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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Can't wait to vote tomorrow. I'll show up to the place with my new voter registration card, Sally the 90 year old attendant will look through some giant paper book with names in it, she won't find me, "Oh are you a new voter?...you're in the other book," she'll call to Jane, "where's the other book?" Jane will have to go find it, meanwhile 20 minutes have passed and everyone is pissed off behind me, finally jane brings the book over, my name is spelt wrong in the book and they won't let me vote...


Setec Astronomer
worldrunover said:
You think they're going to listen to Arabs? An increase in supply is pointless, we need a decrease in demand. Putting our resources into more fuel efficient vehicles and alternative fuels is such a better idea, it's ridiculous people still buy this "drill baby drill" crap hook, line, sinker.
We also needed to run the speculators out of the market.


artredis1980 said:
May God help Obama win

May Allah bless the voters, to soften thier hearts and let them vote Obama

May this be the end of hatred, bigotry and a new time for change. change for the people of the world, change for better health care, change for a better image of the US around the world, change for a better economy. change to bring back the feeling we all had when Clinton was president and everything was Good.

Change. May God bless

and May God Speed.

Chicken Little
(Today, 11:47 AM)
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Finally! It was so annoying that this guy used to pop in, post a random poll and then vanish.
Y2Kev said:
Can't wait to vote tomorrow. I'll show up to the place with my new voter registration card, Sally the 90 year old attendant will look through some giant paper book with names in it, she won't find me, "Oh are you a new voter?...you're in the other book," she'll call to Jane, "where's the other book?" Jane will have to go find it, meanwhile 20 minutes have passed and everyone is pissed off behind me, finally jane brings the book over, my name is spelt wrong in the book and they won't let me vote...
Such a happy ending. Tell me another happy story.


ToxicAdam said:
More specifically, Clinton in his second term.

Someone who's foriegn policy was determined by public opinion polls and not pre-existing beliefs and strategies. Also, not jumping into free trade agreements without seeking ways to ease the negative effects on American industry first.

That may be your worry, but my complaints with Clinton mostly happened in the first term. Kosovo was stupid, but it was the kind of stupid everyone's going to keep doing no matter what -- ethnic uprisings will be the new terrorism.

No, my complaint about Clinton and his wife, is that they weren't far from being Republicans (the old kind, not the retarded new kind). They bailed on multiple major campaign promises, and then kept running right.

I fear Obama will be considerably less liberal than I'd like.


Hitokage said:
"The Mac is Back"?


That's one step removed from a McDonalds ad slogan.

That's because tomorrow Obama is going to don the Burger King mask and ask McCain,



Y2Kev said:
Can't wait to vote tomorrow. I'll show up to the place with my new voter registration card, Sally the 90 year old attendant will look through some giant paper book with names in it, she won't find me, "Oh are you a new voter?...you're in the other book," she'll call to Jane, "where's the other book?" Jane will have to go find it, meanwhile 20 minutes have passed and everyone is pissed off behind me, finally jane brings the book over, my name is spelt wrong in the book and they won't let me vote...

I'm going to the polls with my flip recorder tomorrow and I'm getting down every instance of voter fraud and suppression.

I'm raising hell if something goes wrong, and I hope others do as well. NEVER AGAIN will an election be stolen so easily.
worldrunover said:
You think they're going to listen to Arabs? An increase in supply is pointless, we need a decrease in demand. Putting our resources into more fuel efficient vehicles and alternative fuels is such a better idea, it's ridiculous people still buy this "drill baby drill" crap hook, line, sinker.
At this point, it doesn't matter. I don't know why they're pushing it still when gas has gone down so drastically in the last several months. But at the time, I understood the angle. On a basic level, it's plausible to assume that more domestic production would cause an increased supply that would lower prices, and that it would be that much less oil we would be buying from the Middle East. Whether these assumptions were true or not wasn't really the issue. The fact was that gas was reaching $5 a gallon, people were terrified, and drilling SOUNDED good.


shooting blanks
I can't stop listening to The Final Countdown. Of course only the first minute or so the song gets awful once the dude starts singing, at least it looks like a dude...sort of.

Man, I'm waking up at 530 am...I will get to the polls by 600 am. And hopefully I can vote and get out of there by 800am, polls open at 700am in georgia.


I wonder how FL will vote towards prop 2 and 8. Too many religious folks will vote against 2 and not even take a look at 8. (2 is gay marriage and 8 is possibility giving tax money to community colleges in the future)

Full text of two
This amendment protects marriage as the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife and provides that no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized.



testicles on a cold fall morning
Speevy said:
Bill Kristol has looked depressed for weeks.
I thought he would be more upset watching his father's ideological movement go up in flames under his tutelage.


JavyOO7 said:
I wonder how FL will vote towards prop 2 and 8. Too many religious folks will vote against 2 and not even take a look at 8. (2 is gay marriage and 8 is possibility giving tax money to community colleges in the future)

Full text of two
This amendment protects marriage as the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife and provides that no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized.


I don't even know why Amendment 2 is being pushed, gay marriage is already illegal, this kills ALL civil unions.:(


JavyOO7 said:
This amendment protects marriage as the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife and provides that no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized.

I love how it says "protects" and not "restricts". Aren't these proposals required to be written in a factual and unbiased way?
ToxicAdam said:
More specifically, Clinton in his second term.

Someone who's foriegn policy was determined by public opinion polls and not pre-existing beliefs and strategies. Also, not jumping into free trade agreements without seeking ways to ease the negative effects on American industry first.
You means someones public policy is pragmatic and in line with the current context, instead of predestined by doctrines that can only be applied in ideal situations which reality never is?


besada said:
I fear Obama will be considerably less liberal than I'd like.

I think this is completely true and people here need to get used to it. Personally, it doesn't bother me a bit. I hope he's a pragmastist/realist that is able to pull all of us together because of that.
Ugh. Now getting nothing but Yes on 8 ads all over GAF. Just got the Biden - Palin one in the fucking Ecclesia thread.


edit: also have to say, Order of Ecclesia is the only fucking thing able to distract me from this elections. Thank god I have something to keep me from being a shivering mess.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Case said:
its kind of funny seeing a conservative accusing someone of being liberal :lol

"Liberal" used to be a real dirty word. After Bush, it doesn't quite stick anymore. That's why the McCain campaign ratcheted it up and tried to use "Socialist".


bob_arctor said:
I think this is completely true and people here need to get used to it. Personally, it doesn't bother me a bit. I hope he's a pragmastist/realist that is able to pull all of us together because of that.

Yep, he's going to do what he needs to do to get stuff done and passed through Congress.

That's why he's not proposing single-payer health care, for instance.
There are two little tent things on my campus - right next to each other - 1 McCain and 1 Obama.

I'm walking past and I hear this retarded girl from the McCain tent talking to 2 guys and all I heard was "Well the thing is it's not documented, like he lived in Malaysia or Indonesia or something..." and as I'm walking I'm just shaking my head.
StopMakingSense said:
Ugh. Now getting nothing but Yes on 8 ads all over GAF. Just got the Biden - Palin one in the fucking Ecclesia thread.


edit: also have to say, Order of Ecclesia is the only fucking thing able to distract me from this elections. Thank god I have something to keep me from being a shivering mess.
OoE is great

But my save file got corrupted :(


bob_arctor said:
I think this is completely true and people here need to get used to it. Personally, it doesn't bother me a bit. I hope he's a pragmastist/realist that is able to pull all of us together because of that.

I've always known it, but I fear that his range will be even less liberal than I think.

I presume he won't do what the Republicans always do, which is shove the country in their direction, regardless of how bad it is for the country. I know that's a good thing, but it's also why we keep sliding farther right every decade.

This is a much more conservative country than the one I was born in.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Dax01 said:
It's awesome to see how people of other countries are so interested in US politics.

Yeah I know right. I always wonder if they know the rules to the election. Like electorl votes, different states weighting on EV, etc.
Who are these people calling? How is Obama (also) getting 60,000 and 80,000 people…one time 100000 people…at these rallies?? I am sooooooooooo not trying to be an eeyore at all, but, these biased polls are really crazy. I guess I always underestimated Barack and overestimated the good sense of America not to fall for a personality cult. Someone, anyone, slap me.

Im sitting here watching my four year old and one year old play quietly with toys and am so sad that a communist might steal this election. I think Obama has been alerting us to his real intent…but the frogs have been in the pot for too long…all they can do is sit stunned…we must pray. NOW.

Mommypundit on November 3, 2008 at 11:19 AM


mckmas8808 said:
Yeah I know right. I always wonder if they know the rules to the election. Like electorl votes, different states weighting on EV, etc.
Most news stations do reports on the whole voting process and EV situation.
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