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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Staccat0 said:
I just want to gon on the record and say that I voted for Obama but I hate guys like this. Mcain is a classy guy at heart who has done amazing things in the service of this country. sure he has surrounded himself with fools in order to get elected, but I think we should take a moment to consider the guy's accomplishments in his moment of defeat.

-gang of fourteen
-has co-written bills with many dems including John Edwards
-pushed for anti-torture bills against bush
-opposed guantanamo bay's practices
-doesnt talk about religion much (flip flopped later to get elected)
-once called jerry falwell an agent of intolerance (flip flopped later)
-sought a middle ground on imigration reform (i dont consider this a flip flop)
-seems nice and funny
-didnt bring up reverand wright or Obama's funny name when strategically he should have.
-wrote obama a funny letter in senate when obama used him a political prop

McCain completely sold himself out over the course of this campaign. Sincere, respectful, independant McCain became an organ of the far right, and morphed into an angry, bitter old man, with angry, bitter followers.

McCain faced an uphill battle from the beginning, but he did himself no favors.
thefit said:
Its actually on Santa Monica blvd, and I've been antsing for that goddamn golden statue for some time know. I'm drunk.
Oh yeah my mistake, the two streets intersect near there and it mixes me up.


Honorary Canadian.
one of the comments from the Guardian editorial posted just got me choked up again :lol

Sometimes I wish I was an American, in those moments where they seem to stand apart from us. Their endless optimism and their endless desire for change and movement and history. They make history, where as as an English woman I feel I am just you know in it. I don't know that much about life, or what it takes to be a successful adult because well I am just a student, full of that optimism and promise and you know I like to watch Jeremy Kyle. I sat up and watched Obama become the 44th American President, I watched Americans cry and I cried and I believed in him and his words and the fact that really, this is going to have an impact on us all and to say that we are not involved is really fruitless.

Sometimes I wish I was an American just so I could be proud and wave a flag and not feel like a loser. I wish that I could hold my flag and say you know what, I want my country to be amazing and I believe we are in many more ways that you will never ever understand and most of all I am proud to be English, I am proud to be British.

But I cannot, not just yet, but maybe one day. We will chant, Yes we can. and I will teach my children to believe that they can do anything and be anything and more over that we are all safe tonight. And we will live to a dream that those Yanks make seem a little less fluffy and at times like these very real.

And Obama, not as an American, not as a British Woman but as a Human has given me that, I fly my human flag and for this moment, live in hope.

Thank you America, and I wish us all a happy and optimistic future!


Frester said:
I'm not sure if it'd been discussed at all, but Prop 2 in Maryland (slot machines) passed.
now i hope that the money can get to the right places. Nothing worst than promising the schools the money and spending it elsewhere.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
As awesome as this is, anyone else kinda disturbed at how close the popular vote is?
Grats dude, grats America.

Only had to put up with 8 years of shit to get it sorted. >_< Why didn't ya just vote Gore in way back then.

As an outsider following the election, Obama just looks and sounds the part of a president aye. McCain always came off as a Muppet to me, and Palin a joke, what was she doing there to begin with? :lol

<3 Tina Fey, that is what I'll remember most from this election.

"And I can see Russia from my house!" :lol

You should keep Bush around as your mascot so we can keep getting Letterman 'great moments in presidential speeches' those are classicly funny too.

Anyway, seems to be a lot of hope or optimism around which has been missing for a long time, lets all hope this new change is good and works out for everyone.


Who was it that kept posting that $3000 intrade Obama bet?

Because I was about this close, ||, from putting a significant amount of money on Obama back when he and McCain were at about 50/50 (soon after the RNC), and now I'm kicking the fuck out of myself for not.

And I want to start kicking him instead.


Screaming_Gremlin said:
That is the fun part of watching Missouri elections. You usually never know who is going to win until the last vote is counted (unless it is someone extremely popular like soon to be Gov. Nixon). The Republican will usually take a fairly early and large lead, and then as the St. Louis, Kansas City, and Columbia vote comes in it tightens up and becomes anyone's game.

Or popular like the Carnahan family.

Wish you all could've witnessed the mongloids working my polling station. No wonder they're still counting. Stupidest fucking people I've ever seen in my life. Absolutely atrocious.



Supreme Court has been saved!!!!




Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Jack Scofield said:
What the fuck? Wasn't there supposed to be a Daily Show/Colbert Report special at 10? Right now it's just some bullshit musical Scrubs episode.

its over man...they already finished as soon as they found out obama won.

they had nothing to make fun of. hahaha


Jack Scofield said:
What the fuck? Wasn't there supposed to be a Daily Show/Colbert Report special at 10? Right now it's just some bullshit musical Scrubs episode.

Yeah there was one live at 10 EST. Even ran a few minutes over, about an hour 8 minutes.


Honorary Canadian.
ColdDeckEd said:
I witnessed a Brit Hume meltdown. It was lovely.
just saw a comment from a Briton who said they watched the coverage on Fox News, and compared it to being in the bunker while Hitler killed himself :lol

ElectricBlue187 said:
Why the fuck is NC and Indiana taking so fucking long? I want to go to sleep knowing if Obama got a >350 landslide

certain counties in Indiana won't release any results until all the votes are tallied. just like in the democratic primaries, the final results won't be known til tomorrow probably.
more on GEORGIA

in 2004 - 3,317,336

in 2008 - 3,303,618 (with 97% reporting)


2008 early vote - 2,020,839

there were 8-10 hour long lines. huge news. huge turnout.

were there only 1.3 million people who voted on election day? 2.6 million people voted on election day in 2004. half the turnout on election day itself in 2008? REALLY?

something is wrong in the state of georgia


Joe said:
holy shit, at this moment everyone in the world is jealous of us. :O


(This is especially true as an Aussie. Kevin bloody Rudd promised to fix everyone's problems, and what do we get for believing him? The budget surplus flushed down the loo for policies that don't do anything)


typhonsentra said:
I'm absolutely shocked. On such a happy day all the anti-gay bills still passed.....
Government can only recognize civil unions. When it comes to marriage you have to speak to religious leaders. Seperation of Church and State. Gotta love it Gotta Hate it but it does it's job.

The Arkansas(?) Bill will be overturned. That shit is ridiculous.


kkaabboomm said:
more on GEORGIA

in 2004 - 3,317,336

in 2008 - 3,303,618 (with 97% reporting)


2008 early vote - 2,020,839

there were 8-10 hour long lines. huge news. huge turnout.

were there only 1.3 million people who voted on election day? 2.6 million people voted on election day in 2004. half the turnout on election day itself in 2008? REALLY?

something is wrong in the state of georgia

It's been uncalled. That race is going to be weird. I think that Senate race will end up with a runoff.
I've had a lot of mojitos GAF. A lot. It's been a great night.

My TV has been taken over for rock band, but I don't really need it anymore.

Damn this is awesome.


electricpirate said:
just the federal. In CA to pass a bond measure you need 60%, to change the fucking constitution you just need 50%.

Explain that shit to me.

This goddamn,n sate is so fucking stupid, we keep fucking electing Republican governors and the gerrymandering here is fucking ridiculousness, NOTHING ever gets done we once again had a late budget, even worse that under Gray Davis, and still we are 10billion short....We may be a blue state but we keep making the same stupid mistake. Republicans.

Fuck you Orange County, San Diego, and Riverside, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!!!!


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*


kkaabboomm said:
more on GEORGIA

in 2004 - 3,317,336

in 2008 - 3,303,618 (with 97% reporting)


2008 early vote - 2,020,839

there were 8-10 hour long lines. huge news. huge turnout.

were there only 1.3 million people who voted on election day? 2.6 million people voted on election day in 2004. half the turnout on election day itself in 2008? REALLY?

something is wrong in the state of georgia
Yup, at least a million votes missing. This needs more attention.
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