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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Marvie_3 said:
Norm Coleman 1,138,926 - 42%
Al Franken 1,138,009 - 42%
94% reporting

Hennepin at 90% - Franken leads by ~90,000
St. Louis at 68% - Franken leads by ~21,000
Wright at 87% - Coleman leads by ~10,500
Stearns at 89% - Coleman leads by ~9,500
Sherburne at 90% - Coleman leads by ~9,700

Looks like St. Louis will seal the deal.


Master of the Google Search


AniHawk said:
If MO goes blue, this is Bill Clinton levels of win.
But one can always, always credit the Clinton "landslide" opposed to what likely would have otherwise been a "blue states +1 or 2 other states" strategy to Perot. He divided the Republican vote and allowed Bill to win big.

Obama and McCain, overall, didn't really have anyone in the middle to shake things up (NC you can probably credit to third parties helping Obama instead of hurting him, but that's minimal). He basically won this by himself. So when you take all of that into account, this is a true landslide.


voodoojohn said:
I'm pretty sure Missouri is going red. Obama's down, literally, only a few hundred votes... but the last county reporting is leaning heavily to McCain.

St. Louis is still reporting. 1% to go. Hey guess what 1% of half a million voters is?

5000. If these break 60% dem like St. Louis county is doing. Obama wins by 2500 some odd votes.

Just wait.


ToxicAdam said:
I think we are going to see quite a lot of Obamacons in those states.

It's what happens when you base your campaign on unity. Obama never demonized the Republicans, unlike Hillary, and he continually put forward a message of optimism and togetherness as well as several policies that veered more towards the center. I'd imagine this ultimately had a tangible affect on the votes coming from those Republican conservatives and moderates who were disappointed with the far-right direction their party has been taking since Bush took office.

McCain and his campaign did the complete opposite, both in his often right-wing policies (which were often in contrast to his previous beliefs) and in his choosing of the hard-right Palin as VP, and ended up alienating Democratic conservatives and moderates as well as independents. That's the exact group that he needed (he even talked about "Reagan Democrats" himself), and ended up doing virtually nothing to appease them.

The people running his campaign should never be allowed to work in politics again. It's pretty mind-boggling how badly they managed to fuck the campaign up and send it in the completely wrong direction. The original strategy to use McCain's maverick label to appeal to independents/moderates was sound. Where did that go wrong?


Batteries the CRISIS!
Oooookay it's time for sleep. I gotta get up in like five hours for work. >_<

Thank you for forgiving Ohio, PoliGAF. I personally am proud of my state for finally stepping up to the plate. I'm also glad that my presidential vote didn't go for naught this time around.

G'night, dear epic thread! Tomorrow, we wake to a bright, new world!
whytemyke said:
give howard dean his dues. the man deserves some respect for his 50 state strategy.
Personally, I'd give more credit to Obama for making Dean's 50 state strategy work. No way Hillary pulls out this big of a win. Obama had the charisma and personal connection to be able to raise enough money and volunteers to make the strategy work.


Junior Member
segarr said:
Is there a video of this?

Hell, is there a video of EVERYTHING? I want to suck in every little peace of media from this. Seriously, does anyone remember in "I Am Legend" when Neville watches old news clips? I will literally do that for CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News if I could find all the material....:lol :lol :lol


Basically Gregory giving call to Keith like "You earned calling this"...


rhfb said:
Know this isn't the best spot, but what did everyone else think of the CNN hologram shit? I was loling all over the place when that came on the first time :lol

CNN is a cheesy news organization. They always have stupid gimmicks like audience reaction meter they used in the debates. None of that crap has any real value to viewers.


Neo Member
rampur said:
anyone have voter turnout data?

All I read is from fivethirtyeight:

African-American turnout share increased from 11 percent to 13 percent. That doesn't sound like much, but it's about a 20 percent jump among a population that already did turn out in pretty decent numbers. Turnout among registered black voters must have been near universal.

Youth turnout up a point. Latino turnout not up.

Voters who decided late broke about evenly between the two candidates. No evidence of a Bradley Effect -- none whatsoever.

Obama lost whites making less than $50,000 a year -- but by only 4 points. The bigger differences were along educational lines; he lost no-college whites by 18 points.

40 percent of the electorate identified itself as Democrat, 32 percent Republican, roughly in line with the pollster consensus.

The Obama campaign contacted about 50 percent more voters than the McCain campaign.

Obama won union members 61-38.

Obama won 83 percent of Clinton voters.

Youth vote pathetic as usual


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Clevinger said:
Nader didn't say anything controversial, he said something stupid like he always does.
yeahyeah. Nader is a desperate tool. I was painting with a broader brush.
Well I voted for McCain but I got to say that I think Obama will make a terrific president and I am not really that mad about the turnout.
Obama had it all along though

Congrats to Obama, it's time we need to make a change in America and get going in the right direction. I am very eager to see the next six months unravel.

Seth C

Diablos said:
Sooo it looks like when this is all said and done, we are looking at an electoral map of 378 O/160 M. Considering how divided this country is, that's a landslide as far as I can tell! This country was different when guys like Reagan were able to just swoop in and totally wreck the electoral map for Democrats. The country isn't like that anymore, both the last two elections and even the popular vote even this year (which is pretty much split right down the middle) prove this. So, yeah, you are looking at the makings of a modern day landslide, folks.

Obama's victory has already been added to the list of landslides in US political history, at least on Wikipedia. :)
Flo_Evans said:
St. Louis is still reporting. 1% to go. Hey guess what 1% of half a million voters is?

5000. If these break 60% dem like St. Louis county is doing. Obama wins by 2500 some odd votes.

Just wait.
Dunklin County, which McCain is currently leading 61-38, has only 36% of its precincts reporting. This is going to be clooooose.


CharlieDigital said:
Mitt Romney is the answer. Now that they've seen a black guy get elected, there's no reason why a white Mormon can't be elected. He's their own Harvard educated intellectual that represents a shift towards centrist governance (at least compared to someone like Palin or Huckabee).

Most importantly, I think they need to just flat out ditch the far right socially conservative elements of their party. We are ready to move forward on many of these social issues (heck, most of the developed world has already).

I was really behind Romney. I really think this evening would have turned out differently if we had Romney on the ticket. The economic issue would have been completely changed.

Also, I agree about social conservativism. We really need to move on.


Pachael said:
No, Rudd's fantastic. He's for change, and Howard's against change 'When you change the prime minister, you change the entire country'. Or did you not get the memo last year?

Rudd will last at least two terms and he'll get along with Obama a lot better, they're almost from the same pod (fresh faces, young, ran on change against unpopular incumbent party).

You're kidding right? Oh, Rudd's for change all right. Our country's changed to the joke of the world. Mortgage lenders are freezing because of the poorly planned "unlimited guarantee" for banks. Grocery watch isn't working. The various new taxes he's introduced aren't working.

Also, he's pushing for ISP-level filtering of any content unsuitable for children. Or did you miss THAT memo?

Yes, Howard was old and stuffed but at least he didn't completely screw the country after just under 1 year.


grandjedi6 said:

I feel kinda stupid because I didn't devote my full attention to Obama when he was speaking because I was so busy continually refreshing Indiana's results.

But fuuuuuck does it feel awesome to know that I was a part of Indiana electing a Dem for the first time in 44.

Suck it Knights of the KKK.
CharlieDigital said:
Most importantly, I think they need to just flat out ditch the far right socially conservative elements of their party. We are ready to move forward on many of these social issues (heck, most of the developed world has already).
During Obama's speech, it was so clear that for the Republicans to compete against him, they're going to have to stop being so anti various groups of people and become more actual issues based.

Ford Prefect

EricM85 said:
I was really behind Romney. I really think this evening would have turned out differently if we had Romney on the ticket. The economic issue would have been completely changed.
My dad wrote in Romney on his ballot today :lol
Seth C said:
Obama's victory has already been added to the list of landslides in US political history, at least on Wikipedia. :)

Landslide? He won by 5 million votes. Not what I would call a landslide.

Ya I know he cleaned up on the EV, I guess I would just like to see Americas election system change. I can dream right? Once again congrats Obama.

edit - i am probably talking out of my ass actually, i havent seen the latest overall poll. disregard my comments, sorry.


Obama won, but I'm still really disappointed in the youth vote, since I represent that age bracket obviously. Utterly pathetic. And it is worrying even looking ahead, because not every election will be this huge; youth voters have the potential to make all the difference in close elections -- 2000 or 2004 would have gone for Democrats if people in my age range would have taken a few minutes out of their day to pull a lever/push a button. Why oh why does my generation and the one after it have such a problem showing up on election day... :\ You wait in a line and vote. It's not hard. It's not challenging. It's not scary. You don't have to do anything but stand in line and vote.


Greenpanda said:
damn black voters for showing up :\

damn young voters for not showing up :\


Answering hatred with hatred doesn't really do anything but fuel the fire.


The only thing worse for the Republicans than Stevens getting elected is for him to actually stay in the Senate. Democrats in some parts of the country can run on that alone in 2010.


If Stevens wins, the Senate will remove him. Then Alaska will have a special election, and guess who's eligible to run?

Somebody better start a new tab at Neiman Marcus.


Greenpanda said:
hey, I'm just stating facts. :p

if there had been lower black turnout or higher youth turnout, prop 8 WOULD have gone down.

And maybe we'd be sympathetic if you weren't as big as a bigoted douche as those who voted for the Proposition.


Squirrel Killer said:
During Obama's speech, it was so clear that for the Republicans to compete against him, they're going to have to stop being so anti various groups of people and become more actual issues based.

Exactly. We need to ditch this Ayers shit we tried to do during this election and embrace intellectual conservatism. We need another Buckley.
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