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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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SpeedingUptoStop said:
Dude really does not understand how to give proper screen presence:lol

He's a statistician! Hell, we're lucky he didn't just have a breakdown on camera! There's a reason Chuck Todd has his staff put together the numbers and he presents them.


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bishoptl said:
Don't forget your HD-DVD player! It upscales regular DVDs, ya know.
What the fuck...



Red Scarlet said:
I call dibs on someone at Fox News or somewhere like that calling the country USSA after an Obama win.

Glen Beck is so far ahead of you, it isn't even funny. He plays the old Soviet anthem with Obama lyrics in every radio show.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Tamanon said:
He's a statistician! Hell, we're lucky he didn't just have a breakdown on camera! There's a reason Chuck Todd has his staff put together the numbers and he presents them.
Man, I'm on Poli-GAF like 34 hours a day and I still know how to give a proper interview:lol
I'm arguing with this 12 year old over Xbox Live and he's saying Obama's a terrorist because his middle name is HUSSEIN and his FATHER is Saddam Hussein.

:lol :lol :lol


The Lamonster said:
:lol :lol :lol

I have a familiar feeling right now, same feeling from ~30 minutes before the debates. A perfect mix of excitement and fright.

I'm going to have a hard time sleeping tonight. Between GAF and Fallout 3, I might be up until the polls open.


I find it interesting the Todd claims FL will be an easier victory than OH for Obama, considering the polling numbers....

Though I guess through early voting Obama is in a better position FL wise?

Edit: Holy shit, every commercial break is Wright time.


butthurt Heat fan
If McCain takes Florida, that Vader "noooooo" you hear across the nation will probably be me... us Floridians can't be THAT retarded, can we?

Red Scarlet

Tobor said:
Glen Beck is so far ahead of you, it isn't even funny. He plays the old Soviet anthem with Obama lyrics in every radio show.

? Darn, I thought I had a good idea last night when that came to mind.


Dax01 said:
I'm arguing with this 12 year old over Xbox Live and he's saying Obama's a terrorist because his middle name is HUSSEIN and his FATHER is Saddam Hussein.

:lol :lol :lol
Trying to lock up the critical 12-year-old demographic? Glad to see you doing your part. Keep up the good work, pal!


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ESPN pollsters just went 50/50 on the Steelers game tonight.

This race is officially, now that ESPN has weighed in, tightening.


Dax01 said:
I'm arguing with this 12 year old over Xbox Live and he's saying Obama's a terrorist because his middle name is HUSSEIN and his FATHER is Saddam Hussein.

:lol :lol :lol

You wouldnt believe some of the shit the kids spew about Obama in WoW :\


twinturbo2 said:
If McCain takes Florida, that Vader "noooooo" you hear across the nation will probably be me... us Floridians can't be THAT retarded, can we?
You see those Florida, Germany...etc topics? :D....yes
Dax01 said:
I'm arguing with this 12 year old over Xbox Live and he's saying Obama's a terrorist because his middle name is HUSSEIN and his FATHER is Saddam Hussein.

:lol :lol :lol
Should be enough of a warning...
Nicodimas said:
...I have problems with a politician saying we should bankrupt players in a industry just to make a great leap forward.

He's not saying that he will bankrupt anyone. He doesn't have a magic bankrupt gun that he's planning to zap coal plants with. He's saying that with the cap-and-trade system in place, economic incentives will not favor the building of coal plants, because they'll constantly be scrambling to acquire enough emissions credits. They'll do a lot better in the market if they throw more money at reducing their emissions, or finding lower-emission sources of energy. Basically, they'll have to start paying for their externalities, so the free market (woo!) will find more efficient solutions.


Nicodimas said:

...I have problems with a politician saying we should bankrupt players in a industry just to make a great leap forward. I am more in the favor of allocating money to these industries for pushing alernative energies. Match the amout they pour into Solar/etc and give them more some more % cash for how much they start changing from the old industries which will augment my power supply.

(Few realize this that Solar is really weak to EMP as a sidenote and I am sure the DoD doesn't want it putting a certain amount as our energy source. I mean 95% vulnerability if you go read about it...Cars as a sidenote are only vulnerable 25% Laptop computers are 5%, etc)

Not using my powers to PUNISH a person for making energy plants that may be needed to avoid rolling blackouts. Why Punish when you can promote?

Here's McCain saying basically the exact same thing, also on video (and getting slammed by the senator of Ohio from it):

Oh and if you're too lazy to watch... it's McCain's own amendment and he basically says , "yes lots of jobs will be lost, but what about the cost of having 4 hurricanes a year."


shooting blanks
Dax01 said:
I'm arguing with this 12 year old over Xbox Live and he's saying Obama's a terrorist because his middle name is HUSSEIN and his FATHER is Saddam Hussein.

:lol :lol :lol

Yeah, I was playing fable 2 the other day, I have an Obama gamer pic...and I was in the main market in Bowerstone buying something from the jeweller and I see this Mccain Palin gamer pic come up beside me and this little kid starts yelling 'Muslim Lover!' and 'Muslim Bitch'. I had to change the game options so I couldnt see every other player's orb.
sangreal said:
You wouldnt believe some of the shit the kids spew about Obama in WoW :\

heh i actually just made a post about this in the WoW thread. i believe my statement in trade chat after watching it for 10 minutes was "how the fuck have you people lasted in the real world this long"
sangreal said:
You wouldnt believe some of the shit the kids spew about Obama in WoW :\

Do you know what's even funnier? I asked Joe if I were to change my middle name to Hussein, would I be a terrorist?

His response:
"Yeah, you would be a terrorist who sucks penis!"

:lol :lol :lol

Substance said:
It isn't so much me arguing as it is me telling him he's an idiot.


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Dax01 said:
Do you know what's even funnier? I asked Joe if I were to change my middle name to Hussein, would I be a terrorist?

His response:
"Yeah, you would be a terrorist who sucks penis!"
What the hell kind of kid knows about blowjobs but is afraid to say the word "cock" or "dick"? :lol


The posts today at 538 on Virginia and Georgia are an amazing way to close out their season. I can't even begin to say how thrilled I would be two see those two states go blue. At the very least, Obama has proven that the south coast has just as much battleground potential for Democrats as the southwest and rust belt.

Also, while I never supported Kaine as a VP choice, my respect for him is growing on a near daily basis. I hope there is room for him in an Obama administration, because frankly it sucks to seem term limited and stunted on upwards mobility.

We spoke a while earlier about what Nate plans on doing after the election, and of course even ignoring baseball there is a lot of potential. The volume of data he'll have now is amazing. But I have to wonder about what brought him and Sean together to begin with. I'll bet Nate is trying to isolate key variables for voter turnout. Which would be amazing.


The SUSA poll for Georgia today claims +7 McCain if final black turnout is 26%. They note that it could be +1 McCain with final black turnout at 30% when they combine the early(35%) with the likely vote.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
twinturbo2 said:
If McCain takes Florida, that Vader "noooooo" you hear across the nation will probably be me... us Floridians can't be THAT retarded, can we?

I really hope so, I hate being a Floridian :(.
RubxQub said:
What the hell kind of kid knows about blowjobs but is afraid to say the word "cock" or "dick"? :lol
I just asked him two more questions.

Me: Hey Joe, what do you think of Sarah Palin?
Joe: Who the fuck is that?

Me: *laughs*

Me: Hey Joe, what do you think of John McCain?
Joe: That bitch needs to have a heart attack and die!

:lol :lol

Edit: He just said Obama's economic plan is better than John McCain. lulz.


Dax01 said:
I'm arguing with this 12 year old over Xbox Live and he's saying Obama's a terrorist because his middle name is HUSSEIN and his FATHER is Saddam Hussein.

:lol :lol :lol
man, 12 year olds shouldn't be allowed to vote. I hear so much of this shit when I hang around at schools


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subrock said:
man, 12 year olds shouldn't be allowed to vote. I hear so much of this shit when I hang around at schools
I heard this is the first year they aren't letting 12 year olds vote. Great timing, as we can see they favor McCain.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Dax01 said:
I'm arguing with this 12 year old over Xbox Live and he's saying Obama's a terrorist because his middle name is HUSSEIN and his FATHER is Saddam Hussein.

:lol :lol :lol

That's better than the moron fellow teacher who walked into my classroom one day to borrow something while I was teaching and then proclaimed to my algebra 2 class that Obama's real middle name was "bin Laden."

I wanted to throw him out of the classroom like Uncle Phil did to Jazz on Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

Speaking of, somebody needs to make a gif like that but replace Uncle Phil with Obama and Jazz with President Bush.


+1 Obama in Arizona, mailed my absentee ballot over a week ago. I can also vouch for an additional +2 for Obama from my older brother and pops. Unfortunately, we could not convince my mother, a staunch Hillary supporter ever since Hill's visit to the reservation in the mid-90s. While she won't vote for Obama, she said she'd never vote for McCain. I have accepted this as a victory since she voted for Bush in 2000 and now regrets it (I think, we'll see how close AZ gets).

All our votes were placed in Apache County, perhaps the most reliable Democrat-voting county in the state due to the majority of residents being from the Navajo Reservation. We overwhelmingly supported such candidates as Mondale, McGovern and Dukakis regardless of the national consensus. Recent years have shown massive turnout and support for Gore and Kerry. Given our winning ways, we have turned our attention and nearly-unified support to Obama as seen through our council endorsement and the lone Obama field office trailer in our capital.


-Kees- said:

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

C-Span callers are the best ever. Seriously, best election commentary ever. Sometime I wish these guys would have bigger conversations with the callers for LOL factor, but it is best unfiltered slice of vomitacious americana.
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