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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Hail to the KING baby
Damn that's crazy. Are there going to be more BREAKING SHOCK stories like these? Perhaps more passages from Obama's books? The Republican mudslingers are definitely earning their pay digging so deep to unearth such shocking, top-secret, classified info. Give these guys a bonus.
belvedere said:
Random and useless, but entertaining poll.

Fifty-two percent of Lexus, BMW, and Lincoln owners, for example, prefer McCain while 61 percent of Subaru owners favor Obama, according to the McClatchy-Tribune.


<--WRX owner.


No mention of Mazda in the article? That sucks.

Hey, I'm trying to keep up with this thread but I keep falling behind during meetings and such. Has the 'Dancing With The Stars' Photoshop been posted yet?


AstroLad said:
Damn that's crazy. Are there going to be more BREAKING SHOCK stories like these? Perhaps more passages from Obama's books? The Republican mudslingers are definitely earning their pay digging so deep to unearth such shocking, top-secret, classified info. Give these guys a bonus.




When a map like this is the absurdly optimistic one, you know your candidate is in trouble.


1-D_FTW said:
Did their polling include 35% AA vote?

Cause let's say 35 percent holds up and he gets 95-5 of that vote. Wouldn't that mean he'd only need 25 percent of the rest to cross 50 percent? Am I doing the math wrong?
I couldn't figure it out from the cross tabs. 35% of early voters are AA, but they said from their poll that likely voters on election day will be 24%. Turnout will be the determining factor, but with the AA vote so high, and the topline number so close, a tiny shift will be what decides things.


segarr said:
FUCK coal, I really don't give a fuck. Coal? Fucking coal? This is more of that right wing populism that I was talking about earlier. Look, alternative fuels HAVE to catch on sooner or later,!!

yes, magical pixie dust will save us all. Why don't we just convert everything to run on magical pixie dust? Forget cost effectiveness .. America demands the pixie dust now.

In fact, let's be like China. Throw all of our farming tools into the blast furnace to make steel. We need a great leap forward.


AstroLad said:
Damn that's crazy. Are there going to be more BREAKING SHOCK stories like these? Perhaps more passages from Obama's books? The Republican mudslingers are definitely earning their pay digging so deep to unearth such shocking, top-secret, classified info. Give these guys a bonus.

I fully expect tomorrow's lead story on Drudge to being "New revelations, Obama smoked crack, when did he stop?"


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
artredis1980 said:
PPP Georgia!!


McCain 50
Obama 48
Barr 2

Obama leads 52 to 47 in voters who have already voted

57% of voters have already voted

the rest are supporting McCain 54 to 43

Obama needs 30% of white vote to capture Georgia, right now he is capturing 28% of it

Of the voters who have yet to vote: 24% are black, 42% republicans, 38% democrats

Keep GA close. I like it.
ZOgby releases FINAL State polls with all undecideds allocated to thier leaning candidate

Pennsylvania: Obama up 14 points (same as last week)

Ohio: Obama up 6 points (Obama +3)

Virginia: Obama up 6 points (McCain +2)

Nevada: Obama up 8 points (Same as last week)

Florida: Obama up 1 point (McCain +2)

Missouri: Obama up 1 point (McCain +1)

North Carolina: McCain up 2 points (McCain +5)

Indiana: McCain up 5 points (Obama +2)

AstroLad said:
Damn that's crazy. Are there going to be more BREAKING SHOCK stories like these? Perhaps more passages from Obama's books? The Republican mudslingers are definitely earning their pay digging so deep to unearth such shocking, top-secret, classified info. Give these guys a bonus.
Little known fact: Obama did the crack/cocaine. This juicy nugget can be found in his books. What he didn't admit to, though, was whether or not he sold drugs, and if he did, whether or not he sold them to kids.

Even if he didn't deal, there's still the question of whether or not he did drugs at parties with best friend William Ayers while they plotted how to take down America. Even worse, at these parties, they weren't wearing American flag lapel pins. Oh, and the house they were partying at was owned by convicted slum lord Tony Rezko.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
artredis1980 said:
ZOgby releases FINAL State polls with all undecideds allocated to thier leaning candidate

Pennsylvania: Obama up 14 points (same as last week)

Ohio: Obama up 6 points (Obama +3)

Virginia: Obama up 6 points (McCain +2)

Nevada: Obama up 8 points (Same as last week)

Florida: Obama up 1 point (McCain +2)

Missouri: Obama up 1 point (McCain +1)

North Carolina: McCain up 2 points (McCain +5)

Indiana: McCain up 5 points (Obama +2)

we got this


typhonsentra said:
Ed Morrisey's electoral prediction.
:lol He never lets up. I feel like posting some of his greatest hits in predictions that failed but it'll have to wait until later. Some of them are Deadmeat level.

Great idea, please do it later.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Andrea Mitchell :lol

"What do you see as these concerns, whether raising taxes 12%, experience 20%, or....neither....48%..."


GhaleonEB said:
I couldn't figure it out from the cross tabs. 35% of early voters are AA, but they said from their poll that likely voters on election day will be 24%. Turnout will be the determining factor, but with the AA vote so high, and the topline number so close, a tiny shift will be what decides things.

Which is why I take the whole thing with a grain of salt. That seems like it's a low number.

And even with my overly optimistic assumption that they were able to hold at 35 percent on election day, that ignores the fact I was only giving Barr 0.5 percent of the total vote. If he pulls 3-5 percent of the votes, even those numbers don't have to be met. So I'll definitely be holding out hope on Georgia.


Dunno if it's been posted, but :

Joe the Plumber is short on cash and unemployed but that's not stopping him from opening a new charitable foundation and penning a book on American values.

"I got no financial offers. I am broke," Joe Wurzelbacher said Monday, explaining that he's got a few ideas on how to spread the wealth to himself and others following bogus reports of a professional management deal and potential country music career.

"I am starting a charity up, it's called 'Secure Our Dream.' It's just about people, neighbors in the community," Wurzelbacher told FOXNews.com.

How much you want to bet he's going to start taking unemployment benefits and/or welfare soon?



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
besada said:
That may be your worry, but my complaints with Clinton mostly happened in the first term. Kosovo was stupid, but it was the kind of stupid everyone's going to keep doing no matter what -- ethnic uprisings will be the new terrorism.

No, my complaint about Clinton and his wife, is that they weren't far from being Republicans (the old kind, not the retarded new kind). They bailed on multiple major campaign promises, and then kept running right.

I fear Obama will be considerably less liberal than I'd like.

This is another good thing. More to the center the better for this country.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The report, which appeared Monday on the McClatchy-Tribune's Web site, found that McCain is favored among owners of domestic and luxury vehicles -- like Buick, Dodge, and Ford -- while Obama leads among import owners -- like Saab and Honda.

Fifty-two percent of Lexus, BMW, and Lincoln owners, for example, prefer McCain while 61 percent of Subaru owners favor Obama, according to the McClatchy-Tribune.

If you think about the way this is worded, you should just facepalm.

For starters, last time I checked, neither BMW or Lexus were domestic autos "for example."

Secondly - LINCOLN? Did they simply add Linclon to try and queer the poll? The ONLY person you can sell a Lincoln to is the kind of get of my lawn crusty old man who thinks McCain is in the mirror, not on the TV.
ToxicAdam said:
In fact, let's be like China. Throw all of our farming tools into the blast furnace to make steel. We need a great leap forward.



WTF? Wright ad?!?! Are you serious? Man no wonder I've avoided TV for the past few weeks. Maybe the Obama camp should run an ad in Florida with McCain's pastor talking about Jews. That would be the day. So everyone that goes to a church follows or agrees with every word a pastor says? Good lord. Pun intended.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Oh, from the same wizards who brought you the Starbucks vote-for-coffee ad - http://www.girleffect.org/

Amazing stuff, from both a message and technical standpoint.

Oy vey - not the hyper parsing of the Obama-China argument again.


ImperialConquest: "Sir, random-run-of-the-mill-American-Citizen, Imperial Conquest, reporting for duty, sir!"

Obama: "Relax son..... I'VE GOT THIS SHIT!".

Go Obama!!

For all our sakes, WIN THIS ELECTION!
This has probably been posted, but after morning meetings I can't get through all the pages I missed. This place moves so fast.




when is my burrito
What's absolutely retarded about McCain winning PA is that he's a heck of a lot closer in VA and CO and he has a much better chance of winning those. Any map that has him winning PA and not winning those other 2 is completely absurd.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
mckmas8808 said:
This is another good thing. More to the center the better for this country.
We need to go left. We've had 8-12 years of center-right garbage. Time for some LEFT JUSTICE™

abortions for all plz
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