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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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A comment on abcnews.com:

Comment said:
Obama is not the president. He is an evil man and he will bring America down. This election was never about the economy or the health care, it was about our spiritual future as a nation. When President Bush leaves office, people will realize just how good they had it. He was not perfect, but he was a man of God. Every single person who voted for obama should be forever sorry. It is on the democrats heads now; no more blaming the Republicans. He is a muslim, he is here illegally, he has supported people who killed Christians, and he is nothing but talk. He is a deciever who will bring nothing but termoil on this nation. He will allow terrorism and he will be nothing but trouble. I sure hope that we Christians come together and remain God's people. He is our only hope and our strength!!! May God have mercy on us and help us!!!!!! GOD IS LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
krbbup 12:52 AM



icarus-daedelus said:
I dunno. I still think we will have to rely on Kennedy to not be stupid, unless one of Alito/Thomas/Roberts/Scalia retire.

True. What I mean is, Obama's justices will be a part of the majority opinion in favor of equality.
kkaabboomm said:
holy fuck. GA is saying 3.1 million voted (w/95% reporting)....

3.3 million voted in 2004

2 million people early voted.

this is HUGE

I am fucking pissed about this. They may have turned a blue state red and that is bullshit, even if we won nationally.
There's was one moment in this campaign that will probably stick with me the rest of my life.

When my life and I left the phonebanks in Harlem on the final sunday, some of the post church crew was rolling in. As I left, I gave my seat to a little old black lady. When I walked by her she gave my arm a squeeze. Not as a thank you; they didn't need me there, they barely had room in that office as is. Instead this was an expression of common purpose, a sign that two people who couldn't be more different were here for the same thing.


I don't think these have been called yet but going over the map it seems Obama will get Indiana and will probably hang on in North Carolina. Hey may just barely scrape home in Missouri as well giving a final total of 375 EVs.
TheClimaxan said:
Edit: How can California be so Bassakwards. What's up with Prop. 8
Oh come on . . . I don't think any other state has had such a proposition lose yet. At least this one was close.

It will be reversed within 10 years.

That sad .. . . I am very disappointed. :-(

At least the parental notification thing on abortion seems to have lost. And I was surprised how an animal rights thing passed by a huge margin . . . WTF?

People care more about farm animals than about gay people. :-(


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
xabre said:
I don't think these have been called yet but going over the map it seems Obama will get Indiana and will probably hang on in North Carolina. Hey may just barely scrape home in Missouri as well giving a final total of 375 EVs.
To put that into perspective:

Clinton won with 379 EVs in 1996 in his re-election bid.

Also, Obama has more votes in the popular vote right now by a +5mil margin, than Clinton did total.


I never got the homophobia term. I am not afraid of gay people. I actually have gay friends, yet do not agree with gay marriage. Does that mean I'm afraid of gay people?


polyh3dron said:
Yep... it's so fucked up that all those Mormons came over here from Utah to fund this bullshit prop. If it passes, that big LDS church on Wilshire Blvd in LA will probably be a popular vandalism target.

Its actually on Santa Monica blvd, and I've been antsing for that goddamn golden statue for some time know. I'm drunk.
StoOgE said:
So now that I have a second.. two things.

1) I cried. I never cry at anything. When Jesse Jackson was tearing up I couldnt help it, I lost it.

2) I am so fucking proud to be an American tonight. I've always been patriotic but this is one of those affirming moments that lets you know your faith was well placed. America. Fuck yea.

How'd your chart's + shots party go?


venison crêpe
Nice job Poli-Gaf. It's been a fun ride. Thanks to all those who volunteered and donated for Obama and Democrats. I couldn't be more proud or happy at this moment. We need to stay involved and continue to vote and stay involved and make our voices heard and demand the country we want. This is hopefully just the first step. We get to do it all again in 4 years. ;)

Later Guys. Off to bed.


Cheers, my American friends.
You were lucky enough to have a fantastic candidate and you elected him. I am deeply impressed.

I wish McCain ran a better campaign. You started this year with two fantastic choices. But I guess since you could only choose one that it doesn't really matter anyways.


On the plus side, I should have more free time now that this election is over (dang you PoliGAF, eating my free time!)


I feel like we've had a HUGE influx of newcomers tonight. The thread moved a mile a minute-- it's finally slowing down now.

I can't believe he did it. We did it. I have a President I can look up to again. This is all too much to take in. A President the world admires.

I can't wait. I CAN'T WAIT.

I want to be one of those people with a frame of the President's portrait in my dining room.


Okay, I'm giving up on Bachmann, what a load of crap

Key races left:

Prop 8
Martin / GA
Run up the margin in NC/IN/Omaha/MY

Anything else?


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
reilo said:
Oh shit.

Obama within 12K in Missouri. GOGOGOGO

That is the fun part of watching Missouri elections. You usually never know who is going to win until the last vote is counted (unless it is someone extremely popular like soon to be Gov. Nixon). The Republican will usually take a fairly early and large lead, and then as the St. Louis, Kansas City, and Columbia vote comes in it tightens up and becomes anyone's game.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
how's shit looking for Franken? CNN tells me he's behind 2%.

Dole is getting smashed, woohooo. :D


Lemonz said:
Those only saving grace is that this will get challenged in court and may not be allowed to become part of California's constitution.
While I'm only opposed to gay marriage being called "marriage," I do hope that this gets rescinded in courts. Removing existing rights is never a good thing.
MaddenNFL64 said:
BTW to change the Cali state constitution, dont you need 60%, or is that just the federal constitution?

just the federal. In CA to pass a bond measure you need 60%, to change the fucking constitution you just need 50%.

Explain that shit to me.


y'all should be ashamed
GhaleonEB said:
I only hope that 20 years from now, homophobia is as accepted as interracial marriage.
It absolutely won't be.

Racial prejudice was always wrong...people who called themselves religious yet were prejudiced against others were too blind to see how wrong their actions were when it came to the basic principles of the bible & basic Religious law.

Gay rights/marrage, however, isn't defined in the bible either as wrong (neither is racial prejudice if you want to get technical) but it is interpreted as completely immoral/wrong. Could the day come that people might, as some would put it, take off their blinders and accept gay rights? Maybe. I really, really doubt it though.

I think the fact that many assume gay people already equals sex/immoral conduct (no interpretation here: the bible is absolutely against sex before marriage) that they should not "taint" the sanctity of marriage as well. Universal gay rights have a much larger hill to climb, and I'm willing to bet it won't be done in anyone's lifetime here on GAF.

As a Catholic myself, well, I'll never vote for gay rights, but I won't be protesting against them either. Who am I to judge.


EmCeeGramr said:
If that's true, then Georgia could have been a lot closer then we thought.

Is has become "un-called"...

96% reporting with its

John McCain 1,788,426 53%
Barack Obama 1,515,192 46%
Bob Barr -L 25,687 1%


Anyone have a youtube clip of the japanese coverage of this election where apparently they made the candidates' photos smile when they got more EV's? :lol
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