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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Guybrush Threepwood said:
GAF is going to be a blast to read tomorrow night when the Republicans steal the election.
If that happens I will never post here or on any other forum again. In fact, I'll abandon the internet as I pack my bags and head for Mexico. They don't even HAVE the internet in Mexico.

it'z trew thay dont


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Guys, my polls open at 7 AM, what time should I show up to get in line? It's a local middle school in the middle of a suburb.
Just quoted one last time for the new page. First time voter here
VictimOfGrief said:
You think people will remember that shit in 2012???
Well . . . there are these things called newspapers, magazines, books, TV shows, radio shows, etc. They provide a long-term collective memory for society.

I'm well aware that many conservatives often seem to be unaware of these things and that they can be made too look foolish when they espouse positions that flatly contradict their previous positions, but these various recordings of history do exist.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
“Crystal meth. Me, personally, that’s how I’m going to do it.” - McCain adviser Mark Salter when asked how he was going to make it through the grueling last day of the presidential campaign.



about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Those Obama :'( pictures hit me way harder than I would have expected.

Maybe it's losing my gramps a year ago. Maybe it's the timing Mostly I think it's the most he's ever let down his guard. He's held up this perfect mask this entire time. He's never been mad, he's rarely had any serious snafus, he's been a fairly unflawed, if approachable and human, veil of a man. That's fair game, it's his job to have a poker face, and he's done well. But after years of it with barely more than a smirk and a laugh at a debate, this tore down a wall, if only for a brief moment.

K, I'm done rambling. My thoughts are with him for the time being, until game time tomorrow.


How much money did they waste on this national wright ad? That shit comes on every commercial break, I swear.

Also, how is it legal? I thought 527s had to pretend to be issue-oriented, and can't question the character of a candidate (after 2004)?


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Just quoted one last time for the new page. First time voter here

Get there right when they open, you should be fine. I couldn't imagine that many people showing up before they open polls, but then again, who knows. :lol


Junior Member
sangreal said:
Why is Matthews letting this Senator spew so much bullshit about Obama being a socialist and wanting the supreme court to redistribute wealth. Matthews knows better

Because at this point, thats really all they can do which is spew bullshit. Bams got this in the bad already son.


Hail to the KING baby
why is everybody talking about obama's grandmother?

HELLO Palin was cleared of Troopergate! IS ANYBODY LISTENING? HELLOO?!1


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Just quoted one last time for the new page. First time voter here
I don't know what the situation is like in your state, in the past I've always just gone to the polls whenever I've had a chance in the afternoon, and the longest I've ever waited in line was an hour, in '04.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
AstroLad said:
why is everybody talking about obama's grandmother?

HELLO Palin was cleared of Troopergate! IS ANYBODY LISTENING? HELLOO?!1

Liberal media bias, unfair to Palin, PrObama, etc. :p


Outdoor Miner said:
I'm surprised so few of you think he's going to win Indiana. I think IN is going to be the biggest upset tomorrow night.

Damn straight. I believed 100% that Obama had no chance here about a month ago. Now, I really believe he could pull an upset. It'll be razor thin, but I think it's at least possible now.


AstroLad said:
why is everybody talking about obama's grandmother?

HELLO Palin was cleared of Troopergate! IS ANYBODY LISTENING? HELLOO?!1

:lol The "Breaking News" headline on MSNBC is hilariously sad.

"Troopergate Investigation Exonerates Gov. Sarah Palin"


a child left behind
MSNBC said 50% of registered AA's have already voted in NC. The rest need to come out in full force tomorrow that will enurance NC victory.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
lawblob said:
Get there right when they open, you should be fine. I couldn't imagine that many people showing up before they open polls, but then again, who knows. :lol
Yea, this is the plan. Get up at 6, be there by 7. Thanks!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
n1n9tean said:
If that happens I will never post here or on any other forum again. In fact, I'll abandon the internet as I pack my bags and head for Mexico. They don't even HAVE the internet in Mexico.

it'z trew thay dont

As a Mexican (from Mexico!), I take offence by that comment.

We have dial-up. :p
posting live from th va rally. LAST RALLY! near the front. the scientists here would admire the crowds attempt to viloate the pauli exclusion principle. will post pics when i get home.


sangreal said:
How much money did they waste on this national wright ad? That shit comes on every commercial break, I swear.

Also, how is it legal? I thought 527s had to pretend to be issue-oriented, and can't question the character of a candidate (after 2004)?

Just read this on Newsweek about the late push on Rev Wrong and its impact:

III. Wright Returns!

Story: After months of McCain refusing to "go there," third-party groups and state Republican parties have begun to air ads in Florida and Pennsylvania (and on the cable-news networks) attacking Obama for associating with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr. "Wright was his mentor, adviser and close friend," the announcer intones. "For 20 years Obama never complained--until he ran for President."

Desired Effect: Remind voters that Obama's pastor said some pretty offensive stuff; revive subliminal fears of Obama's "otherness."

Actual Effect: Might affect voters suffering from short-term memory loss. But Noam Scheiber ably explains why it won't work with the folks who could actually propel McCain to victory in the Keystone State: "A huge number of... Democrats and unaffiliateds either voted in April's primary or thought about doing so, meaning they're already familiar with Jeremiah Wright (who made more than a cameo in the run-up). Which is to say, Wright's probably baked in the cake for most of these people; the Democrats and Independents who tell pollsters they support Obama are supporting him despite Wright, not because they're unaware of him. So McCain's unlikely to win many of them via last-minute introductions."

November's (Not-So-Surprising) Surprises



I've now seen those Rev. Wright commercials so much it's actually becoming catchy in a detatched sort of way. Sort of like rap about cop killing or something lol. :lol


greepoman said:
I've now seen those Rev. Wright commercials so much it's actually becoming catchy in a detatched sort of way. Sort of like rap about cop killing or something lol. :lol
I love the AmeriKKKay line.
God I sure hope Obama wins Indiana. This election is the first time i've volunteered for a campaign (I'm in Indiana, west of indy).
Anyway, I went canvassing today. I met some woman who was undecided and was more concerned about the military than the economy so it took me by surprise. Anyway we talked for like 20min. She heard Obama was going to cut spending for soldiers and pull them out immediately and recklessly. So, of course, I set her straight and laid out Obama's foreign policies as best I could and told her Obama is going to honor the Iraqi president's decision for the withdraw of US troops by 2011 and not cut spending for soldiers. She seemed fairly intelligent and her mom is voting for Obama, so hopefully between myself and her mother she'll be voting for Obama.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I don't care if Soul Coughing was reuniting to play on that show, I can't watch that garbage, dude.
I watch the clips on MSNBC when Nate or someone otherwise intelligent is on. Olberman is blowhard. Maddow though. Me like.



Wasn't there some sort of conflict of interests (Palin has some relation to this Board. It was appointed by her, or it is under her... something along those lines) with this board? This makes me even more suspicious. Expensive legislative investigation vs. board that hires "independent investigator".

Yeah. That's not fishy.


Case said:
SHIT Im nervous as FUCK
Funny, I'm FUCKing nervous as SHIT.
Cheez-It said:

Wasn't there some sort of conflict of interests (Palin has some relation to this Board. It was appointed by her, or it is under her... something along those lines) with this board? This makes me even more suspicious. Expensive legislative investigation vs. board that hires "independent investigator".

Yeah. That's not fishy.
This is the investigation she put together after she was nominated. The three people on it are appointed and under the authority of the governor. Yeah, not fishy at all. :lol

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Hey guys, I don't have a television. Is there any good and constant election coverage I can follow on the interwebz that's going on right now?

Regulus Tera said:
Hey guys, I don't have a television. Is there any good and constant election coverage I can follow on the interwebz that's going on right now?


Post from Killthee:
Killthee said:
The links for the debates should work for election night coverage :D

C-SPAN1 (Direct Link), C-SPAN2 (Direct Link)

CNN.com Live
Direct Links:
Stream 1
Stream 2
Stream 3
Stream 4

MSNBC (Looks like MSNBC Election Day Online coverage has started....Link is streaming live MSNBC right now!); if the link is changed or it goes down, the frontpage of MSNBC.com will probably have the new link in bold letters on election day.
Edit: but the MSNBC link stopped working a while ago. It'll be back up on election day.
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