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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Just a point to consider, who are the undecideds going to vote for? My suggestion is that they will break overwhelmingly for McCain, as if Obama hasn't convinced them yet, he's not going to convince them by tomorrow.


BenjaminBirdie said:
He's been doing it all day.


Yeah... on CNN they were saying how the one thing this story really puts into perspective is just how difficult the job of president is on the individual with the job. You really cannot stop for anything. They recalled when Bill Clinton's mother died, he went to Russia THE NEXT DAY. What a horrible time that must have been...
besada said:
Well, if I'm wiping brown off my face and it wasn't a brown nosing reference, then what did you mean? I assumed you were suggesting I was brown nosing, but you just said you weren't.
Correct. Keep trying... I know you can figure this one out.


Amir0x said:
you know I'm watching the rally feed, waiting for Obama to come up...

...now it really just occurred to me that he has to do this whole thing after learning his grandmother just died. :(

Oh, really? I'm sorry to hear that.

She may not have been able to see it happen on this side, but dangit, we're going to make sure her grandchild becomes the next president!

Here is a photo I got of the said sky writing...


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
DSWii60 said:
Just a point to consider, who are the undecideds going to vote for? My suggestion is that they will break overwhelmingly for McCain, as if Obama hasn't convinced them yet, he's not going to convince them by tomorrow.
The way i see it, pretty much all of these undecided dopes are waiting for a reason to not vote obama and/or a reason to vote mccain. The decision much be difficult for them.

Yet we need to move to Nuclear to get out of Coal as eco-freaks can't stand the pollution coals makes!---- but then what about the waste pollution that Nuclear makes???

*head implodes*


not a medical professional
The announcer sounded like a wrestling intro guy.


wooooo yaaaaayyyyy haaaaaaaaaaaaa


besada said:
Assuming by "vast majority" you mean less than fifty percent.
Its actually more than 50% in the US and its currently about 28% of the worlds electricity source. we certainly need to reduce our coal use but people get their panties twisted when we dicuss safe and cheap nuclear power


Shard said:
Just how important is coal these days?

The majority of electricity in the US is produced with coal.

Coal is a HUGE part of domestic energy supply. The problem with coal is they have a very powerful lobby. The notion of "clean coal" is sort of a misnomer, it isn't really that much better than regular coal, but since we aren't going away from coal any time soon, the idea is that any improvements they make are better than nothing.

The only real alternative to consumption of coal is to switch to nuclear energy, but we won't do that any time soon because the coal lobby has a huge grip on legislators, and nuclear energy has such a big stigma in the US.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
The way i see it, pretty much all of these undecided dopes are waiting for a reason to not vote obama and/or a reason to vote mccain. The decision much be difficult for them.

Exactly. Obama's going to win, but it might be a lot closer than a lot of us think because the undecideds left over right now do not want to vote Obama IMO.
Just a random thought.

Obama and McCain deserve a good month of rest after this election, no matter how it ends up to be. These two guys have campaigned sooooo hard. They deserve a holiday.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Souldriver said:
Just a random thought.

Obama and McCain deserve a good month of rest after this election, no matter how it ends up to be. These two guys have campaigned sooooo hard. They deserve a holiday.
they deserve the rest they get between November and january:lol

Funky Papa

SpeedingUptoStop said:
He's trying to carry on with the usual speech, but you can tell he doesn't completely want to.
I was thinking the same. He really looks like he just wants to go back to his hotel. I can't blame him.
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