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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Diablos said:
Yeahhh I dunno. I hate to say it, but a good chunk of voters in all age brackets are blindly voting, so I don't think young voters are any different in that regard.

Also, in my previous post about this, I meant to say why oh why can't my generation and the one after it get off their butts and vote.

18-29 year olds had a turn-out rate of 48% in 2004, and comprised 17% of the electorate. This year, when the national turn-out rate was much higher, they composed a HIGHER percentage of the electorate, which suggests a much higher turn-out rate, probably in the neighborhood of 60%, which is a pretty historic increase. With young voters supporting Obama 70/30, they can be credited for delivering him EVERY close state he won.

MSNBC said:
On Tuesday night in Indiana, Obama was losing to McCain in every important demographic — except young voters. “In many states, the only significant electorate that Obama is winning is young people.”


Greenpanda said:
i am one angry guy

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

This shit is fucking hilarious...I love meltdowns, keep em comin, KEEP EM COMIN!

Xbox Live has left me invulnerable to such nonsense.


BakedPigeon said:
Were there any marijuana laws on any ballots this year? Anyone know some of the results from those, just curious.
I think it was Mass. that passed a law changing the punishment to a mere $100 fine if you're caught with less than 1oz of weed


What am I missing in the NE-2 vote? 538 is saying Obama won it by 359, but I'm seeing a McCain win of 569 in the page they linked.

EDIT: Looks like they pulled the story.


grandjedi6 said:

I still cannot believe my state went Blue, I couldn't be happier right now. :D
I expected Obama's win to be the most emotional moment of the night. But Jesse Jackson's tears were the climax of the night for me; its moving to see the leader of a movement so able to rejoice at the success of his peers. Humanizing.


Marvie_3 said:
They just updated around 10 minutes ago NC-1,145,480 AF-1,143,547

Actually, that's an hour and ten minutes ago, it's central time in MN. They did just update as I was posting this, though, and Franken is ahead by 500 now.
Freshmaker said:
Isn't pretty much guaranteed that the wing nut vote's already in hand? (Same folks that live in constant fear of living in a socialist state while being attacked by terrorist missionaries if a 'demmiecrat' gets elected.) It's the fence sitters that needed to be swayed.

They really need to pretend that that element of the base doesn't exist, and never mention them ever again if they want to get traction.
It's not though. The wingnut vote doesn't turnout unless you rally them. And if you rally them, you lose... well, sane people.
BTW, People like Greenpanda are exactly why I am not a supporter of the mainstream gay rights movement. It's not for people like me, that is blatantly obvious... there is so much racism within the "gay community" it's ridiculous.


Okay, after the early rise to vote this AM I think I am about spent.

Good luck to Franken, Burner, Begich, Merkley, and gay rights. Double good luck to the great state of GA getting it's head out of it's ass. Hope for some good news tomorrow.


Yikes. I am losing hope for MO :(

McCain is up 6k now :(

St. Louis might not have enough to pull it through now :(

Time to move to Illinois. :(

Ford Prefect

Star Power said:
BTW, People like Greenpanda are exactly why I am not a supporter of the mainstream gay rights movement. It's not for people like me, that is blatantly obvious... there is so much racism within the "gay community" it's ridiculous.

What do stupid individuals have to do with the rights of all gays?


Shirokun said:
Franken up by 2000 now. Hes got this one.
Yep. Looking at the counties with Franken leads vs. the ones with Coleman leads, Franken has more large ones somewhat uncounted.

Senator Franken. President Obama.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Bagels said:
Do you think they can win without the super-devoted religious nutjob base? It's really interesting to me that Palin was such a double-edged sword for McCain. On the one hand, she fired up his base - Sean's discussion of the ground game on 538 constantly makes mention of the fact that McCain had zero volunteer support until Palin came along. However, the polls all showed that McCain kept bleeding other supporters (presumably more moderate Republicans. My mom, a moderate who perhaps leans slightly to the right, completely bailed on McCain after the Palin pick. She HATES Palin) as they learned what a joke Palin is.

The problem is, how do you get moderate Republicans, quasi-Libertarians, and Evangelical Christians to all support the same guy? McCain picks a moderate veep, say Lieberman, and he loses the Evangelicals. Pick Sarah Palin and you lose the moderates and the quasi-Libertarians.

I'm not sure that Romney is the answer. On paper he sounds good - socially conservative, but with some business know-how and some appeal to moderates. But looking at the primaries, his support was always lukewarm at best. I guess you can't halfway appeal to each of the core Republican groups, you've got to get some of them excited about you, enough so to drag all the others along.

I'm super interested to see what the Repubs do next.
I don't think that they can lose the evangelicals. When one thinks that there is a calling from God, then that person does not ignore it, and as much as they may not like a more centrist candidate, they would hate a liberal even more. Staying home isn't so much of an option for them I don't think. By investing in this base, there is the ability to empower them of course and keep them far right. That will probably be the challenge.


I am Korean.
Son of Godzilla said:
It's not though. The wingnut vote doesn't turnout unless you rally them. And if you rally them, you lose... well, sane people.
Yes, but there are more sane people than there are nutty.


The Crimson Blur said:
I expected Obama's win to be the most emotional moment of the night. But Jesse Jackson's tears were the climax of the night for me; its moving to see the leader of a movement so able to rejoice at the success of his peers. Humanizing.

I'm still pissed that I missed this somehow.


Obama only lost Texas by 10 points.

We have a new swing state! Every 2 - 4 years that pass, Texas will get closer to turning purple then blue.
CharlieDigital said:
It's just that that's what the numbers reflect.

I find the ironing delicious; a group that had its rights, as humans, stripped from them as slaves and after decades of fighting for civil rights, finally reaches a symbolic level of racial equality, now turns around -- by a large margin -- and decides to strip the rights of another minority group.

It's sad in a funny way.

*sigh* god I'm so tired of hearing this shit my entire life.


itschris said:
Actually, that's an hour and ten minutes ago, it's central time in MN. They did just update as I was posting this, though, and Franken is ahead by 500 now.
Uh yeah I know...I live in MN. Star Tribune is way behind now. CNN was behind by a good half hour earlier.....apparently the other way around now..


What was the final vote tally in Arizona?

And once again, any video's of tonight on anything, feel free to post people, I missed more then I wanted!


Bishman said:
Obama only lost Texas by 10 points.

We have a new swing state! Every 2 - 4 years that pass, Texas will get closer to turning purple then blue.

Dems past amnesty, get all the illegals in Texas to vote, Texas is a swing state by 2016. Believe.

Prop 8 =(

Like it or not, homophobes, history is on our side. We will bury you.

Time to gear up for the 2010 election. Things WILL turn our way.
Star Power said:
BTW, People like Greenpanda are exactly why I am not a supporter of the mainstream gay rights movement. It's not for people like me, that is blatantly obvious... there is so much racism within the "gay community" it's ridiculous.
Let's not go there, shall we?

Seth C

I thought some of you might want to see where the Fayette County Democratic Party held our election night festivities. So, here are a few pictures. The last one even has some of the balloons falling which were dropped when Obama crossed the 270 electoral vote finish line.





Yes, we had a really huge projection screen to watch the results on. :)


Well, I'm turning in, folks. A truly amazing night. We did what everybody thought laughable just one year ago.

I love saying it:

President Barack Obama!

Ford Prefect

segarr said:
What was the final vote tally in Arizona?

And once again, any video's of tonight on anything, feel free to post people, I missed more then I wanted!
Whenever I see your avatar I think Obama is filling up his tank.
The Crimson Blur said:
I expected Obama's win to be the most emotional moment of the night. But Jesse Jackson's tears were the climax of the night for me; its moving to see the leader of a movement so able to rejoice at the success of his peers. Humanizing.

Oh, come on. There's nothing authentic about Jesse Jackson. He exists to serve one and ONLY one person. I would never want to claim him as a leader of some movement.


The Crimson Blur said:
I expected Obama's win to be the most emotional moment of the night. But Jesse Jackson's tears were the climax of the night for me; its moving to see the leader of a movement so able to rejoice at the success of his peers. Humanizing.

Although I missed a lot I was lucky to witness this.

Absofuckinglutely amazing. People need to understand that these two are never going to view things the same, but to say that Jackson simply doesn't care, even with all of his faults, to say that he's just a selfish "race pimp", is fucking ridiculous, and anyone who saw that emotion from him tonight knows this.

On the same token, I hope that some can see how a man like Obama can tolerate a Jackson, or a Wright.....it's just something you get or you don't.
Greenpanda said:
i am one angry guy

Talk about hypocrisy! Nobody cares if you're butt-hurt over your ballot issue going the way you didn't want; blasting a racial slur like that will win neither you nor your cause any allies. And if you want your cause to advance, you'll need all the allies you can get.
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