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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Red Scarlet

Thread needs a '24' countdown clock set to hit 0:00:00 for when polls start closing on the east coast.

And I didn't see an answer in another thread, what is your avatar, Anihawk?


Red Scarlet said:
Thread needs a '24' countdown clock set to hit 0:00:00 for when polls start closing on the east coast.

And I didn't see an answer in another thread, what is your avatar, Anihawk?

It's Heath Ledger's bald head I modeled in Maya with an intense blue directional light on it.


TheGrayGhost said:

Going into this, I feel like Obama is still the underdog, despite all evidence to the contrary.
That's what the 2000 and 2004 elections have done to us!


so he is not a black man
and you will not be voting for a black president
my brothers and my sisters
and my white brothers and sisters
you are not voting for a black man
hes not a black man
hes a long legged mack daddy
hes not a black man
hes not a black man
hes not a black man
hes not a black man
hes not even from the hood
hes not a black man
hes not a black man
barack hussein obama is not a black man
so when you cast your vote remember
you are casting for a biracial man
he is biracial
he is biracial
he even admits that his mother is white
hes biracial
hes biracial


So should we pay any attention to exit polls this year? I can't resist since I'll miss the final counts.

Which sites will have really specific numbers you can't get from the news outlets?


TheGrayGhost said:

Going into this, I feel like Obama is still the underdog, despite all evidence to the contrary.
I know.

I spoke with my dad earlier. He's confident Obama will win. I spoke with my sister about it, and she's more worried about Prop 8 than the General.

I guess some of us need to take a few step backs. Heh
Gawd, Rachel Maddow is the biggest Debbie Downer ever.

All she talks about is ways McCain can win.

Maybe to set up the ultimate, "I told you so" but good grief, at least try to see it the other way...


HylianTom said:
About 8 minutes late, but still..





ryutaro's mama said:
Gawd, Rachel Maddow is the biggest Debbie Downer ever.

All she talks about is ways McCain can win.

Maybe to set up the ultimate, "I told you so" but good grief, at least try to see it the other way...
People need to know what reality looks like.
Obama is not our next president until McCain and Palin and Bush make the calls to congratulate him. I WILL NOT BE FOOLED UNTIL THAT DAY, HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND.

Please let it happen.
Mailed my absentee a couple days ago.

I'm so pumped for the nation taking a sharp turn to left after all the shit that has gone down in the last 8 years.

Our revenge for 2000 is fast approaching. /knocks on wood


I have arrived. Wow, the last thread.

I made a small donation to the campaign right before the midnight deadline. Here's hoping that someone from PoliGAF gets picked to join Obama Tuesday night!

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Trax416 said:
Don't need one. We are fine the way we are.

But Bob Rae will save the day next election. Remember I called it.

Booo Bob Rae, I hope he comes nowhere near to being the next PM, or even the next leader of the Liberals. He almost sunk Ontario and he would do the same to Canada.


Gentlemen, it has been nice knowing you. Time to fasten the seatbelt, and pray that Americans know what's the right thing to do
Ohio isn't looking to report until after midnite but as soon as my county reports I'll have a pretty good idea as to whether Bams can take OH. If he can tilt this county even a couple of percent he should have the state.

Red Scarlet

Fatalah said:
I have arrived. Wow, the last thread.

I made a small donation to the campaign right before the midnight deadline. Here's hoping that someone from PoliGAF gets picked to join Obama Tuesday night!


good luck


First tragedy, then farce.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Ohio isn't looking to report until after midnite but as soon as my county reports I'll have a pretty good idea as to whether Bams can take OH. If he can tilt this county even a couple of percent he should have the state.

lets all hope that by the time Ohio reports it's all academic.

Jesus, if it comes down to a single state again I'm going to get sick.
Fox318 said:
People need to know what reality looks like.

I'm not one of these people that are already putting Obama in the White House, regardless of polls, but c'mon...you can be cautious without being a complete downer...


First tragedy, then farce.
sevenchaos said:
I'm getting nervous guys. I want this to all be over. But then I don't.

I'm getting really fucking scared. I know there is no good reason to be pessimistic right now, but I can't really help it even just a little bit.

Logically I know that Obama is going to get nearly 350 EV's. But it doesnt make me not fear the worst.
Do you think both candidates have prepared concession speeches? And what do you think they'll sound like?

To have built up such a fervor, such a movement, an Obama loss would be crushing and demoralizing for Democrats for a very long time. A concession speech for him would be very tricky. So let's hope he doesn't have to give one!
StoOgE said:
I'm getting really fucking scared. I know there is no good reason to be pessimistic right now, but I can't really help it even just a little bit.

Logically I know that Obama is going to get nearly 350 EV's. But it doesnt make me not fear the worst.
Exactly. I'm confident but the next 48 hours is going to suck. I realized earlier I get to work on election night so hopefully I don't miss much.


First tragedy, then farce.
TheGrayGhost said:
Do you think both candidates have prepared concession speeches? And what do you think they'll sound like?

To have built up such a fervor, such a movement, an Obama loss would be crushing and demoralize Democrats for a very long time. A concession speech for him would be very tricky. So let's hope he doesn't have to give one!

To be honest, if we can't win the presidency this year we need to pack it in.


Seriously, this election is a lock, and has been for quite a while. My parents keep calling me with this concerned bullshit about McCain winning, and I just dismiss it. Unless God himself endorses McCain, and Bin laden endorses Obama, McCain has no chance at all of winning, and even then his chances would only be 75%.

This election is all but over. All that's left is to make it official on Tuesday.


Red Scarlet said:

good luck

Oh and good luck to everyone here who donated too!

During special donating periods, the Obama website asks if you'd like to attach a message with your donation. So I took some time to really think about why I was supporting this man.

My message:

I feel somewhat selfish in supporting Senator Obama. I want to know if good people can make it in this world. People that are moral, fair, and ethical. People who follow the same set of values we learn as children. I want Obama to show the world that hope and goodness is not something that you leave behind. It is something that you cultivate every single day of your adult life. That is how we can ensure a bright future for America-- by setting a better example for the ones who will follow after us.

Joe Biden would call my little message corny. And for posting this on GAF, some might call it a dumb move. I hope Barack Obama really is all those things we want him to be. I'd hate to be made a fool 4 years from now. But hey, if there's even one person here that reads this and can relate, then what the hell---*Submit Reply*
I will sleep my insomniac ass off tonight and whenever I wake up on Monday I will stay awake through the voting lines at 6am EST in Connecticut to VOTE! :D

CONNECTICUT will go BLUE but I still need to go for the History and to vote against SHAYS. (He is a nice guy I sat and talked to him once about some issues but I will not vote Red at all this year)


sings BLACK STACY by NIGGY (Saul Williams)

Oh I need to stock up on some beers just incase shit hit the fan...
In the event of an Obama slaughter, I think the only bummer will be that Jesse Helms died so few months before being able to see a black man take North Carolina, and the country with it. :D


StoOgE said:
I'm getting really fucking scared. I know there is no good reason to be pessimistic right now, but I can't really help it even just a little bit.

Logically I know that Obama is going to get nearly 350 EV's. But it doesnt make me not fear the worst.

It doesn't seem real. Obama is like an invention that was crafted out of the best parts we could possibly imagine, and once we got him up and running, it was simply a matter of convincing the establishment that their old politiicans are obsolete.

Barack Obama isn't just a candidate for a major political party. He is the very embodiment of the idea that the world will change for the better with Bush out of office.


Ug. Apparnatly the Wright ad ran nationally during Sunday Night Football.

We've just gotten a flurry of emails letting us know that GOP Trust PAC's Rev. Wright attack ad just ran on NBC on Sunday Night Football. From the range of states people are reporting seeing it, it seems clearly to have been a national buy.

We already knew this was going to be a big national buy. But this showing seemed to get a lot of people's attention.
Via TPM.
so, one more day... sorta anti-climactic, what with obama projected to get 330+ EVs and all. but hey, i'd rather have it that way, one less thing to worry about. cheers.


First tragedy, then farce.
The New York Post: Still not worth the paper it's printed on.


Besides being masterbatory reading for Republicans (if several states aren't called right away it means McCain can win :lol) it also has Colorado in the "safe McCain" column. Despite the fact that every major pollster has it lean Obama and McCain has pulled out of the state.
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