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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Brotherhood of Shipley's

So, I've got a story about being Barack Obama for Halloween.

To start, I got off work, went home, then got ready to go out as Obama. Kids were Trick or Treating and I was in my business suit, but didn't have the mask on.

A little girl and her father were walking up to my door, I'm loading stuff into my car on the driveway, and the little girl asks her dad, "Daddy, what's his costume?"

I reply, "My Barack Obama mask is in the trunk."

The father laughs, and continues to tell his little girl, "Oh, that means he's going to spread all the candy around to all the lazy people."

He said this, on my driveway, and I have a clear obama sticker on my car. I held myself from berating him. I laughed it off, knowing that I'll have the last laugh come tuesday.

As Obama, though, I got a great response in the costume. People everywhere were screaming "BARACK IM VOTING FOR YOU WOOOOOOOOOO." I did get a couple "SOCIALIST" yells, but whatever.


My nerves are shot!!

Somebody talk me down . . .

I'm confident, but damn . . . I think my PTSD from the 2000 and 2004 elections is starting to bubble to the surface.


besada said:
...we keep sliding farther right every decade.

I keep saying this. But we still have all these people who "hate both parties" and are so proud of themselves for being in the middle as if it proves them to be independent thinkers. The center is defined by the parties they claim to hate!


To me, this sliding of the "center" to the right is the Repugs biggest achievement. Well, that and getting away with things that literally seem like they're out of a really good political comedy.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
StopMakingSense said:
edit: also have to say, Order of Ecclesia is the only fucking thing able to distract me from this elections. Thank god I have something to keep me from being a shivering mess.

EXACT same situation here. Just beat Goliath.


typhonsentra said:
Who are these people calling? How is Obama (also) getting 60,000 and 80,000 people…one time 100000 people…at these rallies?? I am sooooooooooo not trying to be an eeyore at all, but, these biased polls are really crazy. I guess I always underestimated Barack and overestimated the good sense of America not to fall for a personality cult. Someone, anyone, slap me.

Im sitting here watching my four year old and one year old play quietly with toys and am so sad that a communist might steal this election. I think Obama has been alerting us to his real intent…but the frogs have been in the pot for too long…all they can do is sit stunned…we must pray. NOW.

Mommypundit on November 3, 2008 at 11:19 AM

:lol :lol

Mommypundit! God, the tears taste so good.


besada said:
I've always known it, but I fear that his range will be even less liberal than I think.

I presume he won't do what the Republicans always do, which is shove the country in their direction, regardless of how bad it is for the country. I know that's a good thing, but it's also why we keep sliding farther right every decade.

This is a much more conservative country than the one I was born in.

I'm already not happy with his stance on Afghanistan since I feel it's another no-win, endless slog but if we can get out of Iraq I'll take that and call it even.

As for the bolded portion--I think that may be changing (excuse the pun).


ToxicAdam said:
I think you can be assured of that.

Well, as long as he takes away all the guns, institutes a program of public food dispensal, nationalizes the oil industry, enforces vaccinations, and whips the top ten earners of Wall Street through the borough of Brooklyn, I guess I'll be satisfied.

I've been trying to come up with derogatory names for rich people. Do like "Moneygrub" or "Cashwhore" better? We should get started now, before we set up the re-education camps.


glistenm said:
He'll be a good president.

He's overhyped, and people will see him as a shitty president because he couldn't do major things in four years.

Republican in office in 4 years because the dems can't "meet what they set".

We won't see a second term for obama, short of him miracously doing the impossible in hist first term.

Second most worrisome thing, he's gonna fill his cabinet with commies and socialist.

Please mods, don't ban this one. I want at least one of them around to drink of their bitter tears tomorrow.


Xisiqomelir said:
Please mods, don't ban this one. I want at least one of them around to drink of their bitter tears tomorrow.

You think Obama is gonna rain down magic presidential powers over the clusterfuck that's happening in the US right now in the span on 4 years?


glistenm said:
You think Obama is gonna rain down magic presidential powers over the clusterfuck that's happening in the US right now in the span on 4 years?

I think most people are looking forward to a lowering onn the amount of "presidential powers"
Shard said:
DO we have any undecided Neo Gafican voters?

I'm just not sure yet. Yeah, Obama's written two books, campaigned for 2 years, been in 20+ debates, and has held numerous interviews, but I JUST DON'T KNOW ABOUT HIM.

That Sarah Palin sure does seem like my type of gal though!

BrandNew said:
Because I'm too scared to venture over there...

How does Hilaryis44 look right now? :lol


I hate the "it's not mean spirited or negative campaigning to call someone out on their record", cut the crap, just because you give a pre-emptive excuse doesn't mean you can say whatever the hell you want. When you call the man a socialist, you are not just negaitvely campaigning, you are LYING and no amount of that BS is going to undermine that.

When did Obama say that you will get a tax increase if you make 125 thousand dollars a year?


I always get saddened by the desperation of the "losing side" as the election draws near. These people get so wrapped up in the election that they convince themselves there will be this monumental shift on Nov 4th, if they lose.

The more hysterical Kerry voters were claiming that there was going to be a draft, we were invading Iran and Roe v Wade was all but overturned once Bush was re-elected.

Now, it's the time for the mommypundits to wring their hands about socialism, losing their guns and the further "destruction of the family".


Hitokage said:
Five words:


Comrade Hito, your five minutes of daily internet use are up! Back to work in the communal arugula fields!

*pointy bayonet blade pokes you as you shuffle out to the fields*


besada said:
Who's "we" white man? Not all of us embraced our inner chicken little.
PoliGAF collectively, and I was referring to freaking out both in celebration and going all chicken little. Rain or shine, the Gallups were fun. Just thought I'd mark the end of that six-month PoliGAF tradition. :p
Shard said:
Does the blue collar person really care about the capital gains tax?

The care about ALL taxes, it seems. Even the ones that don't affect them in the slightest. Why else would McCain keep pimping a lie like "He's going to raise taxes!111!!!11!" w/o specifying to whom he's doing it too? Because he knows that by just saying that he'll make some folks poop all over themselves. smh.
Jon_Danger said:
I will be in Chicago for the Obama rally.

Me too. I'm really starting to freak out about the election. Are you going to be in the ticketed area?

I've not been this nervous in years. Holy crap.


Slavik81 said:
I'm afraid.
Hold me.

I am 80 percent sure that Obama will win tomorrow, the ONLY thing that gives me even the slightest bit of doubt is the people who answer that they are "undecided" in these polls? Who in the FUCK could possibly be an undecided at this point?
Shard said:
Does the blue collar person really care about the capital gains tax?
Probably not. But the base understands the philosophical threat it poses on a theoretical level. IF you did invest and make some real money in the market, guess what? The liberals are going to take it and redistribute it just like Karl Marx would have. My comrades, that's not the change you can believe in. That's communism.
besada said:
I've always known it, but I fear that his range will be even less liberal than I think.

That's not necessarily a bad thing. There are those of us who have an equal disdain for the far right and the far left. We're called moderates. When McCain took the Republican primary, I was hugely relieved because he's always been more of a moderate republican on many issues. Even though I tend to lean democratic, I figured that whichever side won we'd be better off than we have been in the last 8 years. But when McCain buckled to the neoconservatives and brought Palin on to his ticket, that pretty much shoved me fully into the Democratic camp. The hateful ideological bilge he's been spewing around "socialism" has made me lose a tremendous amount of respect for someone whom I'd formerly admired as a senator.

Obama strikes me as being an extremely intelligent fellow who knows how to bring in the right advisors, speaks a positive message of hope, and weighs issues carefully before making decisions. I'm hoping he proves to be a solid moderate who considers the best interests of the nation, not his party, as he takes on the role of President.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

OK, Drudge has lost it. Check out the headline and picture:

"Obama congratulates McCain"


No story, nothing. Treating it as if Obama actually did it on purpose. What a colossal douchebag.
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