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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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First tragedy, then farce.
joey_z said:
Is he capitalizing on his grand mother's death?

No. someone important in his life died and he had to give a speech. He has talked about her extensively in his campaign and she was crucial to his personal story.. he had to talk about it. To ignore the human impact of something like this is crass and inhuman.
Now he will get the sympathy voters too. It worked when hillary clinton cried in her primary against Obama earlier this year. Of course hillary's tears weren't real, but America can't tell the difference.


more money than God
Souldriver said:
Just a random thought.

Obama and McCain deserve a good month of rest after this election, no matter how it ends up to be. These two guys have campaigned sooooo hard. They deserve a holiday.
This whole election has been utterly ridiculous, nearly 2 years. . . . . 2 FUCKIN years. It's too tolling on an individual. And nearly a billion dollars spent. The general election should be 3 months long, while the primaries should be 2-3 months long. It would save everyone money and time.
besada said:
Wrong as usual. From the EIA web page:



you don't think the blue portion is "Vast majority" :lol
perfectchaos007 said:
Now he will get the sympathy voters too. It worked when hillary clinton cried in her primary against Obama earlier this year. Of course hillary's tears weren't real, but America can't tell the difference.
The way you put that. I laughed :lol


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
He's walking a tight line here. He's gotta be a leader, strong even during an emotional crisis.

I wouldn't blame him if he broke down here.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Everytime some surrogate uses Palin's "motherhood" as a reason why she would be a good VP, I want to smack them and go: BARACK OBAMA IS ALSO A FATHER.


Fenderputty said:
you don't think the blue portion is "cast majority" :lol

A majority is defined as larger than half, so no.

It is the single largest generation material, but words have meanings.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
He's walking a tight line here. He's gotta be a leader, strong even during an emotional crisis.

I wouldn't blame him if he broke down here.
He is just shedding a little tear. I don't see how this effect his leadership skills.


lawblob said:
The majority of electricity in the US is produced with coal.

Coal is a HUGE part of domestic energy supply. The problem with coal is they have a very powerful lobby. The notion of "clean coal" is sort of a misnomer, it isn't really that much better than regular coal, but since we aren't going away from coal any time soon, the idea is that any improvements they make are better than nothing.

The only real alternative to consumption of coal is to switch to nuclear energy, but we won't do that any time soon because the coal lobby has a huge grip on legislators, and nuclear energy has such a big stigma in the US.
You can have clean coal.

The problem with coal is that you have variable sulfur content. Higher sulfur is obviously worse for the environment. That is basically the only level to which it is regulated however.

Interestingly in this country much of the high sulfur coal we burnt for decades comes from the beltway, states like Illinois. Low sulfur coal comes from the west, states like Wyoming.

So what most coal burning plants did to meet new "environmentally friendly" regulations was to simply buy all their coal from the western mining companies. There is still plenty of coal in the ground throughout the beltway, it just has a higher sulfur level.

How does this connect with the concept of clean coal? Well air scrubbers were developed decades ago and are even more refined today that can clean the expelled air of not just sulfur impurities but many other environmental hazards as well. They aren't required as long as a plant just runs low sulfur coal though so the majority of the industry is unwilling to invest in truly clean coal technology.

This is one of the biggest reasons I'm a strong Obama supporter. His energy policy includes this, rewarding companies who invest in going green (like clean coal). It will lead to improved and refined technology that improves effectiveness and reduces cost. Applying this attitude across the board can only help this country.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
perfectchaos007 said:
Now he will get the sympathy voters too. It worked when hillary clinton cried in her primary against Obama earlier this year. Of course hillary's tears weren't real, but America can't tell the difference.

:lol so true.


Anyone watching this shit on MSNBC? This anchor is interviewing McCain aid Nicole Wallace..

Anchor: I was watching Palin today, she really was amazing, she has performed beautifully, masterfully! How has she grown from all of the media criticism, some of it fair, some of it not?

She goes on to talk about her "Palin hair" and again how well Palin is performing, unprompted


Junior Member
sangreal said:
Anyone watching this shit on MSNBC? This anchor is interviewing McCain aid Nicole Wallace..

Anchor: I was watching Palin today, she really was amazing, she has performed beautifully, masterfully! How has she grown from all of the media criticism, some of it fair, some of it not?

She goes on to talk about her "Palin hair" and again how well Palin is performing, unprompted

Mika is an idiot and Joe Scarborough's sidekick. Thats really all you need to know.


Imm0rt4l said:
you're a dick.

I don't understand why it's alright for GAF to be a bit of a dick to people that they actually have conversations with on this message board, but not alright to make a harmless joke against Obama. Where is this moral boundary and philosophical argument come from? He's going to be an amazing leader and I'm sure he's a great guy, but surely he shouldn't be exempt from general GAF jokes.


First tragedy, then farce.
ZeroTolerance said:
Mika is an idiot and Joe Scarborough's sidekick. Thats really all you need to know.

she is a democrat, but she is still an idiot. A really hot idiot.
sangreal said:
Anyone watching this shit on MSNBC? This anchor is interviewing McCain aid Nicole Wallace..

Anchor: I was watching Palin today, she really was amazing, she has performed beautifully, masterfully! How has she grown from all of the media criticism, some of it fair, some of it not?

She goes on to talk about her "Palin hair" and again how well Palin is performing, unprompted

I turned to CNN. MSNBC's been a steady stream of nonsensical Republican talking heads for an hour now.
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