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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Hitokage said:
It's funny how McCain says he'll fight to shake up Washington, but he can't even fight to get his own campaign under control.

Here's a fun what-if.... say McCain won tomorrow (somehow), do you think he'd have the balls to off Palin? He could figure this broad isn't ready, he's probably only going to be pres one term anyway, why not go for a Lieberman or Ridge after a few months? Does he have the balls?

And you'd have to think this move would undoubtedly be endorsed by the ultra liberal House and Senate...
Horoscopes for Obama and McCain for tommorow:


Start flexing your muscles and using your power -- you must get used to using it!

You're feeling great about yourself -- but not quite tipping over into arrogance. Self-respect is important to you and you may need to rearrange things a bit in order to make sure you hang onto it.


A friend has to be open-minded enough to choose to be happy. You can't force them.

Plot your course for success today -- your ambitions deserve some attention! You've got the right kind of mental set for figuring out your plans and ought to be able to get things straightened out.

For November 5th


Your routine has changed recently, but you should not feel threatened or concerned.

You're organizing your desk or home office in a new way -- and you like it quite a bit! It's a good time to tinker even further to see if you can tweak things to your liking even more. Keep playing!


Changing your surroundings will fill you with an immense sense of pride today.

You should slow way down and let your feelings ebb and flow today -- there's no need to get excited when things might resolve themselves on their own. Your patience should be richly rewarded.

Obama's Career Horoscope for 4th

Trying to make a good impression, today, will just come off as arrogance on your part. Doing your job well is the best way to earn points at the office, so keep your nose to the grindstone.

McCain's Career Horoscope for 4th

We all know that hard work pays off, but motivating yourself to do the hard work is the trick for you. If you have any choices today, make all decisions based on what you love to do. Go for romance.

Obama's Career Horoscope for 5th

Being adaptable means considering all solutions -- even giving a plum assignment to your direct competition. If you can deliver it laterally, great, but if not, don't waste time crying over lost opportunities.

McCain's Career Horoscope for 5th

Face it, being critical of colleagues has become part of your regular way of doing things, and it has to change. Experiment to learn a new approach. You can try by being constructive, or saying nothing at all.

Obama and McCain's weekly Horoscope for this week


You do hand out very good advice, but watch yourself if you find that you're handing it out unsolicited to anyone who crosses your path on Monday and Tuesday. Most likely you're telling these people information that you actually need in your own life. By Thursday, you see that the best way to provide help is to be an example of stellar behavior -- and doing a few good deeds behind the scenes doesn't hurt either. Friday and the weekend, don't let yourself be a martyr for someone else's cause. You have your own garden, which needs attending.


Not every thought or feeling has to be expressed, but all of your emotions and mental patterns do need to be acknowledged and examined by one very important person -- you. Use the first half of the week to practice mindfulness. Yes, you'll slip in and out of it, but that's not a problem. It's the process that counts -- there's no end point on this journey. By Friday, you'll be tired, but in a good way that is the result of honest and sincere effort. Over the weekend, don't take any guilt trips, especially the ones you issue for yourself.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Is he crazy? Saying he won't support the bailout like Obama would?


"Socialism is bad. We're going to protect social security and medicare."


He stopped making sense to anyone but complete idiots months ago.


My God, McCain's entire stump speech is an entirely vacuous and inane set of ramblings.

This man literally has not a single concrete idea for our future.
worldrunover said:
Ok, question: What's the most worrisome thing about an Obama presidency?
To me, the concern would just be in the long term in regards to the change theme, and what happens if the situation is too dire for anybody to do a whole lot of good in four years. Now, I'm not saying that he can't have a successful administration and win re-election, but what happens if he doesn't? The very fact that Obama could come out with his background and experience, and win with his message is not only a testament to his political accumen, but also just how much people were fed up with the status quo.

If his presidency goes well, then that's fantastic. But if the situation doesn't improve or, worse, deteriorates, people might look back and blame Obama and the Democrats, since they will really have no scapegoats if the presidential and congressional races go as optimicstically as they would like. If America is not in better shape than it was, then the right is going to be in great shape to counter two years and four years from now.
besada said:
"Socialism is bad. We're going to protect social security and medicare."


He stopped making sense to anyone but complete idiots months ago.

He's using his "socialism" as a racist ploy, I'm completely convinced at this point. Throught the bullshit he is outright saying "Obama will take your money, hard-working white Americans, and give it to the lazy blacks who don't do anything!"

Nothing he has said can convince me otherwise.
Speevy said:
FoxNews Headline: "Palin has ignited America."

Oh crap they gave her access to fire?!

The Fox News.com headline is "It's Narrowing but..."

Which is an odd way to spin a poll that shows one guy ahead by 8 and the "narrowing" is down from 10.


worldrunover said:
Ok, question: What's the most worrisome thing about an Obama presidency?

He'll be a good president.

He's overhyped, and people will see him as a shitty president because he couldn't do major things in four years.

Republican in office in 4 years because the dems can't "meet what they set".

We won't see a second term for obama, short of him miracously doing the impossible in hist first term.

Second most worrisome thing, he's gonna fill his cabinet with commies and socialist.


McCain has lost his damn mind. "I won't give $750 billion to bail out the banks of America. Senator Obama will."


Didn't he vote for the bailout plan?


iapetus said:
I'm still annoyed by the whole bullshit surrounding 'socialism' becoming a dirty word in the US.
'Socialism' has historical negative connotations (e.g. USSR) so it's at least understandable to some extent, if misguided, but the one that always gets me is 'liberal'. How the fuck did that become an insult? :lol

I guess it comes down to how everything in American politics has been diluted to a black/white issue. You're either a freedom-loving capitalist or a dirty commie/socialist; if you don't have good old-fashioned conservative family values you're a baby-killing gay-marrying liberal. You're either with us or with the terrorists. I love America and you disagree with me so you must hate America. No shades of grey.


Setec Astronomer
gcubed said:
no, now i think its a negative, it makes them look as pathetic as ever.
The Saudis told us the market fundamentals didn't merit a supply increase but Republicans wouldn't have it.


glistenm said:
Republican in office in 4 years because the dems can't "meet what they set".

Nah. Not if they still insist on catering only to their wacko faction. After this, those days should be over but hopefully they don't know any better.


Sway: I know people have piercings, tattoos. Eric, in particular, is talking about a ban on sagging pants. Do feel like people should be penalized?

Obama: Here is my attitude: I think people passing a law against people wearing sagging pants is a waste of time. We should be focused on creating jobs, improving our schools, health care, dealing with the war in Iraq, and anybody, any public official, that is worrying about sagging pants probably needs to spend some time focusing on real problems out there. Having said that, brothers should pull up their pants. You are walking by your mother, your grandmother, your underwear is showing. What's wrong with that? Come on. There are some issues that we face, that you don't have to pass a law, but that doesn't mean folks can't have some sense and some respect for other people and, you know, some people might not want to see your underwear — I'm one of them.


PPP Georgia!!


McCain 50
Obama 48
Barr 2

Obama leads 52 to 47 in voters who have already voted

57% of voters have already voted

the rest are supporting McCain 54 to 43

Obama needs 30% of white vote to capture Georgia, right now he is capturing 28% of it

Of the voters who have yet to vote: 24% are black, 42% republicans, 38% democrats


Big Mac Attack!

Jesus, he's an imbecile.

I'm looking forward to his complete ostracization from the political process. The Republicans are going to shit on him, and the Democrats will burn him at every turn.

I pity folks from Arizona that need to get things done.


does anyone else besides me hold out hope that on November 5th, asshole McCain gets put out to pasture? He comes on the daily show some time after the election and say "yeah i know i fucked up"


I wish that McCain would just...nm.

Can't wait for Wednesday when I don't have to see his wrinkly, lying, hell, near dying ass on TV anymore. Sick of everything he does, I'm sick of seeing his arms looking turtle-esque. Sick of seeing his wife standing behind him like some old, submissive, southern belle (Does this women even know of women rights?). Sick of his stupid supporters.

I've never seen a candidate project his own shit onto other people as much as McCain does.

MY goodness, he's on all three channels, somebody MAKE IT STOOOOP!


I'm glad this election will be over tomorrow, not sure I can stomach another glance at android Cindy's smug facial expressions behind Mccain anymore.


worldrunover said:
Yeah that's funny. I remember Kerry was the most liberal senator four yers ago.

And Clinton was the most librul Governor, just like Dukakis and Mondale and Carter were all raging libruls!!

Republicans just call whoever they are running against "the most liberal _____" and the GOP base eats the shit up.


Hitokage said:
"The Mac is Back"?


That's one step removed from a McDonalds ad slogan.

He's just setting up for the future GOP nominee, Simon McRibbenstein to have a ready made slogan.


testicles on a cold fall morning
As much as I disagree with the substance of the speech, this is the most alive I've seen McCain the entire election.
Hitokage said:
The Saudis told us the market fundamentals didn't merit a supply increase but Republicans wouldn't have it.

You think they're going to listen to Arabs? An increase in supply is pointless, we need a decrease in demand. Putting our resources into more fuel efficient vehicles and alternative fuels is such a better idea, it's ridiculous people still buy this "drill baby drill" crap hook, line, sinker.
gcubed said:
does anyone else besides me hold out hope that on November 5th, asshole McCain gets put out to pasture? He comes on the daily show some time after the election and say "yeah i know i fucked up"

He's got a lot of 'splaining to do.


"I'm an American and I will fight. Fight, FIGHT!"

This idiot is going to be responsible for every act of violence that his supporters commit when he crashes and burns on Tuesday. He is inciting hate with this type of bullshit. Does he think this is some sort of civil war?
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