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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Ventron said:
Most legendary thread in GAF history.

Now lets hope Obama lives up to his promises
unlike a certain Aussie prime minister who shall remain nameless, Kevin Rudd...

Don't even mention that useless git in the same breath as Obama!

Fucking awesome win, awesome speech!

Mccains speech was not bad to, very gracious. Pretty silly though how whenever he mention Obamatron everyone booed, yet when O-town mention McCain everyone cheered!
Call North Carolina Dammit. I'm not sleeping until I know my brethren pulled through!

Edit: How can California be so Bassakwards. What's up with Prop. 8


I can't believe even Proposition 8 passed. I expected my state, Florida, to vote for our thing which they did but even Cali couldn't do it? What a damper on this great day.


sleeping_dragon said:
For once in a long time, you American have the right to feel honour, proud and inspired.

No. As a proud American for my entire life I'm hoping our country and come together behind the leadership of Obama and bring forth a new era of peace and prosperity to the world.



And on that I'm off to bed, congratulations USA!
Don't know this was posted yet, but from ABCnews.com



belvedere said:
"I'll never forget it. I had just blown up Megaton and was about to enter VATS to blow off Mr. Burke's head in slow motion. I looked at the T.V. just as CNN officially called the 2008 election for Barack Obama."






I am a little uncomfortable with how all the news networks immediately jumped to all black crowds (MSNBC went to spelman, CNN and ABC went to all black churches) and then after they declared Obama president they went straight to Jesse Jackson (and I thought of that South Park episode where they made fun of the fact that white people sees Jesse as the leader of black people) and Martin Luther King Jr the third.

Wtf, can American news outlets be any more unabashed about this shit. Got me riled up, it was so blatant. And I say all this as a huge Obama supporter and half african american male. He's the leader of the whole nation, theres no reason to go scrounge around for the random black person to talk about the outcome.



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Also, McCain has to win every remaining state just to crack 200EV.


:lol :lol


Rove: "Bush has increased this economy's jobs by 7 million from the economic troth he inherited from Bill Clinton."

:lol :lol :lol :lol


A little taste of the bitter tears; I found this on Rapture Ready. :lol :lol

Rapture Ready said:
This looks to be America's last free election. Considering the economic and social situation of the U.S. at this time, from everything I've learned about Mr. Obama, and how his followers seem to passionately view him as their saviour, what is happening now in the U.S. reminds me alot of what was going in pre-war Germany. Life for Jews, Christians and any other freedom-loving person in the U.S. is about to become very very difficult.

All that is left now is to see how fast America abandons Israel.
In the future, I don't want to hear another WORD about the Bradley Effect.

The theory has been crushed; may it rot with all the other Chicken Little nonsense that we've had to endure for the past month.

Yes we can? No. Yes we did.

GhaleonEB said:
A racially tolorant nation of homophobic bigots.


I only hope that 20 years from now, homophobia is as accepted as interracial marriage.

Not to forgive what has happened with Prop 8 (Because I am disappointed) but some of those measures are damned confusing in regards to how they're written. I have to read the measures on the Georgia ballot twice just to make sure I understood what the fuck the government-speak was trying to say.


Fail out bailed
I just heard some asshole pothead outside ranting about how:

"Obama is a half-black guy who was born in hawaii that has smoked pot and plays basketball. Thats the guy I want to be my president.

Not some old guy who's dad was an admiral that had a luxury suite in a Hanoi prison.

Everyone says McCain is a survivor. I want a leader not a survivor."

I just want to gon on the record and say that I voted for Obama but I hate guys like this. Mcain is a classy guy at heart who has done amazing things in the service of this country. sure he has surrounded himself with fools in order to get elected, but I think we should take a moment to consider the guy's accomplishments in his moment of defeat.

-gang of fourteen
-has co-written bills with many dems including John Edwards
-pushed for anti-torture bills against bush
-opposed guantanamo bay's practices
-doesnt talk about religion much (flip flopped later to get elected)
-once called jerry falwell an agent of intolerance (flip flopped later)
-sought a middle ground on imigration reform (i dont consider this a flip flop)
-seems nice and funny
-didnt bring up reverand wright or Obama's funny name when strategically he should have.
-wrote obama a funny letter in senate when obama used him a political prop

Again, I didnt vote for him and I'm glad Obama won, but I think its only fair to take a moment to realize that McCain is not the anti-christ and Obama hasnt proven himself yet.
Homeboy, ran against the wrong dude at the wrong time.

Congratulations Obama lovers.!
Mad respect McCain lovers.
Lets all get a long.

best choice of candidates america has had in my lifetime.
HylianTom said:
Don't worry - Obama's court appointees will do the dirty work for us. :D
I dunno. I still think we will have to rely on Kennedy to not be stupid, unless one of Alito/Thomas/Roberts/Scalia retire.
Maddow just said some powerful words surrounding Prop 8.

She brought up the fact that it really is TAKING AWAY EXISTING RIGHTS of people.
Bitter-sweet day for me. Never thought I'd live to see a black president and it's really a monumental moment for me. But while at a celebration gathering at a local Cincinnati night club, I got into a fight with my GF and broke up with her. Kinda took the mindless emotion and joy out of the celebration.

Yay Obama :|


Prop 8: Taking away an existing right that hurt no one. The fucking truth.

The future looks good though. That shit will be changed someday.
North Carolina

HOLY SHIT. Don't just savor the victory, savor these states.

*yes, I know NC and Indiana aren't official yet, but it's happening
pollo said:
So I live in Roxbury Mass and I heard a bunch of screaming outside. Thinking it was a bunch of people in the neighborhood, I wanted to go out and join them, and to my dissappointment it was just a bunch of disorganized NU students.
Roxbury? I would expect that place to be going crazy! :lol (That was a bit racist, sorry. I lived in Boston for a while.)
Makes me sick to my stomach, watching those Leftist wave American Flags; they hate this country, they hate the Flag and they hate our great Men & Women in Uniform; what a bunch of lying freaking hypocritical traitors!

Dale in Atlanta on November 5, 2008 at 12:49 AM

One note though, the actual blogger for HotAir has handled himself very well. He's clearing our some of the crazier people, namely the ones who wish Obama would be assassinated too, sick fucks.


Speevy said:
So what happens with Biden's Senate seat? Does it go to the guy who was challenging him?

No. Since Biden won, I think the Governor gets to appoint Biden's replacement..... at least I think thats how it goes.


Holy jalepenos! CNN was way behind:

Coleman 924,154 42%
Franken 906,280 42%
79% in

Bachmann 141,110 47%
Tinklenberg 128,917 43%
73% in


First tragedy, then farce.
So now that I have a second.. two things.

1) I cried. I never cry at anything. When Jesse Jackson was tearing up I couldnt help it, I lost it.

2) I am so fucking proud to be an American tonight. I've always been patriotic but this is one of those affirming moments that lets you know your faith was well placed. America. Fuck yea.
Souldriver said:
Maddow just said some powerful words surrounding Prop 8.

She brought up the fact that it really is TAKING AWAY EXISTING RIGHTS of people.
Yep... it's so fucked up that all those Mormons came over here from Utah to fund this bullshit prop. If it passes, that big LDS church on Wilshire Blvd in LA will probably be a popular vandalism target.
Shiggie said:
Im gonna miss Pat.:D
Ha! He can still muster something like this: "but look at the popular vote, Rachel! Given how unpopular Bush is right now, how is Obama only 3 points ahead in the popular vote? Clearly, he's still got some troublesome demographics that could pose a problem for him in his reelection bid."


Master of the Google Search
Speevy said:
So what happens with Biden's Senate seat? Does it go to the guy who was challenging him?
Nope, Biden won it. Eventually he'll have to retire from it though and the governor will appoint a replacement until 2010
kkaabboomm said:
holy fuck. GA is saying 3.1 million voted (w/95% reporting)....

3.3 million voted in 2004

2 million people early voted.

this is HUGE

If that's true, then Georgia could have been a lot closer then we thought.
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