polls are closed in the state. Expect a massive dump of data at 7PM


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I'm in a little coffee shop right now, even here the shit is intense. everyone has laptops and i'm posted up in front a flat screen tv broadcasting cnn with one of my best friends making phone calls next to me.



VPhys said:
CNN just reported that areas of Virgina that have had allot of new registrations are reporting waiting lines of 4 to 7 hours. W T F.

2hrs 15min when I went to vote this morning in Richmond


more money than God
cilonen said:
The BBC have an odd 'must be fair at all costs' policy which makes their coverage of events like this quite hard to follow - it's like an inverse Fox, where they'll have dissenting opinions and pundits given equal airtime no matter how marginal their view. In this regard they've been kinder than I thought they would be to the McCain campaign and over the last couple of days have been going along with the general media feeding frenzy of 'the race is tightening! listen to us! we are important!'. At the moment they've just finished an explanation of the electoral map and when the polls close and have gone into a retrospective of the Bush years with a big negative Bush / world view of America spin.

Sky are like a mini Fox (Murdoch owned), but they aren't allowed to be as blatant with their bias due to UK broadcasting standards. They're playing the 'race is closing, polls are unreliable, it's almost a dead heat, we'll have to wait and see' angle.
This is why I love BBC, such a great news network.
quadriplegicjon said:
do you have a wallpaper size version of this?

by the way. why does cnn.com say the polls close an hour later than that image people are throwing around? for instance, they have indiana closing aat 7pm, not 6pm .. ?

Indiana is spilt via time zones. Parts of it close at 6, other parts at 7.
Man, I have a martial arts class tonight and won't get home until 8:30 ... I would assume all the results would be in by then and counted right?


Chili Con Carnage!
why cant I stream the hologram?!?! CNN.com is just some internet special bs.

Anyone have a picture even?


Monroeski said:
I see what it's getting at of course, but I just can't disregard the billions of differences between all those men that weren't skin color.

...and the thing is that there could have been many black men similar to those same white men in thought and ideology, yet weren't even given a chance.


-xBerserker- said:
Man, I have a martial arts class tonight and won't get home until 8:30 ...

Go Obama go!

Kick some ass in the name of Obama.

If you spar tonight, pretend the other guy is a McCain supporter.
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