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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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OuterWorldVoice said:
I love your "independent" spirit. It reminds me of a phrase about there being no atheists in foxholes. Especially since you become more and more "independent" the worse the republicans do.

Also, the "brownnose" gags are fucking offensive, regardless of your political stripe.

Danger Will Robinson! My Sarcasm meter is broken!

--Also--- what "brownnose" gags?


So, what's this I hear about the coal industry vs Obama? Talk radio right wingers were going crazy about it this morning.


Subconscious Brolonging
Red Scarlet said:

Someone needs to photoshop the win percentage graph with the Obama logo. I'd do it but I'm at work.
ezekial45 said:
How exactly accurate is the site?
We will find out tomorrow.

But it is a site created with much care by a sport statistics nut. He has a great system of combining the poll data and spotting bogus polls that should be tossed.


Dax01 said:
Obama doesn't have any official stance on Prop 8.

He's opposed to it. He said it on MTV in front of cameras. He just doesn't talk about it much, because it's a wedge issue.

"I think it's unnecessary," Obama told Sway, in response to a question sent in by Gangstagigz from San Leandro, California. "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage. But when you start playing around with constitutions, just to prohibit somebody who cares about another person, it just seems to me that's not what America's about. Usually, our constitutions expand liberties, they don't contract them."


A guy comes up, stops the music, test the mic and says " are you ready", everybody cheers, he leaves and music resumes. WTF?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Red Scarlet said:
Since they were still there, I grabbed a new sticker for the door thingy.

Yeah, I see it now, Death_Note.:lol
What the hell?!

Contain yourself, my god! If I had known all of my donations were going to go into producing stickers that were going to be outright STOLEN from the campaign, I would never have donated.

You've single handedly convinced me that Obama would be terrible for our country's security. If this man can't even protect a basket full of stickers, America is up shit's creek without a paddle.
Dax01 said:
Obama doesn't have any official stance on Prop 8.
Actually, according to the Sacramento Bee, Obama did say that he did not want an amendment banning gay marriage in California. So he is against prop 8.

In a letter to the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club read Sunday at the group's annual Pride Breakfast in San Francisco, the Illinois senator said he supports extending "fully equal rights and benefits to same-sex couples under both state and federal law."

"And that is why I oppose the divisive and discriminatory efforts to amend the California Constitution, and similar efforts to amend the U.S. Constitution or those of other states," Obama wrote.

Obama had previously said he opposes same-sex marriage but that each state should make its own decision.

This is why it has been so annoying to get these Yes-On-Prop 8 mailers using Obama's image and his against gay marriage position.


you know I'm watching the rally feed, waiting for Obama to come up...

...now it really just occurred to me that he has to do this whole thing after learning his grandmother just died. :(


I can't believe I'm actually voting tomorrow... omg :eek:

I'm always happy to vote, but this is probably going to be the single most important vote for President in my life (or at least for a looooooong time).
Amir0x said:
you know I'm watching the rally feed, waiting for Obama to come up...

...now it really just occurred to me that he has to do this whole thing after learning his grandmother just died. :(

He's been doing it all day.

OuterWorldVoice said:
You said this like, 20 minutes ago: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=13482006&postcount=2167

You should keep posting today. I think you're going to be awesome today.

That wasn't brown nosing. You missed the reference qips.

I'll post a bit here and there.... but sorry to disappoint if you think I'm going to go ape shit like in days past and get booted from the forum because of a political thread like this.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Amir0x said:
you know I'm watching the rally feed, waiting for Obama to come up...

...now it really just occurred to me that he has to do this whole thing after learning his grandmother just died. :(
I think he did a speech earlier this morning, but this will be the first one after he made the official announcement, yes.


Amir0x said:
you know I'm watching the rally feed, waiting for Obama to come up...

...now it really just occurred to me that he has to do this whole thing after learning his grandmother just died. :(
It's tough, but he's a pro, he'll manage.

VictimOfGrief said:
That wasn't brown nosing. You missed the reference qips.

I'll post a bit here and there.... but sorry to disappoint if you think I'm going to go ape shit like in days past and get booted from the forum because of a political thread like this.
I liked you more when you had that Sega avatar. :(

Red Scarlet

RubxQub said:
What the hell?!

Contain yourself, my god! If I had known all of my donations were going to go into producing stickers that were going to be outright STOLEN from the campaign, I would never have donated.

You've single handedly convinced me that Obama would be terrible for our country's security. If this man can't even protect a basket full of stickers, America is up shit's creek without a paddle.

:lol they're just being bored in boxes, I think everyone else already grabbed them, there's a lot more stuff on doors today instead of the 1 sign on someone's door yesterday. There was a McCain/Palin sign on one door, but it's been gone the last few days.

If there is a white sign still after I eat dinner, I am gonna grab one of those to complete the collection aside from an orange door sticker (I grabbed the tan one).


VictimOfGrief said:
That wasn't brown nosing. You missed the reference qips.

I'll post a bit here and there.... but sorry to disappoint if you think I'm going to go ape shit like in days past and get booted from the forum because of a political thread like this.

What did you mean, then? Was it a black face joke?


Diablos said:
I can't believe I'm actually voting tomorrow... omg :eek:

I'm always happy to vote, but this is probably going to be the single most important vote for President in my life (or at least for a looooooong time).

Which state are you in?


VictimOfGrief said:
:lol are you kidding me? :lol

Well, if I'm wiping brown off my face and it wasn't a brown nosing reference, then what did you mean? I assumed you were suggesting I was brown nosing, but you just said you weren't.
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