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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Charred Greyface said:
It's not just that Obama is liberal, but he just isn't that mockable. No doubt they'll eventually find their angle, but they're gonna have to get creative. McCain/Palin was like shooting wolves from a helicopter.


Norm Coleman 1,081,612 - 42%
Al Franken 1,075,270 - 42%
91% in

Hennepin still at 77% in Franken leads by ~81,000
St. Louis at 68% Franken leads by ~21,000


Not bitter, just unsweetened
xabre said:
What about Dunkin County in the lower right hand corner? Razor thin this one.

yeah and Christian county (bottom left)

nevermind - again i think it'll go red... just slightly


mamacint said:
It's not just that Obama is liberal, but he just isn't that mockable. No doubt they'll eventually find their angle, but they're gonna have to get creative. McCain/Palin was like shooting moose from a helicopter.


xabre said:
What about Dunlkin County in the lower right hand corner? Razor thin this one.

That should only net McCain a couple hundred votes, where Obama could net a couple thousand in Jackson County.


mamacint said:
It's not just that Obama is liberal, but he just isn't that mockable. No doubt they'll eventually find their angle, but they're gonna have to get creative. McCain/Palin was like shooting wolves from a helicopter.

Biden will give them enough material :D


First tragedy, then farce.
Xeke said:
Oh yeah. Screw you guys who doubted PA for a second. We came through the best of 'em all!

anyone who doubted PA weren't doing it based on logic but the assumption that the dems would blow it.


NEWS.com.au said:
Mr Rudd said it was a matter for the Liberal Party to explain former Prime Minister John Howard's comment last year that terrorists would be hoping for an Obama win in the presidential election.

"It is a matter for the Liberals to explain to the Australian people and to make proper account to the Australian people," he said.

Disgusting. Rudd is completely disgusting.

He's trying to play politics for himself over this by attributing Howard's personal comments to the entire Liberal party? Expected from a government who hasn't been doing any good for this country since they were elected. He'd better be a bloody 1-termer.

Let me guess. Next election he'll try and avoid Rudd vs Turnbull (which he'll be decimated in) to make it all about Rudd vs. ghost-of-Howard. He's always been the bullshitter and I expect the next election to be no different.
Crap, now the mainstream media is back to its usual shenanigans, insisting that to do anything good Obama is gonna have to "reach across the aisle" and "appeal to moderates" and "not go too far to the left" and "work with Congressional Republicans." They said exactly the same thing at the 06 midterms.

You know what? FUCK YOU MEDIA. You never said anything so condescending in 2000 and 2004 with Bush, and you never, ever suggest that Republicans should do the same thing to avoid being seen as "too conservative." Why aren't Repubs ever in danger of being seen as "too far to the right" by "ordinary Americans" EVEN THOUGH THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THEY'VE BEEN FOR THE LAST EIGHT FUCKING YEARS?

Ugh, I could write volumes on the stupidity of the media when it comes to "analyzing" the political parties. They're not really biased against Democrats, they've just totally bought into the GOP-created myth that being too liberal is more dangerous than being too conservative.


Tamanon said:
Republicans always think they're going to get PA, they just can't compete with Pitt/Philly. For all the talk about a Chicago machine, it's nothing compared to what PA has.

As Scarbs said earlier, Pennsylvania is "Fool's gold"
Pennsylvania went for Obama by far more than it did for Kerry, too. 10 point lead. In '04, Kerry took it by a measly 2.2% or so. If you look at the county-by-county map, it's quite impressive compared to 4 years ago. Kerry's performance here, even if he won, was absolutely pathetic.

We went from leaning blue to solid blue this year. Indeed it is "fool's gold". They should really stop competing in this state. McCain basically lived here for a week, and it did absolutely nothing whatsoever for him. The next Republican nominee would be much better off sinking everything into OH and FL, disregarding PA knowing it is, oh yes, "fool's gold".
mamacint said:
Check the map, don't claim to have "The Maths" but St. Louis has 68% reporting with Franken having a 23pt lead (currently a 21,000 vote lead)

Hennepin is at 78% with Franken leading 52/35 with an 80,000 point lead.

He's currently only 3,000 votes behind. Doesn't look like Coleman has any similar potential gains left.


Just scrolling over the map, that whole center part of the state is under reported and has Coleman leading decently.


Marvie_3 said:
Norm Coleman 1,081,612 - 42%
Al Franken 1,075,270 - 42%
91% in

Hennepin still at 77% in Franken leads by ~81,000
St. Louis at 68% Franken leads by ~21,000
Closed a touch, now at

Coleman 1,112,570 42%
Franken 1,107,873 42%

with 93% in.

C'mon Al.


Junior Member
Just rewatched Keith Olbermann calling the election for Obama, he was choking up big time.. Would have loved to watch his face, it really seemed to mean alot to him.
Btw, looks like VA is going to have 6 of its 11 representatives be Democrats. We are officially a blue state (2 Dem Senators, a Dem Gov, Dem Reps, and voted Bams as pres!). Woo!

Also, for all of you who think Bachmann is a douche, read Virgil Goode's Wiki page. He is VA's 5th district rep, the one I live in. The race between him and Perriello is currently by about 1k here. Thats another one to watch!
faceless007 said:
Crap, now the mainstream media is back to its usual shenanigans, insisting that to do anything good Obama is gonna have to "reach across the aisle" and "appeal to moderates" and "not go too far to the left" and "work with Congressional Republicans." They said exactly the same thing at the 06 midterms.

You know what? FUCK YOU MEDIA. You never said anything so condescending in 2000 and 2004 with Bush, and you never, ever suggest that Republicans should do the same thing to avoid being seen as "too conservative." Why aren't Repubs ever in danger of being seen as "too far to the right" by "ordinary Americans" EVEN THOUGH THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THEY'VE BEEN FOR THE LAST EIGHT FUCKING YEARS?

Ugh, I could write volumes on the stupidity of the media when it comes to "analyzing" the political parties. They're not really biased against Democrats, they've just totally bought into the GOP-created myth that being too liberal is more dangerous than being too conservative.
No, the thing is Obama has to do that so they pick up even more seats in 2010. After that it's socialist sexytime.

Chris R

speculawyer said:
Most people I know who voted for Stevens think he got an unfair trial... And the shitload of commercials they aired since the verdict all played that angle. Most of the older people in the GOP here are dirty corrupt bastards, but some have no problem voting for them as long as their little special needs are met.


Honorary Canadian.
way to go shep smith for actually nailing that interview with nader. did't let nader get onto his rant... just nailed him with the obvious question-- "Did you really just ask if Obama was an Uncle Tom on national radio?"

I think Fox News saw that comment and was just pissed that they'd get crucified for saying it but Nader will get away with it, so they decided to crucify Nader for it :lol

also, awesome piece on West Wing's Matt Santos and how he resembles Obama. Figures since one of the people they worked with to create the character of Santos was Axelrod :lol


you can't put a price on sparks
anyone have a good site that shows all the results for the ballot measures in California? CNN only has 2 of the 8 or so.


JzeroT1437 said:
In a little over two months, Bush will be joining the ranks of millions of Americans who've had to give up their homes.


This was funny, well played.

Congrats to Obama supporters, enjoy it. Hopefully we'll actually get a TRUE conservative in the next election. I'm really hoping this loss leads the GOP away from the neo-con bullshit they've been preching these past years and back to true conservativism.
Ugh, I'm gutted. Absentee ballots finally came in, and while I'm fine, one personal friend of mine went from a comfortable lead to a sizable loss, and another personal friend went from one vote back to 1,500. A third friend, whose race I had completely written off, did manage to hold on to a narrow victory.


faceless007 said:
Crap, now the mainstream media is back to its usual shenanigans, insisting that to do anything good Obama is gonna have to "reach across the aisle" and "appeal to moderates" and "not go too far to the left" and "work with Congressional Republicans." They said exactly the same thing at the 06 midterms.

You know what? FUCK YOU MEDIA. You never said anything so condescending in 2000 and 2004 with Bush, and you never, ever suggest that Republicans should do the same thing to avoid being seen as "too conservative." Why aren't Repubs ever in danger of being seen as "too far to the right" by "ordinary Americans" EVEN THOUGH THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THEY'VE BEEN FOR THE LAST EIGHT FUCKING YEARS?

Ugh, I could write volumes on the stupidity of the media when it comes to "analyzing" the political parties. They're not really biased against Democrats, they've just totally bought into the GOP-created myth that being too liberal is more dangerous than being too conservative.
I'm pretty sure Missouri is going red. Obama's down, literally, only a few hundred votes... but the last county reporting is leaning heavily to McCain.
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