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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Hail to the KING baby
gcubed said:
i'll give you the results right now

Barack Obama 98.3%
John McCain 0.8%
Other 0.9%

I have a feeling "other" will get more from GAF then McCain

Yeah, that Swedish chick.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Cloudy said:
Obama hits 90% on Intrade. I will be CRUSHED if he somehow loses...
I think the whole of America would, plus the news media at large would. He's simply too big of a star to fade away now.


Hardball this weekend brought up the hypothetical scenario where Obama wins popular vote by 5-10 million, but loses the electoral vote by one or two.

If that happened, what would be the result? Would we see mass violence on an unprecedented scale?
Is McCain speaking...outside...a stadium?

lawblob said:
Hardball this weekend brought up the hypothetical scenario where Obama wins popular vote by 5-10 million, but loses the electoral vote by one or two.

If that happened, what would be the result? Would we see mass violence on an unprecedented scale?

Without a doubt. I'd hole up in my apartment for a month. No Gears Of War 2.



First tragedy, then farce.
lawblob said:
Hardball this weekend brought up the hypothetical scenario where Obama wins popular vote by 5-10 million, but loses the electoral vote by one or two.

If that happened, what would be the result? Would we see mass violence on an unprecedented scale?

it would be bad.
Mama Robotnik said:
I've not posted in PoliGAF, but dipped in and out with fascination. I've been getting more news, polls and articles linked here ten-times faster than BBC's News Website. Thanks guys.

Like most of GAF, I'm despererate for Obama to win. In the past, I wouldn't have hated a McCain victory. But that was before he became a puppet shouting out vulgar soundbites for the proud-armies of ignorance, and choosing that woman for his running mate. He's a lost cause now.

Not that it matters, as I'm British and have no place voting in your election.

What amazes me is the fundementalist reaction. Not content with yelling 'terrorist' and 'behead him' at the rallies, some of the forums are actually labelling an Obama victory as Osama Bin Laden's Plan B.

There is no possible concievable way that this notion makes sense to a rational mind. Its pure angry emotion, trying to form a counter argument which simply bypasses those awkward obstructions, namely facts and evidence.

One way or another, the amount of angry people by Wednesday is going to be staggering.

Oh my Lord, these guys are jackasses! How do they get computers? They seem like the type that wouldn't use them.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
lawblob said:
Hardball this weekend brought up the hypothetical scenario where Obama wins popular vote by 5-10 million, but loses the electoral vote by one or two.

If that happened, what would be the result? Would we see mass violence on an unprecedented scale?

Early in this election cycle I thought that would happen but it would be the other way around (i.e. McCain winning popular but losing electoral).

To echo other sentiments, it would be bad if this happened.




lawblob said:
Hardball this weekend brought up the hypothetical scenario where Obama wins popular vote by 5-10 million, but loses the electoral vote by one or two.

If that happened, what would be the result? Would we see mass violence on an unprecedented scale?

There would be a huge meltdown if that occurred. IMO, that's worse than if he lost the popular and the electoral. At least in that scenario, he just flat-out lost; in the one you describe, more people voted for him, but he got screwed by the system.


testicles on a cold fall morning
lawblob said:
Hardball this weekend brought up the hypothetical scenario where Obama wins popular vote by 5-10 million, but loses the electoral vote by one or two.

If that happened, what would be the result? Would we see mass violence on an unprecedented scale?
if PA doesn't Gobama I'm personally going to say very bad things about the state.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Next best thing besides Obama winning will be looking at just how accurate the polls were. It's going to be fun. :D

i'm telling myself that they are at least close, but if i had to put money on it, i would say the Obama ground game will have the polls underestimate his support in certain states that are more prone to "fluctuations" (ie a large african american population, etc)


scorcho said:
if PA doesn't Gobama I'm personally going to say very bad things about the state.

If that happens Obama's first act as president should be to connect Lake Erie to the Atlantic Ocean by flooding the entire state of Pennsylvania.

Seth C

Damn this election to hell. I was on my feet all day yesterday for the rally, I was up all night going through the photos, I went to bed at 5am. I toss and turned all night, I woke up 4 times in the 4.5 hours I slept, I had dreams of elections and family members trash talking Obama, and now I'm awake. I can't seem to get back to sleep and I feel like shit.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
scorcho said:
if PA doesn't Gobama I'm personally going to say very bad things about the state.

If PA doesn't go Obama Zogby needs to be shut down. The last poll has him up 14 points.
Iksenpets said:
If that happens Obama's first act as president should be to connect Lake Erie to the Atlantic Ocean by flooding the entire state of Pennsylvania.

He could do it too. Don't force him to unleash the soshalizms!
Mama Robotnik said:
I've not posted in PoliGAF, but dipped in and out with fascination. I've been getting more news, polls and articles linked here ten-times faster than BBC's News Website. Thanks guys.

Like most of GAF, I'm despererate for Obama to win. In the past, I wouldn't have hated a McCain victory. But that was before he became a puppet shouting out vulgar soundbites for the proud-armies of ignorance, and choosing that woman for his running mate. He's a lost cause now.

Not that it matters, as I'm British and have no place voting in your election.

What amazes me is the fundementalist reaction. Not content with yelling 'terrorist' and 'behead him' at the rallies, some of the forums are actually labelling an Obama victory as Osama Bin Laden's Plan B.

There is no possible concievable way that this notion makes sense to a rational mind. Its pure angry emotion, trying to form a counter argument which simply bypasses those awkward obstructions, namely facts and evidence.

One way or another, the amount of angry people by Wednesday is going to be staggering.
I remember one of Obama's speeches recently, he said that by the end of the week McCain will be accusing him of being a terrorist because he shared his toys in kindergarden.

They are doing whatever desperate measures they can, no mater how underhanded. It was something like 75% of McCain's adds are going towards attacking Obama, while only 21% or something of Obama's adds are attacking McCain.

One side is talking about issues, while the other is busy using scare tactics and trying to cock block.

Fox318 said:
:lol :lol


Plinko said:
If PA doesn't go Obama Zogby needs to be shut down. The last poll has him up 14 points.
PA is more of a 6 point race, per Rasmussen, PPP...etc. Zogby is the worst pollster ever. Obama will win it. There is only ONE DAY, you cant turn 6 points around in a day.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Cheebs said:
There is only ONE DAY, you cant turn 6 points around in a day.
That's assuming the public polls are accurate. I'm a bit concerned about how the Alabama portions of the state will vote once in the booth.

Seth C

Mama Robotnik said:
One way or another, the amount of angry people by Wednesday is going to be staggering.

Yes, but the expression of that anger will be quite different depending on the outcome. If they someone rig this thing and Obama doesn't win, there will be a righteous fury that will almost certainly result in rioting across the country. If Obama wins there will be a bunch of white racists who get to complain about "that n***** president" for 4-8 years but they won't do much of anything else.


PA seems safe considering the pure fuckton of polls taken of it.

Montana is tossup. :D I like that.

FL and NC both will be nail bitters.

VA is a lean Bama, hopefully it gets called appropriately.

Georgia, Indiana, Missouri, and Nevada polls from PPP will be out later this morning. Interested in everyone of em.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Diablos said:
Zogby's gonna jinx this shit! Quick, Zogby, go back to putting McCain in the lead since your polls are usually inaccurate!

Early voting in FL vs. people intending to vote on election day is very telling; Obama may lose it.

Isn't it telling in of itself that they haven't voted yet. Obama's votes are already in. McCain needs to still get them there.

Obama is in the drivers postion.


Cheebs said:
PA is more of a 6 point race, per Rasmussen, PPP...etc. Zogby is the worst pollster ever. Obama will win it. There is only ONE DAY, you cant turn 6 points around in a day.

its funny though, McCain is throwing everything he can in the last day because it cant affect him any more via the pundits.

Just heard a radio ad that said "Obama is planning on new spending of over a trillion dollars, how is he going to pay for it? Obama and congressional democrats have guaranteed that the burden will be passed to you, the working public, by saying they are going to raise taxes on everyone making over $42,000. "


First tragedy, then farce.
Dax01 said:

Dax is here. Let's get Election Day Eve started!

My parents allways let me open a gift early on election day eve.

North Carolina I choose you!
Seth C said:
If Obama wins there will be a bunch of white racists who get to complain about "that n***** president" for 4-8 years but they won't do much of anything else.

Let em complain. At least we'll have a competent government for a change.

Mama Robotnik said:
There is no possible concievable way that this notion makes sense to a rational mind. Its pure angry emotion, trying to form a counter argument which simply bypasses those awkward obstructions, namely facts and evidence.

This to me is the most frustrating thing about being an American. The media puts capital on "performance" and "handling" over intelligence and judgement, and so many people are swayed with simple lies and appeals to their basest fears.

Thankfully Obama is the iron fist in the velvet glove. The man can think, strategize and perform. We're damn lucky to have him as a candidate.


So for tomorrow night, under what scenario(s) would the media project Obama as the overall winner before counting other timezones? If he wins a combination of VA, NC, PA, FL, or *gasp* GA?


scorcho said:
That's assuming the public polls are accurate. I'm a bit concerned about how the Alabama portions of the state will vote once in the booth.
There is no one who knows PA politics better than Chris Matthews. He knowledge of PA is greater than any poll. He is OBSESSED with PA Politics, and he said in the Washington Post on Saturday Obama will win the state by 5%.


WaltJay said:
So for tomorrow night, under what scenario(s) would the media project Obama as the overall winner before counting other timezones? If he wins a combination of VA, NC, PA, FL, or *gasp* GA?

If PA and VA get called for Obama early, it's over.


gcubed said:
Just heard a radio ad that said "Obama is planning on new spending of over a trillion dollars, how is he going to pay for it? Obama and congressional democrats have guaranteed that the burden will be passed to you, the working public, by saying they are going to raise taxes on everyone making over $42,000. "

Lets also not forget that Dems in North Carolina accept "Godless money."


First tragedy, then farce.
WaltJay said:
So for tomorrow night, under what scenario(s) would the media project Obama as the overall winner before counting other timezones? If he wins a combination of VA, NC, PA, FL, or *gasp* GA?

I dont believe they will actually *call* the race officially until they project enough states for Obama to win.

So that would mean the California/Washington/etc polls would have to close so that they can actually call those races.

Now, for our purposes? Va + PA = Obamamania. It's completely 100% over if those two states go. If NC goes Obama then it's blowout time.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Wow. I just read Bob Kerry's ludicrous op-ed that voter repudiation of Republican policies somehow doesn't provide Democrats a mandate to push their (hopefully progressive) agenda. Now I'm contemplating sending him a sternly worded Facebook message saying he's a douche.
Jesus Christ, people. McCain would need to win all of southeast PA's votes in order to win. Last president to do that was H.W. Bush. Not going to happen, especially with the influx of new registered Democrats.
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