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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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dark steve said:
At the risk of getting banned, has anything exciting happened in the last 48 hours, or is it just the usual HOPIUM HOPIUM HOPIUM/oh god what if we run out of hopium?

You don't run out of Hopium, you create it!


dark steve said:
At the risk of getting banned, has anything exciting happened in the last 48 hours, or is it just the usual HOPIUM HOPIUM HOPIUM/oh god what if we run out of hopium?

No, McCain's still losing badly.

YES on PROP 8 advocates adultery! :lol :lol :lol :lol


lawblob said:
My wife made the argument, and the more I think about it the more true I think it is, is that Palin has had a boob job, and that is why Palin is withholding the medical records. She would probably be embarrassed to have this revealed.

That's a good point.

Even better if she used taxpayer money for the upgrade! :D
StopMakingSense said:
To be fair, Obama really needs to learn to scratch his face with a different fucking finger.

Honestly I wish it was a subtle Seinfeld reference and he was flipping off McCain. The Obama derangement from the right wing will exceed anything Clinton ever got I'm predicting. The next 4 years will be daily blasts of insanity.


Lost so many friends this year to the elections.

One of them has gone completely nuts. From tattooed Suicide Girl with left-leaning morals to skinhead hardcore conservative nutjob who has even tried talking us into KILLING our WoW guild leader for spreading Obama love.
Reposted in case it got lost at the end of the last page:

Hey guys, my friend just told me about the latest "Obama supports infanticide" ad and I can't seem to find it online.

Apparently the final shot shows a baby on a steel metal cart and someone leaving the cart in a sterile looking room and then the lights go out.

Anyone got a link to the ad?


monchi-kun said:

YES on PROP 8 advocates adultery! :lol :lol :lol :lol

That look on Biden's face gets me every time. :lol

He always looks like someone just told him the dirtiest joke in the history of jokes.


Probably less than 30 hours until Obama is officially President-Elect Obama :D

getting popcorn for TODAY to watch the meltdowns at Drudge :lol


Plinko said:
In the predictions thread, I've got Obama winning 270-268 and losing OH, FL, AND PA.

Care to put your money where your mouth is?

Btw, I definitely think FL is less certain than OH. Still think he'll win both though. PA is in the bag.
camineet said:
Probably less than 30 hours until Obama is officially President-Elect Obama :D

How are those people gonna handle it?

I mean, they've been stuck in the echo chambers so long that they don't seem to actually consider an Obama presidency as an actual possibility, but as some sort of dramatic nightmare scenario. When it actually happens, what will they do? How does one realistically react when they discover that the man they honestly believe to be an Osama bin Stalin has been elected president?


EmCeeGramr said:
How are those people gonna handle it?

I mean, they've been stuck in the echo chambers so long that they don't seem to actually consider an Obama presidency as an actual possibility, but as some sort of dramatic nightmare scenario. When it actually happens, what will they do? How does one realistically react when they discover that the man they honestly believe to be an Osama bin Stalin has been elected president?

Pure entertainment.


EmCeeGramr said:
How are those people gonna handle it?

I mean, they've been stuck in the echo chambers so long that they don't seem to actually consider an Obama presidency as an actual possibility, but as some sort of dramatic nightmare scenario. When it actually happens, what will they do? How does one realistically react when they discover that the man they honestly believe to be an Osama bin Stalin has been elected president?

Pray for the rapture so that they can leave the country that God has forsaken?

Their bitter tears of defeat will be so sweet.
EmCeeGramr said:
How are those people gonna handle it?

I mean, they've been stuck in the echo chambers so long that they don't seem to actually consider an Obama presidency as an actual possibility, but as some sort of dramatic nightmare scenario. When it actually happens, what will they do? How does one realistically react when they discover that the man they honestly believe to be an Osama bin Stalin has been elected president?

Hyperbole has a habit of dying out when faced with the realities of day to day life not really changing that much. No doubt there will be plenty of post-election rage, but how many hard core Democrats really ended up moving to Canada after 2004? Post election life goes on, though it does seem hard to believe considering how heated some get during the actual election process.


Dax01 said:
Whoa. Calm down, Ghal. Everything will be okay!
Is your sarcasm meter shorted out, or mine? I can't tell. :lol

I thought this, from The Page, was hilarious:

McCain senior aide Mark Salter –– known for his sometimes gruff demeanor –– tells reporters aboard the campaign plane Monday the staff is “short on sleep but pretty jazzed” this Election eve.

“We're well within the margin or on top in all these battlegrounds. We got a real good shot at catching the guy.”
Really? Which battlegrounds?


Dax01 said:
Whoa. Calm down, Ghal. Everything will be okay!
No. No it won't. As a North Carolinian you should no we are on the eve of creating a devastating Terrorist supporting Socialist country.
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