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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Something to keep in mind about Prop 8:

Prop 8 voting by age:
18-29 (20%)
63% NO

37% yes

30-44 (28%)
53% yes
47% no

45-64 (36%)
53% yes
47% no

65 and Older (16%)
59% yes
41% no

Change is coming.

Also, hopefully the CA courts will pull through again until then. ;)
segarr said:
I meant broken down results....if whoeverthatwas is going to be making racial slurs, placing his blame on one group, I think he's being very foolish. Over 3 million votes for that, please don't try to act like this is only a black thing and not a nationwide, country problem.

Bagels said:
After looking at the ground game (I almost typed that as "gourd game," which is kind of awesome), Sean argued that Obama would win the day. So I don't totally count it against Nate. Also, 538 was the first place I saw that really believed Indiana was in play, several weeks back.
I wrote off IN and thought MO would be it. I'd take IN though, it makes a nice continuous map!


Son of Godzilla said:
I've been watching MSNBC's coverage on my DVR. Maddow's hand wringing is so cute. And Matthews was caught on camera laughing at her a couple of times.

God damnit I want to see MSNBC's coverage.


CNN was okay, I LOVED Roland Martin, he teared up a bit I believe. I didn't catch much of Amy Holmes...I can't lie, I really do wonder what was going on in her head.


So it looks like Obama flipped:

New Mexico
North Carolina
Nebraska - 2nd Congressional District (Omaha)

I'd like to see Missouri flip so it would be an even ten states, but hey. That's pretty fucking impressive right there.


dabbled in the jelly
Another more personal motive for wanting Obama to win (besides stopping the War and a world who hates us) was to expose the countless amounts of closet racists who pretended to be unprejudice all this time. They played it real cool for a long time as long there boys kept winning the big seat even after experiencing 8 years of dynasty retardation. They'll be coming out the woodwork for at least half a year.


Son of Godzilla said:
Eh, I'm less optimistic about that than I was yesterday. There's simply not enough population centers to balance out the rural vote, and even the ones that are there aren't anywhere near being Dem strongholds. Hell, half of them didn't come close to going Dem this year. What happened to Denton? Or fucking anything north of El Paso aside from Dallas?
True. I understand but Texas is pink. You would think that it would be bloody red. We need all the majority of the cities to start voting more democratic like 60% - 40% and start finding a way to appeal to the rural voters.

I think a candidate like Hillary can carry Texas.

Also everyone watch Idaho. We may pick up another seat in the senate.


With statewide 671 of 956 precincts reporting (includes absentee precincts where applicable).

Last updated 11/05/2008 1:29 AM

DEM Walt Minnick 111,522 50%
REP Bill Sali 111,410 50%


get some go again
The Crimson Blur said:
Aw come on, Jesse Jackson's tears were real. He gets a bad rap for little reason. I like him.
i would like him if he was a real leader and not using race bating to make himself richer and those around him.


Foreign Jackass said:
As a foreign jackass, I approve of this decision. America is redeemed. Now please don't assassinate him for at least the next 3 years, ok?

After spending four years of my life in Georgia... I actually worry that someone along the line will try to take a swipe at Obama... kind of pathetic when I think about it.
Kettch said:
Obviously the wrong way to express it, but I think Greenpanda's anger is pretty understandable with African Americans going 70-30 to strip away his marriage rights. Hopefully things will turn around soon enough so we can have equal rights for everyone.
Cheesemeister said:

I looked at the numbers a bit more and I actually think that what's more significant is education level.


The AA vote was only 10% of the total votes (according to the exit polls).

But if you look at it by education, there is something interesting: college graduates and post graduates voted in greater numbers for NO on Prop. 8. high school graduates and those with some college voted in greater numbers for YES on Prop. 8.

To me, this this says that it's really an issue of ignorance and education. It means that those that attended college and completed college -- and thus more likely to be a professional -- are more exposed to cultural and social differences. They are more likely to have been exposed to gay friends and fellow students while on campus and thus more open to the idea of gay marriage. While the AA numbers are definitely not encouraging, it really comes down to education and exposure to a greater cross section of the American population.

So yeah, take a look at those numbers, especially the numbers tabulated by education.

CONCLUSION: Don't blame the AA's; blame the stupid.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
KRS7 said:
Wow, Oklahoma (66/34) has a bigger McCain margin that Utah (63 / 34). Utah for Christ sakes. Is Oklahoma now the most republican state?

We're essentially tied with Wyoming as the most conservative this election.

I don't get it either. We have two decently sized Metro areas and yet not a single county went for Obama. We are the only state in the Union where every single one of our counties voted for McCain.


Ohhh my god, I'm going to have to try to read through this thread at work tomorrow morning.

I went to the party at the Driskill tonight. Man, it was packed! Every time the poll numbers were shown, the place just went wild.

The biggest shock, of course, was when CNN showed Obama behind McCain by only one point in Texas for a few seconds. It was CRAZY. Then the countdown to the last poll closing... the place simply did not calm down until McCain's concession speech.

After Obama's speech, everybody started spilling out onto 6th street. So much honking and hi-fiving that the police had to corner off the area. Stuck around there outside for about an hour before we finally managed to drag our friend away.

Geez. I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight :lol
ZealousD said:
We're essentially tied with Wyoming as the most conservative this election.

I don't get it either. We have two decently sized Metro areas and yet not a single county went for Obama. We are the only state in the Union where every single one of our counties voted for McCain.

I was out there on Monday with some of my coworkers.

Utah is full of crazies -- nice folks, but crazy. They think Obama will come take their guns and flat out called him a socialist. I mean, his policies are more socialist in nature, I'll give you that, but to call him a socialist? I don't think they have a clue out there.

And they indoctrinate them young. My boss's daughter seriously asked "Why does everyone hat Bush anyways?" as if there was a redeeming thing about his tenure...

Utah: a state that I could never live in.


StopMakingSense said:
shit Coleman's back up!
Fuck! How are the county breakdowns? Any of Franken's stong ones still coming in?

On the plus side, Merkely is back up by 3,000.

Edit: FUCK Smith is back up just like that.


Foreign Jackass said:
As a foreign jackass, I approve of this decision. America is redeemed. Now please don't assassinate him for at least the next 3 years, ok?

Do not worry he will not be.

For all the people who say he may be assassinated have you actually thought it out?

These days its not easy to kill the U.S. president.

I mean not after Kennedy, you can't just walk into a random building with a sniper rifle.

There are only two groups I would think that would want to kill Obama, red necks and super-corporations which have some objective against him (which he has not pissed off...yet).

For red necks who do not even have the ability to spell properly how the hell could they even organize a hit on the president? The chances are really slim.
This might sound stupid to people actually from the USA, but has Obama ever commented on the character of David Palmer from 24? It's interesting/prophetic in a way (I hope that only in a way).
GhaleonEB said:
Fuck! How are the county breakdowns? Any of Franken's stong ones still coming in?

On the plus side, Merkely is back up by 3,000.

Edit: FUCK Smith is back up just like that. aaaaaaaaa

I'm not worried about Merkley at ALL.

Dammit, i just NEED Franken to win.
GhaleonEB said:
Fuck! How are the county breakdowns? Any of Franken's stong ones still coming in?

On the plus side, Merkely is back up by 3,000.

Edit: FUCK Smith is back up just like that. aaaaaaaaa

My understanding is that most of the vote that still needs to be counted is Multnomah so Merkely should have it in the bag. I'm confident but damn I'm glad I voted. :p

I can't believe 60 seats is actually in reach. Unbelievable. This is '06 all over again.


smurfx said:

here's a vid of the race being called for obama on msnbc. just in case some of you missed it. btw that dress michelle obama had on during obama's speech was ugly.

Thank you so much for this.

Is there a video of Olberman announcing? I'd really like to see it.

I have to know...do political stations release DVD's or anything at all from their coverage? You know like how history channel releases its specials? I would buy the entire 34 hours from every channel if I could. This is history in the making.


Zyzyxxz said:
Do not worry he will not be.

For all the people who say he may be assassinated have you actually thought it out?

These days its not easy to kill the U.S. president.

I mean not after Kennedy, you can't just walk into a random building with a sniper rifle.

There are only two groups I would think that would want to kill Obama, red necks and super-corporations which have some objective against him (which he has not pissed off...yet).

For red necks who do not even have the ability to spell properly how the hell could they even organize a hit on the president? The chances are really slim.

Yeah, but I still hope that the words "a black man is now president of this nation" trigger some sort of super ninja branch of the secret service to be on high alert.


smurfx said:
btw am i the only one that didn't think jesse jackson's tears were legit? it looked like he was forcing those tears. after all he is now gonna have to align himself with obama if he wants to have any influence. after those comments he made about obama i bet he wants to make up as quickly as possible.
Come on? You can't see why Jesse would be crying at a moment like that? With all the shit he's been through in his life? He was standing next to King when he was assassinated ffs...


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Jak140 said:
Something to keep in mind about Prop 8:

Prop 8 voting by age:
18-29 (20%)
63% NO

37% yes

30-44 (28%)
53% yes
47% no

45-64 (36%)
53% yes
47% no

65 and Older (16%)
59% yes
41% no

Change is coming.

Also, hopefully the CA courts will pull through again until then. ;)
Courts can't save us on Prop 8. The proposition changes the state constitution.
ZealousD said:
We're essentially tied with Wyoming as the most conservative this election.

I don't get it either. We have two decently sized Metro areas and yet not a single county went for Obama. We are the only state in the Union where every single one of our counties voted for McCain.
We had two counties go for Obama in Wyoming. One of them, Albany county,where I live, the University of Wyoming is here so that explains that. We're kind of a weird state when it comes to voting. I don't think Wyoming will ever elect a Democratic president again for a very long time, but we always vote for Democratic governors. I have no idea why either. :lol


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
segarr said:
God damnit I want to see MSNBC's coverage.


CNN was okay, I LOVED Roland Martin, he teared up a bit I believe. I didn't catch much of Amy Holmes...I can't lie, I really do wonder what was going on in her head.
Looks like the stream is still up.....

C-SPAN1 (Direct Link) | C-SPAN2 (Direct Link) | C-SPAN McCain Event Election Cam | C-SPAN Obama Event Election Cam

CNN.com Live | Direct Links: Stream 1 | Stream 2 | Stream 3 | Stream 4

MSNBC (MSNBC Election Day Online coverage has started....Link is streaming live MSNBC right now!); if the link is changed or it goes down, the frontpage of MSNBC.com will have the new link posted when it goes back up.

ABC News Now (Not to be confused with ABC News)

Local FOX links (Not Fox News): Los Angeles | Los Angeles 2 | Chicago | Chicago 2 | Philadelphia | Philadelphia 2 | Boston | Boston 2 | Dallas | D.C. | D.C. 2 | Atlanta | Houston | Tampa Bay | Orlando | Orlando 2 | Phoenix | Denver | Denver 2 | St. Louis | St. Louis 2 | Milwaukee | Kansas City | Salt Lake City | Memphis | Greensboro | Austin | Austin 2 | Birmingham | Minneapolis | Detroit

Thanks to Baked Pigeon for the Election Cam Links
grandjedi6 said:
guys don't even bother following Oregon. They vote by mail so the results won't be known for several days

Yeah but we have a big warning on our envelopes that the ballot must be received and on a desk in election HQ by 8PM Nov. 4. They are diligent about collecting ballots and counting them just as quickly as anybody. At least that's my understanding.


Ah hell Franken is down by 3,000 again.

Time to crash for the night (morning?). Hopefully he pulls it out.

EDIT: It flipped! Up by 4,000 now! No sleep for me!


masud said:
Come on? You can't see why Jesse would be crying at a moment like that? With all the shit he's been through in his life? He was standing next to King when he was assassinated ffs...

Yep, ALOT of people forgetting his history. Those tears are REAL. Realer than they could ever imagine.
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