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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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artredis1980 said:
May God help Obama win

May Allah bless the voters, to soften thier hearts and let them vote Obama

May this be the end of hatred, bigotry and a new time for change. change for the people of the world, change for better health care, change for a better image of the US around the world, change for a better economy. change to bring back the feeling we all had when Clinton was president and everything was Good.

Change. May God bless

and May God Speed.




So I've called this guy in PA 23 times.

The first few times he said he was leaning Obama but wasn't sure.

The next few calls he said he was undecided.

Then he told me he was going to vote McCain because he didn't like getting all these phone calls.

So I kept calling but he started screening his calls. I kept leaving my standard pitch for Obama on his machine.

Now these last few calls he's changed the message on his machine. It goes like this:
"If you're that crazy Obama supporter in Colorado that keeps calling me please stop. If you'll just please stop calling me I'll vote for Obama."

So help me out GAF, should I stop calling him and call it mission accomplished?
Dax01 said:

The most conservative estimate at this point, me thinks.

Here's McCain's path, if you want to talk conservative estimates:



testicles on a cold fall morning
lawblob said:
Bob Shrum is dropping the hammer on MSNBC! :lol
I would be happy if I never hear of Bob (I fuck every Democratic Presidential candidate up the ass) Shrum again.


greepoman said:
Ah I see, I guess I'm just used to seeing the white tourists. That and I guess none of the bizillion lobbyists actually live in DC I guess.

Nope; they live in Northern VA, you know, the fake, un-american part of VA.
The_Joint said:
So I've called this guy in PA 23 times.

The first few times he said he was leaning Obama but wasn't sure.

The next few calls he said he was undecided.

Then he told me he was going to vote McCain because he didn't like getting all these phone calls.

So I kept calling but he started screening his calls. I kept leaving my standard pitch for Obama on his machine.

Now these last few calls he's changed the message on his machine. It goes like this:
"If you're that crazy Obama supporter in Colorado that keeps calling me please stop. If you'll just please stop calling me I'll vote for Obama."

So help me out GAF, should I stop calling him and call it mission accomplished?

Leave him alone already! Sheesh.


The_Joint said:
So I've called this guy in PA 23 times.

The first few times he said he was leaning Obama but wasn't sure.

The next few calls he said he was undecided.

Then he told me he was going to vote McCain because he didn't like getting all these phone calls.

So I kept calling but he started screening his calls. I kept leaving my standard pitch for Obama on his machine.

Now these last few calls he's changed the message on his machine. It goes like this:
"If you're that crazy Obama supporter in Colorado that keeps calling me please stop. If you'll just please stop calling me I'll vote for Obama."

So help me out GAF, should I stop calling him and call it mission accomplished?

Call him and ask for a donation of $25.


The_Joint said:
So I've called this guy in PA 23 times.

The first few times he said he was leaning Obama but wasn't sure.

The next few calls he said he was undecided.

Then he told me he was going to vote McCain because he didn't like getting all these phone calls.

So I kept calling but he started screening his calls. I kept leaving my standard pitch for Obama on his machine.

Now these last few calls he's changed the message on his machine. It goes like this:
"If you're that crazy Obama supporter in Colorado that keeps calling me please stop. If you'll just please stop calling me I'll vote for Obama."

So help me out GAF, should I stop calling him and call it mission accomplished?

Yeah, I don't think you're getting any more blood from that stone.


Lost all credibility.
Where are people going for their live election coverage online (besides gaf ofcourse)? Any links would be greatly appreciated! :D
The_Joint said:
So I've called this guy in PA 23 times.

The first few times he said he was leaning Obama but wasn't sure.

The next few calls he said he was undecided.

Then he told me he was going to vote McCain because he didn't like getting all these phone calls.

So I kept calling but he started screening his calls. I kept leaving my standard pitch for Obama on his machine.

Now these last few calls he's changed the message on his machine. It goes like this:
"If you're that crazy Obama supporter in Colorado that keeps calling me please stop. If you'll just please stop calling me I'll vote for Obama."

So help me out GAF, should I stop calling him and call it mission accomplished?

...Hmm, maybe these annoyances really are changing the minds of Pennsylvanians.
worldrunover said:
Ok, question: What's the most worrisome thing about an Obama presidency?

That the skeptics about him on the left turn out to be correct and he turns out to be more a member of the alternate wing of the one corporate party than a true opposition. To be honest I'm really not all that hopeful for great change from an Obama administration. I really want him to win just because once the Dems control the White House, they will have no more excuses for failure, their true colors will be revealed.


Setec Astronomer
The machine currently on camera on MSNBC is what's in use in Mecklenburg County. Same ballot style with the paper strip to the left. No flipping problems for me though!
The_Joint said:
So I've called this guy in PA 23 times.

The first few times he said he was leaning Obama but wasn't sure.

The next few calls he said he was undecided.

Then he told me he was going to vote McCain because he didn't like getting all these phone calls.

So I kept calling but he started screening his calls. I kept leaving my standard pitch for Obama on his machine.

Now these last few calls he's changed the message on his machine. It goes like this:
"If you're that crazy Obama supporter in Colorado that keeps calling me please stop. If you'll just please stop calling me I'll vote for Obama."

So help me out GAF, should I stop calling him and call it mission accomplished?

why would you call him again if he was saying leaning obama


sykoex said:
Where are people going for their live election coverage online (besides gaf ofcourse)? Any links would be greatly appreciated! :D
I'm just going to stare at the night sky, alert for signs of fire and brimstone raining down.


The_Joint said:
So I've called this guy in PA 23 times.

The first few times he said he was leaning Obama but wasn't sure.

The next few calls he said he was undecided.

Then he told me he was going to vote McCain because he didn't like getting all these phone calls.

So I kept calling but he started screening his calls. I kept leaving my standard pitch for Obama on his machine.

Now these last few calls he's changed the message on his machine. It goes like this:
"If you're that crazy Obama supporter in Colorado that keeps calling me please stop. If you'll just please stop calling me I'll vote for Obama."

So help me out GAF, should I stop calling him and call it mission accomplished?

sykoex said:
Where are people going for their live election coverage online (besides gaf ofcourse)? Any links would be greatly appreciated! :D

I'll go MSNBC/CNN most likely. Not sure when the networks are picking up the feed, may switch over to NBC News at some point.

Also, Stewart/Colbert at 11pm, assuming it's been decided by then.


GrapeApes said:
I'm talking about a hot anchor and you're asking about Bob Shrum, kerry's campaign manager.

i thought you were talking about the republican... GAF has some fucked up political fetishes, so i wasnt going to even broach the subject
worldrunover said:
I'll go MSNBC/CNN most likely. Not sure when the networks are picking up the feed, may switch over to NBC News at some point.

Also, Stewart/Colbert at 11pm, assuming it's been decided by then.

And if it is decided (in Obama's favor) I'm headed straight over to Fox.


Wes said:
Staying up all night over in the UK here to see how this one goes. Can't wait!

IMHO, you'd be best off taking a nap and waking up around midnight GMT... that's when shit will start going down.
Plus, a big chunk of the white folks living in and around DC are very liberal, work in government, or both. Funny enough, most of my friends in Northern VA will say they come from DC if you ask them, and will only switch to Arlington/Alexandria with prodding. :lol


Setec Astronomer
worldrunover said:
Ok, question: What's the most worrisome thing about an Obama presidency?
Him making the job look easy again and everyone forgetting what happens with a nutty/incompetent president.
I know for sure that this article wasn't posted in this thread. Last thread? Not so sure.

Europe has a long wait for its own Obama -- AP | MSNBC.com
Sat., Nov. 1, 2008
MONTFERMEIL, France - Where is Europe's Barack Obama?

Not only are droves of Europeans voting with their hearts for the U.S. presidential candidate, many are asking when France, Germany or Britain will get a chance to cast a ballot for a leader from their own burgeoning "visible minorities."

The answer: not any time soon.

Dreams clash head-on with reality in the grimy ghettoes and sophisticated cities of Europe. There is little sense that "our Obama" is about to bound over the well-guarded — and largely white — porticos of power.

"Obama is rather far away. It's a bit of a fiction here, a bit of a dream," said Kadar Mkalache, tending a stand at the weekly market in Les Bosquets, a tough housing project in Montfermeil northeast of Paris. Born in France 48 years ago of Algerian descent, Mkalache said he's a French citizen who doesn't feel French — "not at all."

Still, Mkalache, who has an 18-year-old son, said Obama "could bring a ray of hope."

Changing face of Europe
Discrimination is only one reason that citizens of immigrant origin are unlikely to soon produce a leader able to crack the system. Another is that the Old World is young when it comes to its minorities of color.

In Spain, a magnet for migrants from north and sub-Saharan Africa, most visible minorities are still in their first generation. Elsewhere, they mainly go back three generations at most.

The changing face of some other European countries, like Britain or France, often reflects their colonial past — their immigrants come from countries they once ruled, and color barriers remain formidable.

In Britain, minorities — at least 8 percent of the population — hold only 15 of 646 parliamentary seats. However, a black, Baroness Scotland, holds the post of attorney general — the highest ranking minority in British government.

In France, where there are an estimated 5 million Muslims, mainly from North Africa, and millions more blacks, there is only one black lawmaker in the 577-seat National Assembly, who was born in the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe. The upper house has four senators with roots in North Africa.

Minorities in Germany's Bundestag hold 10 of 612 seats, although a politician of Turkish origin, Cem Ozdemir, is about to become the first to take the helm of a political party, co-leading the Green Party.

"Obama hasn't happened overnight," said Danny Sriskandarajah of the Institute for Public Policy Research in Britain. "It took generations of minority activism in the U.S. to create this space and develop that sort of political acumen ... which is largely absent from Europe."

In the United States, racial tensions still fester but much of the anger was worked out in the long civil rights struggles of the 1950s and '60s. Minority groups are part of the political mainstream with a voice that cannot be ignored.

With Obama, Sriskandarajah said, "We are seeing, I think, in America the maturity of minority politics."

"There's no denying that Obama is a sort of pinup boy for the immigrant dream all over the world," he said.

Blatant discrimination
"Obama-mania" has swept countries like Germany, Britain and France. But the minorities remain trapped in political infancy.

In France, the mother country of "liberty, equality, fraternity," discrimination against visible minorities is often blatant.

A United Nations independent expert, Gay J. McDougall, concluded in a statement from the U.N. media office after a visit to France a year ago that it was "widespread, entrenched and institutionalized," complicating any leap over the race barrier.

Despair among immigrants blamed on discrimination seeded riots three years ago in places like Montfermeil. Yet France is among European nations which have successfully integrated its white immigrants. Example: President Nicolas Sarkozy's father was born in Hungary.

"Such a path is unimaginable for a black in France," said Patrick Lozes, born in the west African nation of Benin and head of the Representative Council of Black Associations.

After taking office last year, Sarkozy appointed three women from France's visible minorities as ministers — Rama Yade, junior minister for foreign affairs and human rights, born in Dakar, Senegal, and two who maintain dual citizenship, Urban Minister Fadal Amara, of Algerian origin, and Justice Minister Rachida Dati, of Moroccan origin.

But progress appears to have stopped there.

French ... and nothing else
Lozes contends the crux of the problem lies in France's refusal to carry out a head count of its ethnic minorities, on the grounds that in an ideal melting pot, everyone comes out French and nothing else.

"We say there are no figures so there is no problem. The hypocrisy lies there," said Lozes.

Experts say the blockage is at least in part within the political system itself.

Obama "is what we are not capable of producing," said sociologist Eric Keslassy who studies discrimination in French society.

The problem lies less within the electorate than within the political parties, "an ultra-competitive world."

"The posts are well guarded and passed between people who belong to the same circle," he said.

Citizens of immigrant origin in poor projects like Montfermeil appear caught in a vicious circle in which the clubby political system leads to voter apathy — further eroding political clout.

"They know the French political system only too well to have any hope" for a French Obama, Keslassy said.

Other European countries, too, appear a long way from that day.

However, Sriskandarajah predicts that Britain, at least, will have its own prime minister of color "within the next couple of decades" — the time it takes to "grease the wheels of their party machine."

Yade, the French government minister, recalled in an interview with the daily Le Parisien that in her youth the only black she saw on television was Michel Leeb, a popular white comedian who imitates blacks.

Obama "is the incarnation of the American dream," the French black leader Lozes said. "Here, we will ask the question: 'Where is the French dream?'"


Is anyone else here in college other than me have pretty much their HW/Grades/etc take a pretty decent sized hit cause of this fucking election?

EVERY single time I get on to do homework I end up F5ing GAF and the endless political sites I track for hours and hours.


The_Joint said:
So I've called this guy in PA 23 times.

The first few times he said he was leaning Obama but wasn't sure.

The next few calls he said he was undecided.

Then he told me he was going to vote McCain because he didn't like getting all these phone calls.

So I kept calling but he started screening his calls. I kept leaving my standard pitch for Obama on his machine.

Now these last few calls he's changed the message on his machine. It goes like this:
"If you're that crazy Obama supporter in Colorado that keeps calling me please stop. If you'll just please stop calling me I'll vote for Obama."

So help me out GAF, should I stop calling him and call it mission accomplished?
If you call him again I will change my vote to McCain.


Setec Astronomer
It's funny how McCain says he'll fight to shake up Washington, but he can't even fight to get his own campaign under control.


The_Joint said:
So I've called this guy in PA 23 times.

The first few times he said he was leaning Obama but wasn't sure.

The next few calls he said he was undecided.

Then he told me he was going to vote McCain because he didn't like getting all these phone calls.

So I kept calling but he started screening his calls. I kept leaving my standard pitch for Obama on his machine.

Now these last few calls he's changed the message on his machine. It goes like this:
"If you're that crazy Obama supporter in Colorado that keeps calling me please stop. If you'll just please stop calling me I'll vote for Obama."

So help me out GAF, should I stop calling him and call it mission accomplished?
you failed.

now you have to go to his house and talk face to face.


Cheebs said:
Is anyone else here in college other than me have pretty much their HW/Grades/etc take a pretty decent sized hit cause of this fucking election? :lol

EVERY single time I get on to do homework I end up F5ing GAF and the endless political sites I track for hours and hours.

I cut a few classes on Primary/Caucus result days :lol I'm not going to class tomorrow either!


besada said:
Clinton, Part II

More specifically, Clinton in his second term.

Someone who's foriegn policy was determined by public opinion polls and not pre-existing beliefs and strategies. Also, not jumping into free trade agreements without seeking ways to ease the negative effects on American industry first.
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